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  • 1970-1974  (177)
  • 1910-1914
  • 1900-1904
  • 1890-1899
  • 1974  (177)
  • Ultrastructure  (92)
  • Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics  (85)
  • 1
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    Anatomy and embryology 145 (1974), S. 169-186 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Renal innervation ; Rat ; Peripheral nerves ; Neuroeffector zones ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung In der Rattenniere werden die muskelzellhaltigen arteriellen Gefäße und der juxtaglomeruläre Apparat innerviert. Blutgefäße mit Pericyten, porenhaltige Capillaren sowie die Tubuli der Rinde und des Markes werden nicht von Nervenfasern begleitet. Ganglienzellen wurden in der Rattenniere nicht beobachtet. Periphere Nerven mit einem ein-bis zweischichtigen Perineurium kommen im paravasalen Gewebe der Interlobar- und Arcuata-Arterien vor; sie enthalten neben zahlreichen marklosen Nervenfasern gewöhnlich auch 2–4 markhaltige. Nervenfaser-Bündel ohne perineurale Scheide finden sich im paravasalen Gewebe der Arcuata- und Interlobular-Arterien. Darüber hinaus sind in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft der großen Arterien (Interlobar-, Arcuata- und Inter-lobular-arterien) und der Vasa afferentia marklose Nervenfasern und freie Axone vorhanden, die auch die proximalen Abschnitte der Vasa efferentia der subcapsulären und intermediären Rindenschicht begleiten. Im Nierenmark werden die juxtamedullären Vasa efferentia und die Arteriolae rectae innerviert; marklose Nervenfasern und freie Axone sind nur bis zur Außen-Innenstreifen-Grenze nachweisbar. Die Innervation der muskelzellhaltigen arteriellen Gefäße erfolgt durch aufgetriebene Axonabschnitte (Neuroeffektor-Zonen), die vorwiegend agranuläre Vesikel enthalten. Diese Strukturen liegen stets an der Grenze von Adventitia und Media bzw. Elastica externa; zwischen den glatten Muskelzellender Media wurden keine vesikelhaltigen Axonabschnitte gefunden. Als minimaler Abstand zwischen den vesikelhaltigen Axonabschnitten und den von einer Basalmembran umschlossenen glatten Muskelzellen (neuromuskuläre Distanz) wurden 600 Å gemessen. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse werden mit den fluoreszenzmikroskopischen und histochemischen Untersuchungen über die adrenerge und cholinerge Innervation der Niere verglichen. Die sich aus diesem Vergleich ergebenden Probleme und funktionellen Konsequenzen für die Innervation der Niere sowie die Natur der cholinergen Fasern (afferente oder postganglionäre parasympathische Fasern) werden diskutiert.
    Notes: Summary The innervation of the rat kidney is defined by a system which supplies those arterial blood vessels whose walls contain smooth muscle cells and the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Vessels containing pericytes, or those vessels composed of an endothelium only, as well as the tubules of both the cortex and medulla, are not innervated. Furthermore, ganglion cells do not occur in the rat kidney. The nervous apparatus of the rat kidney consists of peripheral vegetative nerves, ensheathed by a perineurium, with 2–4 myelinated fibers running in the paravasal tissue of the interlobar and arcuate arteries, and of nerve bundles without a perineurial sheath in the paravasal tissue of the arcuate and interlobular arteries. Non-myelinated fibers and free axons occur in the immediate vicinity of the great arteries (interlobar, arcuate, and interlobular) and the vasa afferentia. Nerve fibers and free axons are also seen in the vicinity of only the proximal parts of those vasa efferentia which supply the cortical capillary plexus. The arteriolae rectae of the medulla, and their vasa efferentia, from which they arise, are innervated by non-myelinated fibers and free axons which accompany these arterial vessels only to the boundary of the outer and inner stripe of the outer zone of the medulla. The functional innervation of those vessels with smooth muscle cells results from neuro-effector zones which predominantly show agranular vesicles. These structures were never seen between the smooth muscle cells within the media; the minimum neuromuscular distance was 600 Å. The present findings are correlated with the lightmicroscopically demonstrated adrenergic and cholinergic innervation. The resultant problems and functional consequences of the innervation of the kidney, especially the nature of the cholinergic fibers (afferent or post-ganglionic parasympathetic fibers) are briefly discussed.
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  • 2
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    Anatomy and embryology 146 (1974), S. 1-20 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Placenta ; Cat ; Differentiation ; Function ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Résumé L'ultrastructure du labyrinthe de placenta de chatte a été étudiée du 45e au 63e jour de gestation. Cette formation endothéliochoriale est composée: d'un endothélium maternel hypertrophié et de cellules géantes déciduales; d'une couche de «substance inerte interstitielle»; du trophoblaste constitué d'une assise syncytiale continue (syncytiotrophoblaste) et d'une assise cellulaire discontinue (cytotrophoblaste); d'un endothélium foetal accompagné de son environnement mésenchymateux. Les capillaires foetaux envahissent progressivement le syncytiotrophoblaste. L'hypertrophie de l'endothélium maternel diminue en fin de gestation; de ce fait la distance, séparant le sang maternel du sang foetal, peut atteindre en certains points 2 μ. L'endothélium maternel, le syncytiotrophoblaste et l'endothélium foetal présentent des signes ultrastructuraux d'un rôle de transfert. La «substance inerte inerte interstitielle», qui sépare les tissus d'origine maternelle des tissus d'origine foetale, est constante mais d'épaisseur variable; elle est spécifique des structures endothéliochoriales. Les cellules géantes déciduales, dont le nombre diminue en fin de gestation comportent parfois un ou plusieurs «corps glycogéniques». Le syncytiotrophoblaste, siége d'activité de biosynthése de stéroïdes, est riche en ergastoplasme, ce qui autorise à postuler la synthése d'hormones protéiques.
    Notes: Summary The ultrastructure of feline placental labyrinth has been studied from the 45th to the 63rd day of gestation. The endotheliochorial structure is composed of: a thick hypertrophied maternal endothelium with giant decidual cells; an “interstitial inert substance”; a continuous syncytial layer (syncytiotrophoblast) and a discontinuous cellular layer (cytotrophoblast) of trophoblast; and a thin foetal endothelium with its surrounding mesenchyme. Foetal capillaries increasingly invade the syncytiotrophoblast. Maternal endothelial hypertrophy is reduced in the last days of gestation. Thus the interval between maternal and foetal bloods may in some areas become 2 μ, in late pregnancy. Foetal endothelium, syncytiotrophoblast, and maternal endothelium demonstrate ultrastructural features of transfer function. The “interstitial inert substance”, which separates maternal from foetal tissue was always evident though with variable thickness. The giant decidual cells which are reduced in late pregnancy, show one or several “glycogen bodies”. The syncytiotrophoblast, where some steroïd biosynthesis has been demonstrated, has an extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum suggestive of protein hormone synthesis activity.
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    Anatomy and embryology 147 (1974), S. 35-44 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Myosatellite cells ; Shark ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The myosatellite cells in the axial muscles of the sharkGaleus melastomus is found more frequently in the red muscle fibers than in the white fibers. The total length of the cell extensions is about 100 μm. In about 20% of all cases, the extensions were present in pairs, and it is concluded that the satellite cell processes bifurcate. Processes towards the intercellular space and towards the interior of the muscle fiber are also described. The cytoplasm of the satellite cells contain glycogen, Golgi elements, lysosome-like vesicles, granular endoplasmic reticulum and microtubules. It is concluded that the morphology of the satellite cells indicates a more active function than that of a dormant reserve myoblast.
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  • 4
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    Anatomy and embryology 147 (1974), S. 1-18 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Mouse kidney ; Thin limbs ; Ultrastructure ; Renal concentrating mechanism
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The thin limbs of the loops of Henle in the mouse kidney have been investigated by conventional electron microscopy. Resulting from light microscopic investigations, a distinction in the epithelia of short and long loops can be demonstrated. Ultrastructurally, the thin limbs (descending) of short loops are composed of a uniformly thin and simple epithelium. In contrast, long loops (thin descending and ascending) are composed of three different epithelial types which are representative of a distinctly more complex epithelial system. Two epithelial types were observed in the thin descending limbs of long loops and the third type was observed in the ascending thin limbs. Based upon these findings it is suggested that the thin descending limbs of short and long loops of Henle in the mouse kidney cannot perform the same functions in the renal concentrating mechanism.
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  • 5
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Oocyte ; Follicle cells ; Intercellular bridges ; Lizard ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary 1. Intercellular bridges connect the oocyte with its surrounding follicle cells. 2. Fibrillar bundles and microtubules are oriented along the length of the bridge. Mitochrondria, endoplasmic reticulum, multivesicular vesicles and other cytoplasmic components are also present in this region. 3. This communication may be very important for the flow of nutrients necessary for the growth of the oocyte.
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  • 6
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    Anatomy and embryology 146 (1974), S. 219-224 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Leydig cells ; Differentiation ; Explants ; Ultrastructure ; Mouse
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Testes of newborn mice not older than one day were transplanted into the anterior chamber of one eye of an adult male white Holtzman rat. The events observed in the Leydig cells of the grafted testes can be divided into two periods. Period one is marked by differentiation; period two, by dedifferentiation. In period one, the lipid and glycogen inclusions disappear, possibly owing to the gonadotropins of the host. In period two, which starts after day 15 post-grafting, the lipids and glycogen reappear; the Leydig cells now contain residual bodies, whereas the S.E.R. disappears. Immunological mechanisms can be implicated; it is suggested that the Leydig cells dedifferentiate because the host's gonadotropins may be incapable of evoking and/or activating the genetic memory of the grafted Leydig cells.
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  • 7
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Baboon ; Cleavage stages ; Embryos ; Preimplantation ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Résumé La structure et l'ultrastructure des embryons de babouin sont étudiées dans la période précédant l'implantation. Six stades du développement embryonnaire sont observés 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 et 8 jours après la date présumée de fécondation. Dans les 3 premiers cas, on compte respectivement 2, 8 et 24 blastoméres. A 5 jours, il y a 30 à 40 cellules et un nombre dépassant 60, ultérieurement. Des cellules trophoblastiques primitives se différencient à 7 jours et une cavité de segmentation en forme de croissant apparaît au 8 ème jour. La zone pellucide est toujours présente à 8 jours, la période de préimplantation semblant plus longue chez le babouin que chez l'homme. Des particules de type C sont décrites dans la zone pellucide et les espaces périvitellin et interblastomériques. La transformation des mitochondries, des changements dans la répartition des ribosomes, des corps multivésiculaires, pseudocristallins et figures myéliniques, des nucléoles et amas granuleux intra-nucléaires s'observent chez le babouin comme chez certains autres Mammifères; par contre, les faisceaux fibrillaires cytoplasmiques sont absents. L'étude des changements de l'ultrastructure provoqués par des hormones et drogues permettrait de mieux évaluer la nocivité de ces substances pendant les premiers stades du développement embryonnaire des Primates.
    Notes: Summary The baboon preimplantation stages were examined using light and electron microscopy. Six cases were studied at 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 days estimated fertilization age. The first 3 specimens were composed of 2, 8 and 24 blastomeres respectively. At 5 days, 30 to 40 cells were counted and more than 60 cells in later stages. Primitive “trophoblast cells” differentiate at 7 days and a crescentic blastocoele appears at 8 days. Shedding of the zona pellucida is not observed in the 7 and 8 day specimens. The preimplantation period is longer in the baboon than in man. C-type viruses are observed in the zona pellucida, in the perivitelline and interblastomeric spaces. Microvilli and caveolae cover the periphery of the baboon conceptus. As in many other mammals, transformation of the mitochondria, changes in the ribosomes distribution, multivesicular bodies, myelin figures, nucleoli and intranuclear clusters of granules are described in the baboon. Cytoplasmic fibrous strands are not present as in the mouse. Experiments on the influence of hormones and drugs on ultrastructural changes would help to evaluate the importance of biohazards during the early development of primates.
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  • 8
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    Acta neuropathologica 28 (1974), S. 25-35 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Chronic Lead Intoxication ; Rat ; Ultrastructure ; Microglia ; Pericytes ; Monocytes
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Wistar rats of both sexes and the same litter were exposed to chronic lead intoxication from birth untill sacrifice 9 months later. Lead was administered as 0.4% solution of lead nitrate in drinking water. Samples from the parietal brain cortex were examined electron microscopically following intracardiac perfusion with paraformaldehyde-glutaraldehyde solution. Similar changes were observed in the microglial cells and the vascular pericytes whereas all the other tissue elements appeared intact. Both cell types hypertrophied, the microglia assumed characteristic spindle or rod shape, the cell organelles increased, the microglial endoplasmic reticulum widened strongly and a large number of lipid inclusions appeared. The latter consisted of large lipid droplets of varying size and shape, containing multiple zones of low density, and a dense component with a coarse granular structure. The similarity in the response of both cell entities to the lesion as well as some probable functions of microglial cells and their relationship to vascular pericytes are discussed.
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  • 9
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    Acta neuropathologica 29 (1974), S. 251-262 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Polymyositis ; Ultrastructure ; Histiocytes ; Birbeck Granules ; Macrophages
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary A fatal case of polymyositis in a young female is presented. Two muscle biopsies obtained before and after treatment with large doses of steroids, as well as autopsy tissue, demonstrated widespread degeneration of myofibres associated with cytoplasmic tuboreticular structures resembling paramyxovirus nucleocapsids in capillary endothelial cells and fibroblasts. Aggregates of spherical particles and “simple and granular” nuclear bodies suggested a virus-related or associated etiologic agent. In addition, interstitial cells of mesenchymal origin, probably related to macrophages or histiocytes were present. These contained numerous rodlike profiles or phagolysosomal bodies which resembled “Birbeck” granules. Inflammatory response was very scant. It would appear that polymyositis probably represents a primary reaction to antigemic substances and a morphologic manifestation of altered host macrophage response.
