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  • Japanese  (25)
  • 1
    Publication Date: 2022-05-13
    Description: 二次割当問題は線形緩和が弱いことが知られ,強化のため多様な緩和手法が考案されているが,その一つである二重非負値計画緩和( DNN 緩和)及びその解法として近年研究が進んでいるニュートン・ブラケット法を紹介し,それらに基づく分枝限定法の実装及び数値実験結果について報告する.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: reportzib , doc-type:preprint
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2023-11-03
    Language: Japanese
    Type: proceedings , doc-type:Other
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2024-04-26
    Description: For the purpose of attaining the highest performance of energy supply systems, it is important to design the systems optimally in consideration of their operational strategies for seasonal and hourly variations in energy demands. An ap- proach to efficiently solve such an optimal design problem with a large number of periods for variations in energy de- mands is to derive an approximate optimal design solution by aggregating periods with a clustering method. However, such an approach does not provide any information on the accuracy for the optimal value of the objective function. The purpose of this paper is to propose a time aggregation approach for deriving suitable aprroximate optimal design solutions and evaluting their values of the objective function accurately. This time aggregation approach is realized by combining a robust optimal design method under uncertain energy demands and a hierarchical approach for solving large scale optimal design problems. A case study is conducted for a cogeneration system with a practical configuration, and it turns out that the proposed approach enables one to evaluate effective upper and lower bounds for the optimal value of the objective function as compared with those obtained by a conventional approach.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2024-04-26
    Description: For the purpose of attaining the highest performance of energy supply systems, it is important to design the systems optimally in consideration of their operational strategies for seasonal and hourly variations in energy demands. An ap- proach to solve such an optimal design problem with a large number of periods efficiently is to derive an approximate optimal design solution by aggregating periods with a clustering method. However, such an approach does not provide any information on the accuracy for the optimal value of the objective function. The purpose of this paper is to provide a time aggregation method for deriving aprroximate optimal design solutions and evaluting their values of the objective function. Especially, a method of evaluating design solutions is presented here using both methods of evaluating the robustness under uncertain energy demands and solving optimal design problems by a hierarchical approach. A case study is conducted for a cogeneration system with a practical configuration, and it turns out that the proposed approach enables one to evaluate effective lower bounds for the optimal value of the objective function as compared with those obtained by a conventional approach.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2023-04-17
    Description: Mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) methods have been applied widely to optimal design of energy supply systems. A hierarchical MILP method has been proposed to solve such optimal design problems efficiently. In addition, some strategies have been proposed to enhance the computation efficiency furthermore. As one of the strategies, a method of reducing model by time aggregation has been proposed to search design candidates efficiently in the relaxed optimal design problem at the upper level. In this paper, the hierarchical MILP method with the strategies has been extendedly applied to the optimal design of energy supply systems with storage units. Especially, the method of re- ducing model is extended by aggregating representative days and sampling times differently in consideration of the characteristics of storage units. A case study is conducted on the optimal design of a gas turbine cogeneration system with a thermal storage unit for district energy supply. Through the study, it turns out the hierarchical MILP method is effective to derive the optimal solution as compared with a conventional method. It also turns out that the model reduction with the special time aggregation is effective to shorten the computation time as compared with that without time aggregation in case that the number of candidates for equipment capacities is relatively small.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2023-04-17
    Description: 混合整数計画法 (Mixed Integer Programming: MIP) は,MIP を解くソフトウェアである MIP ソルバが大規模な現実問題を解けるようになったこともあり,現実問題を解く有用な OR の手法として広く知られるようになった.しかしながら,MIP ソルバの開発に欠かせないベンチマーク・データセットおよび性能測定方法についてはそれほど広く知られているとは言い難い.ベンチマーク・データセットは注意を払って作成しないと,多くのバイアスがかかってしまう.それらのバイアスを可能な限りのぞき,真に有用なベンチマーク・テストの結果を得るためには複数の人数で多大な労力を割く必要がある.本稿では,そのような MIP ソルバ開発の背景として重要な役割を果たしてきた MIPLIB と Hans Mittelmann’s benchmarks について解説する.また,本稿において Hans Mittelmann’s benchmarks は,BENCHMARKS FOR OPTIMIZATION SOFTWAREのページ ( に示されているベンチマークである.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2024-04-26
