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  • 1980-1984
  • 1970-1974  (192)
  • 1971  (192)
  • Biochemistry and Biotechnology  (84)
  • Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling  (59)
  • Rat  (49)
  • Nuclear reactions
  • 1980-1984
  • 1970-1974  (192)
  • 1
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Rat ; Ferro-dextran ; Blood brain barrier ; Circumventricular organs
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Nach Vorbehandlung mit Myofer (Eisen III-Dextran) wurde die Aufnahme der Testsubstanz in den circumventriculären Organen von Rattengehirnen mit dem Licht-und Elektronenmikroskop untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, daß ein partieller Schrankeneffekt zwischen Gefäß und Gehirn auch in diesen Regionen besteht. Im allgemeinen ist der Schrankeneffekt die Folge hintereinandergeschalteter Barrieren, deren morphologisches Substrat 1. das Gefäßendothel und 2. die Gliagrenzschicht sind. Im Parenchym der verschiedenen Gehirnteile ist die Endothelzelle für diese gegebene Substanz undurchlässig. Dabei wird Myofer zwar in die Zelle aufgenommen, aber total zurückgehalten. In den circumventriculären Organen des Rattengehirns (Area postrema, Epiphyse, Subfornikalorgan, Organum vasculosum laminae terminalis, Neurohypophyse, Plexus chorioidei) ist die Endothelzelle durchlässig. Daher findet man Myoferpartikel im perivasculären Raum. Der. „Hemmeffekt” der zweiten Barriere ist abhängig 1. von der Konzentration des Myofers in dem perivasculären Raum und 2. von der Zeitdauer, während der die Gliagrenzschicht beeinflußt wird. Die perivasculären Gliafortsätze nehmen als einzige Zellelemente Myofer auf. Da der Anteil von Zellen mit Gliacharakter in den circumventriculären Organen wechselt, ist in den einzelen Regionen Myofer in unterschiedlicher Menge nachweisbar. Neuronale Elemente enthalten niemals Myofer.
    Notes: Summary After pretreatment of rats with Myofer (ferro-dextran complex) the uptake of this substance into circumventricular organs of the brain has been studied by means of light and electronmicroscopy. The results show that in these regions a partial barrier effect exists between blood and brain parenchyma. Generally the barrier effect is the result of impediments, which are connected in series. The morphological substratum of them is (1) the endothelium of the capillaries and (2) the limiting layer of the glial processes. In the parenchyma of the brain (cerebellum) the endothelial cell is sealed for this substance: the Myofer is taken up by the endothelium, but retained in the cells. In the circumventricular organs of the rat's brain (area postrema, epiphysis cerebri, subfornical organ, Organum vasculosum laminae terminalis, neurohypophysis, choroid plexus) the endothelial cells are leaky. Consequently one finds particles of Myofer inside the perivascular space. The inhibitory effect of the second barrier depends (1) on the concentration of Myofer in the perivascular space and (2) on the period, during which the limiting layer of the glial processes has been affected. The perivascular glial processes are the only cell elements which take up Myofer. Since the proportion of cells characterized as glial elements changes between the circumventricular organs, Myofer is detectable in different amounts within the various regions. Neuronal elements never contain Myofer.
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  • 2
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    Anatomy and embryology 134 (1971), S. 311-327 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Development ; Median eminence ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary This paper reports details of the development of the external layer of the median eminence with special reference to the appearance of the nerve terminals, containing electron dense core and electron lucent vesicles, in the outermost layer of a palisade structure (2–3 μ thick). Observations were made on perinatal rats of the Sprague-Dawley strain (16, 18, 20 day fetuses and rats 5 hours, one 4, and 8 days after birth). The palisade structure of the outermost layer of the median eminence was first clearly detectable 5 hours after birth. Concomitantly, there was a marked increase in the number of nerve terminals in this layer. The nerve terminals containing electron dense core and electron lucent vesicles were seen in 18 day fetuses in the outermost layer of the median eminence. These nerve terminals increased in number during development, especially from the 20th day of fetal life to the 4th day after birth. The size range of the majority of the electron lucent vesicles did not change during development, but that of the core vesicles increased from 600–800 Å from the 18th to 20th day of fetal life. The initiation of neurohemal control of the adenohypophysial function by the hypothalamus is discussed.
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  • 3
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    Anatomy and embryology 135 (1971), S. 101-107 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Rat ; Uterus ; Luminal epithelium ; Ultrastructure ; Implantation
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The ultrastructure of the rat uterine luminal epithelium has been examined during normal pregnancy, pseudopregnancy, lactation and lactation-pregnancy, all being conditions when a blastocyst is known to be able to implant. In all four groups of animals the epithelium passes through three characteristic and structurally similar states, namely a pre-attachment state, an attachment state and a postattachment state. The attachment state is characterized by a close contact between apposing luminal surfaces of the epithelium. It is concluded that implantation in an undamaged uterus claims a sequence of certain changes in the uterine luminal epithelium, and that the blastocyst attachment occurs within the early part of that period when the luminal epithelium is in the attachment state.
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  • 4
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    Acta neuropathologica 19 (1971), S. 249-264 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Brain Edema ; Stab Wound ; Neocortex ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The parietal cortex of rats was examined by light and electron microscopy 1–120 min after a standardized stab wound (250×450×1800μm, constant stab velocity). The changes in the tissue are already visible qualitatively after 1 min. After about 4 min the expansion of tissue changes stops. 4 zones may be separated. Surrounding the stab canal concentrically they are relatively sharply defined. Zone I. Stab canal, haemorrhagical or “debris zone”, primary traumatic destroyed zone. The tissue units are here completely destroyed. Zone II. “Squashed” or “indirectly but irreversibly damaged” zone. It is ca. 80μm wide and contains apart from a protein-rich extracellular fluid almost exclusively swollen cells and cell fragments. Zone III. Swelling brain or “intracellular peritraumatic edema”. It is ca. 150μm wide and contains mainly dark neurones and swollen astroglia. Zone IV. Transitional zone of variable width. Here only the perivascular and perineural processes are swollen without changed neurone structure. In all swollen astrocytes mitochondria are altered typically (denser matrix, dilated cristae). Discussed are: The short latency period, Zone IV, causes of astroglial swelling, origin of extracellular fluid as well as mechanisms which limit the spread of extracellular fluid into Zone II.
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  • 5
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Co-Radiation ; Spinal Cord ; Rat ; Cell Proliferation ; p-Bromophenylacetylurea
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Rats were irradiated with doses of 1 000–3 000 rads to the cervical spinal cord and subsequently given a paralytic dose of p-Bromophenylacetylurea. The nuclear populations in the degenerating dorsal columns were determined and it was found that a significant suppression of cell proliferation occurred after all three dose levels. The cell populations in the shielded parts of the tracts rostral to the irradiated zone were not affected.
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  • 6
    ISSN: 1432-1106
    Keywords: GABA-Regional distribution ; Rabbit ; Rat ; Guinea pig ; Baboon ; CNS ; Substantia nigra
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The regional distribution of GABA in the CNS of rabbit (17 regions), rat (14 regions), guinea pig (12 regions) and baboon (11 regions) was determined by sensitive enzymatic and fluorometric assay. In all species studied a high concentration of GABA was found in substantia nigra (8.5–10.1 mmoles/kg) and pallidum (6.5–8.2 mmoles/kg). Fairly high amounts were found in hypothalamus, superior and inferior colliculi, nucleus oculomotorius and dentate nucleus. The GABA concentration in spinal cord (white matter) had the lowest value.
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  • 7
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    Experimental brain research 12 (1971), S. 435-446 
    ISSN: 1432-1106
    Keywords: Thalamic reticular nucleus ; Ascending reticular system ; Topo graphical arrangement ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary A neuro-anatomical investigation into the thalamic reticular nucleus and its connections was made in the albino rat, using the method of retrograde degeneration and the Nauta-Gygax method. The results correspond to the description given by Scheibel and Scheibel and indicate connections of the neurons of the reticular which the principal thalamic nuclei and the rostral part of the intralaminar thalamic nuclei. A topographical arrangement of the efferent connections of the reticular nucleus is demonstrated. The projection of the reticular nucleus upon the thalamus duplicates the cortico-thalamic connections.
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  • 8
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    Clinical and experimental medicine 155 (1971), S. 253-261 
    ISSN: 1591-9528
    Keywords: Heterotransplantation ; Human prostate ; Rat ; Antilymphocytic serum ; Heterotransplantation ; Menschliche Prostata ; Ratte ; Antilymphocytenserum
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Mit dem Ziel, neue Voraussetzungen für experimentelle, histologische und biologische Untersuchungen der menschlichen Prostata zu schaffen, haben wir humanes Prostataadenomgewebe in die Oberschenkelmuskulatur neonataler Ratten verpflanzt. Die notwendige Immunsuppression wurde durch subcutane Injektion von Antilymphocytenserum erzielt. 3 Wochen nach der Heterotransplantation entsprach das histologische Bild eines Teils des implantierten Prostataadenomgewebes weitgehend dem Originalgewebe. Ebenso verhielten sich histochemischer Reaktionsausfall und Verteilungsmuster der sauren Phosphatase, der unspezifischen Esterase und der Succinodehydrogenase. Daneben wurden metaplastische Drüsenstrukturen angetroffen, die durch einen Aktivitätsabfall der untersuchten Enzyme gekennzeichnet waren.
    Notes: Summary Under the effect of antilymphocytic serum as an immunsuppressive regime it was possible to transplant human adenomatous prostatic grafts in neonatal rats. On the one hand the histological and histochemical examination of the grafts proved the maintenance of vitality and integrity of the prostatic tissue up to 3 weeks after heterologous transplantation. On the other hand metaplastic changes in the glandular epithelium accompanied with diminished enzymatic activity was also observed in a part of the grafted tissue.
