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  • 1980-1984  (567)
  • 1982  (567)
  • Engineering General  (260)
  • Rat  (125)
  • Gas chromatography  (98)
  • Biochemistry  (84)
  • 1
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    Anatomy and embryology 165 (1982), S. 19-37 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Auditory system ; Inferior colliculus ; Cell migration ; Neuronal differentiation ; Radial glial fibers ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The early histogenesis of the inferior colliculus from embryonic day 11 to 18 (E11 to E18) has been studied in the rat by analysis of Golgi impregnated material and plastic sections. This analysis has shown that the pseudo-stratified columnar neuroepithelium observed at E11 is followed by the appearance at E12 of three zones: marginal, intermediate and ventricular. Signs of cell differentiation are first observed in the intermediate zone. Secondary rearrangements occur within this zone, and by E16 a thin cortical plate (the cortex of the inferior colliculus) develops at the junction of the intermediate and marginal zones giving rise to the external and pericentral nuclei of this structure, which has a cortical organization in adults. The remainder of the intermediate zone (the nucleus of the inferior colliculus), invaded by axons, expands dramatically by E16–E17 and gives rise to the central and dorso-medial nuclei of the inferior colliculus which have a nuclear organization in adults. The morphogenetic events which take place in these two regions differ and can be identified by the study of cell migration and differentiation. In the nucleus of the inferior colliculus, neuronal migration begins with detachment of the ventricularly directed process, or trailing process, of the primitive epithelial cell from the ventricular surface. This is followed by the ascent of the cell nucleus through the pially directed, or leading, process by a mechanism identical to the perikaryal translocation already described in other regions of the nervous system. This mechanism of cell migration is characteristic of a first type of migratory young neuron (type I). Axons initiate from the leading process of these cells during migration and dendrites grow out in various directions giving these cells a bipolar or a multipolar appearance. Dendritic differentiation occurs first in the outermost cells of the nucleus and proceeds inwards. In the cortex of the inferior colliculus, neuronal migration also begins with detachment of the ventricular process, which occurs by E12, immediately followed by the detachment and retraction of the apical or leading process. Within the intermediate zone, migratory cells become rounded and sprout numerous processes. One of these processes is tipped by a growth cone and displays all the characteristics of an axon. It is directed tangentially in the intermediate layer. Dendritic growth and differentiation starts when the cells reach their final position in the cortical plate, and proceeds from the innermost cells outward. Due to the inadequacy of our methods for identifying radial glial fibers, the mechanism of migration of this type of cell (type II) remains unclear. Our results confirm that the inferior colliculus of the rat is organized as a central nuclear mass surrounded by a thin cortex. As previously observed in other regions of the nervous system, the modes of cell migration and differentiation in the cortical and non-cortical structures of the inferior colliculus appear different.
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  • 2
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    Anatomy and embryology 165 (1982), S. 81-95 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Kidney ; Connecting tubule ; Differentiation ; Growth and development ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary At the start of its morphogenesis the tubule of an S-shaped body always attaches to the terminal ampulla of the collecting duct. It remains attached there for some time while the terminal ampulla sprouts toward the renal capsule. The most distal part of the tubule that rises to the ampulla forms the connecting tubule, morphogenically the oldest segment of the tubulus nephroni. When younger S-shaped bodies join the same terminal ampulla, 2 to 3 connecting tubules are temporarily attached side by side to a single ampulla. Soon, however, the connecting tubule of the older nephron shifts its point of attachment away from the ampulla to the connecting tubule of the younger nephron. This process is repeated through successive nephron generations. Thus an arcade develops which at the close of morphogenesis includes the connecting tubules of the 3 to 4 oldest juxtamedullary and midcortical nephrons of the collecting duct and is always situated close to interlobular veins. The connecting tubules of the 2 youngest subcapsular nephrons are not incorporated into arcades, but join directly and permanently the collecting duct. — At the start of histogenesis, the undifferentiated tubule epithelium of the S-shaped body has a uniform structure over its entire length. At the junction of the connecting tubule and the terminal ampulla there is a cytologically sharp boundary between cuboidal, dark-stained connecting-tubule epithelium of the nephron and cylindrical, light-stained ampullary epithelium of the collecting duct. The epithelial differentiation begins in the oldest, juxtamedullary connecting tubules of an arcade and progresses upward to the terminal ampulla, so that immature connecting-tubule epithelium and immature ampullary epithelium are temporarily interposed between mature connecting-tubule epithelium and mature collecting-duct epithelium. The mature epithelium of the connecting tubule stains light, in which respect it behaves like the epithelium of the distal tubule. However, it also contains individual cells that are more strongly basophilic, stain dark and, though of nephrogenic origin, cannot be distinguished from the dark cells of the collecting duct by light microscopy. — Morphogenically and histogenically, the arcade-forming connecting tubules and the subcapsular connecting tubules arise from the nephrogenic blastema.
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  • 3
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Ovary ; Oocyte ; Follicles ; Rat ; Syrian Hamster
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Serial sections of 62 rat ovaries and 66 ovaries from Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) have been examined by light microscopy. The relative and absolute percentage of preantral intra-ovarian oocyte release (PIOR) was recorded. PIOR was incomplete when the rupture of the basal membrane was not followed by the release of the oocyte from its preantral follicle into the ovarian stroma; conversely, a PIOR was regarded to the complete if the oocyte was released from the preantral follicle into the adjacent stroma. PIOR occurred in 23% of rat ovaries and in 32% of hamster ovaries; meiosis was not resumed. In rat ovaries the frequency of complete PIOR was 71%; the oocyte disappeared quickly after its release and herniated granulosa cells could invade capillaries. By contrast, incomplete PIOR was prevalent in hamster ovaries (67%); oocytes survived in the interstitial cortical tissue after the disappearance of their granulosa and theca cells (“free oocytes”). It is concluded that PIOR reflects the onset of follicular atresia and that different local factors are probably responsible for species differences.
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  • 4
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    Anatomy and embryology 165 (1982), S. 329-344 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Lateral reticular nucleus ; Ultrastructure ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary A systematic study of the normal synaptic patterns within the lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) of the rat revealed various synaptic relationships. Two types of axon terminals were identified according to the morphology of the synaptic vesicles contained within them. Axon terminals with round vesicles established asymmetrical synaptic contacts with the somata and all areas of the dendritic trees including somatic and dendritic appendages. Pleomorphic-vesicle terminals established symmetrical synaptic contacts on somata and their appendages and on all sizes of dendrites and their appendages. Both round and pleomorphicvesicle terminals were infrequently seen to synapse upon the somata and proximal dendrites. The round-vesicle terminals outnumbered the pleomorphic-vesicle terminals on the dendritic trees. Terminals of the en passant type were also common throughout the LRN. Both round and pleomorphic-vesicle terminals were observed simultaneously contacting the soma and one or more dendritic profiles, or two different dendritic profiles. Synaptic configurations (glomeruli) were also observed in all three divisions of the nucleus. They consisted of a large, central, round-vesicle terminal contacting a number of small-calibre dendritic processes. This arrangement was surrounded by one or more sheets of glial lamellae. Puncta adherentia were observed on the apposed membranes of adjacent cells, adjacent dendrites and adjacent axon terminals.
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  • 5
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    Anatomy and embryology 165 (1982), S. 345-359 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Lateral reticular nucleus ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The synaptic relationships and the distribution of the afferent terminals of the spinal pathway to the lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) of the rat were examined following induced degeneration. After high cervical hemisections, the spino-LRN projection was first examined with the Fink-Heimer silver impregnation method. Degeneration was confined primarily to the ipsilateral LRN and all three divisions of the nucleus were involved. Maximum degeneration was observed in the caudal regions of the parvocellular division. The magnocellular division, except for the extreme dorsomedial area, showed substantial degeneration as well. The subtrigeminal division throughout its entire length contained only sparse degeneration. Electron microscopic examination following spinal cord lesions revealed both round and pleomorphic-vesicle terminals in various stages of electron dense degeneration. The majority of the degenerating terminals were of the round-vesicle variety. Both types of terminals contacting somata were also observed to degenerate but their number was small in comparison to those on dendritic profiles. Terminals in synaptic contact with two dendritic profiles were also observed to degenerate. Some of the large terminals belonging to synaptic configurations (glomeruli) underwent degeneration and were therefore of spinal origin as well.
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  • 6
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Anterior pituitary cells ; Mitosis ; Rat ; Immunohistochemistry ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Mitotic rates of the six types of immunohistochemically identifiable adenohypophysial cells were histometrically calculated in colchicine-pretrated male rats 5, 17, 30 and 70 days old. Sections were stained with the antisera against rLH, rFSH, rTSH, oGH, rPRL and pACTH1–39. The mitotic growth rate of the anterior pituitary gland at 30 days of age was much higher than at other times. Mitotic growth rates of GH and PRL cells increased with advancing age, while those of ACTH-, TSH- and immunonegative cells decreased with advancing age. LH/FSH cells showed no variation in mitotic growth rate with age. Mitotic cells can be classified into six cell types based on their fine structural properties: (1) agranular cells associated with the folliculo-stellate cells; (2) ambiguous cells with scanty minute secretory granules (50–150 nm in diameter); (3) basophils with a number of small secretory granules (130–200 nm); (4) immature acidophils whose large secretory granules (130–300 nm) are sporadically scattered; (5) acidophils with numerous spherical larger secretory granules (200–300 nm); and (6) prolactin cells with large polymorphic granules. At day 5 there was a high mitotic rate of the agranular and ambiguous cells [types (1) and (2)]; at day 70 a high mitotic rate was found in immature and mature acidophils [types (4) and (5)]. The mitotic rate of basophils (type 3) was high only at day 17 and low at all other times. The mitotic rate of prolactin cells (type 6) showed a slight increment with advancing age. It is concluded that the mitotic rates of the six cell types are age-dependent.
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  • 7
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    Anatomy and embryology 164 (1982), S. 9-18 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Ovariectomy ; Growth ; Bone ; Rat ; Tetracycline
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The effect of ovariectomy on longitudinal bone growth was studied in growing rats. The operation was performed at ages 20, 40, and 60 days. Sham operations were made at age 40 days. At different postoperative intervals, the growth rate was determined with the tetracycline technique, and the width of the growth plate was registered. After a slight initial retardation, the growth rate after ovariectomy was significantly greater than in normal rats during a 40–60 day period. During the same period, the growth plate was wider. The increase in growth rate was greater and more rapid if ovariectomy was performed in older animals. The results indicate that ovariectomy increases longitudinal bone growth and that longitudinal bone growth and skeletal maturation depend less on ovarial function in young animals than that in more mature animals.
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  • 8
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    Anatomy and embryology 165 (1982), S. 213-232 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Callosal connections ; Neocortex ; Columnar organization ; Rat ; Degeneration techniques
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary After complete callosotomy the distribution of degeneration products was re-investigated in adult albino rats. Three to seven days post operation, coronal, horizontal and “flattened” sections were impregnated according to the new methods of Gallyas et al. (1980) which stain degenerating axons and terminals, respectively. The regional distribution patterns of callosal terminals were directly visualized with dark field illumination at low magnification. With this technique the distribution pattern of axons and terminals could be compared between different cortical regions and individuals. Callosal terminals tend to accumulate in patches or bands along the borders of cortical regions and areas. The concentration of callosal terminals was especially high at the common corners of more than two cortical areas. The callosal system shows a rather constant distribution pattern which is composed of column shaped subunits. Considerable individual variations were recognized concerning the number, position, shape, density and contiguity of the columnar units either occupied by callosal connections or empty. Although the laminar distribution of callosal terminals shows some similarities in different areas of the cortex, there is no common laminar pattern characteristic either for the whole neocortex or for any cortical region. The comparison between consecutive sections stained either for degenerating fibers or degenerating axon terminals revealed that the callosal axons do not determine directly the arrangement and packing density of callosal synapses. Whatever determines the position and amount of callosal synapses this influence seems to be exerted via translation into the columnar organization.
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  • 9
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    Anatomy and embryology 164 (1982), S. 243-256 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Lateral reticular nucleus ; Golgi ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The organization of the lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) of the rat was investigated by using the Golgi technique. Golgi-Cox preparations revealed neurons with shapes similar to those observed in Nissl-stained preparations. Fusiform cells possess rectilinear dendrites with secondary dendrites which are longer than the parent stem. The remaining cell types have short dendrites which branch for three or four generations and follow a tortuous course. These two types of neurons are similar to the isodendritic and allodendritic neurons which have been reported in the reticular formation. The neurons throughout the LRN form cell clusters. In Golgi preparations five to ten cells are seen in each cluster but counterstaining reveals that the clusters are made up of many more cells than the Golgi preparations suggest. Many cells lie in close apposition and the dendrites of the cells in each cluster intertwine to form dendritic plexuses. Dendritic input from both neighbouring and distant cell clusters also contributes to the plexus formations within each cell cluster. Under high magnification, the dendrites show irregularities in their contours, including warty excrescenses, bumps and an array of spines, some of which are pedunculated. The appendages are confined primarily to distal portions of the dendrites, with few spines observed on the somata and proximal dendrites. Varicosed dendrites are also in common occurrence throughout the nucleus.
