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An Auctioning Approach to Railway Slot Allocation

Please always quote using this URN: urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-8786
  • We present an approach to implement an auction of railway slots. Railway network, train driving characteristics, and safety requirements are described by a simplified, but still complex macroscopic model. In this environment, slots are modelled as combinations of scheduled track segments. The auction design builds on the iterative combinatorial auction. However, combinatorial bids are restricted to some types of slot bundles that realize positive synergies between slots. We present a bidding language that allows bidding for these slot bundles. An integer programming approach is proposed to solve the winner determination problem of our auction. Computational results for auction simulations in the Hannover-Fulda-Kassel area of the German railway network give evidence that auction approaches can induce a more efficient use of railway capacity.

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Author:Ralf BorndörferORCiD, Martin Grötschel, Sascha Lukac, Kay Mitusch, Thomas Schlechte, Sören Schultz, Andreas Tanner
Document Type:ZIB-Report
Tag:Combinatorial Auctions; Railway Slot Allocation; Train Dispatching
MSC-Classification:90-XX OPERATIONS RESEARCH, MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING / 90Cxx Mathematical programming [See also 49Mxx, 65Kxx] / 90C27 Combinatorial optimization
Year of first publication:2005
Series (Serial Number):ZIB-Report (05-45)
Published in:Appeared in: Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 1 (2006) 163-196
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