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  • 9
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    Clinical and experimental medicine 155 (1971), S. 340-353 
    ISSN: 1591-9528
    Keywords: Rat ; Nephron types ; Oxydoreductases ; Quantitative histochemistry
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary With oxidoreductases mediating several metabolic pathways, e.g. LDH (glycolysis), ICDH, MDH (tricarboxylic acid cycle), GLDH (aminoacid metabolism) and G-6-PDH (hexose monophosphate shunt) additional marked differences between the subcapsular (SCN) and juxtamedullary (JMN) nephron of rat kidney could be established using quantitative histochemical technique. The enzymatic differences between the two nephron types are mainly quantitative as could be shown within the logarithmic network. The intrarenal enzymatic heterogeneity seems to constitute a general concept.
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  • 10
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    Clinical and experimental medicine 156 (1971), S. 237-242 
    ISSN: 1591-9528
    Keywords: Nervous system ; Man ; Rat ; Spontaneous and experimental tumors ; Brain specific proteins
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Primary tumors of the nervous system in rats induced by weekly administration of 6 mg/kg N-methylnitrosourea and spontaneous human brain tumors were investigated comparatively using immunoprecipitation technique. It is shown that two proteins antigenically identical with the specific glia proteins S100 and 14.3.2 are present in spontaneous as well as in experimental gliomas and schwannomas. These results demonstrate that the model of experimental tumors of the nervous system in rats is practicable for comparative morphological and biochemical studies of tumors of glial and schwann cell origin.
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  • 11
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    Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 269 (1971), S. 48-56 
    ISSN: 1432-1912
    Keywords: Colloidal Ferrihexacyanoferrate(II) ; Potassium Hexacyanoferrate(II) ; Metabolism ; Toxicity ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Intestinal absorption, distribution, and excretion of ferrihexacyanoferrate(II), labeled by59Fe at the Fe(III)- and Fe(II)-atoms, respectively, was studied in rats. Following i.v. injection, the compound is separated at ∼60% into Fe3+ and [Fe(CN)6]4−, the residual fraction being retained by the reticuloendothelial system. [Fe(CN)6]4− is excreted rapidly and virtually completely by the kidneys. With oral administration the disintegration amounts to ∼7%, and ∼2% of [Fe(CN)6]4− is absorbed from the gut. No evidence was obtained for decomposition of [Fe(CN)6]4−. No toxic side-effects were observed after chronic administration of ferrihexacyanoferrate(II).
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  • 12
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    Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 270 (1971), S. 22-40 
    ISSN: 1432-1912
    Keywords: Intestinal Blood Flow ; Intestinal Absorption ; Polyalcohols ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary 1. Jejunal loops of anaesthetized rats were perfused with14C-labelled polyalcohols in buffered saline solutions at pH 7. The blood flow, the disappearance rate (from the intestinal lumen), and the appearance rate (in the intestinal venous blood) were determined simultaneously. 2. A decrease of the blood flow from about 1.8 to 0.25 ml min−1g−1 wet tissue diminished the disappearance and appearance rate of the substances and their possible metabolites. An increase of the blood flow caused the reversed results. The two transfer rates and their dependence on blood flow decreased with increasing molecular weight of the polyalcohols. 3. The appearance rate of glycerol showed a different dependence on blood flow in experiments with increasing and decreasing blood flow. This phenomenon can be explained by a decreasing permeability of the epithelium for glycerol with time. The cause for it is unknown. 4. By means of a three-compartment-model blood flow independent permeability coefficients of the polyalcohols are derived for the intestinal epithelium. They are consistent with an equivalent pore radius of 3.9±0.1 Å.
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  • 13
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    Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 271 (1971), S. 211-233 
    ISSN: 1432-1912
    Keywords: Amphetamine ; Synthesis of Catecholamines ; Brain Catecholamines ; Release of Catecholamines ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Accumulation of labelled noradrenaline (NA) and dopamine (DA) and endogenous levels of NA and DA in brain and heart were measured after infusion of tyrosine-14C and dopa-3H in rats. After a single dose of 20 mg/kg i.p. of dl-amphetamine sulphate a 50–65% decrease in the NA accumulation in the brain and heart was observed. The accumulation of DA was not changed. In rats treated chronically with amphetamine sulphate, 16−32 mg/kg i.p. twice daily for 4 weeks, both the brain and heart NA and brain DA levels were depleted by 40–70% at 20–24 h after amphetamine withdrawal. The accumulation of labelled NA and DA in these animals was not different from that of saline treated controls. When amphetamine sulphate, 20 mg/kg i.p., was given to chronically amphetamine treated rats there was a 45–60% decrease in the accumulation of labelled NA; labelled DA remained unchanged. It is concluded that the decrease in NA accumulation under acute and chronic amphetamine intoxication is most likely due to a preferential release of newly synthesized NA.
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  • 14
    ISSN: 1432-2013
    Keywords: NaKATPase ; Intracellular Localisation ; Proximal Tubule ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary With refinements of quantitative histochemistry, i.e. oilwell technique, enzymaticP ianalysis and NADP/NADPH cycling an enzymatic polarization of the tubular epithelial cell from the rat nephron to NaKATPase can be established. NaKATPase activity is limited to the basal area of the epithelial cell. Brush border fragments lack NaKATPase activity.
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  • 15
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    Psychopharmacology 20 (1971), S. 348-354 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Phentolamine ; Noradrenaline ; Amphetamine ; Rat ; Locomotor Activity
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Phentolamine injected intraventricularly in unanaesthetized rats decreased their locomotor activity and antagonized the excitatory effect of intraventricularly injected noradrenaline, or amphetamine injected s.c. Phentolamine did not influence the level of noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine in the rat brain. The mechanism of observed action of phentolamine is discussed.
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  • 16
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    Psychopharmacology 21 (1971), S. 165-173 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Anorexic Effect ; Fenfluramine ; Activity Analysis ; Time Sampling Technique ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Three experiments are reported investigating the effects of acute administration of fenfluramine over 3 doses on activity, eating and drinking behaviour. A time sampling procedure of activity analysis was used, employing six behaviour categories. Fenfluramine produced a dose related decrease in rearing behaviours, with some evidence of an increase in walking categories at the lower dose levels. Eating and drinking behaviours showed clear dose related decreases. Sniffing categories showed a clear dose related increase. Attention is drawn to some of the difficulties of interpretation and assessment of anorexic effect.
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  • 17
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    Psychopharmacology 21 (1971), S. 212-228 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Amphetamine ; Apomorphine ; Stereotypy ; Behaviour ; Rat ; Mouse ; Neuroleptics ; Thymoleptics
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The behaviour of mice after various doses of amphetamine or apomorphine which induce stereotypies is described in details. The induced stereotyped behaviour in mice appears more differentiated than that in rats. The amphetamine-syndrome in rats consists of an excitement phase followed by the stereotypy, whereas apomorphine elicits stereotyped behaviour directly after administration. Amphetamine-induced stereotyped behaviour is different from the apomorphine-induced stereotypy in several respects. Neuroleptics inhibit the amphetamine (12.5 mg/kg s.c.) and apomorphine-(10 mg/kg s.c.) syndrome, while thymoleptics potentiate subeffective doses of amphetamine (5 mg/kg s.c.) and apomorphine (2 mg/kg s.c.). This is demonstrated with some neuroleptics of the phenothiazine-type, haloperidol, reserpine, and a group of thymoleptics. The method opens the possibility of differentiating within several groups of neuroleptics and within several groups of thymoleptics.
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  • 18
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: NE ; Intraventricular ; Cholinergic Function ; Eating Behaviour ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The effect of centrally administered norepinephrine (NE) into the lateral ventricle on choline acetylase activity (ChAc), endogenous levels of NE, dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5HT) was studied in different regions of the rat brain. In normal rats, the highest activity of choline acetylase was found in the cerebral cortex, followed by the brain stem, the diencephalon, the hypothalamus and least in the cerebellum. Chronic administration of NE significantly increased the choline acetylase activity in all regions studied, whereas both the acute and the in vitro studies showed no significant change except in the brain stem. Serotonin level was increased in the cerebellum, but decreased in the diencephalon and the brain stem. There was no significant alteration in the level of NE in all areas studied except in the hypothalamus where there was an increase in the mean concentration. Tissue level of DA showed a significant increase in the cerebral cortex and the hypothalamus. Behaviourally, there was a significant increase in food intake on the first day of treatment with no significant change in water intake. The data suggests that NE may be involved in the regulation of acetylcholine synthesis. The significance of interaction between different monoamines and acetylcholine may be important in the study of drug tolerance phenomena.
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  • 19
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Acquisition ; CAR ; Tetrahydrocannabinols ; Transfer ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Rats trained in conditioned avoidance responding (CAR) after injections of either 7.5 mg/kg Δ 9-THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) or 15 mg/kg Δ 8-THC, showed no transfer when tested in the non-drugged state. Furthermore, these doses of the isomeric tetrahydrocannabinols exerted a disruptive effect on previously established CAR in rats, trained under normal conditions. Only the Δ 9-THC-group showed an impairment of acquisition which was statistically significant compared to the control group.
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  • 20
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    Psychopharmacology 20 (1971), S. 389-394 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Aggressive Behaviour ; Apomorphine ; Isolation ; Psycho pharmacology ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The apomorphine-induced aggression response of isolated rats was examined. The development of aggressive behaviour in adult rats was enhanced after isolation in cages with wire-netting and especially in cages isolated in opacified Makrolon boxes compared with aggregated rats. Young rats kept isolated for 2 months immediately after weaning showed an enhancement only if isolated in wire-netting cages. Rats kept in groups for one month after their isolation still showed an enhancement of aggression, although it was somewhat reduced.