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  • 10
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    Acta neuropathologica 30 (1974), S. 225-242 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Ultrastructure ; Optic Nerve ; Schilder's Disease ; Devic's Disease ; Disseminated Sclerosis
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The ultrastructure of the optic nerve is described and compared in: a)Schilder's Disease, b)Devic's Disease, c)Disseminated Sclerosis. a) Schilder's Disease. Parts of the nerve were demyelinated, sometimes extensively so and from these regions the oligodendrocytes had disappeared and there was proliferation of astrocytes. Parallel bundles of fibres with a “railway line” formation, occurred in the cytoplasm of the astrocytes. Phagocytes infiltrated the damaged nerve bundles and the fibrous septa between them. Osmiophilic particles occurred in the astrocytes, capillary endothelial cells and in the phagocytes. The collagen fibres of some septa were widely separated presumably by fluid. b) Devic's Disease. This condition occurred in a patient with active pulmonary tuberculosis. The nerve was extensively demyelinated and showed absence of oligodendrocytes, proliferation of astrocytes and infiltration by macrophages. Some astrocytes possessed Rosenthal fibres. Intranuclear inclusions occurred in the astrocytes and electron dense cytoplasmic inclusions in the capillary endothelial cells and the macrophages. c) Disseminated Sclerosis. Parts of the nerve were partially and other parts completely demyelinated. Oligodendrocytes were absent from the completely demyelinated zones but were present in the partially demyelinated zones. In and around the demyelinated regions, there was proliferation of astrocytes and they frequently exhibited the “railway line” patterns in their cytoplasm. Phagocytes were frequent amongst the degenerating myelin and the proliferating astrocytes and also in the fibrous septa. Some macrophages presented intranuclear inclusions having a “corn on the cob” appearance.
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  • 11
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    Acta neuropathologica 30 (1974), S. 287-294 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Lead Toxicity ; Brain ; Cerebral Endothelium ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The ultrastructure of cerebral vessels was studied at various stages of brain development in chick embryos exposed to lead intoxication when they were 4 days old. The endothelial cells showed swelling of mitochondria, presence of many cytolysosomal structures, many tubular bodies, and coated vesicles. A few vessels showed attenuation on the lining endothelial cells. The significance of these morphological alterations are discussed.
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  • 12
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    Acta neuropathologica 30 (1974), S. 277-285 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Chick Embryo ; Brain ; Blood Vessels ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The fine structure of the blood vessels was studied in the developing brain of chick embryo. The blood vessels were present in the embryos first examined (4 days after incubation) and their number increased in subsequent stages. The endothelial cells were generally large and showed junctional complexes, many microvilli and a large number of cytoplasmic organelles. Many tubular bodies and coated vesicles were also present. The tubular bodies were sometimes noted near the Golgi apparatus, suggesting their origin from this organelle. The mitochondria in the endothelial cells were generally larger than those in the surrounding neuropil. An ill-defined basement membrane-like substance was noted outside some endothelial cells on the 11th day and well formed basement membrane was present in the vessels of 18 day old embryos. A complete subpial astrocytic basement membrane was present from the early stage studied (4 days).
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  • 13
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Malignant Lymphoma ; Blood Vessels ; Lymphe Node ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The fine structure of the blood vessels of an apparently primary intracerebral malignant lymphoma was compared with those in another malignant lymphoma in a retroperitoneal lymph node. The essential features of the blood vessels in both cases were the same. They resembled the blood vessels found in normal lymph nodes and were both distinctly different from those seen in normal brain. It was concluded that the direction of differentiation of the blood vessels which arise to nourish the neoplastic tissue is determined by the nature of the tumor rather than the vessels from which they originate.
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  • 14
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Myoclonic Epilepsy ; Atypical Myoclonus Body (Type II) ; Histochemistry ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Histochemical studies of type II myoclonus bodies demonstrated that they were composed of a saccharide-lipid complex with a small amount of protein. In particular, they contained phospholipid, ganglioside and sphingomyelin. The ultrastructure of the bodies revealed that they were bound by a membrane. They were diffusely stippled or homogeneous. They were not formed of filaments or lamellae. Some correlation with microbody or lysosomal structures in association with degeneration of the neurone was suggested.
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  • 15
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    Acta neuropathologica 28 (1974), S. 79-86 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Ultrastructure ; Human Outer Cortex ; Pia Mater
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The pia mater consists of a single, interrupted layer of elongated cells which lie fairly close to the surface of the cortex. Granular material and some collagen fibres lie between the pial cells and the cortex, a greater amount of collagen being present where the pial cells are discontinuous. Basement membrane covers the outer aspect of the cortex, the outer layer of which is formed by interlacing astrocyte processes of varying size. The processes are closely applied with occasional desmosomes between them. Projections of astrocyte processes of different dimensions covered by basement membrane extend at irregular intervals from the cortex into the subarachnoid space.
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  • 16
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    Acta neuropathologica 28 (1974), S. 87-92 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Neuroaxonal Dystrophy ; Hallervorden-Spatz Disease ; Mitochondria ; Axonal Swelling ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Multifocal central white matter axonal swelling characterized electron microscopically by focal axonal mitochondrial and membraneous body enrichment occurred in a 52 year old man who presented with the chief complaint of severe progressive muscular weakness accompanied by disorientation. The clinical and pathological findings in this patient appear unique and are presented in order to broaden our concepts of axis cylinder pathology.
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  • 17
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    Acta neuropathologica 27 (1974), S. 61-68 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Muscular Pathology ; Ultrastructure ; Abnormal Muscular Inclusion ; Fingerprint Bodies ; Myofilament Synthesis
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary “Fingerprint bodies” are added to the “atypical” formations described in diseased muscle. These subsarcolemmal inclusions are variable in size and number, not membrane-bound and are formed by fine microtubules. They are not characteristic of a specific muscular disease and occur probably along with a focal anomaly of myofilament synthesis.
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  • 18
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    Acta neuropathologica 27 (1974), S. 363-368 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Parallel and Concentric Tubules ; Arachnoid Cells ; Cerebral Glioma ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Parallel and concentric tubules were observed in the cytoplasm of arachnoid cells overlying cerebral gliomas. The parallel tubules were 400–500 Å wide. Their electron dense walls, 150 Å thick lay 200–250 Å apart with distensions up to 400 Å in diameter at irregular intervals between the walls. The walls formed terminal loops limiting up to 4 adjacent tubules; transverse extensions were present between adjacent walls. The tubules sometimes communicated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum from which they may possibly arise. The concentric tubules were 250 Å wide: they communicated at irregular intervals.
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  • 19
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    Journal of molecular medicine 52 (1974), S. 559-567 
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Keywords: Progressive myoclonus epilepsy (Lafora's disease) ; Type I (Unverricht, Lundborg) ; Type II ; Liver findings ; Clinical aspects ; Histology ; Ultrastructure ; Histochemistry ; Biochemistry ; Glycogenosis type IV ; Progressive Myoklonusepilepsie (Laforasche Erkrankung) ; Typ I (Unverricht, Lundborg) ; Typ II ; Leberbefunde ; Klinik ; Histologie ; Ultrastruktur ; Histochemie ; Biochemie ; Glykogenose Typ IV
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Dem klinischen Bild der progressiven Myoklonusepilepsie (Lafora's disease) liegt eine kongenitale Stoffwechselanomalie mit Ablagerung pathologischer Stoffwechselprodukte vorwiegend im Zentralnervensystem zugrunde. Der häufigere Typ I (Typ Unverricht, Typ Lundborg) zeigt eine regelmäßige Mitbeteiligung von Leber und Myokard sowie teilweise der Muskulatur, der seltenere Typ II ist mit seiner Speicherung nur auf das Zentralnervensystem beschränkt. Die Kenntnis der charakteristischen Leberbefunde kann einmal eine Hilfe sein für die klinische Unterscheidung von Typ I und Typ II, unspezifisch degenerativen Formen der Myoklonusepilepsie sowie gegenüber der myoklonischen Variante der amaurotischen Idiotie. Als eine weitere Möglichkeit könnte das bisher unbekannte Speicherprodukt und der auslösende spezifische Enzymdefekt auf diesem Wege identifiziert werden. Lichtmikroskopisch zeigen die Leberzellen — vorwiegend der Läppchenperipherie — und gelegentlich auch die Kupfferschen Sternzellen eine PAS-positive homogene Speichersubstanz, die in Übereinstimmung mit den Befunden am Zentralnervensystem und am Myocard elektronenoptisch aus granulärem und filamentärem Material aufgebaut ist. Die Deutung der einzelnen Untersucher hinsichtlich der histochemischen und biochemischen Ergebnisse variiert: die Natur des Ablagerungsproduktes wird als Mucopolysaccharid aber auch als Polyglucosan angesprochen. Übereinstimmend sieht man aber die Hauptstörung im Bereich des Kohlenhydratstoffwechsels. Die hier demonstrierten bemerkenswerten licht- und elektronenmikroskopischen Übereinstimmungen mit der Glykogenose Typ IV lassen nach unserer Auffassung nahe Beziehungen zur Gruppe der Glykogenosen annehmen. Als Thesaurismose ist die Laforasche Erkrankung eine potentielle Vorstufe der Cirrhose. Es entwickelt sich eine mehr oder minder ausgeprägte Mesenchymbeteiligung im Sinne einer chronischen Hepatitis. Eine komplette Cirrhose ist jedoch selbst bei den Spätfällen nicht nachzuweisen. Eine Hepatomegalie als Folge der Speicherung fehlt. Spezifische Leberproben fallen negativ aus. Das klinische Bild wird nicht von Seiten der Leber, sondern ausschließlich von der progredienten neurologisch-psychiatrischen Symptomatik der Myoklonusepilepsie geprägt.
    Notes: Summary The cause of clinical manifestations of progressive myoclonus epilepsy (Lafora's disease) is an inborn error of metabolism characterised by deposition of pathologic metabolic products in the central nervous system. In the most common type I (Type Unverricht, Type Lundborg) these deposits are regularly located in liver and myocard, and in some cases also in sceletal muscle. In the less common type II they are found only in the central nervous system. The characteristic liver findings might help to distinguish type I, type II, unspecific degenerative forms of myoclonic epilepsy and the myoclonic form of amaurotic idiocy. They also might be valuable in identification of yet unknown specific enzyme defect leading to tissue deposits. Our light microscopy observations demonstrate deposits of a PAS-positive homogene substance in liver cells—especially in the periphery of lobule— and sometimes in Kupffer cells. By electron microscopy this substance is identified as granular and filamentary material. This corresponds to our findings in the central nervous system and myocard. The interpretation of existing histochemical and biochemical studies did not yet solve the question, if the mentioned deposits are mucopolysaccharides or polyglucosanes, however, it is recognized that the main disorder is an error in carbohydrate metabolism. The notable similarity of our light- and electronmicroscopic observations to results obtained in glycogenosis type IV suggest that Lafora's disease might be another form of glycogenosis. As a thesaurismosis Lafora's disease can predispose to cirrhosis. The activation of mesenchyme, less or more pronounced, corresponds to chronic hepatitis. And even in the late forms a complete cirrhosis is not found. This thesaurismosis does not lead to hepatomegaly. Specific liver function tests are negative. The clinical course is characterised not by liver symptoms but by the neurologic and psychiatric symptoms of progressive myoclonic epilepsy.
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    Archives of microbiology 96 (1974), S. 145-153 
    ISSN: 1432-072X
    Keywords: Ultrastructure ; Scenedesmus Bristles ; Openings ; Props ; Ridges ; Tubules ; Brisble Origin
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract Bristles radiating from openings were detected on colonies and unicells ofScenedesmus culture N 46, when examined with transmission and scanning electron microscopes. Although narrower, they correspond in gross appearance and ultrastructure to previously describedScenedesmus bristles. Openings, bordered by a series of props, are unlike those ofScenedesmus culture 614. Additional props are observed scattered independently on the cell wall; ridges are composed of a linear row of props. Sections of cells, or cell walls, reveal an additional prop, situated inside the openings; these props are composed of several tubules. Possible extrusion of bristles through these tubules, as well as the origin of the bristle from the cavity and vesicles immediately under the opening are discussed.
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    Archives of microbiology 96 (1974), S. 271-279 
    ISSN: 1432-072X
    Keywords: Anabaena cylindrica ; Nitrogen Starvation ; Pigmentation ; Ultrastructure ; Heterocyst Differentiation ; Nitrogenase Activity
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract Nitrogen starvation, effected by incubating a culture ofAnabaena cylindrica in a medium free from combined nitrogen and under an atmosphere of 1% CO2 in argon, leads to rapid and characteristic changes in the appearance, structure and function of the alga. Change of colour, due apparently to a decrease in the amounts of nitrogenous pigments, is accompanied by a structural transformation of vegetative cells: cyanophycin granules and polyhedral bodies disintegrate, lipid and glycogen accumulate, and large membrane-bound spaces form by means of thylakoid swelling and vesiculation. The rate of heterocyst differentiation and nitrogenase activity is increased. These changes are fully reversed on addition of ammonia to the culture. It appears that thylakoids reform by coalescence of small vesicles assembled in the intrathylakoidal space. Rapid ammonia assimilation is indicated by ample formation of cyanophycin granules in vegetative cells and of “plugs” in the heterocysts.
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    Archives of microbiology 99 (1974), S. 221-230 
    ISSN: 1432-072X
    Keywords: Anabaena cylindrica ; Molybdenum ; Vanadium ; Nitrogenase ; Ultrastructure ; Storage Products ; Heterocyst Frequency
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract The structural and functional symptoms of molybdenum deficiency inAnabaena cylindrica grown in a medium without combined nitrogen and thus dependent on fixation of elemental nitrogen, resemble those brought about by nitrogen starvation. However, the substantially increased rate of heterocyst differentiation in this culture is not accompanied by a corresponding increase in nitrogenase activity; on the contrary, enzyme activity is severely impaired in the absence of molybdenum. When the supply of molybdenum, or of ammonia, is restored, the alga recovers rapidly. Vanadium exerts an inhibitory effect upon nitrogen-fixing ability of the alga, and its presence in the molybdenum-deficient culture results in the amplification of the symptoms of mlybdenum deficiency.
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    Archives of microbiology 99 (1974), S. 265-269 
    ISSN: 1432-072X
    Keywords: Ultrastructure ; Microbodies ; Vacuolaria ; Gonyostomum ; Chloromonadophyceae ; Chromophyta
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract Microbody-like organelles occur in the cytoplasm of two chloromonadophycean algae,Vacuolaria virescens Cienkowsky andGonyostomum semen Diesing. Microbodies ofVacuolaria andGonyostomum have a granular matrix which lacks a crystalloid core; they are often present in close association with elements of the endoplasmic reticulum. The occurrence of microbodies in other algae is briefly reviewed.
