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  • Articles: DFG German National Licenses  (9)
  • Tetranychus urticae  (4)
  • Larrea  (2)
  • Ostalpen  (2)
  • Tantalum  (2)
  • monophagy  (2)
  • Articles: DFG German National Licenses  (9)
  • 1
    ISSN: 1438-1168
    Keywords: Tantalum ; Niobium ; Titanium ; Columbite ; Rutile ; Mineralogy ; Geochemistry ; Pegmatite ; Austria ; Ostalpen
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Geosciences
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Titan-Ferrocolumbit ist ein seltenes Akzessorium in den Spodumenpegmatiten der Weinebene, Kärnten, Österreich. Er enthält entmischten niobhaltigen Rutil und selten Einschlüsse von möglicherweise primärem Zinnstein. Die Zusammensetzung des TitanFerrocolumbits ist relativ homogen und weist die folgenden Elementverhältnisse auf. Mn/(Mn + Fe) 0,24 – 0,33, Ta/(Ta + Nb) 0,09 – 0,13 (Atomverhältnisse) und 0,47 – 0,88 Ti pro 12 Kationen (2,7 - 5,0Gew.%TiO2). Natürlich auftretende Kristalle sind strukturell merklich ungeordnet und erlangen durch Erhitzen einen höheren Ordnungsgrad. Die Mn/(Mn + Fe) sowie Ta/(Ta + Nb) Verhältnisse des niobhaltigen Rutil betragen 0,00 – 0,04 bzw. 0,26 – 0,38. Der niobhaitige Rutil ist im Vergleich zu Mn- und Nb-führendem Ferrocolumbit an Fe, Ta, Ti und Sn angereichert.—Die Seltenheit von Nb, Ta-Oxiden in den spodumenführenden Pegmatiten der südlichen Ostalpen steht in Übereinstimmung mit ihrer Zugehörigkeit zum Albit-Spodumen Typ der selten-Element-führenden Pegmatite (rare-element pegmatites).
    Notes: Summary Titanian ferrocolumbite is a rare accessory mineral in the spodumene-bearing pegmatites at Weinebene, Carinthia, Austria. It contains abundant exsolved niobian rutile and scarce inclusions of cassiterite that may be primary. The titanian ferrocolumbite is relatively homogeneous with Mn/(Mn + Fe) 0.24–0.33, Ta/(Ta + Nb) 0.09–0.13 (atomic ratios) and 0.47–0.88 Ti per 12 cations (2.7–5.0 wt.% TiO2). Natural specimens are considerably disordered but become more ordered on heating. Niobian rutile has Mn/(Mn + Fe) 0.00–0.04 and Ta/(Ta + Nb) 0.26–0.38; it concentrates Fe, Ta, Ti and Sn relative to the Mn- and Nb-enriched ferrocolumbite. The overall scarcity of Nb, Ta-oxide minerals in the spodumene-bearing pegmatites of southern Ostalpen conforms to their general features ranking them with the albite-spodumene type of rare-element pegmatites.
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    Mineralogy and petrology 41 (1989), S. 53-63 
    ISSN: 1438-1168
    Keywords: Tantalum ; niobium ; tantalite ; tapiolite ; mineralogy ; geochemistry ; pegmatite ; Ostalpen ; Austria
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Geosciences
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung In einem Pegmatit von Spittal a.d. Drau, Kärnten, treten enge Verwachsungen von Ferrotantalit und Ferrotapiolit auf. Diese werden von Muskovit, Albit, Rauchquarz, Zinnstein sowie-in mikroskopischem Masstab-von Uranmikrolith und Zirkon begleitet. Die Textur der Verwachsungen lässt Rekristallisation erheblichen Ausmasses erkennen, die die primären Merkmale weitgehend auslöscht. Weder eine gemeinsame Auskristallisation der beiden Mineralphasen noch eine Bildung durch Entmischung kann mit Sicherheit erkannt werden. Trotz einander kreuzender Verbindungslinien, die einen Hinweis auf Ungleichgewicht darstellen, zeigen die Zusammensetzungen des Ferrotantalits und des Ferrotapiolits lediglich geringe Schwankungsbreiten: Mn/(Mn + Fe) 0,08–0,11, Ta/(Ta + Nb) 0,53–0,57 für den Ferrotantalit beziehungsweise 0,01–0,04 und 0,84–0,89 für den Ferrotapiolit. Dies gilt insbesondere für den Vergleich mit Zusammensetzungen solcher Mineralphasen mit jenen von Fundarten, die primäre Verwachsungstrukturen aufweisen. Bis zu einem gewissen Ausmass ist diese homogene Zusammensetzung möglicherweise auf die Rekristallisation zurück zuführen. Diese Rekristallisation könnte auch den hohen strukturellen Ordnungsgrad der beiden Mineralphasen erklären. An anderen Fundorten zeigen diese Minerale strukturell merklich geringeren Ordnungsgrad. Intensive metamorphe überprägung, wie sie für die Pegmatite in den südlichen Ostalpen und insbesondere für jenen von Spittal typisch sind, kann wahrscheinlich als Ursache der Rekristallisationsphänomene der Ta-Nb-Sn Mineralparagenese angenommen werden.