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  • 21
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    Psychopharmacology 21 (1971), S. 147-156 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Scopolamine ; Pilocarpine ; Lashley Jumping Stand ; Fixated Behavior ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract A group of male albino rats were subjected to the Maier paradigm (insoluble problem followed by a soluble problem) using the Lashley jumping stand. Forty-two animals which failed the soluble problem by adopting a position stereotype were then randomly assigned to eight drug groups in a 2×2 design. Animals were guided to the correct window on odd days but received no guidance on even days. Animals received either pilocarpine nitrate (5.0 mg/kg) or scopolamine hydrobromide (1.0 mg/kg) in one of three different sequences. These sequences included drug on both odd and even days (drug-drug), only on the odd day (drug-no drug), or only on the even day (no drug-drug). One other drug group received scopolamine methylbromide (1.0 mg/kg) in a drug-no drug sequence, while the control group received saline on both days. Results indicated that animals receiving pilocarpine in the drug-drug and no drug-drug sequence solved significantly faster than the controls, while all the drugno drug groups showed significantly poorer solution rates. It was concluded that pilocarpine may enable animals to inhibit punished behavior patterns and thus hasten the extinction of fixated responses, but that due to the inconclusive scopolamine data this pilocarpine effect may not be due to its cholinomimetic properties.
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  • 22
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    Psychopharmacology 22 (1971), S. 144-150 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Avoidance ; Chlorpromazine ; CS-US Interval ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Three groups of four rats learned to avoid electric shock (US) by turning a wheel in response to a buzzer stimulus (CS). The CS-US intervals for each group were 5, 10, and 20 sec, respectively. After each animal had learned the avoidance procedure and had achieved a stable level of performance, the effect of several doses of chlorpromazine on percent avoidance, on latency time from CS onset to termination by a response, and on response rate was determined as a function of CS-US interval length. No consistent relationship between increasing interval length and response rate was observed. Neither lengthening the CS-US interval nor the interaction of this lengthening with chlorpromazine dose was found to exert a statistically significant effect on percent avoidance. Furthermore, although a statistically significant increase in response latency was found to be associated with increasing CS-US interval length, the increases in latency noted were not of sufficient magnitude to corroborate the hypothesis that lengthening the CS-US interval contributes importantly to increased avoidance responding in animals tested with chlorpromazine. Further, the results of this study do not support induction of a locomotor deficit as the mechanism by which chlorpromazine suppresses the avoidance response.
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  • 23
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    Psychopharmacology 19 (1971), S. 95-104 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Ethanol ; Tolerance ; Dependence ; Withdrawal Reaction ; Startle Threshold ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The thresholds for startle responses to electric shock were measured in adult male Wistar strain rats given ethanol daily in doses rising from 3 to 7 g/kg over a 30-day period, and in controls receiving equicaloric doses of sucrose. Tests made 23, 36, or 47 h after ethanol (i.e., during partial or complete ethanol withdrawal) gave threshold values significantly lower than those obtained with sucrose-treated controls. The difference became greater after longer ethanol treatment and larger doses. However, when threshold measurements were made under the acute influence of ethanol in the experimental group, the mean values were virtually equal to those of the sucrose controls. This normalization, by ethanol, of a disturbance produced by absence of ethanol in a chronically treated animal is indicative of physical dependence. Following termination of ethanol treatment there was a gradual return of startle thresholds almost to control values over a relatively short period, indicating that the changes underlying the hyperexcitability are readily reversible.
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  • 24
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Alperenolol ; Amphetamine ; Brain Amines ; Behaviour ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The influence of alprenolol and amphetamine alone or combined on the content of noradrenaline, dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in seven discrete areas of the brain and on rat behaviour was studied. Animals were treated with drugs for 6 months. Alprenolol caused mainly a decrease of the estimated endogenous amines in different brain areas. Amphetamine caused a decrease of all three amines in some parts of the brain, and reversed some of the changes caused by alprenolol. Alprenolol had no effect on the locomotor activity of rats, but increased the activity of rats treated with amphetamine after the first week of treatment, and antagonized the excitatory effect caused by amphetamine during the following weeks of the experiment.
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 271-292 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Oxygen transfer coefficients were evaluated for a 14-liter stirred tank fermentor equipped with an oxygen probe, employing elemental copper adsorbed on a weakly basic anion-exchange resin as a solid phase oxygen acceptor. The use of a solid phase oxygen acceptor allowed evaluation of mass transfer resistances associated with the solid phase, and the effect of an oxygen adsorbing solid phase on the overall oxygen transport system, portions of the oxygen transfer process that are neglected by the conventional sulfite oxidation method commonly employed. It was concluded from the data obtained that a transport pathway involving transfer of oxygen to particles present near the air-water interface was a significant oxygen transport pathway for the system studied. Oxygen probe measurements performed on the bulk liquid did not recognize this pathway, suggesting that data taken on biological systems by use of techniques involving oxygen concentration measurements in the bulk liquid may not give the true oxygen absorbing capacity of a system.
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  • 26
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 319-322 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 27
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 293-308 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The mode of ethanol action on both the steady-state and the dynamic properties of K. aerogenes was investigated using a nitrogen-limited chemostat. Reduction in the maximum growth rate (μm) suggests that noncompetitive enzyme inhibition could occur, but Lineweaver-Burk analysis showed the inhibition to be more complex. A consistent mechanism of inhibition was established for 0-3% v/v ethanol. Warburg manometric experiments indicated that inhibition occurred in pathways located in the intact cell wall. Frequency response analysis, using sinusoidal variations in the dilution rate showed that ethanol increased the time constant of the metabolic parameter, QAC. The system was stable in the presence of ethanol and showed no evidence of oscillations following a disturbance.
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  • 28
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 309-317 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Partially purified glucoamylase from Aspergillus awamori NRRL 3112 was immobilized on diethylaminoethyl cellulose in the presence of low ionic-strength acetate buffers at pH 4.2. The active enzyme-cellulose complex was used to convert starch substrates continuously to glucose in stirred reactors. Substrate concentrations as high as 30% could be quantitatively converted to glucose at a rate of more than 25 mg/min/liter at 55°C for periods of 3 to 4 weeks in a 4-liter reactor. Shutdowns were due to mechanical problems and not to loss of enzymes, which could be recovered with no appreciable loss of specific activity. Transfer products, such as isomaltose and panose, were present in immobilized enzyme-produced syrups but to no greater degree than in soluble glucoamylase digests of starch.
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  • 29
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971) 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 30
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 323-330 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The authors have investigated a special aspect of the transfer of oxygen: the aeration performance of small-scale suction-impellers in a suspension of activated sludge floes and a performance comparison with clear water. The principle of the impellers is, that in order to disperse air bubbles into the aforementioned liquids, all that we need do is a simple stirring. Due to the impellers the authors could not show a reduction of the oxygen transfer coefficient in the presence of sludge flocs. Former comparative studies of oxygen transfer, using a fixed orifice, did show a reduction in the presence of sludge flocs. Therefore, it seems probable that the effect of activated sludge flocs on the transfer coefficient is linked with the manner in which air is dispersed, i.e., depends on whether an orifice is fixed or moved. The experimental results allow presumption that by developing a high intensity of shear near the location where air bubbles are produced, we are able to minimize the effect of sludge flocs on the process of bubble formation.
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  • 31
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 335-336 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 32
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 331-334 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Studies were undertaken on the production of ergot alkaloids in saprophytic culture employing two strains of C. purpurea. In an attempt to improve the yield of the alkaloids and to develop a cheaper medium, the commonly used carbohydrate source, mannitol, was replaced with different types of starches and starchy materials as these are comparatively much cheaper than mannitol. Results indicated that, in stationary cultures, certain starches enhanced the yield greatly, while in shaker cultures starches could replace mannitol for equivalent yields.
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  • 33
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 337-352 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The catalytic activity of amyloglucosidase covalently attached to DEAE-cellulose was studied in a packed bed reactor and a continuous feed stirred tank reactor (CSTR) for the reaction maltose → glucose. At low flow rates mass-transfer limitations in the bed reactor lead to lower conversions for this reactor compared to the CSTR. Simple theoretical expressions for these reactors were compared with the experimental results. There are significant differences between the kinetic parameters and pH profile of the immobilized and free enzyme. The immobilized enzyme also showed greater stability at 50°C than did free amyloglucosidase. The temperature dependence of the reaction rate was the same for immobilized and free enzyme.
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  • 34
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 353-369 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Kinetic data of the reaction between sulphite ions and dissolved oxygen depend on the purity of sulphite used. Thus it is adequate to determine them for each batch and concentration of sulphite used. Besides the dependence of reaction rate constants on catalyst concentration, it is usually also required to know their dependence on pH and on temperature. Both quantities can change to a great extent especially in absorption apparatus in which high sulphite conversion occurs. They profoundly influence the value of the reaction rate constant. To get a complete picture of the influence of these three quantities without repeating extensive kinetic measurements for every kind and concentration of sulphite used, a method for obtaining information on the influence of all three quoted quantities in the range of values of interest for application is presented.
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  • 35
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 371-379 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Radioactive labeling experiments have shown that radioactivity from L-leucine-U-14C is incorporated into the L-N, β-dimethylleucine residue of the antibiotic etamycin, and that the N-methyl and β-methyl groups of this latter amino acid appear to be derived from L-methionine.