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    Archives of microbiology 99 (1974), S. 331-344 
    ISSN: 1432-072X
    Keywords: Myxomycetes ; Ultrastructure ; Development ; Systematics ; Food Vacuoles ; Stalk Development
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract Observations of sporophore development in fresh and glutaraldehydeosmium sequentially-fixed material ofProtophysarum phloiogenum show the following sequence. Small plasmodia cease streaming and round up. Food vacuoles collect in the lower center of the cytoplasmic mass. As the cytoplasm rises the food vacuolar contents are excluded from the plasmalemma and become the stalk core. A continuous, fibrous peridium and stalk tube enclose cytoplasm and stalk core respectively. Capillitial formation just precedes spore cleavage. Sporophore development is marked by autophagic activity and calcium deposition. Stalks of dried herbarium specimens of seven additional species have been examined. A mature stalk morphology very similar toProtophysarum with recognizable remnants of microorganismal food material is seen in all of them. It is thought that this marker is indicative of non-stemonitaceous stalk development.
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    Archives of microbiology 100 (1974), S. 419-436 
    ISSN: 1432-072X
    Keywords: Gloeobacter violaceus ; Photosynthetic Pigments ; DNA Base Composition ; Fatty Acid Composition ; Cyanobacterium ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract Gloebacter violaceus gen. and sp. n. is a unicellular photosynthetic prokaryote of unusual cellular structure. The only unit membrane in the small, rod-shaped cells is the cytoplasmic membrane, which has a simple contour, without intrusions. Immediately underlying it is an electron-dense layer 80 nm thick. Gloeobacter is an aerobic photoautotroph which contains chlorophyll α, β-carotene and other carotenoids, allophycocyanin, phycocyanin and phycoerythrin. Chlorophyll and carotenoids are associated with the particulate fraction of cell-free extracts, and are thus probably localized in the cytoplasmic membrane. The phycobiliproteins may be associated with the electron-dense 80 nm layer. The DNA contains 64.4 moles percent GC. The cellular lipids have a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, largely linoleate and γ-linolenate. Despite its atypical fine structure, Gloeobacter is evidently a cyanobacterium, sufficiently different from other unicellular cyanobacteria to be placed in a new genus.
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    Archives of microbiology 96 (1974), S. 175-182 
    ISSN: 1432-072X
    Keywords: Ultrastructure ; Septa ; Schizophyllum ; Dissolution
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract A strain ofSchizophyllum commune carrying a mutation in theB-mating factor (B-mut) shows septal dissolution when grown at 30° C for 2 to 3 days. The septa are intact if the organism is grown at 25° C for the same time, but begin to break down within 1 h after transfer to 30° C. At the ultrastructural level the dolipore swelling is the first part of the septal apparatus to be degraded, closely followed by the disorganization of the parenthesomes. A progressive thinning of the septal cross-wall produces an enlargement of the septal aperture sufficient to allow the passage of nuclei. It appears that degradative enzymes are probably carried to the site of septal dissolution in vesicles derived from endoplasmic reticulum in the area of the septal apparatus.
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    Archives of microbiology 96 (1974), S. 305-317 
    ISSN: 1432-072X
    Keywords: Marine Fungi ; Ultrastructure ; Multilamellate Sporangial Wall ; Sagenogenetosome ; Zoospore Cleavage
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract The morphology and ultrastructure of aJaponochytrium sp. has been studied by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The wall has been shown to be multilamellate and persistent. Stages in zoospore cleavage are described and sagenogenetosomes reported in mature sporangia.
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  • 28
    ISSN: 1432-072X
    Keywords: Streptomycetes ; Ultrastructure ; Surface Sheath
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract 1. Tubular-like structures were regularly revealed in the surface sheath of the aerial mycelium of the parent strain of Streptomycetes roseoflavus var. roseofungini. In their shape and dimensions these structures were highly reminiscent of those massive accumulation of which was earlier reported to occur in cultures of dedifferentiated nocardioform “fructose” mutant of the same parent strain. 2. The tubular-like structures of the aerial mycelium sheath were shown to be markedly susceptible to brief acetone washing, undergoing almost complete desintegration. 3. On addition of water to crude acetone extract of the aerial mycelium precipitation and possible selfassembly of a spectrum of various structures occurred (folded scaly, bubble-like, spout-like). Some among structures so produced were reminiscent of those found in spectra of structures observed in reconstruction experiments with tubules from the mutant as well as of structures found in the aerial sheath of the parent strain and some other actinomycetes. Similarity in subunit structure of above materials was also noticeable. The presence, in the sheath of aerial mycelium, of material with a tendency to selforganization is discussed in relation to the possible involvement of selfassembly processes in the formation of the surface sheath.
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    Archives of microbiology 101 (1974), S. 95-107 
    ISSN: 1432-072X
    Keywords: Zoophagus insidians Rotifer ; Predacious Fungi ; Oomycetes ; Glue Secretion ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract The predacious watermold Zoophagus insidians traps loricate rotifers on short, lateral branches of the main, hyphal axis. These branches or “traps” are packed at their distal ends with a number of vesicles filled with an electron-dense matrix. Electron micrographs of the mycelium disclose a two-layered wall; the outer layer is electron dense and the inner, electron transparent. The outer dense layer on the tip of the “trap” is organized into a number of fine ridges and occasional discontinuities. Thin sections through recently trapped rotifers indicate that the cilia of the animals are stuck to the trap by a glue. This adhesive is derived from secretion of the matrix of the vesicles aggregated in the tip of the trap. The secretion mechanism is triggered by the animal and is accompanied by: 1. The separation of the two layers of the wall, 2. fusion of the vesicles with the cell membrane and 3. extrusion of the glue through pits in the tip of the inner wall of the “trap”. After snaring a rotifer, the previously arrested branch grows as a haustorium into the body cavity of the animal. The host tissues disintegrate within a few hours and appear to be the main nutrient source of the fungus.
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  • 30
    ISSN: 1432-072X
    Keywords: Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus ; Spirillum serpens ; Freeze Fracture ; Electron Microscopy ; Ultrastructure ; Membrane Damage ; Organismic Associations
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract The freeze-fracture technique and electron microscopy have been used to demonstrate that localized damage is inflicted upon the cytoplasmic membrane of Spirillum serpens VHL within 20 to 30 min after the start of its association with Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109D. This damage is not observed in uninfected Spirillum cells, nor in infected cells within the first 10 min. This damage takes the form of a “blister” which, when viewed stereoscopically in electron micrographs, is seen to project toward the interior of the Spirillum cell. Shortly after its formation, the blister becomes elaborated into a series of ridges which may assume forms ranging from an elaborate spiral to a series of loops or knots. The formation of a blister is shown to involve both the inner and outer leaves of the membrane bilayer, and evidence is presented to indicate that the blister site corresponds to the site of attachment of the Bdellovibrio cell. The hypothesis is proposed that this ultrastructural damage is the cytological basis for the controlled and localized leakage through the cytoplasmic membrane into the periplasmic space of the Spirillum cell at locations adjacent to the Bdellovibrio cell. It is suggested that this localized membrane damage may be the ultrastructural basis for the high efficiency with which bdellowvibrios are known to incorporate cytoplasmic materials from the other bacteria in whose periplasmic spaces they develop.
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    Archives of microbiology 98 (1974), S. 199-206 
    ISSN: 1432-072X
    Keywords: Ultrastructure ; Chlamydomonas ; Senescent ; Microtubules ; Complexes
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract Complexes of twisted ribbons composed of ordered arrays of microtubules are identified in close association with the plasmalemma and the surfaces of some organelles in senescent cells of photoheterotrophically cultured Chlamydomonas dysosmos. The ribbon complexes occur throughout the cytoplasm, and do not appear related to the flagellar insertions. The component microtubules are approximately 26 nm in width, exhibiting a center-to-center spacing of about 44 nm. Additional cytoplasmic microtubules are often closely related to the tubular complexes. A detailed description of their fine structure is presented here which tends to support the ascribed function of microtubules in maintaining the structural integrity of the protoplasm.
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    Archives of microbiology 98 (1974), S. 147-158 
    ISSN: 1432-072X
    Keywords: Allomyces ; Zoospores ; Cell Wall ; Wall Formation ; Lomasome ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract Ultrastructural observations on encysting haploid zoospores of Allomyces arbuscula are presented with special reference to cell wall deposition. Multivesicular bodies are observed in the cytoplasm of zoospores 15 min after inoculation, lomasomes after 30 min and fine membrane profiles between the plasmalemma and the cyst wall are observed after 4 h indicating a possible system for secretion of cell wall components.
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  • 33
    ISSN: 1432-1106
    Keywords: Brain cortex slices ; Ultrastructure ; Fluid spaces ; Swelling
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary A comparison was made between morphological and biochemical estimates of extracellular and intracellular fluid spaces in rat brain cortex slices incubated under different conditions. By light microscopy the periphery of the slices was found to be more swollen than the center; this regional difference was verified biochemically in unfixed tissue. The electronmicroscopic evaluation of intra- and extracellular fluid spaces was accordingly based upon findings in a preselected area. Due to intracellular penetration of inulin in rat brain cortex slices the biochemically, determined extracellular and intracellular spaces were obtained by compartmental analysis of the inulin space. The concordance between the biochemical and the morphological findings was good: Both methods showed that the extracellular space increased during the incubation to a considerable magnitude after one hr. and that this extracellular space was reduced by excess potassium, glutamate, anoxia or incubation at 0°. Under the same conditions the biochemically determined intracellular space was increased. This cellular swelling was confirmed morphologically and found to comprise mainly glia cells after exposure to excess potassium, predominantly neurons after incubation at 0° and both cell types after anoxia or addition of glutamate.
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    Research in experimental medicine 164 (1974), S. 1-17 
    ISSN: 1433-8580
    Keywords: Pathology ; Ultrastructure ; Smooth muscle ; Ulcus ventriculi ; Pathologie ; Ultrastruktur ; Glatte Muskulatur ; Ulcus ventriculi
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Es wurde die glatte Muskulatur des Antrum ventriculi sowie des Pylorus von 7 Patienten mit einem oder mehreren Ulcera ventriculi untersucht. Vergleichsweise konnten die entsprechenden Regionen des Magens von 5 normalen Organspendern der elektronenmikroskopischen Präparation zugeführt werden. Elektronenoptisch faßbare Veränderungen fanden sich noch 180 mm von der Ulcusläsion entfernt an den glatten Muskelzellen der inneren Rings- und der äußeren Längsmuskulatur sowie an den Gefäßen. Eine regelmäßig anzutreffende Veränderung der glatten Muskelzellen des Antrum und des Pylorus besteht in einer Strukturverdichtung des Kerns, der sarkoplasmatischen Grundsubstanz und der Myofilamente, kombiniert mit einer Vermehrung und Vergrößerung der hypolemmalen Vesikel, wie der dense bodies. Die Befunde werden als Ausdruck einer starken isometrischen Kontraktion der glatten Muskulatur im Antrum und im Pylorus bei Ulcera ventriculi gedeutet. Die geschilderten Befunde ließen sich an normalem Untersuchungsmaterial nicht erheben. Neben für das Magenulcus unspezifischen pathologischen Befunden an den glatten Muskelzellen, wie Anhäufung von Lipofuscin im Endoplasmahof und Lyse der Myofilamente, konnten spezifische Veränderungen gefunden werden. Diese betreffen die nur im Endoplasmahof differenzierten Räume des endoplasmatischen Reticulums. Bei zahlreichen Muskelzellen der Rings- und Längsmuskelschicht kommt eine extrem starke Quellung des endoplasmatischen Reticulums zur Beobachtung. Die Vacuolisation der endoplasmatischen Räume führt zu einer Verdrängung der übrigen Zellorganellen sowie der Myofilamente. Die Capillarendothelzellen weisen degenerative Veränderungen auf, die zu einem Sistieren cytopemptischer Vorgänge führen. In der arteriolären Gefäßstrecke findet sich vielfach eine starke Kontraktion der glatten Muskulatur bis zum völligen Verschluß der Gefäßlichtung. Auch diese Befunde ließen sich nur an den Mägen mit Ulcera ventriculi, nicht dagegen an dem normalen Vergleichsmaterial erheben.
    Notes: Summary The smooth musculature of antrum and pylorus of 7 patients with one or more stomach ulcers was examined by transmission electron microscopy. Corresponding regions of the stomachs of 5 normal organ donors served as control material. Electronmicroscopically visualizable changes were found at distances of up to 180 mm from the site of ulcerous lesion on the smooth muscle cells of the inner circular and outer longitudinal musculature, also on the blood vessels. A regularly occurring modification of the smooth muscle cells of antrum and pylorus consists of a structural condensation of the nucleus, of the sarcoplasmic ground substance and of the myofilaments, combined with augmentation and distension of the hypolemmal vesicles and of the dense bodies. These findings are interpreted as expression of a pronounced isometric contraction of the smooth musculature in the antrum and pylorus in presence of ulcera ventriculi. Such findings are not obtainable on normal material. Besides pathological modifications at the smooth muscle cells which are unspecific for stomach ulcer, such as accumulation of lipofuscin in the endoplasmatic lacunae and lysis of the myofilaments, specific changes were observed. These concern the interstices of the endoplasmic reticulum to be found only in the endoplasmatic lacunae. In numerous muscle cells of the circular and longitudinal muscle layers an extremely marked distension of the endoplasmic reticulum is found. Vacuolization of the endoplasmic cisternae causes displacement of the other cell organelles and of the myofilaments. The capillary endothelial cells show degenerative changes which bring about arrest of cytopemptic processes. In the arteriolar regions a strong contraction of the smooth musculature, at times resulting in complete occlusion of the vasal lumen, is frequently found. These findings, too, are obtainable only on stomachs with ulcera ventriculi and not on normal control material.