    Description: To attain the highest performance of energy supply systems, it is necessary to determine design specifications optimally in consideration of operational strategies corresponding to seasonal and hourly variations in energy demands. A hierarchical mixed-integer linear programming method has been proposed to solve such an optimal design problem efficiently. In this paper, a method of reducing model by clustering periods with the k-medoids method is applied to the relaxed optimal design problem at the upper level. Through a case study, it is clarified how the proposed method is effective to enhance the computation efficiency in a large scale optimal design problem.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2024-04-26
    Description: To attain the highest performance of energy supply systems, it is necessary to determine design specifications optimally in consideration of operational strategies corresponding to seasonal and hourly variations in energy demands. Mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) methods have been applied widely to such optimal design problems. A hierarchical MILP method has been proposed to solve the problems very efficiently. In addition, by utilizing features of the hierarchical MILP method, a method of reducing model by clustering periods based on the optimal operational strategies of equipment has been proposed to search design solution candidates efficiently in the relaxed optimal design problem at the upper level. In this paper, these methods are applied to the multiobjective optimal design of a cogeneration system by considering the annual total cost and primary energy consumption as the objective functions to be minimized. Through a case study, it turns out that the model reduction by the operation-based time-period clustering is effective in terms of the computation efficiency when importance is given to the first objective function, while it is not when importance is given to the second objective function.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2024-04-26
    Description: A robust optimal design method of energy supply systems under uncertain energy demands has been proposed using a mixed-integer linear model for constituent equipment. However, this method takes a long computation time, and thus it can be applied only to small-scale problems. In this paper, a hierarchical optimization method is applied to two types of optimization problems for evaluating robustness to solve them efficiently. In a case study, the proposed method is applied to a cogeneration system with a complex configuration, and the validity and effectiveness of the method are ascertained.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2024-04-26
    Description: A robust optimal design method of energy supply systems under uncertain energy demands has been proposed using a mixed- integer linear model for constituent equipment. A robust optimal design problem has been formulated as a three-level min-max- min optimization one by expressing uncertain energy demands by intervals, evaluating the robustness in a performance criterion based on the minimax regret criterion, and considering hierarchical relationships among design variables, uncertain energy demands, and operation variables. Since this problem must be solved by a special algorithm and is too difficult to solve even using a commercial solver, a hierarchical optimization approach has been applied to solve the problem but its application is limited only to small scale toy problems. In this paper, some strategies are introduced into the hierarchical optimization approach to enhance the computation efficiency for the purpose of applying the approach to large scale practical problems. In a case study, the proposed approach is applied to the robust optimal design of a cogeneration system with a complex configuration, and the validity and effectiveness of the method are ascertained.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 11
    Publication Date: 2023-04-17
    Description: To attain the highest performance of energy supply systems, it is necessary to determine design specifications optimally in consideration of operational strategies corresponding to seasonal and hourly variations in energy demands. Mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) methods have been applied widely to such multi-period optimal design problems. A hierarchical MILP method has been proposed to solve the problems very efficiently. In addition, by utilizing features of the hierarchical MILP method, a method of reducing model by clustering periods has also been proposed to search design solution candidates efficiently in the relaxed optimal design problem at the upper level. In this paper, by utilizing features of the hierarchical MILP method, a method of clustering periods is proposed based on the optimal operational strategies of energy supply systems obtained by solving the relaxed optimal design problem. As a case study, the method is applied to the optimal design of a gas turbine cogeneration system, and it is clarified that the method is effective to enhance the computation efficiency in comparison with a conventional method of clustering periods regularly.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 12
    Publication Date: 2023-04-17