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  • 36
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Efficient production of xanthan gum by fermentation with Xanthomonas campestris NRRL B-1459 can be accomplished at concentrations of xanthan in the fermented broth 〉 3%. This level of more than twice that previously attained by us results from continuously controlling the fermentation pH with alkali. Only a slight decrease in fermentation rate and yield occurs. When ammonia is used for pH control, cell production more than doubles and fermentation time is shortened. However, xanthan yield is decreased by the diversion of additional sugar to growth.
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  • 37
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 393-398 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: To a Sepharose gel the pyridine nucleotide NAD(H) has been bound using dicyclohexyl carbodiimide. In order to improve the steric availability of the nucleotide for added soluble enzymes such as dehydrogenases, a spacer molecule, ε-amino caproic acid, was inserted between the carbohydrate matrix and the nucleotide. The obtained preparation contained 56 μmoles NAD+/g dry polymer. The obtained matrix-bound NAD(H) was accepted as coenzyme by added lactate dehydrogenase. These preparations were still active after storage for several weeks at 4° C and could be used repeatedly without loss of activity. This represents the first necessary step taken in the preparation of compact closed systems consisting of “enzyme-coenzyme-coenzyme-regenerating enzyme” bound to individual polymer beads; such systems eliminate the need for continuous coenzyme addition.
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  • 38
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 409-418 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: This study reports some findings on the death of mammalian cells occurring from fluid dynamic effects when they are pumped through capillaries. The cell strains used were human HeLa S3 and mouse L929, grown in monolayer culture. Cells were harvested and suspensions were pumped through various lengths and diameters of stainless steel capillary tubing. Viability of the cells was assayed by the dye exclusion test. Cell deaths occurred and could be correlated with either average wall shear or power dissipation within the capillary tube. L929 cells were found to be more sensitive than HeLa S3 cells at all shear rates tested.
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  • 39
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The chemical, physical, and biological properties of a group of phosphorus-containing antibiotics are reviewed. Included in this family of antibiotics are the following compounds or mixtures of compounds: diumycin, macarbomycin, moenomycin, prasinomycin, 803GRP, 11,837RP, and 19,402RP. Among the aspects discussed are: antimicrobial activity in vitro, long duration of activity, toxicity, use in animal nutrition, cross resistance, mode of action, chemical and physical properties, and degradation studies.
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  • 40
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 419-429 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The oxygen transfer coefficient estimated by both sulfite and dynamic methods and some of the rheological properties of fermentation broths derived from the batch cultivation of a mutant of U. maydis in a sugar cane juice substrate, are used in a scaling-up procedure on the basis of the power consumption per volume unit concept. The fluid was of the Binham plastic type; the Np-NRE correlations showed that the modified Reynolds numbers of the flat-blade turbine impellers were low, near to or in the laminar region; the Na-Pg/P relations were established and then used in the calculation regardless of the geometrical dissimilarities of the vessels. A change of scale from 5 to 50 liters was calculated and operated keeping the power per volume value constant. Reproduction of lysine yields, 2.5-3.2 g/liter, was repeatedly reached in 8 successive runs.
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  • 41
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 431-447 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A theory of diffusion control within hollow fiber catalysts is derived for three different types of coordinate geometries: Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical. Effectiveness factors are calculated and formulas for reactant conversion in both a fixed-bed and a contimunuous-feed stirred-tank reactor are derived. The apparent Michaelis constant, Km′, is a measure of the amount of diffusion control within the catalysts. When Km′ is equal to Km, the true Michaelis constant, there is no diffusion control. In all other cases Km′ is greater than Km. Hollow fibers are attractive alternatives to spherical microcapsules for the encapsulation of enzymes.
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  • 42
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 449-450 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 43
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 451-452 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 44
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971) 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 45
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 453-456 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 46
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 457-470 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A 30-liter apparatus for growing cells continuously is described. Samples are taken automatically, thus obviating one of the main causes of contamination. In order to eliminate the continuous introduction of a gas stream, the pH was kept constant by means of the injection of NH4OH or NaOH. Under these circumstances, and by means of the two methods of agitation described - rotary and “by Vibromixer” - a quantity of cells of approximately 4 × 1010 is harvested every 48 to 72 hr.
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  • 47
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 471-492 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: HeLa cells have been cultured at different controlled pH levels in batch suspension culture with open gas phase. Continuous monitoring of the dissolved oxygen tension throughout the culture cycle reveals a characteristic pattern of variation which correlates with various aspects of growth and carbohydrate metabolism. The effect of pH, size, and physiological state of the inoculum on this pattern have been determined, and the results are discussed in terms of a theoretical respiratory rate equation.
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  • 48
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 493-502 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Substrate inhibited enzyme reactions occurring in systems open to mass transfer may display multiple steady-state behavior. For a simple one-substrate case it is shown theoretically that the unstable steady-state region always lies within the conversion range of 50-100%. A criterion for the stability of a steady-state point is given. Numerical solutions of the appropriate transient equation show how the system approaches stable steady state in instances where there are three possible steady-state points. The consequences of the existence of an unstable region on the systems response to changes in its parameters is discussed.
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  • 49
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 503-515 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Two-step microbial transformation of 16α-hydroxycortexolone to its 1-dehydro-11α-hydroxy derivative, without isolating an intermediate, was achieved with an overall yield of 72% of product at a steroid substrate concentration of 3 mg/ml. The process included formation of the cycloborate complex of the substrate, hydroxylation of the borate complex with a suspension of Aspergillus ochraceus mycelium in phosphate buffer, and dehydrogenation of the 11α-hydroxylated intermediate with acetone-dried Arthrobacter simplex cells. The desired product was then obtained by breaking the resultant borate complex through acidification.
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 517-527 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The effect of inorganic nutrients on iron oxidation by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was studied using a concentration of 2.0 g Fe2+/liter. Besides ammonium-nitrogen and phosphorus, the essential nutrients were sulphate and magnesium, with the lowest unlimiting concentration being 2.0 g SO2-4/liter and 2.0 mg Mg2+/liter for a suspension of about 108 cells/ml. Omitting nitrate, calcium, potassium, and chloride had no influence on the iron oxidation. Nitrate and chloride were inhibitory in high concentrations although the bacteria were able to adapt to their presence. Several organic compounds tested in 0.5% (w/v) concentrations inhibited iron oxidation. Complete inhibition up to 14 days was caused by fructose, lactose, meat extract, yeast, extract, peptone, and tryptone. T. ferrooxidans-strains were able to adapt to the presence of organic material even though they were not necessarily able to use the organic compounds for energy. Some general conclusions are made concerning the role of nutrients in leaching processes.
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  • 51
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 549-560 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The rates of release of 7 enzymes from bakers' yeast have been measured. The disruption process did not cause loss of activity of these enzymes. The various operating pressures, temperatures, and initial yeast concentrations used did not affect the rates of enzyme release relative to protein release. The release of acid phosphatase and invertase was faster than the overall protein release. Alcohol, glucose-6-phosphate, and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenases were released slightly faster or at the same rate as the overall protein and alkaline phosphatase and fumarase were released more slowly. These observations correlate well with the reported locations of these enzymes in the yeast cell.
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  • 52
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 529-547 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Liquid phase coefficients were measured for the absorption of oxygen from air to the free interface in stirred vessels. Coefficients for absorption into soft water were independent of the instantaneous dissolved oxygen concentration. Coefficients for absorption into soft water containing a surface active agent were strongly dependent on the instantaneous dissolved oxygen level. The degree of nonlinearity of the coefficients was a function of the rate of agitation of the liquid. The coefficients were independent of the amount of surface active agent added above a very low level. Absorption coefficients for bubble aeration in the same vessels were independent of dissolved oxygen concentration even when the surface active agent was present.
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  • 53
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A process method has been developed for estimating rapidly the conversion of 9α-fluoro-16α-hydroxyhydrocortisone to 9α-fluoro-16α-hydroxyprednisolone in fermentation broths. This allows frequent analyses of samples during the fermentation cycle. The absorbance ratio determination of conversion of the steroids is based on the measurement of the absorbance of aqueous steroid borate complexes at 241.5 mμ and 271 mμ.
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  • 54
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 581-582 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 55
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 569-579 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A model based on diffusion mechanisms accounts for oxygen transfer from flowing nutrient medium into a film of organisms in slime. Profiles of dissolved oxygen concentration are generated at distances downstream from the start of the slime. In these studies, the nutrient medium was assumed rich, thus the rate of oxygen transport limited microbial respiration. Parameter sensitivity tests were performed for flow rate, oxygen concentration in the medium, and mass transfer coefficients.
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  • 56
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 583-588 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 57
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 589-589 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 58
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 591-596 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 59
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971) 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 60
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 599-618 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Oxygen transfer coefficient and oxygen respiration rate measurements in stirred tank reactors or fermentors have been carried out utilizing currently available dissolved oxygen electrodes. Techniques based on previously derived theory1 have been put to experimental tests and found to adequately describe the oxygen transfer phenomena observed in air-water systems and a fermenting broth.
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  • 61
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 619-628 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A detailed study of anaerobic yeast fermentations requires controlled addition of minor amounts of oxygen to the fermentor. A method for supplying small-scale fermentations with millimolar amounts of oxygen is described. The controlled addition is accomplished by diffusion of oxygen through silicone tubing carrying nitrogen to the fermentor. Sulfite values of the fermentation system are given for different gas velocities and lengths of silicone tubing. Two experiments are outlined in which this technique is applied and the possible energy yield from oxydative phosphorylation is discussed.
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  • 62
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 629-639 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Constant current voltametry was shown to be a suitable method for evaluation of electrodes containing immobilized oxidative enzymes as catalysts. The half-cell potential for the oxdidation of D-glucose at constant pH was measured at a series of constant dc currents, using glucose oxidase immobilized in a polyacrylamide gel-platinum gauze matrix as catalyst. Over the range studied the potential versus current data were linear and could be extrapolated to give the open-circuit half-cell potential at zero current. The difference between the measured potential and the open-circuit potential at a constant current was indicative of the loss in useful voltage due to concentration gradients within or adjacent to the enzyme electrode assembly. The relationship between the open-circuit potential and the pH of the reaction mixture was linear with a slope of -0.056, in good agreement with the predicted slope of -0.061.