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    Research in experimental medicine 164 (1974), S. 19-33 
    ISSN: 1433-8580
    Keywords: Kidney ; Rat ; Ultrastructure ; Proximal tubule degeneration ; Heparinoid ; Niere ; Ratte ; Ultrastruktur ; Proximale Tubulusdegeneration ; Heparinoid
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung 24 Std nach i.v. Injektion von 100 mg/kg eines Pentosanschwefelsäureesters (SP 54) sind in der Nierenrinde von Ratten schwere degenerative Veränderungen der proximalen Tubuluszellen zu beobachten. Das Tubulusepithel ist flachkubisch umgewandelt, das Tubuluslumen ist angefüllt mit ausgestoßenen Mitochondrien und anderen Zelltrümmern. Am stärksten betroffen ist die Pars contorta des proximalen Tubulus. Weniger stark veränderte Tubuluszellen sind angefüllt mit Cytosomen, die eine spezifische Feinstruktur haben oder gehäuft gegenüber Kontrollen Cytoplasmaprotrusionen in das Tubuluslumen aufweisen. Die akute Tubulusdegeneration ist ein spezifischer Effekt von SP 54. Heparin bewirkt nur eine leichte Schwellung des Tubulusepithels, die häufiger auftritt als bei Kontrolltieren.
    Notes: Summary 24 hrs after the intravenous injection of 100 mg/kg of a Pentosansulfuricacidester (SP 54) severe degenerative alterations are observed in the proximal tubular cells in rat kidney cortex. The tubular epithelium has changed to a single layer of elongated cubic cells. The tubular lumen is filled with cellular debris and extruded mitochondria. The greatest change is seen in the pars contorta of the proximal tubule. Less degenerated tubular cells have a great number of cytosomes with a specific substructure or have cytoplasmatic protrusions into the tubular lumen. This acute tubular degeneration is a specific event after the administration of SP 54 and is not seen after an equimolar dosis of Heparin. Heparin induces only a slight swelling of the tubular epithelium, more frequent seen as in the control animals.
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    Pflügers Archiv 352 (1974), S. 1-10 
    ISSN: 1432-2013
    Keywords: Thermoreceptors ; Cold Receptor ; Ultrastructure ; Receptor Morphology
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Afferent impulses were recorded from single fibers serving cold and warm receptors in the skin of the cat's nose. The receptors were carefully tested for specificity and the receptive fields localized under the microscope with a microthermode. Each single fiber served one spot-like receptive field. The field was marked without damaging the nerve ending by inserting two thin stainless steel wires into the skin on both sides of the receptor. Investigation of semithin and ultrathin serial sections by light and electron microscopy revealed beneath each cold spot a dermal papilla which contained a single small myelinated fiber dividing into a number of unmyelinated terminals. Near the epidermis the receptor branches leave their Schwann cell envelope, penetrate the basal lamina of the epithelium, and their tips are invaginated into the cytoplasm of the basal epithelial cells. The basal lamina of the epithelium fuses with that of the receptor axon. The receptor axons contain numerous mitochondria, glycogen particles and a filamentous receptor matrix with vesicles of various sizes. The described structures were absent beneath the warm spots. In addition to the cold receptors, Merkel cell neurite complexes and lamellated encapsulated endings were found that are known to be mechanoreceptors.
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    Calcified tissue international 15 (1974), S. 201-212 
    ISSN: 1432-0827
    Keywords: Ultrastructure ; Alkaline Phosphatase ; Calcification
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine , Physics
    Description / Table of Contents: Résumé Des cals expérimentaux de neuf jours, formés au niveau de radius de jeunes rats, sont traités par la méthode calcium-cobalt de Gomori (1939) pour la mise en évidence ultrastructurale de la phosphatase alcaline afin d'étudier son rôle éventuel dans le dépôt du calcium. L'activité enzymatique apparait initialement sous forme de précipités globulaires en dehors de la membrane cellulaire de jeunes chondroblastes hypertrophiques. Ce précipité donne ensuite naissance à des corps sphériques de phosphatase alcaline qui se forme près de la cellule. Ces corps sphériques s'observent dans une zone intermédiaire plus éloignée. Une formation de cristaux en aiguilles (apparemment une calcification) se développe dans des corps isolés ou agrégés, laissant voir nettement leurs limites, même lorsque la calcification est plus avancée au point qu'on ne peut plus distinguer des cristaux individuels. Au niveau des coupes témoins, traitées de façon identique mais sans substrat ou avec de l'E.D.T.A., on n'observe ni précipité enzymatique ou corps sphériques. L'aspect des dépôts cristallins dans des corps qui contiennent de la phosphatase alcaline ne peut s'expliquer que par l'existence d'une association étroite entre enzymes et calcification.
    Abstract: Zusammenfassung Neun Tage alter experimenteller Kallus an Radii von jungen Ratten wurde mit Gomori's (1939) Calcium-Kobalt Methode untersucht, um die Verteilung der alkalischen Phosphatase und ihre Beziehung zur Calciumablagerung ultrastrukturell zu demonstrieren. Enzymaktivität zeigte sich zuerst als globulares Präzipitat außerhalb der Zellmembran von Knorpelzellen im Beginn der Hypertrophie. Aus dieser Präzipitatschicht entstanden dann gerundete Körperchen, die sich von der Zelle abtrennten. Solche Körperchen wurden auch in größerer Entfernung von der Zelle beobachtet, d.h. in einer Zwischenzone zwischen benachbarten Zellen. Nadelförmige Kristalle, wahrscheinlich von Calcium-Salzen, wurden in einzelnen oder aggregierten Körperchen beobachtet. Die äußere Zone der Körperchen blieb jedoch deutlich sichtbar, selbst dann, wenn der Calciumgehalt derart zugenommen hatte, daß einzelne Kristalle nicht länger erkennbar waren. In Kontrollen, die in gleicher Weise behandelt waren, aber ohne Substrat oder mit Zufügung von EDTA, wurden weder Präzipitate noch Körperchen beobachtet. Das Auftreten von Calciumablagerungen in alkalischer Phosphatase enthaltenden Körperchen scheint kaum anders erklärbar als durch eine enge funktionelle Verbindung zwischen Enzym und Calciumablagerung.
    Notes: Abstract Nine day old experimental calluses in radii of young rats were treated with Gomori's (1939) calcium-cobalt method to demonstrate ultrastructurally the presence of alkaline phosphatase in a search for its possible role in the desposition of calcium. Enzyme activity first appeared as globule-like precipitates outside the cell membrane of early hypertrophic cartilage cells. This precipitate layer then seemed to give rise to spherical bodies of alkaline phosphatase which occur at a slight distance from the cell. The spherical bodies were also observed further away from the cell in an intermediate zone between neighboring cells. Needle-like crystal formation, apparently calcification, occurred inside single or aggregated bodies, leaving their peripheral rim clearly visible, even when calcification had increased to such an extent that individual crystals could no longer be recognised. In controls, treated in the same way but without substrate, or with EDTA, no enzyme precipitate or spherical bodies were seen. The appearance of crystalline deposits in bodies which contain alkaline phosphatase seems difficult to explain on any other basis than that there is a close functional association between the enzyme and calcification.
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    Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 285 (1974), S. 175-184 
    ISSN: 1432-1912
    Keywords: Fenfluramine ; Rat ; Guinea Pig ; Phospholipidosis, drug-induced ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary After administration of the anorectic drug fenfluramine (40 mg/kg per day) to rats (s. c. or i. p.) and guinea pigs (p.o.) over periods of 2 to 11 weeks, electron microscopic examination was performed on lungs, liver, lymphatic tissues and peripheral blood of both species, and on adrenal glands and ovaries of rats. In rats, fenfluramine caused the following alterations (listed according to the duration of treatment): Formation of abnormal lamellated inclusions in lymphocytes and plasma cells of lymphatic tissues, appearance of “foam cells” in lung alveoli; formation of abnormal lamellated inclusions in corpus luteum, lymphocytes of peripheral blood, and in adrenal cortex. In guinea pigs, the same alterations were found in lymphocytes of spleen and peripheral blood, in hepatocytes and in lung. The present observations support the concept of a generalized phospholipidosis induced by amphiphilic compounds. The potency of fenfluramine to induce a lipidosis is, however, considerably less pronounced than that previously demonstrated for the anorectic drug chlorphentermine. This difference is suggested to be due mainly to the lower degree of amphiphilia of fenfluramine.
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    Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 286 (1974), S. 165-179 
    ISSN: 1432-1912
    Keywords: Lipidosis ; Antidepressants ; Neuroleptics ; Lymphocytes ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Lymphocytes of rat lymph nodes have previously been revealed as reliable and sensitive indicators of a particular drug side effect, notably a generalized phospholipidosis, inducible by a compound of amphiphilic character (chlorphentermine). The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of other amphiphilic compounds upon rat lymphocytes. After oral administration of various tricyclic antidepressants (iprindole, imipramine, clomipramine, 1-chloro-amitriptyline, 1-chloro-10,11-dehydro-amitriptyline, noxiptiline, amitriptyline), or of two neuroleptic drugs (chlorpromazine, thioridazine) to rats, the popliteal lymph nodes were examined with the electron microscope. After a single application of either iprindole (50 mg/kg), imipramine (100 mg/kg), or clomipramine (150 mg/kg) small proportions of lymphocytes were found to contain abnormal lamellated cytoplasmic inclusions. The size and number of inclusions and the number of affected lymphocytes increased with further treatment. Similar observations were made after treatment with the chlorinated amitriptyline derivatives. On the other hand, only small numbers of lymphocytes were affected by noxiptiline, amitriptyline, chlorpromazine and thioridazine, even after prolonged treatments (up to 13 weeks) with high doses (up to 125–175 mg/kg). The present ultrastructural finding are interpreted as representing lipidosislike cellular alterations, yet of highly varying degrees. The large quantitative differences are tentatively suggested to be due to differences in the rate and mode of metabolism of the drugs, and due to differing degrees of amphiphilia of the compounds applied.
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    Cell & tissue research 148 (1974), S. 309-311 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Cecum ; Colon ; Lanthanum ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary After exposure of mouse cecal mucosa to lanthanum during primary fixation in glutaraldehyde, the metal was found as discrete particles covering microvilli and microorganisms, as a continuous layer outlining the lateral surfaces of epithelial cells, and as particles bound to collagen fibrils. The results suggest that lanthanum acts primarily as a stain of the surfaces of certain cells and extracellular structures, and to a lesser extent as an inert probe of the extracellular space.
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  • 41
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Ovary ; Blue fox ; Lutein cells ; Plasma progesterone ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary An electron microscopic investigation of the lutein cells of the blue fox was undertaken, based on the hypothesis that differences in plasma progesterone levels at differing stages of pregnancy might be reflected in the ultrastructural organization. Comparisons were made between corpora lutea taken from animals mated 1, 2, 5, 14, 18, 20, 28, 33, 36, 39 and 45 days after the estimated time of ovulation. Measurements of progesterone on plasma samples were performed by a rapid competitive protein-binding assay. During the period with increasing and/or high plasma progesterone levels, (i.e. 1 to 14 days after ovulation) the lutein cells are characterized by evenly distributed cisternal agranular ER, mitochondria with both tubular and lamellar cristae, and electron-dense lipid droplets. The abundant agranular ER is closely associated with the lipid droplets and mitochondria. During the period with declining plasma progesterone levels, the lutein cells present a different morphological picture: the agranular ER assumes the form of bundles of parallel tubules disposed in several planes. During the latest stages observed, these “bundles” are disrupted and most of the agranular ER become arranged in smaller concentric whorls. Both kinds of whorls regularly enclose lipid droplets, dense bodies and mitochondria. The regions between the whorls contain scattered cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, mitochondria and lysosome-like dense bodies.
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  • 42
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei ; Ultrastructure ; Osmotic stimulus ; Quantitative study
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Substitution of a 2% solution of sodium chloride in place of drinking water for 3 days significantly increased both the size of neurosecretory neurones in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of rats and the proportion of these cells which had dilated endoplasmic reticulum. There was an increase in the number of multivesicular bodies per mean cell profile and also an increase in the ratio of “dense” (immature) to “pale” (mature) neurosecretory granules within the perikarya, although the total numbers of granules were unchanged. If, after 3 days of saline-treatment, the rats were again allowed tap water to drink for 2 days, the proportion of cells showing dilated endoplasmic reticulum and the number of multivesicular bodies returned towards normal, but there was a significant increase in the number of large dense lysosomal bodies per cell profile and a relative increase in the proportion of “pale” (mature) neurosecretory granules. These changes suggest that the increased bio-synthetic activity resulting from saline-treatment subsides when the treatment is terminated. Furthermore, since neurohypophysial hormone stores have still not returned to normal in animals of the recovery group, they also imply the absence of an internal feedback system by which the level of neural lobe hormone stores might govern the synthetic activity of the neurosecretory cells. Both the increased synthesis, and the increased electrical activity which accompanies it, may be independent consequences of the depleting stimulus.
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  • 43
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Photoreceptors ; Nervous system ; Polychaete ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Organs of presumed photoreceptor significance in Nephtys exhibit great simplicity. The pigmented eyes of Nephtys are embedded in the posterior region of the brain. Each consists of a pigment cup and two closely-associated sensory cells. The cells exhibit the characteristic features of rhabdomeric-type photoreceptor structures. The anterior or accessory eyes are identical to the pigmented eyes except that each may consist of only a single cell and that pigment cups are absent. A pair of “sensor sacs” is also present, embedded in the brain. Each consists of a single cell which has the appearance of possessing a large intracellular vesicle (the phaosome) into which project irregularly arranged microvilli. The limiting membrane is, in fact, continuous with the cell membrane. Evidence is presented of the secretion of material of unknown character into the vesicle.
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  • 44
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    Cell & tissue research 151 (1974), S. 79-92 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Adenohypophysis ; PMS-primed rat ; FSH gonadotrope ; LH gonadotrope ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The existence of distinct FSH and LH gonadotropes has been suggested by several investigators whereas others have supported a one-gonadotrope hypothesis. To obtain further clarification on this subject, ultrastructural studies of pituitaries and radioimmunoassays of serum FSH, LH and prolactin were carried out in the PMS treated immature rat. The surge of FSH began at 12 noon on day 32 with a maximum at 6 pm that continued into the next day, while the LH maximum was reached at 4 pm. The serum levels of prolactin also began to rise at 12 noon on day 32 but did not reach maximum until 8 am of day 33. FSH cells as defined earlier by Costoff (1973) were well granulated at 12 noon and at 4 pm on day 32. At this later time many FSH cells exhibited extensive Golgi complexes, hypertrophied vacuolar endoplasmic reticulum and often times greatly swollen mitochondria. At 7 PM of day 32 many FSH cells were in various stages of degranulation. LH cells were enlarged and well granulated prior to 12 noon of day 32 but thereafter appeared degranulated. On day 31, prolactin cells were enlarged and well granulated. Although these cells contained extensive endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes, there were few mature granules during day 32 and in the early morning hours of day 33. At 1 PM of day 33 most of the FSH and LH, and some prolactin cells were again granulated. These studies correlating ultrastructure with FSH and LH levels in the serum of PMS treated rats further suggest the existence of two distinct gonadotropes in the rat, one producing FSH and another LH.