    Description: Mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) methods have been applied widely to optimal design of energy supply systems. A hierarchical MILP method has been proposed to solve such optimal design problems efficiently. In addition, some strategies have been proposed to enhance the computation efficiency furthermore. As one of the strategies, a method of reducing model by time aggregation has been proposed to search design candidates efficiently in the relaxed optimal design problem at the upper level. In this paper, three clustering methods are applied to time aggregation and compared with one another in terms of the computation efficiency. Especially, the k-medoids method is applied newly in addition to the time-series and operation-based methods applied previously. A case study is conducted on the optimal design of a gas turbine cogeneration system for district energy supply. Through the study, it turns out the k-medoids method is effective to shorten the computation time as compared with the time-series method, although it is necessary to set the number of clusters artifically in both the methods. It also turns out that the operation-based method is more effective than the k-medoids method in terms of the computation efficiency even with the number of clusters set automatically.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 13
    Publication Date: 2023-04-17
    Description: A robust optimal design method of energy supply systems under uncertain energy demands has been proposed using a mixed- integer linear model for constituent equipment. A robust optimal design problem has been formulated as a three-level min-max- min optimization one by expressing uncertain energy demands by intervals, evaluating the robustness in a performance criterion based on the minimax regret criterion, and considering hierarchical relationships among design variables, uncertain energy demands, and operation variables. However, this method takes a long computation time, and thus it can be applied only to small-scale problems. In this paper, mixed-integer linear programming method in consideration of the hierarchical relationship between design and operation variables is applied to parts of the robust optimal design method which take long computation times to solve problems efficiently. In a case study, this revised method is applied to the robust optimal design of a cogeneration system with a simple configuration, and the validity and effectiveness of the method are ascertained.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 14
    Publication Date: 2023-04-17
    Description: 本稿では,線形計画問題を解くソフトウェアである線形計画ソルバの標準的な利用方法と,原稿執筆時点で利用可能なソルバを可能な限り紹介する.筆者らはソルバ開発コミュニティの中で仕事をしているので,この機会に現在のソルバ開発現場の様子も紹介するとともに,各ソルバの特徴として何を紹介するべきかは,できる限り開発者,または,開発者に近い研究者に問い合わせて記述した.本稿は,多くの線形計画ソルバの選択肢がある中で,読者がもつ問題を解くのに最も適当なソルバを選択するための指針を与えることを主たる目的としている.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 15
    Publication Date: 2023-04-17
    Description: Ahierarchical mixed-integer linear programmingmethod has been proposed to solve optimal design problems of energy supply systems efficiently. In this paper, a method of reducing model by clustering periods is proposed to search design solution candidates efficiently in the relaxed optimal design problem at the upper level. This method is realized only by clustering periods and averaging energy demands for clustered periods, while it guarantees to derive the optimal solution. Through acase study on the optimaldesign of a cogeneration system, ti is clarified how the model reduction si effective ot enhance the computation efficiency.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 16
    Publication Date: 2023-04-17
    Description: A hierarchical mixed-integer linear programming method to solve optimal design problems of energy supply systems efficiently has been proposed. The original problem is solved by dividing it into a relaxed optimal design problem at the upper level and optimal operation problems which are independent of each other at the lower level. In this paper, a method of reducing model by time aggregation is proposed to search design solution candidates efficiently in the relaxed optimal design problem at the upper level. This method is realized only by clustering periods and averaging energy demands for clustered periods, while it guarantees to derive the optimal solution. On one hand, the method may decrease the number of design variables and costraints at the upper level, and thus the computation time at the upper level. On the other hand, it may increase the numbers of generated design solution candidates and solved optimal operation problems, and thus the computation time at both the levels. Though a case study on the optimal design of a cogeneration system, it is clarified how the model reduction is effective to enhance the computation efficiency.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 17
    Publication Date: 2023-04-17
    Description: A mixed-integer linear programming method utilizing the hierarchical relationship between design and operation variables proposed to solve the optimal design problem of energy supply systems efficiently is extended to search K-best solutions in multiobjective optimization: At the upper level, the optimal values of design variables are searched by the branch and bound method with operation variables relaxed to continuous ones; At the lower level, the values of operation variables are optimized independently at the respective periods set for variations in energy demands by the branch and bound method with the values of design variables given tentatively during the search at the upper level. A weighting method is employed for multiobjective optimization, and a weighted sum of the annual total cost and primary energy consumption is adopted as the objective function to be minimized. A practical case study on the optimal design of a cogeneration system is conducted. The validity and effectiveness of the proposed method are clarified, and the trade-off relationship between the annual total cost and primary energy consumption is confirmed.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 18