    Notes: Summary Intimate intergrowths of ferrotantalite and ferrotapiolite occur in a pegmatite in Spittal a.d. Drau, Carinthia. They are associated with muscovite, albite, smoky quartz, cassiterite, and microscopic uranmicrolite, zircon and uraninite. An assemblage of secondary uranium minerals is also present, generated by extensive alteration and leaching of the uranmicrolite and zircon. Textures of the ferrotantalite-ferrotapiolite intergrowths suggest considerable recrystallization that obliterated most of their primary features; neither coprecipitation nor exsolution can be recognized with certainty. Despite intersecting tielines indicating disequilibrium, the ferrotantalite and ferrotapiolite compositions show very restricted ranges (Mn/(Mn + Fe) 0.08–0.11, Ta/(Ta + Nb) 0.53–0.57 for ferrotantalite, and 0.01–0.04, 0.84–0.89 for ferrotapiolite, respectively), particularly in comparison with compositions from other localities featuring primary textures. A degree of compositional equilibration could have been attained during recrystallization. This process may also explain the high level of structural order characterizing both minerals; they are considerably disordered in other localities. Extensive deformation typical of pegmatites in the southern Ostalpen in general, and specifically of the Spittal pegmatite, is probably responsible for the recrystallization phenomena in the Ta, Nb, Sn-bearing mineral assemblage.
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    Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 71 (1994), S. 145-153 
    ISSN: 1570-7458
    Keywords: fluvalinate ; pyrethroids ; spider mites ; Tetranychus urticae ; behaviour ; sub-lethal effects
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract Residual deposits of fluvalinate caused two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch, dispersal by running off (run-off) and spinning down (spin-down) from treated leaves. Run-off occured at concentrations from 0.0005 g a.i. 1−1 and reached a peak at 0.01 g a.i. 1−1. Spin-down was more predominant at concentrations above 0.01 g a.i. 1−1. Spin-down and run-off proportions varied with fluvalinate formulation. Oviposition was temporarily suppressed on fluvalinate-treated leaves, presumably because of an irritant effect which reduced feeding. An emulsifiable concentrate formulation caused the largest reductions in oviposition. Oviposition returned to the level exhibited by untreated mites two days after removal from treated surfaces. Oviposition and feeding were positively correlated and both declined reciprocally with increasing fluvalinate concentration.
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    Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 73 (1994), S. 255-264 
    ISSN: 1570-7458
    Keywords: grasshopper ; monophagy ; polyphagy ; Simmondsia
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract The feeding behavior of different populations of the grasshopper,Schistocerca shoshone, was investigated in the southwestern United States. Insects from three riparian populations, with a broad spectrum of plants available to them, tended to eat plants roughly in relation to their availability except that broad-leaved herbaceous plants were avoided. Insects from a desert population in a plantation ofSimmondsia fed exclusively on that plant, as did those from another population in the Tucson mountains, despite the availability of a range of other plants. Insects from a third desert population, near Portal, fed mainly onProsopis, the dominant woody plant. In detailed behavioral experiments in the laboratory, insects from Tucson mountains readily acceptedSimmondsia, and less readily acceptedProsopis. Three other common woody plants from the habitat were generally rejected without feeding. Insects from Portal acceptedProsopis andSimmondsia with approximately equal readiness. Breeding experiments suggested that the differences between the plantation insects and those from Portal was genetic and not induced by experience. The insects from both populations were potentially polyphagous and ate a wide range of plants in the laboratory if given no alternative.