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  • 10
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    Anatomy and embryology 164 (1982), S. 315-330 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Kidney ; Loop of Henle ; Differentiation ; Growth and development ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The epithelial differentiation of the loop of Henle was investigated in the kidneys of Wistar rats between embryonic day 15 and postnatal day 30. Three stages can be distinguished in the development of the loop of Henle: (1) the primitive loop, (2) the immature loop and (3) the mature loop. The primitive loop of Henle is composed of thick undifferentiated tubule epithelium and is divided into a strongly basophilic proximal tubule anlage that stains dark in the semithin section, and a weakly basophilic, light-staining distal tubule anlage. The two anlages are separated by a cytologically sharp boundary located in the descending limb just before the bend of the loop. The immature loop of Henle is present when differentiation of the tubule epithelium begins. The shorter initial portion of the proximal tubule anlage develops into proximal straight tubule epithelium with brush border, brush border enzymes and lysosomal enzymes, while the longer, more distal portion of the proximal tubule anlage develops into thin undifferentiated epithelium that is a transitory feature of the immature loop stage. The primitive epithelium of the distal tubule anlage develops into distal straight tubule epithelium. The cytologically sharp boundary of the thin undifferentiated epithelium and distal tubule epithelium is located just before the bend of the loop. The loop of Henle matures as the thin undifferentiated epithelium in the medullary ray and outer stripe of the outer medulla becomes transformed into proximal straight tubule epithelium. At the point where this descending differentiation ends, the borderline of the inner and outer stripe of the outer medulla arises. The thin undifferentiated epithelium in the inner stripe and the inner medulla differentiates into the thin epithelium of the descending limb of Henle's loop. In the bend and ascending limb of long loops, the thick distal tubule epithelium is trans-formed by an ascending autophagous process into the thin epithelium of the ascending limb of Henle. The termination of this process marks the borderline between the inner and outer medulla. The thin descending and thin ascending limb of Henle arise from 2 different anlages; between them lies the histogenetic boundary of the proximal and distal renal tubule.
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  • 11
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Visceral afferents ; Hypogastric nerve ; Preganglionic sympathetic neurons ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The central projections of visceral primary afferents of the inferior mesenteric plexus and hypogastric nerve of the rat were investigated using the transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In addition, the location of the corresponding spinal ganglion cells as well as the preganglionic sympathetic neurons is demonstrated. Labelled afferent axons were found in dorsal roots, dorsal root entry zone (preferentially in its lateral part), in all parts of the tract of Lissauer, and in the dorsolateral funiculus. Preterminal axons and/or terminals were distributed mainly to laminae I, IIa and the nucleus of the dorsolateral funiculus. Fewer afferents reached laminae IIb, III–V and X. Afferent projections are densest at L1 and 2 and the caudal T13, but extend up to T10 rostrally, and at least down to L4 caudally. A few visceral afferents ascend to the nucleus gracilis. The great majority of sensory and preganglionic sympathetic cell bodies is located at levels L1 and 2 bilaterally. A few cells are found in decreasing numbers rostrally up to T11. Preganglionic sympathetic neurons (PSN) are located in nucleus intermediolateralis (IML), n. intercalatus (IC) and n. commissuralis dorsalis (DCN). Axons of DCN and IC neurons run laterally, joining those of IML neurons on their way to the ventral roots. Dendrites of IML neurons ramify in all directions but preferentially to the dorsal horn and dorsolateral funiculus. Dendrites of IC and DCN neurons are distributed mainly mediolaterally, the latter also ventrally around the canalis centralis.
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  • 12
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    Anatomy and embryology 165 (1982), S. 63-70 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Pancreatic islet ; Cytogenesis ; Immunohistochemistry ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Chronological development of immunoreactive, pancreatic endocrine cells was immunohistochemically studied in rats. The first immunoreaction occurs for glucagon on day 11.5 and for insulin on day 12.5 of gestation, respectively, in the cells located within the cap-like or tubular pancreatic primordium derived from the gut wall. Immunoreactive somatostatin cells appear first at the periphery of primitive islets on day 15.5. On day 18.5, the cells of the primitive islets obtain their definitive arrangement and the islets are now separated from the tissue of the exocrine pancreas. Decapitation or encephalectomy performed on day 16.5 embryos fails to influence the ensuing further development of endocrine pancreas. This suggests that the hypothalamus or pituitary does not play an essential role in the histogenesis of the pancreatic islets.
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  • 13
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Inferior vena cava ; Autonomic nervous system ; Adrenergic nerves ; Cholinergic nerves ; Mouse ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The innervation pattern of rat and mouse inferior vena cava was studied using catecholamine fluorescence and cholinesterase histochemical methods. Adrenergic nerve fibers innervate only abdominal protions of the inferior vena cava, while cholinergic nerves are chiefly distributed to the thoracic inferior vena cava and show a gradual decrease in the abdomen. Chemical sympathectomy performed with the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine does not alter the pattern of cholinergic innervation of the inferior vena cava, suggesting the parasympathetic nature of cholinergic nerves.
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  • 14
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Ependymoma ; Rat ; Ethylnitrosourea ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) in Sprague-Dawley and Lewis rats were induced transplacentally by a single intraperitoneal (IP) injection of 10–25 mg/kg ethylnitrosourea (ENU) on days 16–20 of gestation. Light-microscopic examination revealed that 22% of these tumors could be diagnosed as ependymomas, anaplastic ependymomas (ependymoblastomas), or mixed tumors revealing both oligodendroglioma and anaplastic ependymoma tissues if the criteria of accepted classifications were followed. Electron-microscopic examination, however, demonstrated that the ependymoma and the anaplastic ependymoma-like tissue in ENU-induced tumors lacked ependymal features, such as basal bodies, cilia, complicated junctional complexes, microvilli, etc. This tissue type was repetitious, always being composed of cells arranged in groups, cords, and rosette-like (pseudorosette) formations. In the pseudorosettes, the cell nuclei were polarized at the periphery and the cytoplasm contained numerous polyribosomes, occasional short microtubules and usually a few small dense-core vesicles. The center of the pseudorosettes showed numerous slender interdigitating processes interconnected by maculae adherens. The tips of these processes showed vesicular degeneration. The cells arranged in groups or cords and perivascular rosettes revealed identical ultrastructure, but they were not polarized. The present findings indicate that the socalled ENU-induced ependymomas and anaplastic ependymomas are not true ependymal tumors, but rather primitive neuroepithelial neoplasms with some features of oligodendroglioma.
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  • 15
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Architectonic anomalies ; Rat ; Telencephalon ; Micrencephaly ; Methylazoxymethanol acetate
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Graded degrees of micrencephaly were produced in the progeny of rats given 0, 14, 22, or 30 mg methylazoxymethanol acetate (MAM Ac) per Kg b.wt. on gestation day (GD) 15. Brains of animals from five litters were examined at each dose level. Golgi-Cox-stained sections prepared from brains of progeny of rats given 25 mg MAM Ac/kg on GD 15 were also evaluated for four micrencephalic and four control animals. Each increase in dosage of MAM Ac resulted in significantly greater loss in brain weight in the progeny. The largest effect was on the telencephalon. In the low dose group the telencephalon, though noticeably smaller, was structurally normal. The two higher doses resulted in easily visualized neuropathologic lesions in both the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. The external layers of the cerebral cortex were most severely affected. Layers V and VI were much better preserved but measurements on pyramidal cells in layer VI in the Golgi-Cox-stained sections showed them to have significantly fewer dendrites and spines than the normal animals. In addition to an intrinsic disorganization of the neocortex, periventricular nodular heterotopias and hippocampal ectopias were common. All the structural anomalies were most severe at the highest dose, though they were also readily apparent at the intermediate dose. The findings suggest to us that MAM Ac treatment during gestation not only produces an acute lesion resulting in the destruction of many proliferating neuroblasts, but that many of the surviving neuroblasts may sustain a chronic lesion altering their subsequent development.
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  • 16
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    Acta neuropathologica 57 (1982), S. 151-157 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Experimental ; Hematogenic ; Metastases ; Schwannoma ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary To study development, growth patterns and morphology of metastatic schwannomas in an animal model, adult Lewis rats were injected intravenously with tissue culture cells derived from a malignant schwannoma induced in a female LEW/mai rat by transplacental administration of ethylnitrosourea (LNU). Groups of animals received a single injection of 0.1×105; 0.5×105; 1.0×105; 5.0×105; 10×105 or 100×105 cells via the femoral vein. The injections resulted in the development of metastatic tumors, primarily involving the lung in all animals. Lung metastases were observed in the form of microscopic and macroscopic peripheral subpleural tumors, central peribronchial and perivascular tumors, parenchymal tumors, diffuse intraalveolar infiltrates and intravascular tumor emboli which were growing. Animals receiving high dosages had a greater variety of forms of the metastatic growth in the lungs than those given low dosages. The animals which received the highest dose had the greatest degree of total lung tumor burden. In 36 of the 60 animals injected, metastatic tumors also developed in the pericardium. Thirteen animals developed metastatic tumors in the kidney, heart, ovary, adrenal, intestine or skeletal muscles. As the cell dosages were increased, more organs became involved, but no tumors developed in the brain.
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  • 17
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    Acta neuropathologica 57 (1982), S. 1-6 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Rat ; Malnutrition ; Protein deprivation ; Peripheral nervous system ; Ultrastructure ; Degeneration
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary In a previous study the occurrence of nerve fibre degeneration with a distribution as in dying-back neuropathies was described in young rats subjected to severe protein deprivation (Oldfors 1981). In this study the ultrastructural appearance of the degeneration of the nerve fibres at different levels of the longitudinal tail nerves in severely protein-deprived rats has been investigated. Various structural changes were noted, the most common being bands of Büngner indistinguishable from those seen in Wallerian degeneration. In nerve fibres which were less severely affected the most common finding was shrinkage of the axon with concomitant folding of the myelin sheath. Other structural changes included axonal accumulation of 10 nm filaments or mitochondria and other cell organelles, areas of demyelination, and projections of axolemma and Schwann cell membrane into the axon. Signs of axonal regeneration occurred but were infrequent. The degenerative changes seen at various levels of the nerves support the view that the neuropathy is of distal axonal type, but the structural appearance differs from several of the toxic dying-back neuropathies.
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  • 18
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    Acta neuropathologica 57 (1982), S. 306-308 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Blood vessel ; Brain ; Development ; Neuro-active ; Drugs ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The morphological effects of two chemically different neuroactive drugs (chlorpromazine and phenobarbital) on vasculogenesis in rat cerebellum were examined to determine the presence of vascular alterations. Therapeutic dosages of both drugs were chronically administered to separate groups of maternal rats beginning on days 10, 13, 15, 18, and 21. In chlorpromazine-treated animals the specific length of blood vessels was most severely reduced in the Purkinje cell layer. Animals treated with phenobarbital demonstrated an initial reduction in specific length in the Purkinje cell layer but returned to control values by day 21 postnatal (p.n.). Blood vessels in the molecular and granular layers showed little change. The observed changes have been discussed in relation to possible mechanisms and and their relationship to neurogenesis.
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  • 19
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    Acta neuropathologica 58 (1982), S. 115-119 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Biochemistry ; Cerebral tumours ; Electrophoresis ; Glycosaminoglycans
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary GAG electrophoretic pattern and concentration have been studied in 38 human cerebral tumors and in specimens of normal nervous tissue. Gray matter had higher total GAG concentration and higher CA to HA ratio than white matter. In both, DS was present in very small amount whereas HS represented 15% of GAGs. All benign gliomas displayed the same electrophoretic pattern and contained more GAGs than normal nervous tissue. Dermatan sulfate was detected in malignant gliomas, as well as in other oncotypes, due to their mesodermic component. Ependymomas were particularly rich in HS and meningiomas were poor in HA.
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  • 20
    ISSN: 1432-0738
    Keywords: Trimethylphosphorothioates ; Triethylphosphorothioates ; Rat ; LD50 ; Lung damage
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The acute toxicity of trimethyl and triethylphosphorothioates present as impurities in technical organophosphorus insecticides has been examined in rats. Although the majority of these compounds caused cholinergic signs, in some a second phase of toxicity affecting the lung was also seen. Rats after recovering from the cholinergic phase of poisoning showed respiratory distress and died 3–6 days after dosing with a massive increase in lung weight, associated with progressive diffuse interstitial thickening maximal on day 4. For two compounds no cholinergic toxicity was observed and narcosis was the predominant sign of poisoning. Pretreatment with phenobarbitone, piperonyl butoxide or SKF525A protected rats against lung toxicity caused by trimethylphosphorothioate and dithioate but only phenobarbitone was effective against OOS-triethylphosphorothioate lung toxicity. Direct intrabronchial instillation of OSS-trimethylphosphorodithioate and OOS-triethylphosphorothioate, both of which had been shown to cause lung damage after other routes of dosing, did not greatly increase the toxicity of these two compounds, suggesting that they are not directly toxic to the lung and probably require metabolism.