    Publication Date: 2023-04-17
    Description: A mixed-integer linear programming methodutilizing the hierarchical relationship between design and operation variables proposed ot solve the optimal design problem of energy supply systems efficiently is extended ot search K-best solutions: At the upper level, the optimal values ofdesign variables are searched with operation variables relaxed to continuous ones; At the lower level, the values of operation variables are optimized with the values of design variables given tentatively; The obtained solution is used to renew K-best incumbent solutions, and the upper bound for the value of the objective function for K-best solutions is replaced correspondingly. A practical case study is conducted, and the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method are clarified.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 19
    Publication Date: 2023-04-17
    Description: A mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) method utilizing the hierarchical relationship between design and op- eration variables is proposed to solve the optimal design problem of energy supply systems efficiently: At the upper level, the optimal values of design variables are searched by the branch and bound method; At the lower level, the values of operation variables are optimized by the branch and bound method under the values of design variables given tentatively during the search at the upper level; Lower bounds for the optimal value of the objective function are evaluated, and are utilized for the bounding operations at both the levels. This method is implemented into open and commercial MILP solvers. Illustrative and practical case studies on the optimal design of cogeneration systems are conducted, and the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method are clarified.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 20
    Publication Date: 2023-04-17
    Description: 最適化研究におけるアプリケーション駆動研究サイクルを紹介する.アプリケーション駆動研究サイクルは,学術機関での研究と企業における研究成果の利用とのつながりを良くする点では優れている.一方で,ソフトウェア開発・維持に多大な労力を要するため,日本の大学や研究機関における実施には困難さが伴う.ZIBにおいてアプリケーション駆動研究サイクルが,比較的うまく機能している背景を説明する.また,日本においてアプリケーション駆動研究サイクルを活性化するための第一歩として,論文投稿時に,論文中の数値実験に利用した全データ提出の義務化を提案したい.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 21
    Publication Date: 2023-04-17
    Description: 近年,大規模かつ複雑な最適化問題を高速に解く需要はさまざまな産業界や学術分野において急速に高まりつつある.これからの研究においては最先端理論 (Theory)+超大規模実データ (Practice)+最新計算技術(Computation) の三つを有機的に組み合わせることによって,実用に耐えうる解決策の提示と大規模最適化問題を扱う際の先例となることが求められている.本稿では最適化と計算に関する最新の傾向に触れるとともに,最適化の計算の今後についても考えていきたい.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 22
    Publication Date: 2023-04-17
    Description: 制約整数計画(CIP: Constraint Integer Programming)は,制約プログラミング(CP: Constraint Programming),混合整数計画(MIP: Mixed Integer Programming), 充足可能性問題(SAT: Satisfiability Problems)の研究分野におけるモデリング技術と解法を統合している.その結果,制約整数計画は,広いクラスの最適化問題を扱うことができる.SCIP (Solving Constraint Integer Programs)は,CIPを解くソルバとして実装され,Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)の研究者を中心として継続的に拡張が続けられている.本論文では,著者らによって開発されたSCIP に対する2種類の並列化拡張を紹介する. 一つは,複数計算ノード間で大規模に並列動作するParaSCIP である. もう一つは,複数コアと共有メモリを持つ1台の計算機上で(スレッド)並列で動作するFiberSCIP である. ParaSCIP は,HLRN IIスーパーコンピュータ上で, 一つのインスタンスを解くために最大7,168 コアを利用した動作実績がある.また,統計数理研究所のFujitsu PRIMERGY RX200S5上でも,最大512コアを利用した動作実績がある.統計数理研究所のFujitsu PRIMERGY RX200S5上 では,これまでに最適解が得られていなかったMIPLIB2010のインスタンスであるdg012142に最適解を与えた.
    Description: The paradigm of Constraint Integer Programming (CIP) combines modeling and solving techniques from the fields of Constraint Programming (CP), Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) and Satisfiability Problems (SAT). The paradigm allows us to address a wide range of optimization problems. SCIP is an implementation of the idea of CIP and is now continuously extended by a group of researchers centered at Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB). This paper introduces two parallel extensions of SCIP. One is ParaSCIP, which is intended to run on a large scale distributed memory computing environment, and the other is FiberSCIP, intended to run on shared memory computing environments. ParaSCIP has successfully been run on the HLRN II supercomputer utilizing up to 7,168 cores to solve a single difficult MIP. It has also been tested on an ISM supercomputer (Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX200S5 using up to 512 cores). The previously unsolved instance dg012142 from MIPLIB2010 was solved by using the ISM supercomputer.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: reportzib , doc-type:preprint
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 23
    Publication Date: 2023-05-04
    Description: 制約整数計画(CIP: Constraint Integer Programs)は,制約プログラミング(CP: Constraint Programming),混合整数計画(MIP: Mixed Integer Programming),充足可能性問題(SAT: Satisfability Problem)の研究分野におけるモデリング技術と解法を統合している.その結果,制約整数計画は,広いクラスの最適化問題を扱うことができる.SCIP(Solving Constraint Integer Programs)は,CIP を解くソルバとして実装され,Zuse Institute Berlin(ZIB)の研究者を中心として継続的に拡張が続けられている.本論文では,著者らによって開発された SCIP に対する2 種類の並列化拡張を紹介する.一つは,複数計算ノード間で大規模に並列動作する ParaSCIPである.もう一つは,複数コアと共有メモリを持つ 1 台の計算機上で(スレッド)並列で動作する FiberSCIP である.ParaSCIP は,HLRN II スーパーコンピュータ上で,一つのインスタンスを解くために最大 7,168 コアを利用した動作実績がある.また,統計数理研究所の Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX200S5 上でも,最大 512 コアを利用した動作実績がある.統計数理研究所のFujitsu PRIMERGY RX200S5 上では,これまでに最適解が得られていなかった MIPLIB2010のインスタンスである dg012142 に最適解を与えた.