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    Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 30 (1981), S. 91-97 
    ISSN: 1570-7458
    Keywords: Tetranychus urticae ; Phytoseiids ; Fenvalerate ; Azinphosmethyl ; Mortality ; Sublethal effects ; Egg production ; Oviposition preference ; Repellency
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Description / Table of Contents: Résumé Les insecticides pyrethroïdes ont été utilisés pour lutter contre les pullulations d'araignées rouges. Cette note examine les réponses de Tetranychus urticae Koch et des prédateurs phytoseiidés résistants aux organo-phosphorés, Amblyseius fallacis Garman et Typhlodromus occidentalis Nesbitt, au fenvalerate (pyrethroïde) et à l'azinphosmethyl (organophosphate). Quelques essais avec du carbaryl sont indiqués. Une femelle adulte de T. urticae est placée sur une rondelle de feuille de Phaseolus vulgaris L. pulvérisée dans une tour de Potter. Les résultats sur la mortalité en fonction de la dose obtenus montrent une activité plus rapide du fenvalerate que de l'azinphosmethyl. Les DL50 du fenvalerate (0,056 et 0,051g AI/I) sont les mêmes à 24 et 48 h, tandis que l'azinphosmethyl montre une activité plus lente (DL50 de 0,72 et 0,38g AI/I à 24 et 48 h). La mortalité se partage entre la sortie de la rondelle et la mortalité in situ. Le fenvalerate provoque une plus forte répulsion que l'azinphosmethyl. Contrairement à l'azinphosmethyl le fenvalerate inhibe la production d'oeufs 60% et 20% d'inhibition à DL50 au bout de 24 h par rapport au témoin. Cette inhibition n'est pas permanente. Le carbaryl n'a pas d'effets inhibiteur ou acaricide à 1g AI/l. Les femelles adultes de T. urticae décèlent les résidus de fenvalerate sur les rondelles et pondent leurs oeufs sur les moitiés non traitées ou traitées à l'azinphosmethyl. Les Phytoseiides sont très sensibles aux résidus de fenvalerate. Après consommation d'oeufs traités, A. fallacis est incapable d'éviter des bandes gluantes. T. occidentalis décèle des traitements à 0,00005g AI/l en quittant les lames traitées par les bandes gluantes.
    Notes: Abstract The pyrethroid fenvalerate showed significantly faster activity against adult ♀ two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch c.f. azinphosmethyl using broad bean leaf discs sprayed in a Potter tower. LC50s for fenvalerate were similar at 24 and 48 hr (0.056 and 0.051g AI/1) while LC50s for azinphosmethyl were significantly different at 24 and 48 hr (0.72 and 0.38g AI/1, respectively). Mortality was partitioned to run-off and direct mortality. Fenvalerate showed an increasing contribution to mortality by run-off with increasing concentration. Increasing concentrations of azinphosmethyl had no effect on the proportion of T. urticae running off the discs. Fenvalerate inhibited egg production c.f. azinphosmethyl (60% and 20% inhibition respectively c.f. control after 24hr). The effect was not permanent. Carbaryl showed no acaricidal or inhibitory effects at 1g AI/1. T. urticae detected fenvalerate residues as reflected by choice of oviposition sites on untreated halves of leaf discs c.f. treated halves. Azinphosmethyl had no effect on oviposition preference. Phytoseiid mites were highly sensitive to fenvalerate residues. Predators moved off the test arena into sticky barriers after feeding on fenvalerate-treated eggs or walking on glass slides treated at 0.00005g AI/1.
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    Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 55 (1990), S. 205-212 
    ISSN: 1570-7458
    Keywords: Olfactory sensitivity ; grasshoppers ; electroantennogram ; Larrea ; hostplant
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Description / Table of Contents: Résumé Les réponses antennaires ont été examinées par électroantennogramme aux odeurs de plantes hôtes et non hôtes d'orthoptères Gomphocerinae de comportements alimentaires différents: Bootettix argentatus, monophage sur une dicotylédone, Larrea; Ligurotettix coquilletti, oligophage de dicotylédones; Cibolacris parviceps, polyphage; Chorthippus curtipennis, graminivore. Les types de réponse des quatre espèces étaient très voisins, mais les réponses aux odeurs de Larrea de B. argentatus et L. coquilletti, spécialistes de cette plante, étaient relativement plus fortes. Ces résultats suggèrent une similarité globale considérable dans la composition des populations de récepteurs olfactifs de ces quatre espèces d'orthoptères mais aussi une certaine spécificité pour les odeurs de la plante hôte au niveau antennaire.
