Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
Energy, Environment Protection, Nuclear Power Engineering
Abstract The presence of activation products in the environment released to the air from a nuclear power station has been studied in sewage sludge and ground level air. The measured time variation of the 60,Co concentration in sludge and ground level air was found to be in good agreement with the reported variation in release rate to the air from the power station when the prevalent wind direction is taken into account. The ratio between the 7,Be normalized concentration in sludge and ground level air was studied and was found to be about 1 for radionuclides due to global fallout but less than 2 · 10−3, for 60,Co. Our conclusion is that 60,Co spreads from a local source (a nuclear power station) and to a considerable degree is dry deposited on the ground and then washed off by rain.
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