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  • 21
    ISSN: 1432-0738
    Keywords: Methylmercury ; Neurotransmitter ; Enzyme ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The activities of neurotransmitter-metabolizing enzymes were determined in the nervous tissues of rats treated with methylmercury chloride (10 mg/kg/day, for 7 days). The activity of choline acetyltransferase was lowered consistently in the cytosol and synaptosomal fractions of the brain in methylmercury-treated rats, while changes in acetylcholinesterase activity in the brain subcellular fractions were small. In peripheral nerves, decreases in activities of choline acetyltransferase in the sciatic nerve and of acetylcholinesterase in the dorsal root were most profound. Decreases in these enzyme activities started at an early phase and increased markedly with the progress of intoxication. The activity of acetylcholinesterase in the dorsal root ganglion and in the sciatic nerve was also inhibited significantly at the latent period and more profoundly at the symptomatic period at which time crossing of hind limbs, a typical sign of organomercurial poisoning, was observed in the animals. Activities of tyrosine hydroxylase and monoamine oxidase were elevated in the brain homogenate and especially in the synaptosomal fraction with respect to the former enzyme after methylmercury treatment. Effects of methylmercury in vitro on the activities of these enzymes revealed that a much higher amount of methylmercury was required to produce in vitro an inhibitory action equivalent to that observed in vivo. These results suggest that the neurotoxic action of methylmercury could be mediated, at least in part, through the level of neurotransmitter enzymes.
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    Archives of toxicology 50 (1982), S. 133-139 
    ISSN: 1432-0738
    Keywords: Phenylmercury ; Mercuric chloride ; Renal mercury ; Alkaline phosphatase ; Proximal tubular damage ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The acute renotoxicity of HgCl2 and phenylmercuric acetate (PhHgAc) was compared at two intraperitoneal dose levels: 0.5 and 1.0 mg Hg/kg. There was no difference in the type of proximal tubular damage caused by the two mercurials, but 1.0mg Hg/kg as PhHgAc produced approximately the same degree of damage as 0.5 mg Hg/kg as HgCl2. At the selected dose levels only HgCl2, but not PhHgAc increased the urinary excretion of alkaline phosphatase. At 12 and 24 h after PhHgAc the content of mercury was higher in blood and lower in the kidneys and urine than after the administration of equimolar doses of HgCl2. As the difference in the renal mercury contents of HgCl2 and PhHgAc treated groups declined with time, difference in renotoxicity seems to relate only to renal mercury taken up within 24 h of administration. It is suggested that the slower renal extraction of mercury — as in regenerating kidneys (Tandon and Magos 1980) — was responsible for the lower degree of renotoxicity in phenylmercury treated rats.
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  • 23
    ISSN: 1432-0738
    Keywords: Methylmercury ; Protein synthesis ; Peripheral nerve ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The in vivo rates of protein synthesis in the peripheral nervous tissues of methylmercury-treated rats (10 mg/kg/day, for 7 days) have been estimated with improved methods by the injection of a large amount of [l-14C]valine of low specific activity. Protein synthesis activity in the dorsal root ganglia was inhibited to the extent of 60% of the control as early as day 5 and this continued to the symptomatic period (day 15) on which crossing of hind limbs, a typical sign of organomercurial poisoning, was observed in the animals. The sciatic nerves and dorsal roots increased protein synthesis by 56% at the symptomatic period. These increases in protein synthesis may be due to the stimulation of reactivity of Schwann's cells. On the contrary, the protein synthesis in the ventral roots showed a gradual decrease as the intoxication proceeded and decreased to 73% of the control at the symptomatic period, being similar to the case of the brain. The double-labeling studies with sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis exhibited that methylmercury inhibited the synthesis of the dorsal root ganglion proteins non-uniformly in various apparent molecular sizes, especially on day 10.
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    Archives of toxicology 49 (1982), S. 247-252 
    ISSN: 1432-0738
    Keywords: Selenite metabolism ; Selenite toxicity ; Trimethylselenoniumion ; Ontogeny ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Radioselenium concentration and excretion was studied after administration of 75Se-labelled selenite to male rats during ontogeny. The concentration of radioselenium in individual organs decreases with increasing age. The largest differences between young and adults were in the quantity and quality of excreted substances. During 2 h after the administration of 20 μmol selenite/kg young rats excreted 2.4% of the dose, essentially in the urine only, whilst adults excreted a total of 11%, distributed equally in breath and urine. The part excreted as methylated metabolites was 0.1% of the administered dose in young and 6.3% in adult rats. These results support the hypothesis that the differences in the sensitivity to the toxic action of selenite between young and adult rats can be due to ontogenic differences in selenium metabolism.
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  • 25
    ISSN: 1432-0738
    Keywords: Rat ; Adult ; Newborn ; Intestinal copper-complex ; Hepatic zinc-(metallo)-thionein ; Mercury distribution
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Both in the intestinal copper complex and hepatic zinc-thionein of the newborn rat provide immediately available, high-affinity binding sites for Hg2+. Retention of orally administered Hg2+ in the gastrointestinal tract is much greater in the 5-day old rat than in the weanling and accounts for most (70–90%) of the body burden at 18 h. At a dose level of 790 μg Hg2+/kg body weight, 41% of the Hg2+ retained in the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn animal is located in the soluble fraction of the mucosa and 48% of this is bound by the copper-complex. This complex, therefore, seems to limit the transfer of Hg2+ from the mucosa to the serosa. It does not appear, however, to be a primary acceptor of Hg2+ in the neonatal intestine since, after administration of 100 μgHg2+/kg body weight, its binding of Hg2+ is less (33% of the soluble Hg2+) than that (67% of the soluble Hg2+) of the high molecular weight protein fraction. At 18 h after the intraperitoneal administration of Hg2+ (790 μg Hg2+/kg body weight), whole body retention is greater in the adult (80% of the dose) than in the suckling or weanling animal (63–68% of the dose). In the suckling animal the inter- and intra-organ distributions of the retained Hg2+ also differ from those in the weanling and/or adult rat. Thus the ratio of the renal: hepatic Hg2+ contents, after either intragastric or intraperitoneal doses of Hg2+, increases with age. Also most (approximately 90%) of the Hg2+ retained in the liver of the newborn animal after an intragastric dose is bound by the metallothionein whereas, in the adult liver, only 4% of the total Hg2+ is in this form. The presence of the metallothionein, however, is not the cause of the increased Hg2+ uptake in the former, since induction of hepatic zinc-thionein in the adult by pretreatment with Zn2+ does not affect the distribution of Hg2+ between the liver and kidneys. These findings are discussed in relation to the known differences in intestinal absorption and tissue distribution of Cd2+ and Hg2+ in newborn and adult animals and the greater resistance of the former to Hg2+ nephrotoxicity.
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  • 26
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    Archives of toxicology 51 (1982), S. 107-119 
    ISSN: 1432-0738
    Keywords: Aristolochic acid ; Toxicology ; Chronic toxicity ; Carcinogenicity ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Male and female Wistar rats treated orally with 0.1, 1.0 or 10.0 mg/kg/day aristolochic acid as its sodium salt (AA) developed a high incidence of tumours dependent on dose and time. After 3 months' treatment 1.0 and 10.0 mg/kg AA led to severe papillomatosis of the forestomach with occasional signs of malignancy. Three to 6 months later without further treatment the rats developed squamous cell carcinomas in the forestomach with formation of metastases. At the same time anaplasia of the tubular epithelium and mainly adenomas appeared in the renal cortex. The transitional epithelium of the renal pelvis and the urinary bladder showed hyperplasia, papillomas or carcinomas. For the low dose (0.1 mg/kg) the treatment with AA varied between 3 and 12 months. No tumours were observed in the first 6 months of the study. After 12 and 16 months, however, papillomas or squamous cell carcinomas also occurred in the forestomach. In addition, hyperplasia of the transitional epithelium of the renal pelvis was found while the renal cortex and the urinary bladder remained normal.
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  • 27
    ISSN: 1432-0738
    Keywords: Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate ; Mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate ; Simultaneous determination ; Distribution and elimination ; Biological half-life ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The distribution and elimination of di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) and mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP) after a single oral administration of DEHP (25 mmol/kg) were studied. A gas-liquid Chromatographic method was used for the simultaneous determination of MEHP and DEHP. The compounds were extracted with methylene chloride and the monoester was alkylated to the hexyl derivative by solid-liquid phase transfer catalysis in methylethyl ketone. The coefficients of variation of this method for determination of DEHP and MEHP were 8.3% and 11.4% respectively. The concentration of DEHP and MEHP in blood and tissues increased to maximum within 6–24 h after dosing, while the highest levels observed in the heart and lungs occurred within 1 h. At 6 h after administration, the highest ratio of MEHP/DEHP (mol%) were recorded in testes (210%) while the other tissues exhibited less than 100%. MEHP disappeared exponentially with t 1/2 values ranging from 23 to 68 h; DEHP t 1/2 ranged from 8 to 156 h and the t 1/2 values of MEHP in several tissues were slightly longer than DEHP. The t 1/2 values in blood were 23.8 h and 18.6 h for MEHP and DEHP, respectively.
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  • 28
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    Archives of toxicology 50 (1982), S. 279-286 
    ISSN: 1432-0738
    Keywords: Zearalenone ; Rat ; Neonatal administration ; Persistent estrus ; Anovulation
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The effect of neonatal administration of zearalenone on the female reproductive system was studied in the rat. A single subcutaneous injection of 1.0 mg zearalenone to 3- or 5-day-old rats caused persistent vaginal estrus in adulthood. Ovaries in these animals contained many large follicles but no newly formed corpora lutea. The same effects were observed in rats which had received 100 μg estradiol-17β in the neonatal period. Most rats which had received 100 μg zearalenone or 10 μg estradiol-17β showed regular 4-day estrous cycles and had newly formed corpora lutea in their ovaries. These results demonstrate that neonatal exposure to zearalenone produces persistent anovulatory estrus in the rat, the potency being about one tenth that of estradiol-17β.
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    Archives of toxicology 50 (1982), S. 267-278 
    ISSN: 1432-0738
    Keywords: Rat ; Scanning electron microscopy ; Organ of Corti ; Auditory threshold ; Kanamycin ; Preyer reflex
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Two comparative experiments on the behavioural, audiometric and histological effects of kanamycin-induced cochleotoxicity in the Wistar rat are reported. In the first experiment kanamycin 400–1,500 mg/kg/day was injected subcutaneously for 20 days and the morphological damage to the organ of Corti assessed. In the second experiment the progression of damage to the organ of Corti was examined in animals given kanamycin 700 mg/kg/day for 4–20 days. Behavioural audiometric studies of threshold shift were undertaken throughout both experiments. In the first study, all the animals were killed after a recovery period of 20 days from the last injection, i.e., day 40, and in the second study groups of animals were killed at 4-day intervals between days 4 and 20 of dosing. One cochlea from each animal was critical point-dried, dissected to expose the organ of Corti and examined by scanning electron microscopy. A vertical section through the contralateral cochlea was examined by light microscopy. The results of the morphological examination of the cochleas were collated with the behavioural audiometry. The morphological damage to the organ of Corti followed a stereotyped pattern of degeneration, the extent of which appeared to be determined both by the number and concentration of the kanamycin administrations. The collateral audiometric examinations indicated that extensive damage had taken place before a shift in the behavioural auditory threshold could be detected by observation of the Preyer reflex.
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  • 30
    ISSN: 1432-0738
    Keywords: Phthalate esters ; Liver ; Lung ; Blood ; Rat ; Enzymatic activities
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Dimethylphthalate (DMP), dibutylphthalate (DBP) and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) were given i.p. (3.8 mM/kg) to Sprague Dawley rats for 5 days. DBP increased significantly the liver concentration of cytochrome P-450, but decreased the lung concentration by about 40%. DBP decreased the lung concentration of cytochrome b5 and NADPH-cytochrome-c-reductase activity by about 30%. Only minor effects were seen after treatment with DMP and DEHP. The direction of B(a)P metabolism was changed and the formation of 2- and 3-hexanol metabolites were increased in liver microsomes after DBP treatment. All phthalate esters decreased the lung metabolism of B(a)P. The cytochrome P-450 enzyme system in the lung was ten times more effective than that in the liver as far as metabolism of n-hexane was concerned. Only minor effects were observed in serum enzyme activities, but a significant decrease in the serum level of albumin was observed after treatment with DBP. No relationship was found between the carbon chain length of the investigated chemicals and effects on microsomal enzymatic activities.
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    Experimental brain research 45 (1982), S. 217-229 
    ISSN: 1432-1106
    Keywords: Rat ; Thalamic reticular nucleus ; Lateral geniculate nucleus ; Electrophysiology ; HRP
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Electrophysiological and neuroanatomical techniques have been used to study the properties of cells in the reticular nucleus of the thalamus (RNT) responsive to photic stimuli. In the rat these cells are located in a discrete region of the nucleus lying immediately rostral to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd), where the visual field is represented in a retinotopic fashion. After injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into this area, neurones labelled with reaction product were found in the LGNd and not in other thalamic relay nuclei. After HRP injections into the LGNd, labelled RNT cells were found only within the region which contains neurones responsive to photic stimuli. These observations suggest that there is a precise reciprocal relation between the two areas. Studies and comparisons of the responses of relay cells (P cells) in LGNd and cells in RNT to electrical shocks lead us to conclude that RNT cells receive their excitation mainly via those relay cells in LGNd which are themselves excited by fast-conducting retinal ganglion cell axons. Such cells in LGNd have phasic responses and concentric receptive fields while RNT cells have phasic responses and on/off fields and a comparison of the receptive field sizes of P cells and RNT cells suggests that only a small number of LGNd relay cells converge on to each RNT cell. Further, although a particular functional class of relay cells in LGNd (Y-type) is shown to provide the major input to visually responsive RNT cells, both Y type and W type relay cells are subject to their inhibitory control. These results furnish evidence that cells in the RNT have an important role in modulating the flow of visual information from the LGNd to cortex.