    Notes: Abstract Antennal responses to host and non-host odours were recorded, using the electroantennogram technique, from four gomphocerine grasshoppers with different feeding habits: Bootettix argentatus (monophagous on Larrea, a dicotyledonous plant), Ligurotettix coquilletti (oligophagous on dicotyledonous plants), Cibolacris parviceps (polyphagous) and Chorthippus curtipennis (graminivorous). The patterns of responses across the plant odours were similar for all four grasshopper species, but there was a relatively greater response to the odour of Larrea in B. argentatus and L. coquilletti which specialise on this plant. This suggests that there is considerable overall similarity in the make up of the olfactory receptor populations of these four grasshoppers species, but that some specificity for hostplant odour does exist at the antennal level.
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  • 7
    ISSN: 1572-9702
    Keywords: Tetranychus urticae ; Panonychus ulmi ; Petri dish bioassay ; propargite ; precision
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract The effect of interval space between the concentration (symmetric or geometric), number of concentrations and overall sample sizes were investigated using a Petri dish bioassay, the miticide propargite and two spider mites species. The precision (width of the 95% confidence intervals) of the LC50 and LC90 estimates was shown to be influenced by the test design and total sample size The results suggest that a symmetric five-concentration design using a minimum total sample size of 480 mites is required to produce reliable LC estimates using the Petri dish method. Asymmetric designs did not increase the reliability of LC estimates. When less than 480 test subjects are available, a symmetric three-concentration design would give adequate LC estimates, but the precision would be less than with a five-concentration design.
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    Experimental and applied acarology 19 (1995), S. 549-570 
    ISSN: 1572-9702
    Keywords: Fluvalinate ; Tetranychus urticae ; Panonychus ulmi ; toxicity ; dispersal ; development rate ; oviposition ; sublethal effects
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract Four fluvalinate formulations differed in their residual toxicity to female two-spotted spider mite (TSM), Tetranychus urticae adults; the emulsifiable concentrate (EC) was the most toxic. In contrast, there was little difference in toxicity between the formulations with the European red mite (ERM) Panonychus ulmi with the exception of the EC formulation which was the least toxic. Fluvalinate 2F caused minimal (〈10%) TSM and ERM egg mortality. Fluvalinate 2F was more toxic and caused greater larval dispersal for the TSM compared to the ERM at the field concentration and below. The toxicity of fluvalinate 2F to TSM and ERM protonymphs, deutonymphs and adults was low, approximately 〈20% at field concentration. Dispersal was the main response to fluvalinate and this was positively correlated with increasing concentration. The combined mortality and dispersal LC50 was five times lower for ERM protonymphs and adults, but 11 times higher for ERM deutonymphs compared to equivalent TSM life stages. Fluvalinate 2F reduced TSM development from the protonymph and deutonymph stages to a greater extent compared to the ERM. The mortality response to fluvalinate 2F was unaffected by host type (peach or apple) for the TSM whereas ERM mortality was higher on apple compared to peach. TSM dispersal was higher from apple compared to peach whereas ERM dispersal was similar on both host types. Oviposition by both mite species was lower on apple than peach leaves. A 1 h exposure to fluvalinate 2F reduced ERM oviposition for 12 days.
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    Journal of chemical ecology 14 (1988), S. 561-579 
    ISSN: 1573-1561
    Keywords: Creosote bush ; Larrea ; nordihydroguaiaretic acid ; grasshoppers ; monophagy ; Bootettix ; Ligurotettix ; Cibolacris ; Orthoptera ; Acrididae ; host selection ; feeding deterrence
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Chemistry and Pharmacology
    Notes: Abstract The host-selection behavior of three species of grasshopper feeding on creosote bush,Larrea tridentata, in southern California was investigated. The species wereBootettix argentatus, which is monophagous;Ligurotettix coquilletti, oligophagous; andCibolacris parviceps, polyphagous. The monophagous species is stimulated to bite by nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), a compound that is characteristic of the host plant and that may comprise up to 10% of the dry weight of the leaf. Host specificity ofB. argentatus is enhanced by deterrent responses to compounds present in the surface waxes of all non-host-plant species. Both the oligophagous and polyphagous species are deterred by NDGA at naturally occurring concentrations. Their association withLarrea is probably based on tolerance of the plant chemicals rather than on dependence on specific chemicals. Factors other than the chemistry of the plant probably also contribute to the specificity ofB. argentatus andL. coquilletti.
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