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    Cell & tissue research 153 (1974), S. 63-77 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Smooth muscle ; Intestine ; Afferent fibres ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The innermost layer of the circular musculature of the ileum of the guinea-pig, mouse, rat, rabbit, cat and dog is made of special small and dark muscle cells (sd cells), which can be identified by light and electron microscopy. These cells have a higher surface to volume ratio than ordinary muscle cells. They show all the organelles of smooth muscle cells and are in close relationship with a great number of extrinsic and intrinsic nerve fibres. They send numerous thin cytoplasmic processes towards the bulk of the circular layer, but nexuses between the sd cells and ordinary muscle cells are not found. It is suggested that some of the nerve fibres in this part of the circular layer are motor, setting the sd cells to a given length, and some are afferent in luminal pressure.
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  • 46
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    Cell & tissue research 150 (1974), S. 271-279 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Heavy bodies ; Oogenesis ; Maturation ; Sea urchin ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary An ultrastructural study of in vitro maturation of A. punctulata oocytes was undertaken to determine when heavy body formation was initiated. No heavy bodies were seen in germinal vesicle oocytes or in oocytes undergoing germinal vesicle breakdown or polar body formation. Heavy bodies were only observed in ova examined one to two hours after pronuclear formation. Several small heavy bodies were seen in sections of eggs fixed as early as three hours after the pronucleus had formed. The number of these structures in the egg cytoplasm increased with time. Therefore it is concluded that heavy body formation in sea urchin ova is a phenomenon following nuclear maturation.
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  • 47
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    Cell & tissue research 150 (1974), S. 343-368 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Fertilization ; Gametes ; Echinoid ; Echinarachnius ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The morphology of gametes of a representative echinoid, Echinarachnius parma were investigated ultrastructurally with particular emphasis on gamete interaction during fertilization. The acrosomal region of the spermatozoon is characterized by the presence of two components: an acrosomal vesicle and periacrosomal materials. The acrosomal vesicle, which is completely bounded by a limiting membrane, is surrounded by periacrosomal materials. Nuclear and mitochondrial regions of the spermatozoon are also described briefly. The ovum is surrounded by two extraneous coats: an outer jelly layer and an inner vitelline envelope. Pigment cells are present within the outer jelly layer. Ooplasmic organelles and inclusions including cortical granules and the female pronucleus are described. Spermatozoa undergo the acrosomal reaction in the vicinity of mature ova. Events of acrosomal reaction, including dehiscence of the acrosomal vesicle and acrosomal tubule formation, are described and summarized schematically. Acrosomal vesicle contents remain adherent to the outer surface of the tubule membrane. Primary binding of the spermatozoon to the surface of the ovum is accomplished by the establishment of morphological continuity between this extracellular coat and the vitelline envelope of the ovum. It is suggested that the species specificity of fertilization resides in this primary binding of gametes. Membrane fusion, between the tip of the acrosomal tubule and the colemma, follows primary binding and cytoplasmic continuity of the gametes is thereby established. It is concluded that the early events of fertilization in Echinarachnius parma generally conform to the Hydroides-Saccoglossus pattern of the Colwins (1967).
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  • 48
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    Cell & tissue research 153 (1974), S. 277-292 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Ultrastructure ; Pineal Gland ; Mole ; Paracrystalline structures
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Résumé Les pinéalocytes (au sens strict: Wolfe, 1965) de l'épiphyse de la Taupe (animal vivant pratiquement toujours dans une complète obscurité) examinés au microscope électronique, ont été comparés à ceux d'autres Mammifères. Dans le périkaryon des mitochondries, des ribosomes, du réticulum endoplasmique lisse et granulaire et quelques lysosomes et inclusions lipidiques sont présents. La présence à l'intérieur de certaines cavités du réticulum endoplasmique granulaire et parfois entre les deux feuillets de l'enveloppe nucléaire, de structures paracristallines (de nature protéique ?) est caractéristique des pinéalocytes de cet animal. L'appareil de Golgi sécréte des vésicules claires de 500 à 1500 Å de diamètre. Quelques très rares grains de sécrétion, dont l'origine golgienne n'a pas encore été démontré, ont été observé dans le périkaryon et à l'extrémité de certains prolongements. Un grand nombre de structures ciliaires (9+0 paires de tubules) ont également été observés dans les pinéalocytes.
    Notes: Summary The ultrastructure of the mole pinealocytes, a mammal which lives practically in complete darkness, has been examined and compared with that of other mammals. Mitochondria, ribosomes, smooth and granular endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes and lipid incluclusions are present in the perikaryon. The presence of a paracrystalline structure of a possibly proteinaceous nature in some cisterns of the granular endoplasmic reticulum and between the two layers of the nuclear membrane, is characteristic of the mole pinealocyte. The Golgi complex produces clear vesicles of 500–1500 Å in diameter. Occasionally, some dense core secretory vesicles were observed in the perikaryon and in the ending of cell processes. Their presumed origin from the Golgi complex could not yet be demonstrated. A large number of ciliary derivatives (9+0 pattern) are also present in the mole pinealocyte.
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  • 49
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    Cell & tissue research 153 (1974), S. 339-355 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Sertoli cell, human ; Morphological classification ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary As revealed by light microscopical investigations the human Sertoli cell presents different appearances according to the pattern of infranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions. Although two or three stages of spermatogenesis are seen in a single cross section of a seminiferous tubule the Sertoli cells all show virtually the same features in such a cross sectioned tubule. The different appearances are also evident under the electron microscope. Although no obvious correlation was found with the stages of spermatogenesis in the seminiferous epithelium, the Sertoli cell appearances described here may be assumed to represent different metabolic situations. Other features of Sertoli cell ultrastructure are discussed such as the presence of residual bodies in the apical cytoplasm, glycogen-rich areas protruding towards the tubular lumen or the extracellular space, and membrane bound, round structures, found between the membranes of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and resembling the “microbodies” of steroid producing cells.
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    Cell & tissue research 155 (1974), S. 541-554 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Hypophysectomized rats ; Reorganized stalk ; Ultrastructure ; Salt load
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The reorganized stalk of hypophysectomized rats, either “intact” or subjected to a 6-day salt load, has been studied by light and electron microscopy. PAF-positive neurosecretory material is seen mainly in the periphery of the reorganized stalk, usually in 2–5 μ nerve swellings of animals operated two months before. Nerve swellings make contact with a dense capillary network. Three types of nerve fibres and their swellings are distinguished according to the size of elementary granules. Peptidergic A1 and A2 types contain granules with a maximum diameter of 170 and 130 nm respectively; monoaminergic B type fibres have granules of 100 nm in diameter. A1 type axonal swellings are the most numerous and can be tentatively divided into four subtypes according to their ultrastructure and relationships with capillaries and pituicytes. Swellings of types b and c, making direct contact with capillaries or pituicyte perikarya, usually contain few granules and numerous synaptic vesicles arranged frequently in clusters in the “active” zones. It is assumed that they are especially active in the release of peptide neurohormones. It is also hypothesized that in the hypophysectomized rats peptide neurohormones are released not only directly into the pericapillary space but also into the intercellular cleft, especially at sites of neuron-pituicyte junctions. Nerve swellings of type a, separated from the pericapillary space by thin pituicyte processes, usually contain numerous neurosecretory granules. It is suggested that vascular “end-feet” of pituicytes may somehow reduce neurohormone release. The depletion of PAF-positive material as well as the decreased granule content even after a salt load of only 1 per cent shows that the reorganized stalk is functional as a neurohaemal organ, but has a diminished hormone reserve. This, together with a primitive cytomyeloangioarchitecture speaks for morphological and functional imperfection of the reorganized stalk.
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  • 51
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    Cell & tissue research 153 (1974), S. 517-530 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Medial preoptic area ; Hypothalamus ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The neuronal and glial cell bodies and the neuropil of the medial preoptic area of the rat hypothalamus were studied under the electron microscope. Two different types of neurons are identified on the basis of electron density. These two types differed in a number of ultrastructural features. Three types of nerve terminals based on vesicle morphology are also described, as well as the general structure of the axons, dendrites and synapses in the neuropil. The structure of oligodendrocytes and astrocytes is also discussed.
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  • 52
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    Cell & tissue research 154 (1974), S. 39-49 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Gobius jozo (Teleost) ; Testis ; Steroidogenic tissue ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The homologue of mammalian Leydig cells in the testis of fish of the genus Gobius is believed to be a glandular mass lying along the mesorchium and quite distinct from the seminiferous region. This gland was studied in Gobius jozo by light and electron microscopy. Histologically, the gland is composed of cords of polyhedral cells located between the main vessels of the testis and the deferent duct. Dark and light cell varieties were observed both after staining with toluidine blue and with respect to their cytoplasmic electron density. The fine structure of the glandular cells is characterized by a well developed agranular endoplasmic reticulum in the form of random anastomosing tubules and vesicles and by very numerous mitochondria with tubulo-vesicular cristae. In some mitochondria the internal organization is paracrystalline. One or two bodies of unknown nature are Found in the Golgi region. They are partially limited by an unusually thick membrane and contain a material subdivided mostly into small vesicles. Liposomes and lipofuscin pigment granules are also present. The ultrastructural features of the glandular cells of the testis of Gobius jozo confirm a specialization in steroid hormone production.
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  • 53
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    Cell & tissue research 148 (1974), S. 69-82 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Ultimobranchial glands ; Anuran larvae ; Metamorphosis ; Ultrastructure ; Scanning electron microscopy
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The fine structure of ultimobranchial (UB) gland cells from Rana temporaria larvae 48 h after hatching until the completion of metamorphosis is described. A single UB cell type is present, believed to be the characteristic C cell, in which secretory granules are first detectable in 8 day post-hatching larvae. These secretory granules show an intimate association with lipid droplets. Unusual membranous and crystalloid inclusions, which may represent yolk platelets, are found in UB glands of very small larvae. The significance of a range of UB organelles is discussed and some scanning electron micrographs presented. This report is believed to be the first published ultrastructural and scanning electron microscope study of larval anuran UB glands.
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  • 54
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    Cell & tissue research 148 (1974), S. 381-396 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Placenta ; Mouse ; Syncytium ; Morphogenesis ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Résumé L'origine embryologique des constituants cytologiques de la barrière placentaire chez la Souris a été mise en évidence du 8ème au 11éme jour de la gestation et la séquence des phénomènes favorisant la formation d'un syncytium trophoblastique, précisée. La barrière placentaire trilaminaire a une double origine: la couche interne provient du trophoblaste chorionique, la couche médiane syncytiale comme la couche externe dérivent du trophoblaste ectoplacentaire. Le stimulus initial de la différenciation semble résulter au 9ème jour du contact entre le trophoblaste chorionique et le mésoderme allantoïdien. Quelques heures après, on observe la réaction des cellules chorioniques, caractérisée par une augmentation importante des nucléoprotéines cytoplasmiques, puis l'apparition de globules lipidiques et enfin des propriétés de motilité. Ces cellules établissent des jonctions complexes avec le trophoblaste ectoplacentaire indifférencié qu'elles côtoient. En même temps, le métabolisme nucléaire de ces cellules ectoplacentaires semble modifié. Ultérieurement, au 10éme jour de la gestation, la disparition des membranes plasmiques latérales de ces cellules, conduit à la formation d'un syncytium par fusion de cellules au même stade d'évolution.
    Notes: Summary The morphogenesis of the different layers forming the mouse placental barrier is described during the 8th to 11th day of gestation. The timing and events leading to the formation of the syncytiotrophoblast are analyzed. Two different processes lead to the formation of the hemotrichorial placental membrane: the internal layer is formed by the chorionic trophoblast, both the intermediate syncytial layer and the external cytotrophoblast layer are derived from the ectoplacental trophoblast. The differentiation of the placental barrier begins on the 9th day of gestation by the establishment of contact between the chorionic trophoblast and the allantoic mesoderm. A few hours later, the chorionic cells show a considerable increase in cytoplasmic nucleoproteins and lipids and become ameboid. Complex cell-junctions differentiate between these chorionic cells and the adjacent ectoplacental trophoblast. On the 10th day of gestation the lateral cytoplasmic membranes disappear leading to the formation of a syncytium.
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    Cell & tissue research 151 (1974), S. 69-77 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Prostate (rabbit) ; Anterior lobe ; Apocrine secretion ; Ultrastructure ; Protein secretion
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The structure of glandular cells in the anterior lobe of the rabbit prostate was reinvestigated, especially after fixation by vascular perfusion with glutaraldehyde. The lumina of the gland contain abundant globules of an amorphous material surrounded by a membrane. A few dense bodies and scattered globules with internal vesicles also occur. These luminar contents obviously correspond to the particles observed in the semen of rabbits. Strong evidence was found for the formation of the globules by an apocrine secretory process. Material similar to the contents of the luminar globules accumulates in the cell apex together with vesicles, probably of Golgi origin, but without any other organelles. Protrusions from the cell surface contain similar material, but the vesicles generally disappear before the forming globule is finally pinched off from the cell surface. The characteristic feature of the secretory cell are the paucity of endoplasmic reticulum and the large amounts of ribosomes. This is interpreted as a specialization of the cell for the production of secretory protein that is not segregated within membranes until it is discharged from the cell by apocrine secretion.
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  • 56
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    Cell & tissue research 153 (1974), S. 189-193 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Eyes ; Retinula ; Ephestia kuehniella ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Im Auge von Ephestia kommen Kontakte zwischen den Zellen benachbarter Retinulae vor. Diese Kontakte finden sich am häufigsten in der Kernregion der Retinulazellen und können 2 oder mehr Retinulae miteinander verbinden. Da keine besonderen Membranstrukturen in der Kontaktzone beobachtet wurden und da andererseits die Retinulazellen auf diesem Niveau und weiter distal Pigmentgranula enthalten, scheinen diese Kontakte weder die Zellen chemisch bzw. elektrisch zu koppeln noch Reizlicht zu übertragen. Vielmehr wird angenommen, daß die Verlagerungen des Cytoplasmas bei Hell-Dunkeladaptation in benachbarten Retinulae durch die gegenseitige Berührung koordiniert werden.