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  • 32
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    Experimental brain research 47 (1982), S. 270-276 
    ISSN: 1432-1106
    Keywords: Rat ; Turning ; Parafascicular nucleus ; Fasciculus retroflexus ; Apomorphine
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Apomorphine, 2 mg/kg i.p., produced ipsilateral turning in rats with unilateral lesions in the parafascicular nucleus of the thalamus. The effect was completely blocked by the administration of haloperidol, 0.3 mg/kg i.p. There were no asymmetries by the lesions alone or after administration of haloperidol, 2 mg/kg i.p. to lesioned animals. In control experiments apomorphine produced a marked contralateral turning in animals with unilateral degeneration of the fasciculus retroflexus.
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  • 33
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    Experimental brain research 47 (1982), S. 286-294 
    ISSN: 1432-1106
    Keywords: Semicircular canal ; Vestibular ; Primary afferent neuron ; Rat ; Guinea pig
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary In rats and guinea pigs, primary afferent neurons from the horizontal semicircular canal were divided into two categories, regular and irregular, on the basis of the regularity of their resting activity. Regular neurons tend to have higher average resting rates than irregular neurons and in response to a constant angular acceleration stimulus of 16.7 deg/s2 regular neurons tended to have lower sensitivity and longer time constants than irregular cells. Some irregular neurons are more sensitive to incremental accelerations than to decremental accelerations of the same magnitude, whereas regular neurons tend to show symmetrical sensitivity. In response to sinusoidal angular acceleration stimuli (fixed frequencies) in the range 0.01–1.5 Hz, cells which fired regularly at rest tended to have smaller gain and longer phase lag re acceleration at most frequencies than irregular cells. Transfer functions were obtained for averaged data for regular and irregular neurons separately in both species. In both species there is evidence of systematic variation between neurons within each category, and this systematic variation is obscured by averaging across neurons.
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  • 34
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    Experimental brain research 46 (1982), S. 315-323 
    ISSN: 1432-1106
    Keywords: Rat ; Dentate granule cells ; Volumetric analysis ; Adult ; Neurogenesis
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The total number of granule cells in the dentate gyrus was estimated in 17 male rats, four each aged 30, 120, and 200 days, and five aged 365 days. There is a substantial 35–43% linear increase between 1 month and 1 year. Two parameters of the granular layer are involved in the numerical change. First, total granular layer volume grows linearly with age. Second, average volume of a single granule cell nucleus in the ventral dentate gyrus decreases with age. Older rats tend to have a larger granular layer filled with more and smaller cells. In another group of 21 male rats, 3H-thymidine injections were given on four consecutive days during juvenile (30–33, n = 6) and adult life (60–63, n = 5; 120–123, n = 6; 180–183, n = 4). All animals survived to 200 days of age. The proportion of labeled mature granule cells and labeled presumptive granule cell precursors were determined in anatomically-matched slices. With older ages at injection, there is a decline in labeled mature granule cells and a concurrent increase in labeled precursors. These data are compatible with the constant level of granule cell increase determined volumetrically. Most of the late granule cells originate nearly simultaneously along the base of the main bulk of the granular layer; very few are found in the dorsal tip (septal extreme) and ventral tip (temporal extreme). This study is the first demonstration of a net numerical gain in a neuronal population during adulthood in the mammalian brain. Since the granule cells play a pivotal role in hippocampal function, these data suggest that their influence grows with age.
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  • 35
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    Experimental brain research 45 (1982), S. 84-88 
    ISSN: 1432-1106
    Keywords: Rat ; vLGN ; Geniculo-tectal relay cells ; HRP ; Golgi-method
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary In the rat's ventral lateral geniculate nucleus (vLGN), geniculo-tectal relay neurons (GTR-neurons) could be identified by the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) after injection in the superior colliculus (SC). GTR-neurons correspond to class III cells described by Brauer and Schober (1973) in Golgi preparations of the rat's vLGN. The distribution of GTR-neurons is restricted to the lateral subnucleus of vLGN. According to Swanson et al. (1974), the axons of these cells terminate in lower Stratum griseum superficiale and in Stratum opticum, Stratum griseum intermedium and Stratum album intermedium of SC. The GTR-neurons are characterized by very thick and long proximal dendritic segments which have a smooth surface. Dendrites branch preponderantly in their distal regions and only in this part form many multiform protrusions. There is some evidence that retinal axons terminate on these dendritic surface structures. The supposed differences in the afferent patterns between GTR-neurons in the vLGN and geniculo-cortical relay neurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus are discussed.
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  • 36
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    Experimental brain research 46 (1982), S. 383-392 
    ISSN: 1432-1106
    Keywords: Electrophysiology ; Hypothalamus ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The responses of 700 single neurons in the hypothalamus to electrical stimulation of the preoptic area, limbic structures, and midbrain were studied to determine the location of neurons with multiple inputs and to identify by antidromic activation the projection areas of those neurons. Converging excitatory inputs, observed in 134 responsive hypothalamic neurons, were principally derived from the preoptic, limbic, and midbrain areas. Inputs from separate nuclei of the amygdala were noted in the response of individual hypothalamic neurons. Two classes of short latency transsynaptic responses to amygdala stimulation were defined, indicating either separate pathways from the amygdala to the medial hypothalamus or two types of fibers conducting at different velocities. Stimulation of single or multiple sites in the preoptic and limbic areas, as well as in the arcuate nucleus and medial forebrain bundle produced inhibition of hypothalamic neuronal activity. Most antidromically identified medial hypothalamic neurons projected to the preoptic area, median eminence (tuberoinfundibular neurons), or midbrain. Evidence is presented for collateral projections of tuberoinfundibular neurons to the preoptic area and reticular formation. Medial hypothalamic neurons received inputs from the preoptic area, lateral septal nucleus, amygdala, ventral hippocampus (subiculum), and fornix. These findings illustrate a pattern of reciprocal connections between the medial hypothalamus and limbic and midbrain structures. It was concluded that the hypothalamus contains a type of neuron that is equipped to perform complex integrations and to coordinate directly the behavior of neurons in a diversity of anatomical regions.
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  • 37
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    Experimental brain research 47 (1982), S. 295-300 
    ISSN: 1432-1106
    Keywords: Semicircular canal ; Vestibular ; Primary afferent neuron ; Development ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary At birth primary horizontal semicircular canal afferent neurons in the albino Wistar rat have slow, irregular spontaneous activity and insensitive, sluggish, variable responses to sinusoidal angular acceleration stimuli. There are rapid changes in the gross morphology of the rat semicircular canal in the first 4–5 days after birth, and during this time there is a rapid increase in neural gain re acceleration. Irregular neurons in rats about 6 days old have gains in the same range as irregular neurons in adult rats. However, after the gross morphological growth is complete, there continues to be a decrease in phase lag re acceleration. The causes of this developmental change in phase are unknown. It could be produced by changes in the receptor-afferent-efferent complex or by changes in the cupula or cupula-hair-cell attachment. These results with sinusoidal accelerations confirm the developmental increase in sensitivity and decrease in time constant found with constant angular accelerations (Curthoys 1979b).
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  • 38
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    Experimental brain research 48 (1982), S. 420-428 
    ISSN: 1432-1106
    Keywords: ADH-neurone ; Amygdala ; Rat ; Supraoptic nucleus
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Effects of amygdala stimulation on the discharge activity of antidromically identified supraoptic neurosecretory neurones were studied in male rats anaesthetized with urethane. Stimulation of the medial and the basal amygdala produced excitation or inhibition of discharge activity both in phasically firing (“phasic”) and in continuously firing (”continuous”) neurones. More “phasic” neurones were excited than were inhibited after medial amygdala stimulation. On the other hand, fewer “continuous” neurones were excited by stimulation of the either amygdala area than were inhibited. This difference of responsiveness between “phasic” and “continuous” neurones is statistically significant. Synaptic inputs to supraoptic neurosecretory neurones after amygdala stimulation were also observed in rats with a lesion of the stria terminalis. Supraoptic nucleus stimulation activated antidromically 14 of the 336 amygdala neurones tested. Since “phasic” neurones have been identified as ADH-secreting neurones, it is concluded that ADH-secreting neurones in the rat supraoptic nucleus receive predominantly excitatory synaptic inputs from the medial amygdala and these amygdalar synaptic inputs are mediated by pathways which are at least in part monosynaptic and are not included in the stria terminalis.
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    Experimental brain research 47 (1982), S. 437-445 
    ISSN: 1432-1106
    Keywords: Rat ; Tectal transplants ; Host afferents ; Functional innervations
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Fetal tectal tissue was transplanted adjacent to the superior colliculus of neonatal rats. In mature recipient animals, ultrastructural studies provided evidence of host cortical synapses on cells within the transplants. To determine whether these synapses were functionally effective in driving transplant cells, tungsten in glass microelectrodes were used to record from single units in the transplants and the host cerebral cortex was electrically stimulated. Of the 214 tested units which were shown histologically to be within the transplants, 25 (11.7%) were orthodromically excited from host cortex at latencies of 15 ms or less (mean 7.3 ms). A further four transplant units were activated at relatively long latencies (40–300 ms). The presence of a functional host retinal input was also tested by electrically stimulating the host optic nerves. No transplant units were activated from these sites, apparently because very few electrode penetrations passed through the localized zones of optic axon distribution. The possible functional interrelationships between transplant and host are discussed.
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    Calcified tissue international 34 (1982), S. 211-213 
    ISSN: 1432-0827
    Keywords: Rat ; incisor ; ameloblasts ; enamel ; 45Ca autoradiography
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine , Physics
    Notes: Summary Rats were injected with45Ca and horseradish peroxidase to determine the patterns of45Ca incorporation into incisor enamel and the morphological types of the overlying maturation ameloblasts.45Ca autoradiography showed no differences in the patterns of incorporation into enamel between routinely embedded and freeze-dried specimens. Enamel overlaid by ruffle-ended ameloblasts was much more heavily labeled while that overlaid by smooth-ended ameloblasts showed only moderate labeling. The observations lend further support to the hypothesis that the ruffle-ended cells are very active in mineralizing enamel and that the smooth-ended cells are in a passive, restorative phase.
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    Calcified tissue international 34 (1982), S. 376-381 
    ISSN: 1432-0827
    Keywords: Matrix vesicles ; Bone ; Actin ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine , Physics
    Notes: Summary Preliminary indications of the occurrence of actin and myosin in crude matrix vesicle preparations have been reported previously. In the present study extracellular matrix vesicles from rat alveolar bone were isolated. They were further purified by a sucrose density gradient. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified vesicles revealed the presence of a polypeptide with a molecular weight of 43 K daltons and with electrophoretic mobility identical to that of blood platelet actin. The limited proteolysis of both 43 K dalton vesicular polypeptide and actin byStaphylococcus aureus-V8-protease revealed three fragments with identical electrophoretic mobility. In addition, the vesicular preparations inhibited the activity of DNase I, a property typical of actin monomers. Filamentous material extracted from matrix vesicles showed ultrastructural features of F-actin. Reaction of this material with heavy meromyosin resulted in arrowhead formation, which is characteristic of acto-heavy meromyosin. The occurrence of actin in extracellular matrix vesicles may account for their budding from the osteoblastic plasma membrane, their possible motility in the matrix, and maintenance of the spherical shape.
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  • 42
    ISSN: 1432-2307
    Keywords: Bone ; Irradiation ; Matrix-vesicles ; Osteoblast ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The effect of X-ray irradiation on the process of primary mineralization in bone was studied by biochemical and ultrastructural methods. A single dose of 1500R was administered to the head region of rats. The animals were examined immediately after irradiation and 1, 2 and 3 weeks later. Fractions of isolated cells and extracellular matrix vesicles were prepared from the maxillary alveolar bone of irradiated and untreated rats by collagenase digestion and differential centrifugation. The protein content and activities of vesicular phosphatases were determined in both fractions. A continuous decrease in the activity of alkaline phosphatase could be observed in both cell and matrix vesicle fractions during a three-week follow up after irradiation. Acid phosphatase activity decreased only in the vesicle fraction. Transmission electron microscopy of irradiated bone tissue revealed that many matrix vesicles were devoid of intact membranes and apatite crystals. Calcifying nodules were abundant in the matrix without their apparent fusion into larger mineralized structures. It is suggested that irradiation interferes with enzymatic processes associated with primary mineralization.
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    Langenbeck's archives of surgery 357 (1982), S. 105-116 
    ISSN: 1435-2451
    Keywords: Vagotomy ; Gastric cancer ; Bacteria ; Nitrite ; N-Nitroso compounds ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Der Einfluß einer trunculären Vagotomie in Kombination mit verschiedenen Drainageoperationen (Pyloroplastik, Gastroenterostomie ohne Enteroanastomose, Y-Roux-Gastroenterostomie) wurde im Hinblick auf eine Carcinomgefährdung des vagotomierten Magens tierexperimentell an männlichen Wistarratten untersucht. Es wurde überprüft, inwieweit hiernach im Vergleich zu einer nicht-vagotomierten Kontrollgruppe Schleimhautveränderungen auftreten, die unter Exposition mit dem Carcinogen MNNG zeitlich früher und häufiger zur Carcinomentstehung prädisponieren. Als mögliche wichtige cocarcinogene Faktoren wurden zusätzlich die intragastrale Bakterienflora und Nitrit-Konzentration der einzelnen Versuchsgruppen untereinander verglichen. Es zeigte sich, daß der Schweregrad gefundener Magenschleimhautveränderungen, sowie das Ausmaß der bakteriellen Besiedlung und die Nitrit-Konzentration im Magensaft neben der durch Vagotomie angestrebten Säurereduktion vor allem durch Störung der Magenmotilität oder einen enterogastrischen Reflux verstärkt wird. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen sprechen dafür, daß nach Vagotomie, soweit eine ausreichende Magenentleerung gesichert und diese nicht durch einen enterogastrischen Reflux (Gastroenterostomie) erkauft wird, das Risiko für ein Operationsfolgecarcinom gering anzusehen ist.