    Description: The paradigm of constraint integer programming (CIP) combines modeling and solving techniques from the fields of constraint programming (CP), mixed-integer programming (MIP) and satisfability problem (SAT). This paradigm allows us to address a wide range of optimization problems. SCIP is an implementation of the idea of CIP and is now being continuously extended by a group of researchers centered at Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB). This paper introduces two parallel extensions of SCIP. One is ParaSCIP, which is intended to run on a large scale distributed memory computing environment, and the other is FiberSCIP, intended to run on a shared memory computing environment. ParaSCIP has been run successfully on the HLRN II supercomputer utilizing up to 7,168 cores to solve a single difficult MIP. It has also been tested on an ISM supercomputer (Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX200S5 using up to 512 cores). The previously unsolved instance dg012142 from MIPLIB2010 was solved by using the ISM supercomputer.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 24
    Publication Date: 2022-03-14
    Description: この論文ではソフトウェア・パッケージSCIP Optimization Suite を紹介し,その3つの構成要素:モデリン グ言語Zimpl, 線形計画(LP: linear programming) ソルバSoPlex, そして,制約整数計画(CIP: constraint integer programming) に対するソフトウェア・フレームワークSCIP, について述べる.本論文では,この3つの 構成要素を利用して,どのようにして挑戦的な混合整数線形計画問題(MIP: mixed integer linear optimization problems) や混合整数非線形計画問題(MINLP: mixed integer nonlinear optimization problems) をモデル化 し解くのかを説明する.SCIP は,現在,最も高速なMIP,MINLP ソルバの1つである.いくつかの例により, Zimpl, SCIP, SoPlex の利用方法を示すとともに,利用可能なインタフェースの概要を示す.最後に,将来の開 発計画の概要について述べる.
    Description: This paper introduces the SCIP Optimization Suite and discusses the capabilities of its three components: the modeling language Zimpl, the linear programming solver SoPlex, and the constraint integer programming framework SCIP. We explain how in concert these can be used to model and solve challenging mixed integer linear and nonlinear optimization problems. SCIP is currently one of the fastest non-commercial MIP and MINLP solvers. We demonstrate the usage of Zimpl, SCIP, and SoPlex by selected examples, we give an overview over available interfaces, and outline plans for future development.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: reportzib , doc-type:preprint
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 25
    Publication Date: 2022-03-14
    Description: この論文ではソフトウェア・パッケージSCIP Optimization Suite を紹介し,その3つの構成要素:モデリン グ言語Zimpl, 線形計画(LP: linear programming) ソルバSoPlex, そして,制約整数計画(CIP: constraint integer programming) に対するソフトウェア・フレームワークSCIP, について述べる.本論文では,この3つの 構成要素を利用して,どのようにして挑戦的な混合整数線形計画問題(MIP: mixed integer linear optimization problems) や混合整数非線形計画問題(MINLP: mixed integer nonlinear optimization problems) をモデル化 し解くのかを説明する.SCIP は,現在,最も高速なMIP,MINLP ソルバの1つである.いくつかの例により, Zimpl, SCIP, SoPlex の利用方法を示すとともに,利用可能なインタフェースの概要を示す.最後に,将来の開 発計画の概要について述べる.
    Description: This paper introduces the SCIP Optimization Suite and discusses the capabilities of its three components: the modeling language Zimpl, the linear programming solver SoPlex, and the constraint integer programming framework SCIP. We explain how in concert these can be used to model and solve challenging mixed integer linear and nonlinear optimization problems. SCIP is currently one of the fastest non-commercial MIP and MINLP solvers. We demonstrate the usage of Zimpl, SCIP, and SoPlex by selected examples, we give an overview over available interfaces, and outline plans for future development.
    Language: Japanese
    Type: conferenceobject , doc-type:conferenceObject
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