    Notes: Summary Connections were found between retinula cells of adjacent retinula cell columns in the eye of Ephestia. The connections occur most frequently at the level of the retinula cell nuclei and may involve two or more retinula columns simultaneously. The absence of specialized structural modifications of the membranes and the presence of pigment granules at the level of the connections or distal to them indicates that these connections are probably not involved in selective chemical or electrical communication nor in light transmission. It is suggested that the connections may serve tactily to coordinate cytoplasmic movement in adjacent retinula columns during light-dark adaptation.
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  • 57
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    Cell & tissue research 155 (1974), S. 135-154 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Exocrine pancreas ; Frog ; Ultrastructure ; Intracellular transport ; Autoradiography
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The route by which secretory proteins are transported in the frog exocrine pancreas cell was investigated by an ultrastructural and electron microscope autoradiographic analysis of in vivo 3H-leucine labelled tissue. The ultrastructure of the cell is characteristic of serous epithelial cells and resembles that of mammalian exocrine pancreas cells very closely. Autoradiographic results revealed that the proteins, after being synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), are transported through the Golgi cisternae to condensing vacuoles which subsequently change into secretory granules. The determination of the timing of this transport was complicated by a very slow turnover of leucine in the frog. Nevertheless, by a semi-quantitative approach, some time characteristics could be estimated: about 11 min after the onset of their synthesis the proteins enter the Golgi system, and about 25 min later the condensing vacuoles. Secretory granules become labelled between 60 and 120 min. These results are discussed, also in relation to the transport route and kinetics in mammalian tissue.
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  • 58
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Thyroid gland ; Gymnophiona (Amphibia) ; Metamorphosis ; Ultrastructure ; Radioiodide
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Different developmental stages of two species of the genus Ichthyophis have been investigated. In the late embryo the follicular cells of the thyroid gland exhibit various degrees of cytodifferentiation. Well differentiated cells show a polar organization and contain numerous granular inclusions, but a colloid-containing lumen is rare. Most cells at this stage contain large lipid inclusions. In young and older larvae the cells contain well-developed rough ER and Golgi systems, numerous mitochondria, and abundant granular and vesicular inclusions. Tentative identifications were made of primary lysosomes, secondary lysosomes, residual bodies, and two types of small apical vesicles—containing resorbed colloid or transporting material into the follicular lumen. In the larvae the number of apical microvilli is relatively high. The thyroid cells of the older larvae seem to contain more granular and vesicular inclusions than those of the younger larvae. In the adult the size of the follicles greatly increases, the height of the epithelium decreases, microvilli become rare, residual bodies are more frequent, and the small primary lysosomes are replaced by larger ones. Colloid droplets have been found only rarely in the cytoplasm of the thyroid cells of adult animals. In the immediate neighbourhood of the follicular epithelium, profiles of nerve fibres were found in all animals. Radioiodide investigations—measurements of conversion ratio and thyroid uptake factor—show, if compared with the results of corresponding studies in other amphibians, only relatively small differences between the larvae on the one hand and larvae and adults on the other. The absolute counts of the thyroid region are lowest in the adult and highest in the older larvae, shortly before metamorphosis. Furthermore our results indicate, on the basis of four animals tested, that in Ichthyophis the activity of the thyroid gland is temperature dependent. The results in Ichthyophis show that the classical stages of metamorphosis, in other amphibians characterized among other things by different levels of thyroid activity, are very indistinct in this animal.
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    Cell & tissue research 153 (1974), S. 415-417 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Spleen (human) ; Periarteriolar lymphocytic sheath ; Reticular cell ; Enzyme histochemistry ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Interdigitating cells are demonstrated as a special type of fixed cell in the periarteriolar lymphocytic sheaths of the human spleen. These cells show typical ultrastructural features as well as a characteristic enzyme histochemical pattern that distinguish them from other reticular cells in the splenic white pulp.
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    Cell & tissue research 154 (1974), S. 211-230 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Pituitary ; Goldfish ; Cell types ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary In the goldfish, Carassius auratus, morphological and functional aspects of the pituitary gland were studied at the ultrastructural level and six cell types could be distinguished in the pars distalis. Acidophilic cells of the rostral pars distalis were identified as prolactin cells, the chromophobic cells of the rostral pars distalis as ACTH cells, the non-globular basophilic cells of the rostral and the proximal pars distalis as TSH cells, the globular basophils of the proximal pars distalis as gonadotropic cells and the acidophils of the proximal pars distalis as somatotrophs. Besides some of the well established criteria of morphological and functional identification of different cell types, two new approaches have been used in the present study. One was to express the electron density of secretory granules objectively by means of a photometric method. It was found that both types of acidophilic cells which produce the proteohormones prolactin and somatotropin respectively, had granules with the highest electron densities. The basophilic cells producing the glycoproteins gonadotropin and TSH respectively, possessed granules of intermediate electron density whereas the chromophobic cells storing the peptide hormone ACTH had granules of lowest densities. The second new approach was the administration of the synthetic mammalian releasing hormones LH-RP and TRF, which helped in identifying gonadotropic and thyrotropic cells respectively. In the goldfish there is evidence for the presence of only one type of gonadotropic cell.
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  • 61
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    Cell & tissue research 154 (1974), S. 231-249 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Pituitary ; Goldfish ; Innervation ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The innervation of the pituitary gland of Carassius auratus was studied by light and electron microscopy under various physiological and experimental conditions to investigate whether or not neurosecretory fibres play a role in regulating pars distalis function. Two types of neurosecretory fibre (Type A and Type B) were distinguished. Prolactin, ACTH and TSH1 cells were innervated by Type B fibre terminals separated from the endocrine cells by a continuous basal lamina (“indirect contacts”). Gonadotropic, STH and TSH2 cells were innervated by Type A as well as Type B neurosecretory fibres, mostly without an intervening basal lamina (“direct contacts”). The assessment of the amount of neurosecretory granules and microvesicles in nerve terminals during the pre-spawning, spawning and postspawning seasons and following the administration of Oestradiol, Thyroxine, Thiourea and Metopiron respectively revealed convincing evidence for a participation in pars distalis control for Type A and Type B fibres innervating gonadotropic cells and STH cells and Type B fibres innervating TSH2 and ACTH cells. Immediately after spawning both nerve fibre types innervating gonadotropic cells and Type A fibres innervating STH cells showed a striking decrease in the amount of dense core vesicles. During the spawning season nerve fibres innervating somatotropic cells, TSH2 cells and ACTH cells also undergo changes suggesting that prior to spawning major changes in the endocrine system of the goldfish take place.—These results point to a dual control, by peptides and amines, of teleost pars distalis function.
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  • 62
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    Cell & tissue research 154 (1974), S. 251-264 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Skin ; Tilapia ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The fine structure of the skin of Tilapia mossambica (Peters) is described. In certain areas the epidermal surface forms so-called Epidermal Surface Patterns. Two types of epidermal cells are distinguished and their differences noted. The epidermal surface is covered by a layer of acid mucopolysaccharide, yet the contents of the mucus cells did not react with ruthenium red. The dermis consists mainly of bundles of collagen fibres and associated fibroblasts, but melanophores, iridophores and complex melano-iridophores are also present. Aspects of the development and structure of the guanine platelets and the melanosomes are discussed.
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  • 63
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    Cell & tissue research 154 (1974), S. 289-301 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Neurosecretory cells ; Leptinotarsa decemlineata ; Innervation ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The pathways of axonal transport of secretions from neurosecretory cells (NSC) in the medial group (viz. A-, A1, B-, and C-type NSC) and the lateral group (L-type NSC) are described. Individual axons can be recognized in the electron microscope by the kind of neurosecretory particles they contain. In general, the secretions from the medial NSC are carried to the contralateral nervi corporis cardiaci (NCC), those from the lateral NSC to the ipsilateral NCC. Some axons from the A-type NSC, in addition, may run to ipsilateral NCC. All A-type axons have collaterals which run to the ipsilateral NCC. The medial and lateral bundles of “mixed” axons run through one paired NCC but remain separated spatially. Release of secretion from the C-type NSC can take place before the corpus cardiacum is reached. A- and A1-type NSC have additional collaterals that branch from the proximal part of the axons and penetrate deeply into the neuropile of the protocerebral lobes. Local swellings appear to be closely associated with fibers from non-neurosecretory neurons. The sites of contact are characterized by the accumulation of microvesicles (400 Å) near an electron-dense cleft of 150–200 Å width, and resemble regular chemical synapses. The microvesicles prove to be present within the neurosecretory fiber in most of the specimens studied, and within the non-neurosecretory fiber in only a few cases. It seems most likely that the collaterals in some phases convey afferent signals to the NSC which inhibit the release of an efferent neurochemical “messenger” of unknown nature into the neuropile.
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  • 64
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    Cell & tissue research 147 (1974), S. 335-351 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Fenestra dorsalis ; Allanaspides ; Syncarida ; Ion transport ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The genus Allanaspides (Crustacea, Syncarida) is characterised by a conspicuous modification of the cephalo-thoracic tergite, the fenestra dorsalis. The ultrastructure of the fenestra dorsalis was examined in both known species of Allanaspides. The organ is separated from surrounding tissue by a clearly demarcated transition zone in which the cuticle thickens and looses its normal laminated structure. In the cells of the fenestra dorsalis, three regions may be distinguished. The apical region has an abundance of long invaginations, often packed closely together. The invaginations possess numerous microtubules plus numerous mitochondria whose membranes are closely associated with the invaginated membranes. Both microtubules and mitochondria are aligned in the same direction as the invaginations. The middle region of the cells contains many intracellular vacuoles in Allanaspides hickmani whilst in Allanaspides helonomus the same region contains extensive extracellular spaces. The basal region of the cells is marked by deep infoldings and an abundance of mitochondria. Microtubules are common and these, together with the mitochondria, are aligned along the direction of the infoldings. Adjacent cells are linked by frequent septate junctions. The fine structure of fenestra dorsalis tissue indicates an active participation in ion and/or water movement. However, in contrast to other crustacean tissues known to be involved in this function, it is postulated that the fenestra dorsalis of Allanaspides provides a two-stage transport system, in which “mitochondrial pumps” are present on both the inner and outer cell surfaces.
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  • 65
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    Cell & tissue research 147 (1974), S. 433-440 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Mushroom-shaped gland ; Periplaneta ; Utriculi majores ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The utriculi majores, the largest tubules of the mushroom-shaped sex gland complex of P. americana are lined by a single layer of secretory cells with basal plasmalemmal infoldings and apical microvilli, and enveloped by a thin layer of slow-acting muscle. The latter is predominantly monomyofibrillar, with an ill-developed T-system, sarcoplasmic reticulum and striations. The secretory epithelium consists of typical protein-synthesizing and-exporting cells with an extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum and active Golgi elements. Secretory granules, budded off from layered cisternae of the Golgi complex, are more numerous in the vicinity of the luminal surface. The luminal contents are rich in proteins, neutral lipids and phospholipids; there are also some sulphated and nonsulphated acid mucopolysaccharides.
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  • 66
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    Cell & tissue research 148 (1974), S. 143-158 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Photoreceptor ; Planaria ; Neurotubules ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The photoreceptors of the planarian Dugesia dorotocephala were studied by light microscopy and electron microscopy. The eye was found to be rhabdomeric; it is composed of approximately 25 visual cells and a monolayered cup of pigment cells enclosing the light sensitive rhabdome. The pigment cell gave the appearance of having a phagocytic function in addition to regulating the light entering the rhabdome. Extensions of these pigment cells were shown to be the “membranous structure” seen by light microscopy in the open area of the eye. The bipolar visual cell consisted of a perikaryon, axon and a dendritic extension comprised of a stalk, conical body and microvillous rhabdomere. Efferent nerve fibers formed synapses with dendritic spines protruding from receptor stalks. A specialized structure at the transition area between neurotubules and neurofilaments was observed in the conical body. A dense intercellular space occurred between all regions of adjoining visual cells.
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  • 67
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    Cell & tissue research 148 (1974), S. 203-211 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Hypothalamus ; Rat ; Supraoptic nucleus ; Ultrastructure ; Somatic spines
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Electron microscopic studies of ultrathin serial sections of the perikarya and adjacent neuropil of neurons of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) of the adult male rat revealed varying forms of two types of somatic spines. One type forms synapses with axons passing the cell, the other, without synapses, appears to serve as a buttress or clasp for adjacent neuronal and glial processes. The synapse-bearing spines lack the usual spine apparatus but contain the flocculent substance often seen in spines. The other spines do not exhibit either of these structures. These somatic spines were also seen in Golgi impregnated preparations but the types could not be distinguished. Certain axons synapse either on a somatic spine of the perikarya or penetrate the glial sheath of the neuron and synapse, usually repeatedly, on the soma in an en passant manner.
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  • 68
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Pars tuberalis ; Mammals ; Chicken ; Newt ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The pars tuberalis of the rat, mouse, garden door mouse, European hamster, cat, cattle, chicken and newt is composed of two main cell types: specific secretory cells and follicular cells. The specific cells are characterized by comparable morphologic features in the investigated species, despite differences in the diameter of the secretory granulated vesicles; the ultrastructural morphology of these cells is different from that of any of the known cell types of the adenohypophysis. The follicular cells are devoid of secretory granules, they do not only line the numerous follicular cavities of the pars tuberalis but may also be found in the periphery of the cell cords (border cells). In addition, gonadotrophic cells are found; they predominate in the distal portion of the pars tuberalis and are definitely activated by castration or hypophysectomy. Experimental interventions on most of the major endocrine systems did not cause any noticeable ultrastructural changes in the specific cells. It appears certain that the pars tuberalis secretes a specific hormone whose function remains to be determined.