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  • 63
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 919-922 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Additional Material: 2 Ill.
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  • 64
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 923-929 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Additional Material: 4 Ill.
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  • 65
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971) 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 66
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 1-16 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces carlsbergensis were grown in batch culture with and without oxygen control.The concentrations of A-, B- and C-type cytochromes of both yeasts were dependent on the oxygen concentration during growth as well as on the initial glucose concentration of the growth medium. S. cerevisiae cytochromes were maximal after growth in low glucose and low oxygen; S. carlsbergensis cytochromes were maximal after growth in low glucose and high oxygen. Except when glucose was in very low concentration, its catabolism by S. carlsbergensis was directed predominantly towards ethanolic fermentation regardless of the oxygen concentration. Growth rate, total cell mass and yield were maximal, and anabolism was closely balanced with catabolism, when glucose and oxygen of S. carlsbergensis cultures were both high. Under these conditions neither catabolism, respiratory or ethanolic, nor glucose uptake were maximal.
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  • 67
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 49-62 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Single cell protein production was studied in a mixed bacterial culture grown in methane using batch and continuous culture techniques. Overall productivity was found to be higher in the continuous culture which gave a maximum productivity value p = 0.15 g/l/h. Methane and oxygen were consumed in the relation 1 : 1.7. Yield coefficients for methane, oxygen, and ammonium chloride were YCH4 = 0.90, YO2 = 0.26, and YNH4Cl = 0.14. The crude protein content of the biomass was 71%.
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  • 68
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 703-707 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Additional Material: 3 Ill.
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  • 69
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971) 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 70
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 865-876 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A simple inexpensive apparatus with a working volume of 10 liters of culture is described. Details of construction and procedures for operation of the cyclone column vessel are given. The vessel is self-contained, so that experimental parameters of temperature and aeration are individually controlled; homogeneous mixing and representative sampling of the culture, besides control of foam without need for antifoam, are obtained. The vessel may be used in single or multistage systems for aerobic or anaerobic cultivation of organisms in batch, chemostat, or phased cultures.
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  • 71
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 911-917 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Additional Material: 5 Ill.
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  • 72
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (1971), S. 893-910 
    ISSN: 0006-3592
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The effects of dispersion and mass transfer resistance on the degree of conversion in an immobilized-enzyme reactor have been considered theoretically. It is assumed that the immobilized enzymes obey a Michaelis-Menten relationship and backmixing can be characterized by a dispersion model. For two extreme cases (perfect mixing and piston flow), approximate equations are obtained, which can be readily used to evaluate the effect of mass transfer on degree of conversion. Numerical solutions are obtained for other intermediate cases. Design charts are given which set practical limits of enzyme reactor design.
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  • 73
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    Cell & tissue research 121 (1971), S. 531-547 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Helical polyribosomes ; Skeletal muscle ; Polysomes ; Levator ani ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The localization and configurations of ribosomes in mature white skeletal muscle fibers of the rat were investigated. Differential visualization of ribosomes and glycogen granules was obtained by fixation with glutaraldehyde only and staining of the sections with uranyl acetate. Ribosomes are then electron dense and glycogen granules electron transparent. Their identity was ascertained by selective extractions of ribonucleic acid and polysaccharide. The vast majority of the ribosomes is not membrane-bound. They are located intermyofibrillarly (predominantly at the level of the I-bands), beneath the sarcolemma, and in the paranuclear cones of sarcoplasm. Occasionally short stretches of granular reticulum occur, often as characteristic double walled vesicles with ribosomes on the inner membrane only. Three main types of polysomal configurations are observed: rosettes of 4 to 6 ribosomes, helical arrays, and whorls of up to about 25 probably membrane-bound ribosomes. The average number of ribosomes in the extended helical configurations is estimated to be about 60. It is argued that these helices represent the polysomes instrumental in the synthesis of the large subunits of myosin. It is emphasized that helical polyribosomes are by no means typical of striated muscle, but probably represent a common configuration of large free polysomes.
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  • 74
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    Clinical and experimental medicine 154 (1971), S. 339-340 
    ISSN: 1591-9528
    Keywords: Blood sampling ; Rat ; Tail artery ; Blutentnahme ; Ratte ; Schwanzarterie
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Es wird die Punktion der Schwanzarterie der Ratte als Methode zur wiederholten Blutgewinnung bei diesem Versuchstier beschrieben.
    Notes: Summary The puncture of the tail artery in the rat is described as a method for repeated blood sampling in this animal.
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  • 75
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    Clinical and experimental medicine 156 (1971), S. 314-316 
    ISSN: 1591-9528
    Keywords: Rat ; Cardiopuncture ; Drawing of Blood ; Injektion ; Ratte ; Herzpunktion ; Blutentnahme ; Injektion
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Cardiopunkture in anesthesia is a rapid and accurate method for withdrawal of blood and injection without as many complications as suspected if carried out correctly. In the animal placed on its back a syringe with a gauge-24 needle is inserted in the left 4th or 5th intercostal space close to the sternum. When the needle is slowly pushed forward toward the spine continuous suction is exerted with the plunger. After blood has been drawn the needle is removed with a quick jerk. Thus when rats were punctured 8 to 18 times only 1 animal died of a hemopericard in 275 punctures. No other complication could be observed.
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  • 76
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    Cell & tissue research 122 (1971), S. 283-300 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Paraventricular nucleus ; Rat ; Synthesis of hormones ; Acid phosphatase ; Osmium impregnation ; Neurosecretion
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The ultrastructural features of the paraventricular neurones of the non-treated rat are presented comparing them with those of the supraoptic neurones. No striking differences are seen between the general electron microscopic characteristics of the paraventricular and supraoptic neurones. The importance of adequate fixation to obtain good preservation of the neurones is emphasized, since inadequate fixation can cause e.g. artefactual appearance of “dark neurones”. The previously presented classification of the neurosecretory neurones into two categories (e.g. “light and dark neurones”) on the basis of the number of ribosomes is not considered justifiable, since their number can vary to a very great extent even within a single cell. The synthesis of neurosecretory products in the paraventricular neurones obviously follows the general mode of the synthesis of secretory proteins: ribosomes—RER—Golgi complex—secretory vesicles. On the basis of the localization of heavy metal deposits after osmium impregnation and demonstration of acid phosphatase the Golgi complex of the paraventricular neurones is found to be polarized. The direction of the polarity is discussed. The substructures of the dense cores of the neurosecretory granules and of the contents of the lysosomal dense bodies are nearly identical. Therefore it is considered impossible to determine positively the nature of the dark condensed material within the Golgi complex. The characteristics of the immature neurosecretory granules and the possibility of releasing neurosecretory products into the cytoplasm already within the perikarya are speculated.
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  • 77
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Smooth muscle ; Two-filament system ; Small intestine ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The structure of glycerinated smooth muscle from small intestine of adult rat was investigated by electron microscopy. In the central parts of the tissue blocks a two-filament system was found, consisting of parallel thick and thin filaments with regularly spaced interconnections, closely resembling that of striated muscle. In the peripheral parts of the blocks only thin filaments were found. The thin filaments were identified as actin by the formation of arrowhead complexes after incubation with heavy meromyosin.
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  • 78
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    Cell & tissue research 121 (1971), S. 292-300 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Tissue Mast Cells ; Rat ; Regeneration ; Monocytes ; Peritoneal Exudates ; Cytochemistry
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Die Regeneration von Gewebsmastzellen wurde durch Untersuchungen von Peritonealexsudat erwachsener Ratten verfolgt, die häufigen Spülungen der Bauchhöhle unterworfen wurden. Innerhalb von 4–6 Tagen kommt es zu einer starken Vermehrung unreifer Gewebszellen. Die Ausbildung von Alcianblau-positiven unreifen Granula in ungranulierten Vorstufen benötigt etwa 6 Std. Die Ausbildung von Safranin-positiven reifen Granula vollzieht sich in 48 Std. Die Ergebnisse der zytochemischen Untersuchungen unreifer Mastzellvorstufen sprechen für eine monozytogene Entstehung der Gewebsmastzellen.
    Notes: Summary In adult rats, the regeneration of tissue mast cells in peritoneal exudates was studied by repeated peritoneal lavages. After 4–6 days, tissue mast cells appeared in great numbers in peritoneal exudates. Alcian blue positive granules were first noted at 6 hrs in agranular mast cell precursors. Maturation with accumulation of safraninpositive granules was complete after 48 hrs. The cytochemical reactions of the earliest tissue mast cell precursors suggest a monocytogenic origin of tissue mast cells.
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  • 79
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    Cell & tissue research 113 (1971), S. 157-173 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Prostate ; Development ; Ultrastructure ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The postnatal development of the rat prostate has been studied with the electron microscope. Major developmental changes begin during the second week after birth and involve organelles associated with the formation of secretions. The amount of granular endoplasmic reticulum and the size of the Golgi complex increase greatly. Large vacuoles that probably contain secretory material are formed, and the lumen of the prostatic acini appears to contain secreted material. Large lysosomes with polymorphic interiors are present as early as 10 days after birth, and they become numerous by the end of the third week. Differences in fine structure between the different lobes of the prostate are detectable in 10–14 day old rats. The subsequent differentiation of the granular endoplasmic reticulum into the forms characteristic of the different prostatic lobes is described. The initial changes in the prostate occur in advance of sexual maturity of the animal, and the adult appearance of the gland is attained by 4–5 weeks after birth.