    Notes: Summary To assess the possible risk of cancer in the operated stomach, the influence of truncal vagotomy combined with different operative drainage procedures (pyloroplasty, gastro-enterostomy without entero-anastomosis, Roux-en-Y gastro-enterostomy) was studied in animal experiments. The aim of the study was to determine whether, compared to controls an earlier and higher incidence of precancerous epithelial lesions or cancers in the stomach occurs in vagotomized animals after oral administration of carcinogens (MNNG). To consider conditions, that may predispose to in vivo formation of carcinogenicN-nitroso compounds, bacterial flora and intragastric nitrite concentration were measured and compared in the various operative groups. The severity of induced epithelial lesions and the quantity of bacterial growth and nitrite concentration in the gastric juice were influenced, apart from the reduction of acid output after vagotomy, mainly by prolonged gastric stasis or the degree of enterogastric reflux. The results suggest that there is probably no increased risk of cancer following vagotomy, if sufficient gastric clearance is guaranted and enterogastric reflux is largely excluded.
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    Langenbeck's archives of surgery 356 (1982), S. 159-166 
    ISSN: 1435-2451
    Keywords: Bile acid ; Reflux ; Stomach surgery ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Am standardisierten Tiermodell an der Ratte wurde die Höhe des duodenogastrischen Refluxes acht Monate nach SPV mit und ohne Pyloroplastik untersucht. Zur Bestimmung des Refluxes diente die enzymatische Messung der Gallensäurenkonzentration im intraoperativ entnommenen Mageninhalt. Als Vergleichsgruppen dienten Laparotomie, alleinige Pyloroplastik und als obligates Refluxmodell die Resektion nach BII ohne Enteroanastomose. Die Höhe des duodenogastrischen Refluxes war nach SPV mit und ohne Pyloroplastik signifikant niedriger als in der Kontrollgruppe. Tiere mit alleiniger Pyloroplastik zeigten einen signifikant erhöhten Reflux. Die BIIGruppe hatte einen fünffach höheren Wert als die Kontrollgruppe. Aufgrund der Pyloroplastik als Drainageoperation kommt es am Rattenmagen nach SPV nicht zur Retention von Speiseresten, die man nach SPV ohne Pyloroplastik beobachtet. Aber wegen der verzögerten Magenmotilität legt sich eingedickter Speisebrei vor den Magenausgang und reduziert so den duodenogastrischen Reflux. Nach unseren Ergebnissen kann ein vermehrter duodenogastrischer Reflux nach SPV mit und ohne Pyloroplastik keine morphologischen Veränderungen der Magenmucosa verursachen.
    Notes: Summary Using rats in a standardized animal experiment, the extent of duodenogastric reflux was studied eight months postoperatively following SPV with and without pyloroplasty. The reflux was determined by enzymatically testing the concentration of bile acid secretion withdrawn from the stomach intraoperatively. Serving as comparison were laparotomies, simple pyloroplasties, and the obligatory reflux models: resection after Bll without enteroanastomosis. After SPV with and without pyloroplasty, the extent of duodenogastric reflux was less than in the control group. Specimens with simple pyloroplasty displayed a significantly greater reflux. The Bll group had a fivefold higher reflux than the control group. Since pyloroplasty can be considered a drainage operation, there is no retention of food particles in the stomach of the rat following SPV - an occurrence expected after SPV without pyloroplasty. However, due to the retarded stomach motility, the thickened chyme tends to linger at the opening of the stomach, thus reducing the duodenogastric reflux. According to our investigations, an increased duodenogastric reflux following SPV with or without pyloroplasty does not induce changes in the mucosa of the stomach.
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    Archives of toxicology 51 (1982), S. 79-89 
    ISSN: 1432-0738
    Keywords: Trialkylphosphorothioates ; Rat ; Lung ; Ultrastructure
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Various trialkylphosphorothioates occur as impurities in many organophosphorus pesticides. In addition to the immediate, cholinergic symptoms usually associated with the toxicity of organophosphorus compounds an oral LD50 dose of O,S,S-trimethyl phosphorodithioate or O,O,S-triethyl phosphorothioate to rats, resulted in the delayed development of lung lesions and often death within 4 days. This study attributes the late crisis to impaired lung function resulting from massive alveolar oedema and cellular responses to the selective destruction of type I pneumocytes. Proliferation of type II pneumocytes produced an epithelium of very large cells which resulted in a thick blood/alveolus barrier and also occluded much of the alveolar lumen. Debris from the type I pneumocytes was liberated into the alveolar lumen resulting in leukocytic infiltration of the interstitial tissue and an increase in the number of alveolar macrophages. The lung morphology of animals surviving the crisis period returned to normal within a further 4 days with the transformation of many hypertrophic type II pneumocytes into type I alveolar lining cells.
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    Archives of toxicology 50 (1982), S. 85-88 
    ISSN: 1432-0738
    Keywords: Hexachlorocyclohexane ; Metabolism ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Urine and organe of rats were examined for metabolites after oral dosage of thebeta-isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH).Beta-HCH was converted to 2,3,4- and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP), to other isomers of TCP, and to 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol.
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    Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 103 (1982), S. 69-73 
    ISSN: 1432-1335
    Keywords: Methapyrilene ; Liver tumor ; Rat ; Interaction ; Radioactivity
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The anti-histaminic drug methapyrilene hydrochloride, which induces liver tumors in rats, was labeled with tritium by exchange and administered at a dose of 21 mg containing 700 μCi to each of 15 male Fischer rats. At 1 h, 6 h, 14 h, 24 h, and 44 h after treatment three rats were killed and their livers, pancreas, kidneys, and lungs were removed. The pooled organs were homogenized and DNA, RNA, and soluble protein were isolated from each. The extent of interaction of radioactive methapyrilene with liver nucleic acids was exceedingly small and did not differ significantly from the binding to nucleic acids in kidney, lung, or pancreas, which are not target organs of this carcinogen in rats. Binding of radioactivity to soluble proteins of the liver was considerable and substantially greater than in the other organs. If the mechanism of carcinogenic action of methapyrilene involves covalent interaction with DNA this must be at a very low and highly specific level.
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    ISSN: 1432-1335
    Keywords: Autochthonous primary neurogenic tumors ; Rat ; Transplacental induction ; Chemotherapy ; BCNU
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Autochthonous neurogenic tumors of the rat induced by transplacental application of ethylnitrosourea were used for the first time to study their suitability as tumor models for experimental chemotherapy. Of 189 transplacentally treated rats, 87% developed neurogenic tumors. After the initial clinical diagnosis of a neurogenic tumor, additional malignant tumors often occurred. The mean number of neurogenic tumors from 62 untreated control rats increased from 1.0 per rat at the time of randomization to 1.2 as revealed by autopsy and 1.5 tumors by histological examinations. Out of all neurogenic tumors, tumors of the brain were observed in 31%, tumors of cranial nerves in 36% (90% tumors of trigeminal nerve), tumors of spinal cord in 21%, and tumors of peripheral nerves in 10%. The median survival time until natural death of 62 control rats was 228 days. Rats with tumors of peripheral nerves lived shortest, followed by rats with tumors of cranial nerves, tumors of the spinal cord, and brain tumors. Brain tumors were mainly astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas. The survival time of untreated rats from randomization to natural death was longest for those with brain tumors, followed by tumors of peripheral nerves, cranial nerves, and tumors of the spinal cord. There was great variation in survival time from a few days to more than 6 months. To study the responsiveness to chemotherapy, 62 rats received BCNU as a single intravenous dose of 9 and later 10 mg/kg. Sixty-two untreated control rats had a median survival time of 36 days (95% confidence interval 26–52 days), the treated rats 43.5 days (26–62 days) The difference was not statistically significant. BCNU produced a remission or a no change of neurologic symptoms in 60% (37 out of 62) in comparison to 39% (24 out of 62) in the control group (p〈0.05). The advantages and disadvantages of the present models are discussed. Due to methodical problems and the marginal response to BCNU, autochthonous neurogenic tumors of the rat are not suitable as models for chemotherapeutic studies.
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    Archives of dermatological research 273 (1982), S. 85-90 
    ISSN: 1432-069X
    Keywords: Aromatic retinoid ; Intestinal epithelium ; Morphology ; Biochemistry
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Doses of 3 mg/kg Ro 10-9359 (in arachis oil) were daily administered to adult female Wistar rats by gastric tube for a period of 10 days. Control animals received corresponding quantities of arachis oil only. The body weight of all rats was registered daily. Samples of jejunum and ileum were processed for quantitative histochemical analysis of neutral α-glucosidase kinetics and for three-dimensional evaluation of the mucosal architecture. In addition, mucosal scrapings were prepared from these intestinal segments, and the specific sucrase activity was determined. For each animal data were pooled and analyzed by Wilcoxon (Wn) test. Body weight and all registered parameters in the jejunum of treated animals remained unchanged as compared to the controls. In the ileum, however, we found under aromatic retinoid an increase of sucrase activity (P=0.02) and of mucosal surface per unit serosal area (P〈0.05). The hydrolytic activity of neutral α-glucosidase (V max) showed a clear trend to increase at both the villus base and apex, whereas the apparent substrate affinity (K m ) remained unaltered. Our results show that, in closes of 3 mg/kg/day, aromatic retinoid induces (1) an increase in mucosal surface area, apparently due to hyperproliferation of the absorptive epithelium in ileum, which could facilitate its absorptive capacity and (2) an increase of specific sucrase activity, which could result in an enhanced carbohydrate assimilation. These findings indicate that Ro 10-9359 in addition to its effects on keratinizing epithelia exerts a distinct influence on the structure and function of the intestinal epithelium.
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    ISSN: 1433-8580
    Keywords: Simulated altitude, adaptation ; Hypoxia ; Normoxia ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The haemoglobin (Hb), red blood cell count (RBC) and haematocrit (Hct) of 11 male rabbits were measured at weekly intervals during a 5-week exposure period to hypobaric hypoxia (simulated altitude, 4,500 m) and the following 4 weeks after restoring normoxic conditions in a climatic chamber at constant temperature. RBC showed the slowest response, Hct the fastest during adaptation to hypoxia and readaptation to normoxia. The body weight decreased during the 1st week at hypoxia and remained at a reduced level for 2 weeks after the return to normoxia. In female rabbits exposed up to 43 days to hypoxia the heart ventricle quotient (HVQ) (weights of left ventricle + septum/right ventricle) was determined. There was a gradual decrease of HVQ expressing the development of right heart hypertrophy which was not stabilised within the observation period.
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    Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 103 (1982), S. 39-48 
    ISSN: 1432-1335
    Keywords: Adriamycin ; Cardiotoxicity ; Covalent protein binding ; Metabolic activation ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Covalent binding of 3H-labeled adriamycin metabolites to bovine serum albumin and microsomal protein is demonstrated in an aerobic incubation system with rat liver and rat heart microsomes, respectively, using exhaustive organic solvent extraction and gel chromatography. Covalent protein binding was dependent on active microsomes, NADPH, and oxygen and was inhibited by reduced glutathione and other sulfhydryl compounds. The anthracycline moiety was spectrophotometrically evidenced in the adriamycin metabolite(s) covalently bound to protein. Thus, enzymatic activation of adriamycin in the heart with consecutive covalent protein binding of reactive adriamycin semiquinone radicals may contribute to adriamycin cardiotoxicity.
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    Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 103 (1982), S. 135-143 
    ISSN: 1432-1335
    Keywords: Bleomycin ; Lipid peroxidation ; Lung toxicity ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Bleomycin was injected i.p. in rats, and the amount of expired ethane which indicateds lipid peroxidation was followed up for 78 h. Compared to controls neither 1x30 mg/kg and 2x30 mg/kg nor 1x70 mg/kg bleomycin led to increased ethane expiration, although body weight loss indicated toxicity. That pulmonary toxicity had been developed due to the acute bleomycin treatment could be demonstrated by histological examinations of lungs of the animals of the highest dosage group. The combined treatment of rats with bleomycin and ferrous ions neither resulted in an increase of ethane expired compared to that of the ferrous iontreated animals. Rather a decrease was observed. Our results indicate that acute bleomycin toxicity is not associated with increased lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, our data suggest that the bleomycin-ferrous-complex does not initiate lipid peroxidation in vivo.
