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Pluggable authentication modules: the definitive guide to PAM for Linux SysAdmins and C developers ; a comprehensive and practical guide to PAM for Linux: how modules work and how to implement them

1. Person/Familie Geisshirt, Kenneth
Titel Pluggable authentication modules: the definitive guide to PAM for Linux SysAdmins and C developers ; a comprehensive and practical guide to PAM for Linux: how modules work and how to implement them
Verantw.-ang. Kenneth Geisshirt
Verlagsort Brimingham [u.a.]
Verlag Packt Publ.
E-Jahr 2007
Umfangsangabe III, 108 S.
Andere Details zur phys. Beschr. graph. Darst.
HT 1. Reihe u. Zähl. From technologies to solutions
Weitere Angaben Includes index
ISBN 1-904811-32-9 (pbk.) : $19,99
ISBN 978-1-904811-32-9 (pbk.) : $19,99
Notation D.4.6
Notation K.6.5
Bestand 1
fo D.4.6 Gei

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