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  • 80
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    Cell & tissue research 121 (1971), S. 171-180 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Nerve endings ; Epithelium ; Rat ; Electronmicroscopy
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Im Anschluß an frühere lichtmikroskopisch erhobene Befunde (Silberimprägnation; 1924, 1928) weist der Verfasser durch elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen nach, daß durch die Interzellularspalten des Epithels (Schnauze der weißen Ratte) Nervenfasern hindurchziehen. Diese Nervenfäserchen, ihre Varikositäten und ihre Endknöpfchen liegen in den Spalten zwischen den Epithelzellen. Die Ultrastruktur der nackten, d.h. von Schwannschen Zellen nicht umhüllten terminalen Nervenfasern und ihrer Endigungen im Epithel wird beschrieben.
    Notes: Summary In addition to former light microscopical observations the author demonstrates electronmicroscopically that nerve fibers pass through the intercellular spaces of the epithelium. The nerve fibers, their varicosities and terminal bulbs lie within the spaces between the epithelial cells. The ultrastructure of the terminal nerve fibers in the epithelium is described.
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  • 81
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Ependyma ; Thiobarbiturate narcosis ; Cell nucleus shrinkage ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Im Ependym des Hypothalamus wurde das Verhalten der Zellkern-Membran nach ausgedehnter intraperitonealer Thiobarbiturat-Narkose untersucht. Die Kernmembran ist gefaltet, der Zellkern zeigt Zeichen von Schrumpfung. Diese Veränderung ist reversibel und wird nicht von der mit der Narkose verbundenen Entwässerung verursacht. Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen lassen einen normalen Stoffwechsel vermuten, Zeichen von Pyknose fehlen.
    Notes: Summary Effects on the nuclear membrane were investigated in hypothalamic ependymal cells of the rat during prolonged intraperitoneal thiobarbiturate narcosis. The nuclear membrane of the nucleus was folded and the nucleus showed signs of shrinkage. These alterations were reversible and did not depend on the dehydration which developed during the narcosis. Ultrastructural signs and the absence of pyknosis suggested that metabolism during nuclear shrinkage may be normal.
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  • 82
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Substantia nigra ; Rat ; Incorparation of 3H-Dopamine, 3H-Serotonin and 3H-Norepinephrine ; Axo-dendritic Synapses ; Autoradiography
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary In autoradiographies of substantia nigra in rat, it has been observed that after intraventricular injections of 3H-dopamine and 3H-norepinephrine respectively the silvergrains are accumulated in nigra neurons and their dendritic branches. The incorporation was more pronounced in the case of 3H-norepinephrine than 3H-dopamine. This seems to indicate that exogenous norepinephrine may have stronger affinity to nigra neurons and their dendrites than exogenous dopamine. In addition, some 3H-dopamine and 3H-norepinephrine labelled nerve terminals were observed in axo-dendritic synapses. In contrast to these data, 3H-5HTP and 3H-5HT administration showed almost all silver grains accumulated in the neuropil when observed in light microscopic autoradiography. Electron micrographs further reveal that the incorporation of 3H-5HTP and 3H-5HT was mostly within axo-dendritic boutons with more frequent dense core vesicles. These data again strongly suggest that substantia nigra receives a large number of serotoninergic fibres forming axo-dendritic synapses which may play an important role in modulation of substantia nigra function.
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  • 83
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    Cell & tissue research 117 (1971), S. 191-211 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Sensory neurons ; Rat ; Nerve section ; Neurofilaments ; Neurofibrils
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Sensory neurons were examined in spinal ganglia of the rat 1 to 55 days after section of the plexus brachialis nerves. Only “light” neurons of the type A were investigated. Maximal reaction to axotomy was found 7 to 14 days after the operation. The majority of the axotomized perikarya developed central chromatolysis. In such neurons, Nissl bodies virtually disappeared from the central area of the neuron and formed a more or less continuous zone at the cell circumference. The cytocentrum became filled with large numbers of mitochondria, dense bodies and other organelles. Neurofilaments and microtubules were disarranged and ran at random among the accumulated particles. Microtubules were often more prominent in chromatolytic areas than neurofilaments. Both these organelles were rare in the peripheral areas filled with massed Nissl substance. Part of the neurons that did not show typical chromatolysis contained increased numbers of neurofilaments among Nissl bodies dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. Neurofilaments were roughly arrayed in bundles up to several microns wide; they were linked by cross-bridges and separated by distances of about 500 Å. Microtubules were rarely found in the filamentous areas. However, they were numerous in the axon hillock and in the initial segment where they formed fascicles similar to those described in normal neurons of other types. During the period from 14 to 55 days after axotomy, many perikarya recovering from chromatolysis contained enlarged bundles of neurofilaments with occasional microtubules among the restored Nissl bodies. Mean diameters of sensory neurons, measured 7 to 55 days after axotomy, in no instance exceeded those of contralateral control neurons. It thus appears that sensory perikarya do not increase in size either during the chromatolytic process or during the period of recovery.
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  • 84
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    Cell & tissue research 119 (1971), S. 334-354 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Fat absorption ; Small intestine ; Rat ; Micropinocytosis ; Circadian rhythm
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Untersuchung will klären, welche Rolle die Mikropinocytose bei der Fettresorption spielt und ob die Fettresorption tagesrhythmische Schwankungen aufweist. Zu diesem Zweck wurde Fett zu verschiedenen Tages- und Nachtzeiten in abgebundene Jejunumabschnitte von Ratten injiziert, das Darmgewebe in verschiedenen Abständen licht- und elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht und die Zahl der mikropinocytotischen Invaginationen der Enterocyten bestimmt. Folgende Resultate wurden erzielt: Die Häufigkeit der Mikropinocytose (mikropinocytotische Invaginationen/100 Mikrovilli) beträgt bei Hungertieren 4,78, bei Normaltieren 5,06, 1 min nach Gabe von Mazolachymus 3,55, 1/16 m NaCl-Lösung 4,37, Butterschmalz 5,50, Rindertalg 7,16, Schweineschmalz 7,66 und Mazola 9,25; 2 1/2 min nach Mazolagabe 8,23, nach 5 min 7,67, nach 10 min 6,76. Zwischen 10 und 15 min wird der Ausgangswert erreicht. Aufgrund statistischer Auswertung der Befunde wird geschlossen, daß Fett vor allem in den Frühstadien der Fettresorption durch Mikropinocytose aufgenommen werden könnte. Ferner zeigt sich, daß die Mikropinocytosehäufigkeit entscheidend von der chemischen Zusammensetzung und dem physikalischchemischen Zustand der verabreichten Fette beeinflußt werden dürfte. — Lichtmikroskopisch wurde nachgewiesen, daß die Fettresorption charakteristische, tagesrhythmische Schwankungen aufweist. Um 2.00 Uhr ist sie am stärksten, um 14.00 Uhr am geringsten. Es wird diskutiert, worauf die tagesrhythmischen Unterschiede zurückzuführen sind.
    Notes: Summary The present study attempts to elucidate (a) to what extent micropinocytosis is involved in the process of fat absorption and (b) whether fat absorption shows a circadian rhythm. For this purpose rats were given 0.1 to 0.15 ml of fat directly into the upper jejunum at various times of the day and night. 20 sec to 20 min after administration of fat small pieces of the jejunum were rapidly dissected out, the tissue examined by means of light- and electron microscopy, and the number of micropinocytotic pits occurring in the enterocytes during fat absorption was determined. The following results were obtained: The frequency of micropinocytosis (micropinocytotic pits/100 microvilli) is as follows: in starved rats 4.78, in normal rats 5.06, 1 min after administration of corn oil chyme 3.55, 1/16 m NaCl-solution 4.37, clarified butter 5.50, ox tallow 7.16, lard 7.66, corn oil 9.25; 2 1/2 min after administration of corn oil 8.23, after 5 min 7.67, and after 10 min 6.76. Between 10 and 15 min the number of micropinocytotic pits reverses to normal. From statistical analysis of the results it is concluded that micropinocytosis can play a significant role in the early stages of fat absorption. The experiments show in addition that micropinocytosis is greatly influenced by the chemical composition and the physico-chemical state of the administered fat.—Light microscopic studies indicate that fat absorption varies considerably during the 24 hr period. The highest absorption was found at 2 a.m., the lowest at 2 p.m.
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  • 85
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Neurosecretory cells ; Rat ; Cytoplasmic bodies resembling nucleoli ; Paranucleolar and coiled bodies
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary A distinctive cytoplasmic inclusion, termed nucleolus-resembling body, was identified in the neurons, but not in the glial cells, of the medial vascular prechiasmatic gland, the preoptic recess and the anterior part of the suprachiasmatic area in the rat. This ultrastructure which lacks a limiting membrane is made of an entanglement of tightly packed filaments, 60–70 Å in diameter. Each filament consists of smaller units, 15–20 Å thick. Usually, only one such ultrastructure is present in a cell, but at time two were identified. It is present in most neurosecretory cells. It is surrounded by polyribosomes in the perikaryon of the nerve cells. Furthermore, it is linked to peripherally located ribosomes by means of filaments, 70 Å in diameter. A possible function in protein synthesis of structural components, such as neurofilaments, is hypothesized. Two distinctive fibrillar areas were identified in the nucleolus according to the tightness with which fibrils were packed together. Their significance is discussed. Nucleolar extrusions were never observed in our studies. Paranucleolar and coiled bodies were identified in the nuclear sap. The mechanism of formation and the significance of these bodies are discussed.