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    Archives of gynecology and obstetrics 231 (1982), S. 315-320 
    ISSN: 1432-0711
    Keywords: Ovarian cycle ; Physiology ; Catecholestrogens ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Using highly stabilized catecholestrogen preparations-ascorbic acid added to the free alcohols or benzoic acid derivatives — 2- and 4-hydroxyestrogens were tested in simple, clearly defined animal models: As index for the peripheral action the influence on vaginal opening and uterus weight gain was monitored after continuous s.c. administration for 6 days (minipumps) in immature intact rats resulting in a relative estrogenic potency (estradiol = 100%) of 70–100% for 4-hydroxyestradiol and less than 30% for 2-hydroxyestradiol. As index for the central action LH levels were measured in adult ovx rats leading to the same relations in the relative potencies. As index for both central and peripheral actions LH levels and the formation of corpora lutea were investigated in animals with an intact but prepubertal feed-back loop, i.e. in 25-day-old immature rats. 4-Hydroxyestradiol in this model clearly triggered LH surges and induced ovulations, its potency being in the same range as that of estradiol. 2-Hydroxyestradiol, in comparable doses, again showed no significant effect. Finally, female immature animals known to ovulate 3 days after PMS injection were treated concomitantly with either primary or catecholestrogen-antibody preparations. Whereas the primary estrogen antibody significantly blocked ovulation, the 2- and 4-hydroxyestrogen antibodies were ineffective. If, however, PMS and estrogen-antibody treated animals were supplemented with 4-hydroxyestrogens, ovulations could be restored. Thereby, it was inferred that peripheral 4-hydroxyestrogens, though not essential for the physiology of reproduction, can completely replace the physiologically essential peripheral estradiol at central target sites.
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    ISSN: 1432-1912
    Keywords: Guanfacine ; Clonidine ; Continuous infusion ; Withdrawal ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary In conscious unrestrained spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats, prepared with permanently indwelling abdominal aortic catheters, the effects on blood pressure and heart rate of a 12-day continuous subcutaneous infusion of guanfacine (10 mg/kg/day) and clonidine (500 μg/kg/day) and sudden interruption of these treatments were studied. Both drugs significantly and consistently reduced the mean arterial pressure and heart rate throughout the infusion period in the SH rats, but not in the normotensive animals. The magnitude of the effects of both drugs in the SH rat were similar. Following withdrawal of treatment with guanfacine, a discontinuation syndrome was evoked, much less severe than that observed after suspension of the infusion with clonidine. The withdrawal syndromes were characterized by an overshoot of heart rate and a period of blood pressure lability. In spite of the ineffectiveness of guanfacine and clonidine to reduce blood pressure and heart rate consistently in the normotensive rat, similar withdrawal patterns as those found in the SH rat were observed. These findings are in general agreement with the results previously found in clinical studies in hypertensive patients. The spontaneously hypertensive rat may prove a suitable animal model for pre-clinical studies of discontinuation symptoms after cessation of treatment with antihypertensive drugs.
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    Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 321 (1982), S. 28-31 
    ISSN: 1432-1912
    Keywords: α-Monofluoromethyldopa ; l-Aromaticaminoacid decarboxylase ; l-DOPA ; Blood pressure ; Catecholamines ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary We have investigated the interaction of α-monofluoromethyldopa (MFMD) with the effects of i.p. injectedl-DOPA (200 mg·kg−1) on blood pressure and tissue catecholamines in normal and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). MFMD 10 mg·kg−1 (i.p.) effectively antagonizes thel-DOPA induced increase in heart dopamine (DA). This action is also seen after 15 or 50 mg·kg−1. The accumulation of DA in the brain is very much reduced by MFMD 50 mg ·kg−1 while after 15 or, especially, 10 mg·kg−1 more DA is formed in the rrain than afterl-DOPA alone, probably due to the peripheral decarboxylase inhibition which presents morel-DOPA to the brain. We conclude that MFMD 10 mg ·kg−1 gives a relatively selective peripheral inhibition of the decarboxylation ofl-DOPA and this dose combination was accordingly found to result in a reduction of blood pressure in conscious animals. This hypotensive response tol-DOPA was attenuated after MFMD 15 mg·kg−1 and was absent after MFMD 50 mg·kg−1. Interestingly, the hypotensive effect ofl-DOPA after MFMD 10 or 15 mg·kg−1 was more pronounced in SHR.
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    Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 320 (1982), S. 97-100 
    ISSN: 1432-1912
    Keywords: Capsaicin ; Thermoregulation ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The hypothermic effect of capsaicin, the reduced responsiveness towards the hypothermic effect of the drug as well as the impairment of thermoregulation in a warm environment subsequent to the administration of different doses of capsaicin have been studied in rats. The mortality after capsaicin treatment has also been established. 1. Capsaicin given subcutaneously in doses of 1–10 mg/kg induced a dose-dependent fall in body temperature lasting for 2–5 h. A single dose of 10 mg/kg caused the most pronounced hypothermic effect reaching its maximum (3,4°C) after 107 min. After higher doses (20–50 mg/kg) the fall in body temperature was less, being similar to that observed after the administration of 1–2 mg/kg. 2. A decreased sensitivity towards the hypothermic effect of a test dose of 2 mg/kg capsaicin, as well as an impaired tolerance to high ambient temperature have been found in rats 2 weeks after the pretreatment either with a single dose of 20–50 mg/kg or fractionated administration of 50 mg/kg capsaicin. The fractionated administration of a dose of 50 mg/kg capsaicin proved to be beneficial in decreasing mortality without affecting the desensitizing effect of capsaicin pretreatment. 3. After single doses of capsaicin the hypothermic period was followed by a dose-dependent hyperthermia which lasted for at least 2 days. A close correlation between the prolonged hyperthermic action and the desensitizing effect of capsaicin administration has also been established. The possible relationship between the desensitizing and hyperthermia inducing effect of capsaicin is briefly discussed.
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    Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 321 (1982), S. 293-297 
    ISSN: 1432-1912
    Keywords: Alcoholism ; Cerebrospinal fluid ; Ethanol ingestion ; Gas chromatography ; Mass spectrometry ; 5-Hydroxytryptophol ; Urine
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The serotonin metabolite 5-hydroxytryptophol was determined in cerebrospinal fluid and urine of alcoholics and healthy subjects, by a glass capillary gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method. The urinary excretion rate (14.6±2.9 pmoles/μmoles creatinine) and urine (109±20 pmoles/ml) and cerebrospinal fluid (4.12±0.21 pmoles/ml) concentrations in healthy subjects were established. Only 1% of the 5-hydroxytryptophol in urine occurred in free form. Ethanol ingestion (80, 120 g) by healthy subjects lead to a 20–100-fold increase in the urinary excretion rate of 5-hydroxytryptophol. In cerebrospinal fluid the increase was about 60%. Alcoholics had increased urinary excretion rates and cerebrospinal fluid levels during intoxication, which were in the same range as in intoxicated healthy subjects. During recovery from intoxication, the 5-hydroxytryptophol level in alcoholics decreased, but the CSF levels were still higher than in healthy subjects.
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    Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 319 (1982), S. 239-242 
    ISSN: 1432-1912
    Keywords: Renin ; Histamine ; Kidney ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The renal effects of histamine, histamine receptor agonists and antagonists were studied in the isolated rat kidney, which was perfused with a synthetic medium at constant perfusion pressure in a single pass system. Histamine induced a concentration-dependent increase of renin release ranging from a two-fold increase at 0.5 μM to a four-fold increase at 10 μM. No change in renal vascular resistance, glomerular filtration rate and sodium excretion occurred. Histamine-H2-antagonists (ranitidine and cimetidine) were more effective to block the response to histamine than was the histamine H1-antagonist diphenhydramine. Histamine-H2-agonists (impromidine and dimaprit, 2.5 μM each) were potent stimulators of renin release, their effect was blunted by H2-antagonists. The histamine-H1-agonist pyridyl-2-ethylamine had a low stimulatory activity at 10 μM final concentration, which may reflect partial H2-agonistic effects. It is concluded that histamine stimulates renin release via H2-receptor activation.
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  • 59
    ISSN: 1432-2013
    Keywords: Rat ; Respiratory control system ; CO2-ventilatory response ; Rebreathing method ; Anesthesia
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The ventilatory response to CO2 in rats under sodium pentobarbital anesthesia has been measured using the rebreathing technique. The animal rebreathed through a tracheal cannula for a period of 4 min from an apparatus of 200–400 ml capacity, containing 5–6% CO2 in O2. $$P_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } $$ in the rebreathing apparatus (PappCO2), instantaneousV T,f, and $$\dot V_{\text{E}}$$ were monitored before, during, and after rebreathing. During the rebreathing run,PappCO2 andPa CO2 rose linearly from 35–40 to 65–70 mm Hg; there was no significant difference betweenPappCO2 andPa CO2 at any time during rebeathing.V T and $$\dot V_{\text{E}}$$ increased almost linearly with the rise inPappCO2, whilef increased to a maximum within 2 min of rebreathing. In the rat,V T regulation seemed to operate exclusively as a proportional control system in response to linearly increasing CO2 stimulus. The slopes ofPappCO2,V T or $$\dot V_{\text{E}}$$ response curves varied considerably during the time course of the experiment, depending upon the level of anesthesia, even though there was no large change in $$\dot V_{\text{E}}$$ in the control periods which were under hyperoxic conditions. However, a significant linear relationship was seen betweenf in the respective control period and the slope ofPappCO2-V T response at various levels of anesthesia. We concluded that the rebreathing technique can be applied in small experimental animals and that changes in the sensitivity of the respiratory control system to a CO2 stimulus by anesthesia can be easily monitored by repeating the rebreathing test.
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    Pflügers Archiv 393 (1982), S. 88-91 
    ISSN: 1432-2013
    Keywords: Erythropoiesis ; Erythropoietin ; Kidney ; Hypoxia ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Plasma titers of erythropoietin (Ep) are known to increase initially during hypoxia and to return then towards prehypoxia values. To find out if this pattern of plasma Ep might be related to changes in the production of the hormone, I have compared plasma with kidney Ep titers in hypoxic rats. Rats were exposed to hypoxia in a hypobaric chamber at 0.42 atm for various time intervals for up to 4 days. Kidney Ep titers were assayed in extracts from kidneys that had been flushed free of blood in situ. It was found that kidneys of normal rats do not store significant amounts of Ep. Kidney Ep titers increased transiently during hypoxia. They reached maximum values after 6h and then declined to almost undetectable levels at continued hypoxia. In the plasma, maximum values were found after 12–18h of hypoxia. Additional studies were done on the effects of discontinuous hypoxia. It was found that, even after 3 days of previous hypoxia exposure, plasma and kidney Ep titers increased again in rats when these were maintained intermittently in normoxia for 18 h. It is concluded that the rise and fall in plasma Ep titers during hypoxia reflect similar changes in kidney Ep production.
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    Pflügers Archiv 395 (1982), S. 306-311 
    ISSN: 1432-2013
    Keywords: Rat ; Colon ; Mucus ; Deoxycholic acid ; Short chain fatty acids
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Mucus secretion into the rat colon has been measured in situ using a single perfusion technique. Protein, sialic acid and hexose concentrations in the perfusion solution were found to give reliable estimates of mucus output if samples were homogenized prior to analysis. Mucus output as indicated by an increase in the concentration of mucus constituents was higher when the solution was hypotonic (270 mosm·kg−1) or hypertonic (370 mosm·kg−1) than when isotonic solutions (320 mosm·kg−1) were used. The proportion of hexoses and sialic acid to protein was 23 and 14% at low, 23 and 11% at high osmolality, and 21 and 13% when isotonic solutions were used. Deoxycholic acid (DCA, 4 mmol·l−1) increased the net secretion of mucus constituents 3 fold, whereas short chain fatty acids (SCFA) had no effect. Mucus composition during all treatments did not change significantly, even when stimulated with DCA. When mucus was released from the epithelial surface by previous perfusion with a DCA containing solution, net water and SCFA absorption rates and mucus output were significantly lowered for 2 to 3 h. However, no correlation between mucus secretion and SCFA absorption was found, indicating that a role for mucus as a diffusion barrier to SCFA is unlikely. Mucus output, which indicates the amount of mucus released from the epithelial surface, probably depends on the direction of net water movement, which follows the osmotic gradient between colon lumen and blood.
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  • 62
    ISSN: 1432-2013
    Keywords: Rat ; End-tidal $$P_{CO_2 } $$ ; Halothane anesthesia ; Respiratory pattern
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract End-tidal $$P_{CO_2 } $$ $$\left( {P_{ET_{CO_2 } } } \right)$$ and ventilation of the rat anesthetized with halothane were measured. The $$P_{ET_{CO_2 } } $$ measured by an infrared analyzer agreed well with the simultaneously measured $$Pa_{CO_2 } $$ in the range from 20–60 mm Hg (2.7–8.0 kPa). When the level of anesthesia was deepened by increasing the halothane concentration from 0.9–3.0%, minute ventilation was decreased progressively accompanied by a rise in $$P_{ET_{CO_2 } } $$ and the CO2 output was reduced. Halothane induced a progressive decrease in frequency of respiration (f) with almost constant or even slight increase in tidal volume (V T). Decrease inf was caused largely by the prolongation of expiratory duration (T E). Changes in inspiratory duration (T I) were small and the meanV T/T I ratio remained unaltered at different levels of anesthesia. These changes in respiratory pattern induced by halothane anesthesia contrasted with the simultaneous decrease inV T,f andV T/T I ratio and apparent changes of bothT I andT E reported in other species. Species differences in effects of anesthesia on ventilation were discussed. Restraining the rat on a stereotaxic apparatus with head holders, especially with ear bars, elicited an initial transient stimulation of ventilation which was followed by a strong depression.
