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In a previous X-ray crystallographic study of crystals of Pt(bpy)(CN)2 (bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine) the planar molecules were reported to be exactly eclipsed, stacked directly on top of one another with a spacing of 3.33 Å so as to form a linear Pt...Pt...Pt chain. A reinvestigation shows this structure to be incorrect. The presence of weak intermediate layer lines indicates that the repeat distance along the stacking direction is 6.66 Å rather than 3.33 Å. Successive molecules within the stack are rotated by 180° and the resulting Pt-atom chain is slightly zigzag with a Pt...Pt...Pt angle of 168.6 (1)°. The implications are discussed of the determination and refinement of an apparently satisfactory, although grossly wrong, structure that was based on an incorrect unit cell and an incorrect space group.

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Crystallographic Information File (CIF)
Contains datablocks text, bk0031a

CCDC reference: 131602

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