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  • 86
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Adenohypophysis ; Pars intermedia ; Corticotrophic cells ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Résumé Nos observations démontrent l'existence de deux types de cellules glandulaires dans la pars intermedia de l'hypophyse du rat: des cellules propres, à M.S.H., dont les grains de sécrétion sont détruits par la fixation osmiée et relativement bien conservés par la fixation au glutaraldéhyde; des cellules à petits grains denses, osmio-résistants, qui s'apparentent morphologiquement aux éléments corticotropes de l'antéhypophyse. L'existence bien connue d'A.C.T.H. ou, plus précisément, d'un facteur ≪A.C.T.H.-like≫ dans le lobe neuro-intermédiaire nous fait considérer comme très vraisemblable la nature corticotrope de ce deuxième type cellulaire de la pars intermedia.
    Notes: Summary Two types of glandular cells have been shown to occur in the intermediate lobe of the rat hypophysis: 1) M.S.H. producing cells whose secretory granules are destroyed by osmium fixation and relatively well preserved by glutaraldehyde fixation, 2) cells with small dense osmium resistant granules being morphologically similar to the corticotrophic cells of the anterior lobe. The well known occurrence of A.C.T.H. or, more precisely, of an “A.C.T.H.-like” factor in the neuro-intermediate lobe makes the corticotrophic nature of this second cell type very likely.
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  • 87
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    Cell & tissue research 116 (1971), S. 61-69 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Paraventricular nucleus ; Rat ; Types of neurons ; TRF-synthesis
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The ultrastructural aspects of the paraventricular nucleus and its neuropil are described in the normal rat. Two types of neurons can be distinguished morphologically. The first type contains numerous dense-core vesicles (mean diameter: 140 nm). The cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum are arranged parallely at the periphery of the cell body. The second type of neuron contains a few dense-core vesicles (mean diameter: 75 nm) and the endoplasmic reticulum is randomly distributed in the cytoplasm. In the neuropil, two types of dense-core vesicles are observed in separated axons. The histogram of the distribution of their mean diameter clearly indicates a double population of vesicles. The signification of the second type of neuron in the paraventricular nucleus is discussed and its possible relation to TRF synthesis is evoked.
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  • 88
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    Cell & tissue research 116 (1971), S. 136-150 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Adrenal cortex ; Rat ; Sex difference ; ACTH ; Electron microscopy
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Die Nebennierenrinde von 178 Sprague-Dawley-Ratten wurde elektronenmikroskopisch von der 1.–12. Lebenswoche unter Normalbedingungen sowie nach s.c. Injektion von 3 IE ACTH/100 g Körpergewicht innerhalb von 2 min — 24 Std untersucht. Ab der 5. Lebenswoche unterscheiden sich die Nebennieren von Weibchen im Bereich der äußeren Zona fasciculata durch Kernvergrößerung, größere Mitochondrien und kleindisperse Liposomen von denen der Männchen. Zyklusbedingte Schwankungen in der Ultrastruktur der weiblichen Nebennierenrinde bestehen nicht. Nach ACTH-Applikation nähert sich das Nebennierenbild des Männchen innerhalb von 30 min dem des unbehandelten Weibchens. Außerdem kommt es bei beiden Geschlechtern durch ACTH zu einer Dispersion und Reduktion der Liposomen, Vergrößerung des Golgiapparates und der Zellkerne, Ausweitung des endoplasmatischen Retikulums und Vermehrung der Mikrovilli. Der Geschlechtsdimorphismus wird funktionell erklärt.
    Notes: Summary 178 Sprague-Dawley-rats were studied by electron microscopy from the 1st to the 12th week of life under normal conditions and after s. c. injection of 3 I. U. ACTH/100 gbodyweight from 2 min to 24 hours. Beginning with the 5th week of life females differ from males by small dispersed liposomes and enlarged nuclei and mitochondria in the outer z. fasciculata. There is no change in the ultrastructure of the female adrenal cortex depending on the sexual cycle. After application of ACTH the adrenal cortex of males assimilates to the untreated females within 30 min. After ACTH-application both sexes show dispersion and reduction of liposomes, dilation of endoplasmatic reticulum, increasement of microvilli and enlargement of the Golgi apparatus. The sex-dimorphism is interpreted by functional differences.
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  • 89
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Adrenergic neurons ; “Short” and “long” systems ; Pre- and postnatal development ; Peripheral organs ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The adrenergic innervation in the submaxillary gland, heart, kidney, small intestine, and accessory male genital organs and the development of the adrenal chromaffin cells and the sympathetic ganglia were studied in the rat from 15 days post coitum to 16 days post partum using the fluorescence histochemical method of Falck and Hillarp. The postnatal development of the noradrenaline concentrations in the heart and vas deferens was followed by fluorometric determinations. At about 15 days post coitum, the anlagen of the sympathetic chains were well visible in the form of two dorsal segmented columns of small branching sympathicoblasts exhibiting an intense catecholamine fluorescence. In the midline, ventrally to these two anlagen, another column of sympathicoblasts developed; this seemed to give rise to the prevertebral ganglia and to the short adrenergic neurons supplying the internal genital organs. At the level of the adrenal anlagen, small intensely fluorescent chromaffin cells were collected in two bilateral groups which became enclosed by adreno-cortical cells. This enclosure was, however, not complete even at two weeks post partum. Bundles of growing sympathetic nerves were visible in the periphery of the various organs studied at 19–21 days post coitum. A terminal innervation of the organs suggestive of a functional transmitter mechanism did not start to establish until at or immediately after birth. The final pattern of innervation was usually reached at about one week post partum, and the following development proceeded largely in the form of a quantitative increase in the number of nerves participating in the innervation apparatus. The adult level of noradrenaline in the heart and vas deferens was reached three to five weeks after birth. The small intestine was an exception in that the final pattern of innervation in the wall was attained immediately after birth. There was no overt difference in the rate of development of the terminal sympathetic innervation in organs supplied by short adrenergic neurons (accessory male genital organs) compared to the innervation of the submaxillary gland, heart and kidney, which receive classical long adrenergic neurons.
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  • 90
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    Cell & tissue research 119 (1971), S. 58-67 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Ovary ; Rat ; Fowl ; Granulosa cells ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The granulosa cells of the ovarian follicle of the rat and the domestic fowl have been studied with the light and electron microscope. The nuclei of the granulosa cells were irregular with indentations and large in proportion to the cytoplasm of the cell. The mitochondria had a dense, dark matrix with only few cristac. The Golgi apparatus was moderately developed, located towards the oocyte in a juxtanuclear position. The endoplasmic reticulum was rather sparse. Lipid droplets were only occasionally encountered. Microtubules were regularly observed. The functions of the granulosa cells are discussed. Compared with the steroid-producing cells of the theca interna of the same follicles, the granulosa cells primarily are the nursing cells for the growing oocyte and mainly have the characteristics of protein forming cells.
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  • 91
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    Cell & tissue research 114 (1971), S. 271-280 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Thymus ; Rat ; Involution ; Reticulum-Cells ; Electron microscopy
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung 1. Entodermale Thymus-Retikulumzellen neugeborener Wistar-Ratten enthalten häufig helle Vesikel mit enger räumlicher Beziehung zum Golgi-Apparat. Bei 13 Monate alten Ratten fehlen diese Vesikel. 2. Die Tatsache, daß die Häufigkeit heller Vesikel mit fortschreitendem Lebensalter abnimmt, findet ihre Parallele in der von anderer Seite getroffenen Feststellung, daß die Bildung eines humoralen Faktors im Thymus im Laufe der Zeit eingeschränkt wird. 3. Diese Koinzidenz läßt an die Möglichkeit denken, die hellen Vesikel könnten ein morphologisches Äquivalent der Bildung eines Thymuswirkstoffes sein. 4. In entodermalen Thymus-Retikulumzellen 13 Monate alter Ratten finden sich große Vakuolen mit granulärem Inhalt. Ihre Bildung beginnt schon vor der Thymusinvolution. Sie entstehen wahrscheinlich durch Phagozytose oder Aufnahme zelleigenen Materials, das nicht weiter abbaufähig ist. 5. Da diese Einschlüsse mit fortgesetzem Alter an Zahl und Größe zunehmen, scheinen sie als Ausdruck einer Beeinträchtigung der Stoffwechselvorgänge im Zytoplasma ein erstes morphologisch faßbares Symptom der frühzeitigen physiologischen Involution des Thymus zu sein.
    Notes: Summary 1. Entodermal reticulum cells of new born Wistar rats frequently contain clear vesicles with close connection to the Golgifield. These vesicles do not occur in reticulum cells of 13 months old rats. 2. The frequency of these clear vesicles decreases with advancing age obviously in the same way as the production of a humoral thymic factor reported by several investigators. 3. This observation agrees with the hypothesis that the clear vesicles are the morphological equivalent of the production of a humoral thymus factor. 4. Entodermal reticulum cells of 13 months old Wistar rats contain large vacuoles filled with electron dense, granulated materials. The formation of these vacuoles starts already before the beginning of the thymus involution. Possibly they are produced by phagocytosis or necrobiosis and contain deposits of material that cannot undergo further degradation. 5. The increase of these vacuoles in number and size with advancing age may be considered as equivalent of the deterioration of metabolism responsible for early involution of the thymus.
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  • 92
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    Cell & tissue research 115 (1971), S. 30-45 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Adrenal Cortex ; ACTH ; Autoradiography ; Stereology ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The changes occurring in rat adrenocortical cells (zona fasciculata) during an 8 day period of treatment with ACTH, were investigated by morphometric and autoradiographic methods. The most important ultrastructural change consists in a conspicuous increase in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, that accounts for about 50% of the total increase of cellular volume. Also the mitochondrial fraction shows a significant increase, which is found to be due both to the increment in the number of mitochondria per cell and to the increase in the mean volume of organelles themselves. The quantitative autoradiographic data, indicating an increment in the incorporation of 3H-orotate and 3H-leucine into adrenocortical cells of the treated animals, allow us to conclude that the ACTH-induced ultrastructural changes are the morphological expression of a stimulation of the cellular protein synthesis. Since mitochondria are largely autonomous in the synthesis of their enzymes and structural proteins, it is possible to hypothesize that ACTH also intervenes in the regulation of the mitochondrial protein synthesis.