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  • 63
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    Pflügers Archiv 392 (1982), S. 366-371 
    ISSN: 1432-2013
    Keywords: Lactic acid ; Anion ; Basolateral ; Brush border ; Rat ; Renal ; Transport
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The uptake ofl(+)lactate into rat renal cortical brush border (BBV) and basolateral (BLV) membrane vesicles, isolated through differential centrifugation and free flow electrophoresis, were studied using a rapid filtration technique. In contrast to the lactate transport into the BBV, that into the BLV: 1) was found to proceed only towards equilibrium, 2) showed Na+-independent coupling of the influx ofl(+)lactate and the efflux ofl(+) but not to the efflux ofd(−)lactate, 3) was not inhibited byd(−)lactate, 2-thiolactate or 3-phenyl-lactate, but 4) was inhibited by 3-thiolactate and α-hydroxybutyrate and 5) was accelerated by changes in inwardly directed ionic gradients or by increases in cation conductance both of which led to increased intravesicular positivity. The latter changes had the opposite effect on the uptake ofl(+)lactate by BBV. Thus, while thel(+)lactate transport system present in BBV showed the characteristics of Na-dependent electrogenic cotransport system, that in the BLV was consistent with a carrier mediated Na-independent, facilitated diffusion system.
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  • 64
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Drug discrimination ; Ethylketocyclazocine ; Bremazocine ; Nalorphine ; Pentazocine ; Buprenorphine ; Etorphine ; Dextrorphan ; Phencyclidine ; Ketamine ; Haloperidol ; Diazepam ; Pentobarbital ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the discriminative stimulus properties of some narcotic and nonnarcotic drugs in rats trained to discriminate the effect of the proposed opiate ϰ-receptor agonists ethylketocyclazocine and bremazocine. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were trained in a two-lever food-reinforced paradigm to discriminate between the effect of ethylketocyclazocine (0.32 mg/kg) or bremazocine (0.04 mg/kg) and saline. Both groups of trained rats showed dose-dependent generalization to the effect of the proposed ϰ-agonist MRZ-2033 and some animals generalized the effect of nalophine and pentazocine. Some ethylketocyclazocine — but no bremazocine — trained rats generalized the effect of buprenorphine. The effect of dextrorphan, phencyclidine, and ketamine was generalized by some bremazocine-, but no ethylketocyclazocine-trained rats. Neither group of rats generalized the effect of etorphine, haloperidol, diazepam, or pentobarbital. These data suggest the usefulness of this procedure to evaluate the ϰ-like properties of opioid drugs.
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  • 65
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    Psychopharmacology 76 (1982), S. 66-69 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Experimental epilepsy ; Kindling ; Amygdala ; Acetylcholine ; Choline uptake ; Atropine ; Muscarinic receptors ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The effect of atropine on kindling the amygdala of rats was tested by administering the drug in a dose of 25 mg/kg 1 h before each stimulus was applied. Rats tested with atropine kindled at the same rate as saline-treated controls. Cholinergic activity in the amygdala of rats was assessed, 4 weeks after the completion of kindling, by measuring both muscarinic receptor numbers and sodium-dependent high affinity choline uptake in tissue homogenates. There was no change in either of these parameters attributable to kindling. These results suggest that changes in the cholinergic system are not fundamental either to the development or the maintenance of kindling in the rat amygdala.
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  • 66
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    Psychopharmacology 76 (1982), S. 75-78 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: THIP ; GABA ; d-Amphetamine ; Feeding behavior ; Anorexigenic agents ; GABA-receptor ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The effects of 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo-[5,4-c]pyridin-3-ol (THIP) were compared with those of d-amphetamine and GABA in fasted rats. Intravenously-administered THIP produced a dose-dependent decrease in food consumption (ED50≃1.5 mg/kg) by an action that was not reversed by prior subcutaneous or simultaneous intravenous (IV) injection of bicuculline. d-Amphetamine-SO4 also produced a decrease in food consumption in this model (ED50≃0.2 mg/kg, IV). Unlike THIP, GABA (in doses up to 100 mg/kg, IV) did not produce a marked anorexigenic effect. These results provide further evidence that THIP can penetrate the “blood-brain barrier”, and that central GABA-ergic systems are involved in controlling food intake.
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  • 67
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    Psychopharmacology 76 (1982), S. 114-117 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Brain ; β-Adrenoceptors ; Serotonin synthesis ; Metoprolol ; ICI 118,551 ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Rats were treated subchronically (14 days) or acutely (single dose) with the β1-selective adrenoceptor antagonist metoprolol or the β2-selective adrenoceptor antagonist ICI 118,551. Metoprolol (350 mg/kg/day for 14 days, orally) significantly reduced the 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) accumulation when measured 30 min after inhibition of L-amino acid decarboxylase by NSD 1015 (100 mg/kg IP) in the limbic forebrain, the corpus striatum, the cerebral cortex, the brain stem, and in the cerebellum. ICI 118,551 (0.5 mg/kg, twice daily for 14 days, SC) also significantly reduced the 5-HTP accumulation in the same brain regions except in the corpus striatum and the brain stem. Simultaneously assayed tryptophan levels were largely unaffected. Thus sustained β-adrenoceptor blockade causes a decrease in the in vivo rate of tryptophan hydroxylation in various rat brain regions. The subchronic treatments with metoprolol or ICI 118,551 also significantly reduced the endogenous levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in the various rat brain regions studied. Acute treatment with either metoprolol (2 mg/kg SC) or ICI 118,551 (0.5 mg/kg SC) did not affect the 5-HTP accumulation or the endogenous 5-HT levels in the brain regions studied. This inhibitory effect on brain 5-HT systems produced by sustained β-adrenoceptor blockade may be of significance both for the long-term cardiovascular action and for occasional neuropsychiatric side effects during β-blocking therapy.
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  • 68
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    Psychopharmacology 76 (1982), S. 160-162 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Nicotine ; Withdrawal ; Plasma corticosterone ; Stress ; Adaptation ; 5-Hydroxytryptamine ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The effects of chronic nicotine administration (0.4 mg/kg for 40 days) and its withdrawal on the adrenocortical response to acute and repeated exposure to stress have been examined and related to changes in brain 5-hydroxyindole levels. No significant effects on the response to acute stress were observed. Repeated exposure to the stressful procedure resulted in complete adaptation of the adrenocortical response and the development of a significant (P〈0.01) positive correlation between the plasma corticosterone and hippocampal 5-HT concentrations. In nicotine-treated rats, complete adaptation did not occur and the plasma corticosterone showed a significant (P〈0.05) negative correlation with hippocampal 5-HT. Nicotine withdrawal was not associated with any reduction in plasma corticosterone, but did abolish its relationship with hippocampal 5-HT.
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  • 69
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: d-Fenfluramine ; Morphine ; Brain serotonin ; Nociception ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The effects of d-fenfluramine and morphine on various nociceptive responses of rats were investigated. Unlike morphine, which inhibited all the responses examined, d-fenfluramine inhibited jumping and paw licking of rats on a hot plate, but did not increase the latency of tail withdrawal from hot water. The effects of d-fenfluramine on both responses on the hot plate were prevented by pretreatment with metergoline, a serotonin antagonist, whereas this pretreatment only reduced the effect of morphine on paw licking. The inhibition of tail withdrawal by morphine was also significantly reduced by metergoline treatment. The results confirm previous findings suggesting a role of serotonin in the mechanism by which morphine inhibits some nociceptive responses in rats. They also show that d-fenfluramine, a selective releaser and uptake inhibitor of serotonin at nerve endings, does not completely reproduce the antinociceptive effects of morphine in this species.
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  • 70
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    Psychopharmacology 77 (1982), S. 98-100 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: l-dopa ; Tryptophan ; Brain concentration ; Isoprenaline ; Carrier transport ; Blood-brain barrier ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract A small dose of isoprenaline or saline was administered intraperitoneally to rats 20 min before the administration of one of the amino acids l-dopa or l-tryptophan. Isoprenaline caused a marked increase in the brain concentration of the administered amino acid. Isoprenaline has previously been shown to cause a decrease in at least some of those plasma amino acids which compete with l-dopa and tryptophan for carrier-mediated transport into the brain. The effect of isoprenaline on the concentrations of dopa and tryptophan in the brain is suggested to be at least partly caused by a change in the relationship between endogeneous and administered amino acids. It is also possible that a direct effect of isoprenaline on the blood-brain barrier transport system contributes to the effect. The reported finding might be of clinical interest in view of the therapeutic importance of aromatic amino acids with a central site of action.
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  • 71
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    Psychopharmacology 77 (1982), S. 124-128 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Chronic cannabis ; Locomotor activity ; DRL performance ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Chronic oral administration of cannabis extract to rats (daily Δ 9 dose 20 mg/kg) was examined for its residual effect on open field activity and DRL (differential reinforcement of low-rate responding) performance, following a 2–3-month drug-free period. Locomotor activity during the latter part of an open field test was markedly increased in rats previously treated for either 6 months or 3 months with the drug. The same treatments also produced a significant impairment on a DRL-20 task relative to control subjects' performance. These and other findings (impaired maze learning and facilitated two-way shuttle box avoidance) might mean that cannabis produces long-lasting hippocampal, dysfunction in rats.
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  • 72
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: GABA ; Ventral tegmental area ; Dopamine ; Pictrotoxin ; EOS ; Enkephalin ; Locomotor activity ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The spontaneous activity of rats was measured after activation or inhibition of GABA activity in the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain (VTA). Six hours after bilateral injection of ethanolamine-o-sulphate (GABA agonist) into the VTA, the behavioural activation induced either by d-amphetamine (amph) or by bilateral VTA infusion of a long-lasting enkephalin analogue was completely blocked. Bilateral infusion of picrotoxin (GABA antagonist) into the VTA elicited a short-lived (40 min) dose-dependent behavioural activation which was not reduced either by prior specific lesion of the meso-cortico-limbic dopaminergic neurones or by administration of the opiate antagonist naloxone. Moreover, the simultaneous administration of picrotoxin and amph induced complex changes in behaviour which consisted of additive effects during the first 40 min, followed by an inhibition of the activating effect of amph. Our findings indicate that GABA-mediated inhibition involves both dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic neurones within the VTA, and possible implications for human pathology are discussed.
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  • 73
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    Psychopharmacology 77 (1982), S. 268-271 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Radial maze ; Working memory ; Physostigmine ; Amphetamine ; Scopolamine ; Apomorphine ; Piracetam ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The effect of physostigmine (0.2 mg/kg), scopolamine (0.1 mg/kg), d,l-amphetamine (1 mg/kg), apomorphine (0.05 mg/kg), and piracetam (100 mg/kg) on working memory was examined in 12 rats that were highly overtrained in the radial maze. In experiment 1, drugs administered 10 min before the trial did not worsen performance of rats in the 12-arm maze. In experiment 2, insertion of a 5-min delay between the sixth and seventh choices increased the number of errors over choices 7–12. Performance was unaffected by pretreatment with physostigmine or apomorphine, but was significantly impaired by scopolamine, amphetamine, and piracetam. In experiment 3, performed in a 24-arm maze, the number of errors and trial duration increased, but performance was not decreased by amphetamine or piracetam. It is concluded that the uninterrupted radial maze task is relatively resistant to pharmacological disruption, but that scopolamine, amphetamine, and piracetam enhance the effect of stimuli interfering with the storage of spatial information over delays.
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  • 74
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Substantia nigra ; Muscimol ; Oral stereotypy ; Haloperidol ; Collicular lesions ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract It has been suggested that the GABAergic striatonigral projection may form part of the efferent pathway responsible for the expression of dopamine-related oral behaviour. Consistent with this suggestion are reports that bilateral injection of the GABA agonist muscimol can produce stereotyped gnawing and biting. We report here two experiments on this effect: (1) A dose of the dopamine receptor blocker haloperidol (0.4 mg/kg), which effectively antagonised oral stereotypy induced by systemically administered apomorphine or intranigral carbachol, had no effect on either the latency or the intensity of the gnawing produced by intranigral muscimol (1 mM); (2) large lesions involving the superior colliculus which effectively suppressed the oral stereotypy induced by 8mg/kg apomorphine completely abolished the gnawing induced by intranigral injection of muscimol. Collicular lesions suppressed both the gnawing which occurred spontaneously and that elicited by a perioral probe. These findings are consistent with the view that the substantia nigra is a relay station between the caudate nucleus and the superior colliculus in an efferent pathway mediating dopamine-related oral behaviour. In addition, they raise the possibility that such behaviour is produced by the sensitisation of a collicular-mediated perioral reflex.
