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Equations (15), (16), (17), (18), and (20) in the paper by Hiragi & Ihara [Acta Cryst. (1981), A37, 378-382] are incorrect. These equations should be as follows: \ matrix { F = 4A^{2}C \Biggl [ \sum_{k=l}^{n} f \Biggl ( s_{1},\varphi - {{2\pi}\over{n}}k \Biggr ) \Biggr ] \Psi _{c}, \cr f(s_{1},\beta) = \Biggl [s_{1}^{2}A^{2} \Biggl ( \tan ^{2} {{\pi}\over{n}} \sin ^{2} \beta - \cos ^{2} \beta \Biggr ) \Biggr ]^{-1},}\eqno (15) \matrix { x \Biggl { \exp(is_{1} A \cos \beta) \cr x \Biggl [ i \cot \beta \sin \Biggl ( s_{1} A \tan {{\pi}\over{n}} \sin \beta \Biggr ) \cr - \tan {{\pi}\over{n}} \cos \Biggl ( s_{1} A \tan {{\pi}\over{n}} \sin \beta \Biggr ) \Biggr ] + \tan {{\pi}\over{n}} \Biggr }, } \eqno (16)V = 2\pi ABC, \eqno (17)F = {{4\pi ABCJ_{1}(s_{1}, K)}\over{s_{1} K}} \Psi _{C} \eqno (18)F = 4\pi ABC{{\sin (sL) - sL \cos (sL)}\over{(sL)^{3}}} \eqno (20) Equations (15) and (16) in the original article lead to incorrect scattering intensity, whereas equations (17), (18), and (20) give the correct but unnormalized value. The figures in the article were calculated with the correct equations and hence need no alteration.
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