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  • 93
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    Cell & tissue research 116 (1971), S. 119-135 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Adrenal cortex ; Rat ; Sex difference ; Light microscopy ; Histometry
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung An 260 männlichen und weiblichen Sprague-Daweley-Ratten vom 0. Lebenstag bis zur 12. Lebenswoche wird die geschlechtsdifferente Entwicklung der Nebennierenrinde histologisch und histometrisch verfolgt. Von der 4. Lebenswoche an ist die weibliche Fasciculatazelle durch ein helles, fein-granuläres Cytoplasma ohne distinkt abgrenzbare Fettvakuolen ausgezeichnet, während beim Männchen in einem kompakten Cytoplasma zunehmend größere, deutlich begrenzte Vakuolen auftreten. Im Blindversuch gelingt aufgrund dieser Kriterien die Geschlechtsdiagnose mit großer Treffsicherheit. Nach histometrischen Untersuchungen sind die weiblichen Fasciculatakerne größer als die männlichen. Bei größerem Zellvolumen ist die Kernzahl/Flächeneinheit beim Weibchen von der Pubertät an kleiner. Die Glomerulosa und die inneren Rindenschichten zeigen keine Geschlechtsdifferenzen. Fermenthistochemisch ist eine Geschlechtsdifferenz nicht nachweisbar. Die relative Zellhypertrophie in der Fasciculata der weiblichen Nebennierenrinde ist das morphologische Äquivalent eines geschlechtsdifferenten Steroidmetabolismus bei der Ratte.
    Notes: Summary In 260 male and female Sprague-Dawley CD rats the sex dependent development of the adrenal cortex was studied histologically and by histometric procedures. Beginning in the 4th week of life the parenchymal cells in the fasciculata of the female animals are characterized by a light, finely granular cytoplasm without distinct lipid vacuoles. In the males, however, the cells show a dense, compact cytoplasm with clearly visible vacuoles increasing in size. In a blind test the sex diagnosis can be established with great accuracy. Histometrically the nuclei in the female fasciculata cells are larger than in the males. Furthermore, caused by a larger cell volume the number of nuclei per square unit is smaller in postpuberal females. The glomerulosa and the inner parts of the cortex do not show any sex differences, nor does enzyme histochemistry. The relative cellular hypertrophy in the fasciculata of the female adrenal cortex represents the morphologic equivalent of the sexual differences in the rats steroid metabolism.
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  • 94
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    Cell & tissue research 116 (1971), S. 151-156 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Adrenal cortex ; Innervation ; Receptors ; Rat ; Pig
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The innervation of the adrenal cortex of the rat and the pig is investigated with the electron microscope. Nerve fibers containing synaptic and two types of dense-cored vesicles come into contact with endocrine cells. There are no specialized pre- and postsynaptic membranes. The synaptic cleft is about 200 Å wide. Generally the basement membrane between nerve and cell is absent. These observations are discussed on the base of more recent experimental findings. Small fibers having an average diameter of about 0.2 to 0.5 μ and containing only tubules and filaments are considered to represent parts of an afferent nervous system.
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  • 95
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Nematosomes ; Subsynaptic web ; Microfilamentous cytoplasmic network ; Neurosecretory cells ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary An electron microscope study of the rat supraoptic nucleus, substantia nigra, neostriatum and periventricular preoptic area demonstrates that nematosomes are present within the perikaryon of neurons located in these structures. The latter structure may be found in close association with the subsynaptic web of axosomatic synapses. Numerous micro-filaments fan out from the nematosome and link the latter organelle to the ribosomes, the cytoplasmic membranes and the plasma membrane thus establishing an interwoven filamentous cytoplasmic network. A possible close relationship between the nematosomes and the neurofilaments and neurotubules is discussed.
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  • 96
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    Cell & tissue research 118 (1971), S. 243-248 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Arteriovenous anastomoses ; Valve mechanism ; Rat ; Skin of the paw
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung In der dorsalen Haut der Hinterpfoten von Ratten wurden Klappen am Abgang kleinerer Gefäße von großen Arterien beobachtet. Diese Arterien verlaufen in einer subkutanen, größere Gefäße und Nerven führenden Bindegewebsschichte über den Streckersehnen. Die kleineren Gefäße haben den Wandbau einer Vene und zweigen etwa im rechten Winkel von der Arterie ab. An ihrer Abgangsstelle ist neben den Klappen manchmal ein sphinkterartiger Muskelring ausgebildet. Diese Gefäßabschnitte werden für arterio-venöse Anastomosen gehalten und auf die Bedeutung solcher an dieser Stelle bisher nicht beschriebenen Verschlußeinrichtungen für die Regulation der Kurzschlüsse wird hingewiesen.
    Notes: Summary In the dorsal skin of the hindpaws of rats valves were observed at those sites where smaller vessels branched from larger arteries. These arteries run in a subcutaneous layer of connective tissue, which lies above the extensor tendons and in which the larger vessels and nerves are found. These smaller vessels, the walls of which resemble those of veins, were seen branching off at approximate right angles to their artery of origin. Besides the valves a sphincterlike muscle ring was observed in some cases at the point of branching. These vascular segments are held to be arteriovenous anastomoses. Such “locking devices” at these points have not been described until now and seem to be important in the regulation of arteriovenous shunts.
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  • 97
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    Cell & tissue research 119 (1971), S. 378-383 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Seminal vesicles ; Rat ; Epithelium ; Proliferation activity ; Autoradiography
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung An 12 männlichen weißen Wistarratten unterschiedlichen Alters wurde autoradiographisch die Proliferation des Samenblasenepithels zur Zeit der Pubertät geprüft. Die Tiere waren 21, 29, 40, 50, 60 und 180 Tage alt und erhielten 1 Std vor der Tötung durch Dekapitation 2,5 μC 3H-Thymidin/g Körpergewicht i. p. appliziert. Ausgewertet wurden Autoradiogramme nach einer Expositionszeit von 18 Tagen; bestimmt wurde der Prozentsatz der markierten Zellkerne (3H-Index). Im Gegensatz zu dem bekannten exponentiellen Abfall des 3H-Indexes bei nicht-hormonabhängigen Leberepithelien jugendlicher Ratten kommt es beim Epithel der Samenblasen um den 40. Lebenstag zu einem erneuten, starken Proliferationsschub. Diese starke Wachstumszunahme ist wahrscheinlich der proliferationskinetische Ausdruck der nach Steinberger (1970) zur gleichen Zeit stattfindenden hormonellen Umschaltung in den Testes. Anschließend geht das Vermehrungswachstum des jugendlichen Tieres, durch das die Zellzahl erhöht wird, in das Erhaltungswachstum über; der 3H-Index des Samenblasenepithels erreicht den Wert des erwachsenen Tieres.
    Notes: Summary In 12 male white rats (Wistar) the proliferative activity of the epithelial cells in the seminal vesicles was studied by autoradiography. The animals were 21, 29, 40, 50, 60 and 180 days old. Each animal was given 2.5 μC/g 3H-thymidine and was killed 1 hour thereafter. We analysed the autoradiograms recording the percentage of labelled nuclei (3H-index). While the 3H-index of the non hormone-dependent epithelial cells in the liver of young rats declines continously with growing age (Stocker et al., 1964), the epithelial cells in the seminal vesicles of 40 days old rats show a remarkable rise in their proliferative activity. It is quite possible that this new peak in the proliferation is the morphological result of a preceeding switch in hormonal production of the testes as reported by Steinberger (1970). Thereafter the growth proliferation of the young rats declines into the steady state of the grown up.
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  • 98
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    New York, NY : Wiley-Blackwell
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 5 (1971) 
    ISSN: 0020-7608
    Keywords: Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling ; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
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  • 99
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    New York, NY : Wiley-Blackwell
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 5 (1971), S. 1-11 
    ISSN: 0020-7608
    Keywords: Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling ; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
    Notes: The finite Gaussian Expansion method for molecular integrals proposed by Taketa, O-ohata and Huzinaga has been extended to the integrals of molecular properties. The integral formulas of so-called moment, field and field gradient integrals have been derived. It has been numerically shown that in order to evaluate the field and the field gradient integrals based on Slater type orbitals, eight- or ten-term Gaussian expansions are sufficient but this method fails to attain sufficient effective numbers for the moment integrals.
    Additional Material: 3 Tab.
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  • 100
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    New York, NY : Wiley-Blackwell
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 5 (1971), S. 35-65 
    ISSN: 0020-7608
    Keywords: Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling ; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
    Notes: The quantum theory of light absorption by a pair of neighboring absorbers is developed in the point dipole approximation for the circumstance where excited states decay only by radiative damping. Comparison with classical local field theories, in which the monomers are represented by constant, frequency-dependent complex polarizabilities, shows that these local field theories are valid for non-harmonic absorbers only in the weak interaction limit, and only when there exist no states with both monomers simultaneously excited (e.g. one excited vibrationally, the other electronically) that are nearly degenerate with the single excitation states and also connected to them by appreciable transition moments. Failure of the local field theories is, thus, shown to be a consequence of the non-harmonic nature of real absorbers.Using a general relation between the level-shift function and complex polarizability, a recipe is formulated for calculating the complex polarizability and spectrum of a dimer.
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