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  • 69
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Cerebrospinal fluid contacting neurons ; Filum terminale (Cyprinus carpio) ; Ultrastructure ; Synaptic semidesmosomes
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Small nerve cells are scattered among the ependymal cells of the central canal of the filum terminale in Cyprinus carpio. The dendrites of these neurons form bulb-like endings in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). These endings are similar to the CSF contacting dendritic terminals of the medulla oblongata and spinal cord. Therefore, we consider these nerve cells to belong to the CSF contacting neuronal system. The axons of these neurons enter the hypendymal fibrous zone where nerve processes of various calibres and axon terminals on dendrite-like profiles and sometimes on ependymal processes were found. In addition to cytoplasmic elements ordinarily present in nerve cells there are granulated vesicles of about 800 to 900 Å in diameter in the perikarya of the CSF contacting neurons. Axons containing synaptic and dense-core vesicles (diameter about 400 Å and 800 Å, respectively) build up synapses on the basal part of these neurons. The CSF contacting neurons described are dissimilar to the Dahlgren cells present in the urophysis and in the rostral part of the filum. In addition, we found axon terminals forming synaptic semidesmosomes on the basal lamina of the external surface of the filum. At some places these terminals are numerous, building up primitive median eminence-like areas on the surface of the filum. In addition to synaptic vesicles these terminals contain numerous granulated vesicles of 800 Å. The axons forming these terminals are supposed to originate from the CSF contacting neurons. The presence of special nerve terminals on the external surface furnishes morphological evidence for the passage of substances from the nervous tissue into the external CSF space at the level of the filum terminale.
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  • 70
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    Cell & tissue research 149 (1974), S. 223-233 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Spermatozoon ; Holothuroidea (Leptosynapta clarki) ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The spermatozoon of the holothurian Leptosynapta clarki has a small circular head measuring about 3.0 μ at the greatest diameter, a midpiece containing a single mitochondrion and a tail flagellum measuring between 35 μ and 45 μ in length. The acrosomal region contains a granule measuring 0.7 μ in diameter which consists of electron dense material arranged in concentric lamellae. Five concentric very electron dense lamellae alternate with areas of much less electron dense material in the central region of the granule. This granule rests in an anterior nuclear depression. The nucleus is circular in shape and contains one or two unbound vacuoles which frequently contain a fine granular material. Posteriorly the nucleus is bounded by a large mitochondrion and an occasional Golgi complex. The proximal centriole which contains a lateral arm of dense material lies in a deep fossa projecting into the nucleus. The distal centriole lies posteriorly in the mitochondrial mass and gives rise to nine satellite projections and their Y-shaped connective extensions. The tail contains the 9 + 2 tubule arrangement and tapers at its distal end.
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  • 71
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    Cell & tissue research 151 (1974), S. 395-402 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Heart ; Teleost ; Sarcoplasmic reticulum ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The morphology of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in myocardial cells of the ventricle of the trout heart is described as the result of an investigation with the electron microscope. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is sparse in distribution compared to that of birds or mammals but shows a fundamentally similar organization. A very loose network of fine tubules is in intimate contact with the myofibrils but with no local modification with respect to the arrangement of myofilaments within the sarcomeres. There is no special association of the sarcoplasmic reticulum with the Z-bands. Some tubules pass to the cell periphery where they expand to form subsarcolemmal cisternae in which electron-dense matter is often seen. The occurrence of the subsarcolemmal cisternae (peripheral couplings) is random and they are not observed in the vicinity of intercalated discs. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is discussed in relation to excitation-contraction coupling in teleost myocardial cells, and in comparison with that of other vertebrates.
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  • 72
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Paraventricular organ ; Xenopus laevis ; Monoamines ; Cytochemistry ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Ultracytochemical identification of monoamines in the paraventricular organ (PVO) of Xenopus laevis tadpoles was achieved by applying glutaraldehyde-potassium dichromate fixation to the brains. It appears that the amines are concentrated inside elongated or round large granular vesicles within the neurons. The presence of dopamine and, to a lesser extent, of indolamines in neurons of the PVO is discussed.
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  • 73
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    Cell & tissue research 150 (1974), S. 1-9 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Sensory receptors ; Insects ; Chemoreceptors ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary On the antenna of adult male Periplaneta americana, three size ranges of classical sensilla basiconica were found. Based on SEM, a sensillum of the s. trichodeum shape was revealed, but our TEM efforts indicate that this sensillum has the thin-wall, porous ultrastructure of a sensillum basiconicum. Sensilla basiconica contain flask-shaped cuticular pores. All viewed pores join four or five tubules. The pore tubules clearly contact plasma membranes of dendritic branches. Two sizes of grooved pegs were observed. The terminal segment of the antenna contains a variety of other “receptors”.
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  • 74
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Neurosecretion ; Harvestman ; Exocytosis ; Release ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Résumé Les plaques paraganglionnaires de l'Opilion Trogulus nepaeformis sont des organes neurohémaux constitués d'une lamelle neurale externe, épaisse, en contact avec un sinus sanguin, d'une couche basale de cellules gliales, et de 7 types de terminaisons axonales (A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, B4 and C) renfermant des granules élémentaires qui diffèrent par leur taille, leur densité aux électrons et l'aspect de leur contenu. Les granules de type A1 se déchargent par exocytose dans l'espace extra-axonal, sous la lamelle neurale; ceux de type C se fragmentent en microgranules à contenu dense qui s'accumulent avec des vésicules claires contre l'axolemme en des places suggérant des sites de libération dans l'hémolymphe.
    Notes: Summary The paraganglionic plates of the harvestman, Trogulus, are neurohemal organs composed of a thick neural lamella facing a blood sinus, basal glial cells, and seven distinct types of axon terminals (A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, B4 and C) identified on the basis of elementary granule size, electron density, and structure of contents. The release of A1 type granules occurs by exocytosis into the extraaxonal space below the acellular neural lamella. The release of the content of C granules occurs after fragmentation into small electron dense vesicles. Clusters of these vesicles intermixed with clear vesicles pressing against the axolemma beneath the neural lamella, apparantly correspond to the sites of release.
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  • 75
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Avian salt gland ; Electrolyte transport ; Ultrastructure ; Ruthenium red ; Dialyzed iron ; Sialic acid
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Both ruthenium red and dialyzed iron techniques indicated that anionic protein-carbohydrates were associated with the plasmalemma of secretory cells in mallard salt glands. Digestion of the tissue with neuraminidase prior to dialyzed iron staining provided evidence that much of the anionic nature of this surface was due to sialic acid. These results were confirmed by biochemical assays showing that the salt-gland tissue contained a relatively high sialic-acid content and that the amount of sialic acid increased with salt-water adaptation. Possible roles of these anionic sites are discussed in relation to currently accepted hypotheses of electrolyte transport.
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  • 76
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    Cell & tissue research 153 (1974), S. 167-173 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Parathyroids ; Rana temporaria ; Crystals ; Ultrastructure ; Catalase
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Crystalline inclusions in parathyroid gland cell nuclei of Rana temporaria were studied by electron microscopy using a specimen tilting stage. Images were analysed by optical diffraction. Results were compared with X-ray and electron microscopic data of trigonal bovine liver catalase to which a striking resemblance of the inclusions was found.
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  • 77
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    Cell & tissue research 152 (1974), S. 193-217 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Imaginal fat body ; Calliphora erythrocephala ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary During the first egg-maturation period (6 days at 25° C) the adult fat body of the female of Calliphora goes through sequential changes correlated with the development of the oocytes. The first two days represent a growth and differentiation phase. Free ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) gradually increase in quantity. Golgi complexes consisting of clusters of vesicles and vacuoles appear to bud off from cisternae of the RER. Dense bodies possibly arise by sequestration from Golgi complexes. Content of acid phosphatase shows the dense bodies to be lysosomes. Many contain crystalloids. Glycogen is first seen as a network, in which gamma-elements appear; later alpha-particles occur. Lipid droplets are abundant. Lipid droplets break down where they border upon glycogen. In four-day old females the fat body is in a phase of production. Golgi complexes concentrate protein secretion granules believed to represent yolk protein. Then follows a phase of regression characterized by the formation of cytosegresomes and by an accumulation of lipid. In mature females a remodeling of the fat cell begins, evidenced by a renewed formation of free ribosomes, RER, and probably dense bodies resembling those of the one-day old female.
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  • 78
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Spleen (Rat) ; Periarteriolar lymphocytic sheath ; Mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) ; Thymectomy ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Light- and electron microscopic studies reveal that the peri-arteriolar lymphocytic sheath of the rat spleen can be divided into two areas. The central area contains small lymphocytes, interdigitating cells (IDC, light staining cells with extensive cytoplasmic interdigitations) and some scattered reticulum cells. The peripheral area contains a mixed population of lymphocytes and circumferentially oriented reticulum cells. It is shown that only the central area of the peri-arteriolar lymphocytic sheath is thymus-dependent. In neonatally thymectomized rats, before interdigitating cells appear, monocytes and promonocytes reside in this area. It is suggested that the IDC are part of the mononuclear phagocyte system (Langevoort et al., 1970). They probably form the micro-environment necessary for the differentiation and proliferation of T-cells. The analogies between IDC, epithelioid cells and the macrophages in the migration inhibition test are discussed. The hypothesis is put forward that these cells are similar in ultrastructural and functional aspects because all three are macrophages under the influence of humoral factors from T-cells, such as migration inhibition factor.
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  • 79
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    Cell & tissue research 149 (1974), S. 333-347 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Neural lobe ; Mouse ; Growth and development ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Nerve fibres of the neurosecretory hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract were studied in embryonic C3H mouse neural lobes; at least four glands at each gestational day 15–19 were examined. Single axons and small bundles of fibres are visible at gestational days 15 and 16. By day 17 large fibre bundles penetrate between glial cells. They increase in number during the next two days. Electron-lucent and electron-dense vesicles are seen in the fibres of the 15th and 16th gestational days. In the 17–19 day-old embryos development is characterized by a successive rise in the number of the two types of vesicles. The mean diameter of the electron-lucent vesicles is approximately unchanged in all the stages examined (50 nm). The electron-dense vesicles increase in size from approximately 80–90 nm at days 15–16 to 140 nm at the 19th gestational day. By day 19 contacts between neurosecretory fibre terminals and the outer basement membrane of internal and peripheral capillaries are occasionally observed. The possibly adrenergic nature of a few terminals contacting peripheral vascular structures in 17 and 18 day-old embryos is suggested.
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  • 80
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    Cell & tissue research 152 (1974), S. 493-512 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Median eminence ; 6-Hydroxydopamine ; Fluorescence ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The extent of degeneration and regeneration of catecholamine-containing nerve fibres in the external layer of the median eminence of the rat has been assessed following treatment with 6-OHDA. Ultrastructural and fluorescence histochemical evidence suggests that nerve terminal degeneration occurs in the external layer of the caudal regions of the median eminence, including the anatomical stem, following intravenous injection of 6-OHDA in a dose of 100 mg/kg. No degeneration in the external layer of the median eminence was observed when the drug was given as sequential intracisternal injections to adult rats or neonatal rats by subcutaneous injections. The fluorescence histochemical studies suggest that regeneration of catecholamine-containing neurons is substantially complete within three weeks of treatment with intravenous 6-OHDA.
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  • 81
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    Cell & tissue research 150 (1974), S. 443-454 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Haematopoiesis ; Lymnaea stagnalis ; Amoebocytes ; Autoradiography ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary In order to investigate haematopoiesis in the freshwater pulmonate Lymnaea stagnalis, the blood cells and the connective tissue of this snail were studied by light and electron microscopy as well as by autoradiography. In the circulating blood only one type of cell, the amoebocyte, is present. Amoebocytes also occur in the connective tissue (tissue amoebocytes) as single cells, in small groups or in large accumulations. Study of the morphology and ultrastructure of blood and tissue amoebocytes shows that no differences exist between these cells, indicating that L. stagnalis does not possess a well-defined haematopoietic organ. This assumption is supported by the following observations: 1. both blood and tissue amoebocytes can act as phagocytes, 2. blood and tissue amoebocytes both have the capacity to divide (i.e. incorporate tritiated thymidine) and 3. the percentage of dividing cells in the blood and in the connective tissue is the same. These quantitative data indicate furthermore that there is no difference in the relative importance of the blood and the connective tissue in the process of haematopoiesis. Comparison of tritiated thymidine labelled cells with unlabelled amoebocytes showed that these cells do not differ with respect to their morphology and ultrastructure. Moreover, amoebocytes involved in phagocytosis and encapsulation of foreign materials or in wound healing still have the capacity to divide. The percentages of tritiated thymidine labelled amoebocytes in different snails varied considerably. It is suggested that this variation reflects differences in the physiological state of the individual snails.
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  • 82
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    Cell & tissue research 150 (1974), S. 463-479 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Ovarian follicle ; Vitellogenesis ; Cephalopods ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Die Feinstruktur des Ovarfollikels von Alloteuthis subulata Lam. während der euplasmatischen Wachstumsphase und der Vitellogenese wurde licht- und elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Die Oogenese kann in drei Stadien unterteilt werden. Oocyten des Stadiums I haben noch kein Follikelepithel. Während des Stadiums II faltet sich das Follikelepithel in die Oocyte ein, die ihre euplasmatische Wachstumsphase durchläuft. Die Follikelzellen zeigen typische Merkmale von Zellen mit starker Proteinsynthese. Im Stadium III wird das Chorion von den Follikelzellen gebildet. Im Gegensatz zu älteren lichtmikroskopischen Beobachtungen ergeben sich keine Hinweise, die für eine Beteiligung der Follikelzellen an der Bildung exogenen Proteindotters sprechen. Die eigenen Beobachtungen sprechen vielmehr für eine weitgehend autonome Synthese des PAS-positiven Dotters durch die Oocyte unter Beteiligung des stark ausgebildeten Golgi-Apparates. Die Befunde werden im Vergleich mit Beobachtungen zur Vitellogenese anderer Invertebraten und Vertebraten diskutiert.
    Notes: Summary The structure of the ovarian follicle of Alloteuthis subulata Lam. during the euplasmic growth phase and vitellogenesis has been investigated by light and electron microscopy. Oogenesis can be divided into three stages. Oocytes of stage I are not yet surrounded by a follicle cell epithelium. During stage II, infolding of the follicular epithelium into the oocyte and the euplasmic growth phase of the oocyte take place. Follicle cells show all attributes typical for protein synthesizing cells. During stage III, formation of the chorion occurs due to follicle cell activity. In contrast to earlier light microscopical observations, there are no indications of an engagement of the follicle cells in the production of exogenous yolk protein, which could be taken up by the oocyte in pinocytotic vesicles. The observations rather favour the idea of a largely autonomous synthesis of the PAS-positive yolk in the oocyte. The Golgi apparatus seems to be engaged in yolk production. The findings are discussed in comparison with observations on vitellogenesis in other invertebrates and vertebrates.
