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Automated solution of differential equations by the finite element method: the FEniCS book

1. Person/Familie Logg, Anders [Hrsg.]
Titel Automated solution of differential equations by the finite element method: the FEniCS book
Verantw.-ang. Anders Logg ... ed.
Verlagsort Berlin [u.a.]
Verlag Springer
E-Jahr 2012
E-Jahr 2012
Umfangsangabe XIII, 723 S.
Andere Details zur phys. Beschr. graph. Darst.
HT 1. Reihe u. Zähl. Lecture notes in computational science and engineering ; 84
ISBN 978-3-642-23098-1
ISBN 978-3-642-23099-8 Online
NBN-Nr. 12,O03
Link-Text Zentralblatt MATH
Notation 65L60
Notation 65Y15
Notation 65M60
Notation 65N30
Notation 76M10
Notation 74S05
Notation 78M10
Notation 86-08
Notation 65-06
Notation 00B15
Bestand 1
fo 65L60 Log

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