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階層的最適化手法を用いた エネルギー供給システムのロバスト性評価

Evaluating Robustness of Energy Supply Systems Using a Hierarchical Optimization Method

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  • A robust optimal design method of energy supply systems under uncertain energy demands has been proposed using a mixed-integer linear model for constituent equipment. However, this method takes a long computation time, and thus it can be applied only to small-scale problems. In this paper, a hierarchical optimization method is applied to two types of optimization problems for evaluating robustness to solve them efficiently. In a case study, the proposed method is applied to a cogeneration system with a complex configuration, and the validity and effectiveness of the method are ascertained.

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Author:Hiroki Kamada, Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui
Document Type:Article
Parent Title (Japanese):日本機械学会関西支部第95期定時総会講演会講演論文集
First Page:1
Last Page:4
Year of first publication:2020
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