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  • 83
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    Cell & tissue research 152 (1974), S. 113-128 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Rabbit pars intermedia ; Ultrastructure ; Nerve terminal ; PI-type glandular cell ; ACT-type cell
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary By electron microscopy three types of nerve terminals have been identified in adult rabbit pars intermedia (PI). The characteristics of these are described and their development traced. The distribution of nerve terminals and neurons within the PI is documented. In particular the association between types of nerve terminal and the different glandular cells is shown to be precise and selective. Direct innervation of the ACT-type cells in the rabbit PI is described for the first time. The author is particularly grateful to Dr. J. W. B. Bradfield for help in the preparation of this paper.
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  • 84
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    Cell & tissue research 155 (1974), S. 337-351 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Primitive nervous systems ; Nerve plexus ; Flatworm ; Platyhelminthes ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The peripheral nervous system of the polyclad flatworm Notoplana acticola is described from electron microscopic observations. There are two components, a subepithelial system and a submuscular plexus. The subepithelial system lies among muscle cells beneath the basement membrane of the epithelium. Axons and processes containing clear or dense-cored vesicles were found. The subepithelial system is in the form of a feltwork of fibers rather than a nerve-net. The submuscular plexus has both specialized and primitive aspects to its organization. In the former category are sheathed axons and complex synaptic configurations while the latter can be seen in the numerous naked axons, somata lying deep in the nerve tissue and islands of neuropil scattered along the nerve tracts.
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  • 85
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    Cell & tissue research 155 (1974), S. 321-336 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Muscle fibres (Tadpole tail) ; Degeneration ; Macrophages ; Autophagic vacuoles ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary This report describes histochemical and ultrastructural studies of tail muscles in tadpoles of Rana japonica and Rana catesbeiana during metamorphosis, this process being accompanied by degeneration of the tail. Degeneration of individual tail muscles does not occur at the same time; this is true for both the red and white muscle fibres. The initial phase of degeneration showed mesenchymal macrophages first invading the muscle fibres and then sending out many long cytoplasmic processes which split the fibres apart. The disappearance of myofibrils during degeneration proceeds along at least two different mechanisms even within a single muscle fibre. In one type, the Z-band becomes diffuse and then disappears, resulting in fragmentation of the myofibrils at the sites previously occupied by the Z-bands. The second pattern of degeneration is characterized by disappearance of the Z-band followed by a fanning out of the myofilaments not associated with fragmentation of myofibrils. As atrophy of muscle fibres proceeds, acid phosphatase activity is localized in the perinuclear sarcoplasm. Macrophages show more intense acid phosphatase activity than do the muscle fibres. The formation of autophagic vacuoles is described and discussed.
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  • 86
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    Cell & tissue research 152 (1974), S. 219-228 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Vitelline cells ; Dugesia lugubris (Turbellaria, Tricladida) ; Yolk material ; Ultrastructure ; Cytochemistry
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The development of vitelline cells in the fresh-water Triclad Dugesia lugubris has been studied by means of electron microscopic and cytochemical techniques. We observed a single cell type in different stages of development more or less evenly distributed from the periphery towards the centre of the follicles. Young vitelline cells have the characteristic morphology of cells in early stages of maturation: they show a large nucleus, a nucleolus with fibrillar and granular components, and many ribosomes in an undifferentiated cytoplasm. Subsequently, large amounts of parallel arrays of granular endoplasmic reticulum and some Golgi complexes appear and the vitelline cells assume the typical appearance of secretory cells. Reserve substances progressively accumulate in the vitelline cells, which when mature appear very electron dense. We have recognized the following types of reserve substances: 1) Neutral lipid droplets which are the first to appear and can reach a diameter of 4–5 μm or more. 2) Yolk globules of 2–3 μm in diameter which appear simultaneously with cocoon-shell globules but are clearly different from them in structure and chemical composition. The yolk globules probably arise from the cooperation between endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes and have a very complex proteinaceous nature. 3) Large amounts of α-glycogen granules which occupy cytoplasmic sacs.
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  • 87
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    Cell & tissue research 152 (1974), S. 253-258 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Olfactory organs ; Cephalopods ; Chemoreception ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The fine structure of the so-called olfactory organ of Octopus vulgaris has been investigated. Electron microscopy shows the superficial layer of the epithelium to consist mainly of cells bearing microvilli. Below this, often very deeply, lie very many large cells, which bear numerous cilia. These cells open to the surface via narrow processes running between the epithelial cells. Although details of their innervation have yet to be established the large cells are assumed to be receptors and these findings are interpreted as evidence that this organ is indeed chemosensory.
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  • 88
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    Cell & tissue research 152 (1974), S. 239-252 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Ultrastructure ; Xenopus laevis ; Histochemistry ; Subcommissural organ (SCO)
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Ultrastructural features of the subcommissural organ (SCO) cells in larvae (stages 56–58, according to Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1956), toadlets (3 months after metamorphosis) and older toads (2-year old) of Xenopus laevis are described. Several age-related morphological differences in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the SCO cells have been found. In old toads the rough ER assumes a special “ladder-like” membrane configuration in its cisternal lumen. By means of the periodic acid-chromic acid-silver methenamine (PA-CrA-SM) method, complex carbohydrates are detected electron microscopically in the SCO cells. Positive reactions take place in the cell adhesive apparatus, the secretory granules, part of the Golgi complex, and the intracisternal “ladder-like” structure. Passing through the Golgi complex, the secretory products mature into the secretory granules by association of their proteinaceous component with polysaccharides. The majority of the secretory granules are released from the apical cell surface by means of reverse pinocytosis, while the rest are released through the basal process into the blood circulation.
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  • 89
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    Cell & tissue research 152 (1974), S. 229-238 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Pituitary gland (rat) ; Estrogen administration ; Somatotroph and mammotroph ; Ultrastructure ; Radioautography
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary In the normal male rat pituitary tritiated thymidine labeled mainly STH cells (somatotrophs), no labeled prolactin cell was found. Following estradiol treatment for 21 days tritiated thymidine labeled mainly prolactin cells (mammotrophs). To determine the origin of these mammotrophs tritiated thymidine was given before the estradiol treatment started, thus labeling many somatotrophs. After 21 days of estradiol, out of 42 labeled cells, 14 were mammotrophs and 13 were somatotrophs; these results suggest that there might be a true transformation of somatotrophs into mammotrophs under the influence of estradiol or that there exist two types of somatotrophs: 1) a committed somatotroph which is not transformed by estrogen treatment, and 2) an uncommitted mammosomatotroph, which under normal conditions bears the features of a somatotroph, but which transforms into a mammotroph under the influence of estradiol.
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  • 90
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    Cell & tissue research 152 (1974), S. 385-401 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Nephridium ; Hirudo medicinalis ; Central canal ; Urinary bladder ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Bei elektronenmikroskopischer Untersuchung des nephridialen Zentralkanals von Hirudo medicinalis L. können mehrere Kanalabschnitte unterschieden werden, die zum Teil frei im Bindegewebe liegen, wie der Anfangs-, der intermediäre und der Endkanal, oder aber durch mehr oder weniger enge Verzahnung mit Canaliculuszellen verbunden sind (innerer und weiter Kanal). Strukturen, die mit transzellulärem Ionentransport in Beziehung gebracht werden können — ikrovilli und basale Zellmembraneinfaltungen — finden sich in allen Kanalabschnitten. Während im Verlauf des Zentralkanals die Oberflächenvergrößerung durch Mikrovilli ziemlich konstant bleibt, findet sich in den Kanalabschnitten, die ausschließlich an Bindegewebe grenzen, eine besonders auffällige und signifikante Zunahme der basalen Oberflächenvergräßerung durch Zellmembraneinfaltungen. Es werden mögliche Besonderheiten im Reabsorptionsmechanismus diskutiert: Möglicherweise läuft zwischen dem Epithel des inneren und des weiten Kanals einerseits und den angrenzenden Canaliculuszellen andererseits ein Kreislaufprozeß für Ionen (recycling) ab.
    Notes: Summary The central canal and the urinary bladder of the leech Hirudo medicinalis (L.) were studied by electron microscopy. The central canal consists of several different parts: the initial, intermediate and terminal canal which border only on connective tissue, and the inner and the wide canal which on the other hand are closely connected to the canaliculus cells which produce the primary urine. Structures related to transcellular transport of solutes such as microvilli and basal plasma membrane infoldings in association with mitochondria have been found in all parts of the central canal. Evidence has been obtained that the surface enlargement by basal plasma membrane infoldings increases from the proximal to the distal parts of the central canal while the luminal surface enlargement remains nearly constant. The increasing basal surface enlargement is especially obvious in those parts of the central canal which border only on connective tissue. The mechanism of reabsorption is discussed with regard to physiological data so far available. A recycling process for solutes may take place between the epithelium of the inner and the wide canal on one hand and the bordering canaliculus cells on the other hand.
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  • 91
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    Cell & tissue research 154 (1974), S. 181-188 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Striated muscle ; Iris ; Guinea pig ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Transverse sections of the sphincter pupillae of the guinea-pig iris show, among about 3000 smooth muscle cells, one or two cells with several features of striated muscle fibres. The myofilaments of these special, “striated” muscle cells have irregular and variable arrangements, but they are readily distinguishable from those of smooth muscle cells. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is conspicuous and is characterized by an electron dense content. “Striated” muscle cells show no nexuses.
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  • 92
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Median eminence ; Agranular and granular vesicles ; Horseradish peroxidase ; Micro-pinocytosis ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Nerve profiles in the basal part of the palisade zone of rat median eminence have been divided into 4 categories on the basis of their vesicular content: profiles a with agranular vesicles of about 50 nm, b with similar agranular vesicles and also with granular vesicles of mainly 70–140 nm, c with granular vesicles alone and d without vesicles. After intravenous injection of exogenous peroxidase, castrated male rats showed, in comparison to sham-operated controls, a 3–5 fold increase in the percentage of nerve profiles of category a which contained peroxidase loaded vesicles of about 50 nm. In contrast, no significant change was observed for nerve profiles of other categories. It is concluded that exogenous peroxidase may be used to demonstrate changes in the activity of tuberoinfundibular nerve terminals at the ultrastructural level.
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  • 93
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    New York, NY : Wiley-Blackwell
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 8 (1974), S. 79-82 
    ISSN: 0020-7608
    Keywords: Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling ; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
    Notes: Molecular orbitals of some of the 3d-transition metal phthalocyanines have been calculated. π-Electron charge densities over the atomic sites and the optical properties of the metal phthalocyanines have been calculated. The effect of the introduction of different metal atoms in the centre of the organic ring on the physical properties of the metal phthalocyanines has been discussed.
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  • 94
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    New York, NY : Wiley-Blackwell
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 8 (1974), S. 73-78 
    ISSN: 0020-7608
    Keywords: Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling ; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
    Notes: The analytical expansion self-consistent field method was employed to perform ab initio calculations for the ground states of the rare-earth ions, Tm2+, 4f13, 2F, and Tm3+, 4f12, 3H, (Z = 69). In each case the total number of basis functions used in the analytical expansions was 29, distributed as follows: 10, 8, 5, and 6, for the symmetries s, p, d, and f, respectively. All of the orbital exponents of the basis functions were optimized repeatedly, to the extent of the single-precision computer representation. Values of 〈rn〉 for the 4f orbital of both ions are also presented, for the convenience of experimentalists.
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  • 95
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    New York, NY : Wiley-Blackwell
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 8 (1974) 
    ISSN: 0020-7608
    Keywords: Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling ; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
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  • 96
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    New York, NY : Wiley-Blackwell
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 8 (1974), S. 137-150 
    ISSN: 0020-7608
    Keywords: Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling ; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
    Notes: In order to make a better assessment of the distinguishable electron method developed by Kirtman and co-workers, we have applied the method to some two-electron atoms and to H2 and LiH. Our results lend support to the contention held by Kirtman and co-workers that the distinguishable electron method is a practical way of calculating reasonably accurate physical properties.
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  • 97
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    New York, NY : Wiley-Blackwell
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 8 (1974), S. 153-161 
    ISSN: 0020-7608
    Keywords: Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling ; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
    Notes: Some sets of icosahedral irreducible tensors can only be defined with respect to one of two seemingly equivalent choices of axes. The problem is explained and the cases when such an alternative choice may cause mixing of sets belonging to different irreducible representations are determined. It is found that the amount of mixing is a property of the spherical basis sets and is independent of the rank and of the permutation symmetry of the tensorial sets. It is further found that certain operators which change the handedness of the coordinate axes can similarly affect these sets, notwithstanding the centrosymmetry of the icosahedron.
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  • 98
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    New York, NY : Wiley-Blackwell
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 8 (1974), S. 163-169 
    ISSN: 0020-7608
    Keywords: Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling ; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
    Notes: The connection between the electron coordinates permutation group and the molecular point group is exhibited in the framework of the Heitler-London method. It is shown that the initial wave function of a molecule in the Heitler-London method can be written in such a form, that the effect of the point group operations upon this function corresponds to the permutation of the sets of electron coordinates of the ions and the subsequent multiplication of this function by some constants.
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  • 99
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    New York, NY : Wiley-Blackwell
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 8 (1974), S. 171-177 
    ISSN: 0020-7608
    Keywords: Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling ; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
    Notes: In the framework of the Heitler-London method, a method for determining the allowed molecular multiplets is proposed. The method is based on the connection of the total molecular spin with the permutation symmetry of the coordinate wave function and on the isomorphism of the molecular point group with a certain subgroup of the electron permutation group. The method does not depend on the approximation in which the molecular ions are considered.
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  • 100
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    New York, NY : Wiley-Blackwell
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 8 (1974), S. 179-191 
    ISSN: 0020-7608
    Keywords: Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling ; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
    Notes: A method is given for obtaining the common molecular integrals over generalized gaussian functions: \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$$ \chi_i = x^{\lambda_i}_i \exp \big\{ - \big(\alpha_i x^2_i + \alpha^{\prime}_i x^{\prime 2}_i + \alpha^{\prime\prime}_i x^{\prime\prime 2}_i\big)\big\} $$\end{document}The present algorithms are expected to be more efficient than those given in earlier work by the same author.
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