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  • 75
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: α2 Receptors ; Noradrenergic receptors ; Receptor sensitivity ; Yohimbine ; Clonidine ; Tricyclic antidepressant ; Imipramine ; Growth hormone ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The α-adrenergic mechanisms exert a stimulatory influence on the secretion of growth hormone (GH) in the rat. In the present study the α receptors involved in GH regulation were characterized with respect to subtype. It was also investigated whether the GH response to α receptor agonists can be utilized to assess changes in the responsiveness of central α receptors. The experiments were performed on rats with implanted intra-aortic cannulae allowing frequent blood sampling from freely moving animals. Plasma GH was determined by radioimmunoassay. Reserpine (10 mg/kg) caused a suppression of the normal pulsatile secretory pattern of GH. The α receptor agonist clonidine (CLON) given to reserpine-pretreated animals induced a dose-dependent increase in plasma GH. The effect of CLON (0.2 mg/kg) was prevented by pretreatment with the α2 receptor antagonist yohimbine (3 mg/kg), but not by the α1 receptor antagonist phenoxybenzamine (10 mg/kg). Chronic pretreatment with CLON or imipramine, either of which can be expected to produce a reduced sensitivity of central α2 receptors, resulted in reduced GH responses to CLON. On the other hand, chronic treatment with yohimbine, which should cause denervation supersensitivity of α2 receptors, led to enhanced GH responses to CLON. The results indicate that GH release in the rat is stimulated by postsynaptic α2 receptors. They also suggest that the GH response to CLON can be used as a valid in vivo model reflecting decreased, as well as increased responsiveness of this type of receptor.
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  • 76
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    Psychopharmacology 77 (1982), S. 348-355 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Brain ; Lithium ; Drug-levels ; Glucose ; Glycolysis ; Krebs cycle ; Metabolism ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The effects of lithium on several brain energy metabolites were investigated in rats. Lithium was administered by three alternative routes: 1) in food, 2) via IP injection, or 3) intracisternally via the suboccipital route. Lithium given in food induced permanent changes, mainly in glycolytic processes and in glycogen content. Lithium injected IP induced, in addition, several changes which depended on the increase in brain lithium concentration following injection of lithium. These changes in brain metabolites disappeared as brain lithium concentration stabilized. Intracisternal injection of lithium produced brain lithium concentrations between 1 and 2 mmoles/kg wet wt., with a mean of about 1.6 mmoles/kg wet wt. Lithium concentrations below about 1.6 mmoles/kg wet wt. induced changes in brain metabolites which were similar to the changes seen after IP injection of lithium. Lithium concentrations above about 1.6 mmoles/kg wet wt. induced changes in several brain metabolites which were at variance with the changes induced by lower lithium concentrations. These changes were in many respects similar to changes in brain metabolites seen in rats exposed to convulsive treatment. It is hypothesized that such metabolic changes during lithium treatment, in discrete areas of the brain with higher concentration of lithium, e.g., hypothalamus, might be related to the prophylactic effect of lithium treatment in man.
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  • 77
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Neural development ; Brain amines ; Prenatal administration ; Amitriptyline ; Amphetamine ; Locomotor activity ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract d-Amphetamine and amitriptyline (AT) were administered daily to female rats from day 7 of pregnancy until birth of the litters. Changes in the concentration of the biogenic amines, some of their metabolites, GABA, and the activities of glutamate decarboxylase, acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and choline acetyltransferase were determined in the whole brain of the offspring. The offspring of the amphetamine-treated rats showed a marked increase in serotonin concentration and that of its metabolite on postnatal day 1. Changes in the concentration of GABA were apparent on days 15 and 21 and were inversely correlated with changes in the activity of the synthesizing enzyme: Choline acetyltransferase and AChE activities were also increased at this time. Changes in neurotransmitter metabolism were not so evident in the offspring of rats treated with AT. The locomotor activity of the 8-, 15-, and 21-day offspring was also assessed. The offspring of the amphetamine-treated rats showed enhanced locomotor activity initially, but the activity decreased relative to the age-matched controls in the 21-day group. Offspring from the AT-treated group showed reduced locomotor activity.
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  • 78
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    Psychopharmacology 78 (1982), S. 85-88 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Hypothalamus ; Serotonin ; Tryptamine ; Acetylcholine ; Release ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Tryptamine produced a concentration-related inhibition of potassium-evoked release of tritium from slices of rat hypothalamus preloaded with 3H-serotonin. This effect of tryptamine was blocked by a series of serotonin antagonists with a relative order of potency which suggested that tryptamine was acting on a post-junctional serotonin receptor. However, the response to tryptamine was also blocked by tetrodotoxin, indicating that tryptamine may be acting indirectly via the release of a second neurotransmitter. The finding that physostigmine enhanced, whilst atropine antagonised the effect of tryptamine suggests that the second neurotransmitter may be acetylcholine. This possibility is discussed.
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  • 79
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    Psychopharmacology 78 (1982), S. 225-229 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Diazepam ; Prenatal treatment ; Development ; Discrimination ; Motor behavior ; Learning retention ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract In the present study the effects of chronic treatment of pregnant rats with diazepam on the physical and behavioral development of their offspring were investigated. Rats that were diazepam-exposed prenatally were compared to age-matched controls in terms of the following: number of littermates; birth weight and weight gain until weaning; motor development and coordination; simple motor learning; open field activity; performance on learning tasks of varving complexity; retention of these tasks. Nulliparous Wistar rats were injected s.c. for 16 days of their pregnancy with either 2.5, 5, or 10 mg/kg diazepam or an equal volume of vehicle. Prenatal diazepam treatment did not alter litter size, birth weight, or the righting reflex, but seemed to retard early motor development transiently. Diazepam pups showed longer latencies and less rearing in the open field. There were no differences between animals exposed to drug and vehicle in simple motor learning or in acquiring a simple successive discrimination task. However, there were significant dosedependent differences on a complex six-choice simultaneous discrimination learning task, the diazepam-exposed rats making more errors and taking more time to reach the goal. A significant difference was seen again between diazepam-and vehicle-exposed rats on the retention test 10 days later. The results indicate that diazepam administered to pregnant rats has long-range effects on the behavior of the offspring, some becoming manifest even in maturity.
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  • 80
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    Psychopharmacology 78 (1982), S. 277-281 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Conditioned taste aversion ; Scopolamine ; Prochlorperazine ; Lithium ; Amphetamine ; Morphine ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Two antiemetic drugs were tested on the expression of taste aversions previously conditioned in rats with lithium, amphetamine or morphine. Neither prochlorperazine nor scopolamine administered prior to testing attenuated established aversions, although both drugs are known to have antiemetic effects in other species. Negative findings were obtained with a range of doses of prochlorperazine and scopolamine, with strong and weak aversions, with one- and two-stimulus tests, in a repeated one-stimulus extinction procedure, with between- and within-group designs and with hooded, albino, male and female rats. The results do not support the widely accepted hypothesis that conditioned nausea mediates conditioned taste aversion.
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  • 81
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Discriminative stimulus ; Diazepam ; Morphine ; Naloxone ; Endorphins ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Male Sprague-Dawley rats were trained in a two-lever food-reinforced procedure to discriminate between the effect of saline and diazepam (2.5 mg/kg). After acquisition of this discrimination, the ability of morphine to generalize, and naloxone to antagonize the diazepam discriminative stimulus was tested. The rats did not generalized the effect of morphine, and naloxone did not antagonize the diazepam discriminative stimulus whether it was given prior or subsequent to diazepam. These data suggest a lack of involvement of endorphins in mediating the discriminative stimulus property of diazepam.
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  • 82
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Phencyclidine ; d-amphetamine ; Lithium ; Locomotor activity ; Stereotyped behaviors ; Ataxia ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract d-Amphetamine and phencyclidine (PCP) have both been reported to produce manic-like sequela in humans, effects that are reportedly antagonized by lithium. To test the hypothesis that the acute effects of these drugs in rats may serve as models of mania, the behaviors, induced by d-amphetamine (3 mg/kg) or PCP (5 mg/kg) were quantified on behavioral rating scales subsequent to chronic dietary pretreatment with lithium carbonate or control diet. On day 14 of pretreatment, PCP-induced stereotyped behaviors and ataxia were potentiated in rats receiving lithium (plasma levels 1.0±0.23 mEq/l). PCP-induced locomotor activity was not affected by lithium pretreatment. Stereotypies and locomotion induced by d-amphetamine were also not significantly affected by lithium pretreatment. These results suggest that neither PCP nor amphetamine administered acutely to rats will be useful models to explore the manic-like symptoms produced by these drugs in humans.
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  • 83
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    Psychopharmacology 76 (1982), S. 48-51 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Imipramine ; Serum levels of IMI ; Brain levels of IMI ; Tricyclic antidepressants ; Compartmentation of IMI ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Serum and brain levels of the tricyclic antidepressant drug imipramine (IMI) were studied in the rat under a variety of conditions. IV doses (range 1 nmol kg-1 to 15 μmol kg-1, 350 ng–5mg kg-1) and administered 5 min before death, were linearly correlated with IMI levels in serum, frontal cortex, and cerebellum. In this experiment, the highest levels of IMI were achieved in the frontal and occipital cortex and the lowest levels were found in the brain stem. The regional distribution was more even in rats pretreated with thiopental or γ-hydroxybutyric acid, drugs that alter cerebral blood flow. After 20 min or more, tracer amounts of IMI injected IV to IMI-pretreated rats [1 or 17 days, daily dose 2×36 μmol kg-1 (10 mg kg-1), last dose 89 μmol kg-1 (25 mg kg-1), 2–3 h before death] exhibited a distribution pattern in serum and various brain regions similar to that of the unlabeled drug. In the latter experiments, content (per volume) of the tracer or unlabeled IMI was more than 25-fold higher in various brain areas than in serum. It is concluded that despite large differences in drug levels in serum or brain, a close relationship is maintained under the conditions studied.
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  • 84
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Atropine ; Scopolamine ; Cholinergic mechanisms ; Hippocampal complex ; Learning ; Memory ; Passive avoidance ; Ontogeny ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Passive avoidance learning was significantly impaired by atropine (5 mg/kg, IP) or scopolamine (0.5 mg/kg), but not by methyl-atropine (5 mg/kg) or methyl-scopolamine (0.5 mg/kg), from postnatal day 15 on. In contrast, an improvement was observed, not significant at 11 days and significant at 13 days, probably due to nonspecific effects. Retention of the response increased from 6 h at 13 days, to 24 h at 17 days. In treated rats, retention was abolished at 13 and 15 days, and impaired at 17 and 20 days. Acquisition of the response was also significantly impaired by bilateral injections of atropine (1, 5, and 20 μg) into the posteroventral hippocampo-entorhinal (VHE) area, from day 15 on. Concomitantly, extinction was accelerated. At 14 days, atropine had no influence. At 13 days, a facilitatory action was observed, with better acquisition and greater resistance to extinction, possibly linked to affective changes. The results conform that central muscarinic cholinergic mechanisms are involved in passive avoidance learning from postnatal day 15 on, and demonstrate that some pathways of this system are located in the VHE area, become efficient at 15 days, and improve markedly between 17 and 18 days.
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  • 85
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Rolipram ; Phosphodiesterase inhibitors ; Cyclic nucleotides ; Locomotor activity ; Rectal temperature ; Forepaw shaking ; Grooming ; Head twitches ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The significance of a characteristic symptomatology (hypothermia, hypoactivity, forepaw shaking, grooming, head twitches) as a potential in vivo correlate of enhanced availability of brain adenosine cyclic 3′,5′-monophosphate (cAMP) was examined in rats following systemic administration of various doses of dibutyryladenosine cAMP (dBcAMP) or of the phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors rolipram, Ro 20-1724, ICI 63-197, isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX), theophylline, cartazolate, and papaverine. The various PDE inhibitors could be assigned to three groups according to the pattern of behavioral alterations they induced. Rolipram, Ro 20-1724, and ICI 63-197 (group 1) caused hypothermia, hypoactivity, forepaw shaking, grooming, and head twitches. All behavioral effects were mimicked by dBcAMP but not dBcGMP. The order of potency and effective dosage range to induce the behavioral alterations were, in descending order, rolipram (0.09–1453 μmol/kg IP), ICI 63-197 (0.48–119 μmol/kg IP), Ro 20-1724 (5.6-1438 μmol/kg IP), corresponding with the recently reported efficacy of the drugs to elevate rat brain cAMP in vivo. Comparatively high doses of the alkylxanthine PDE inhibitors IBMX and theophylline (group 2) caused hypothermia, forepaw shaking, grooming, and head twitches concomitantly with a decline of the motor stimulatory effect, suggesting enhanced availability of brain cAMP. The order of potency and the effective dosage range to induce the behavioral alterations were, in descending order, IBMX (28.1–113 μmol/kg IP) and theophylline (139–555 μmol/kg IP). The third group, papaverine (295–1179 μmol/kg IP) and cartazolate (21.5–345 μmol/kg IP), caused only hypothermia and hypoactivity. The differences in the behavioral pattern of the two latter groups of compounds in comparison with dBcAMP and the selective cAMP PDE inhibitors are discussed with regard to their additional interference with adenosine actions besides their nonselective PDE inhibitory action.
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  • 86
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Benzodiazepines ; Benzodiazepine antagonist ; Ro 15-1788 ; Barbiturates ; Depressants ; Competitive antagonism ; Mouse ; Rat ; Dog ; Squirrel monkey
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract In neurological and behavioral studies in mice, rats, dogs and squirrel monkeys, the imidazobenzodiazepinone Ro 15-1788 acted as a potent benzodiazepine antagonist. The antagonistic activity was both preventive and curative and seen at doses at which no intrinsic effects were detected. It was highly selective in that it acted against CNS effects induced by benzodiazepines but not against those produced by other depressants, such as phenobarbitone, meprobamate, ethanol, and valproate. The onset of action was rapid even after oral administration. Depending on the animal species studied, the antagonistic effects lasted from a few hours to 1 day. The acute and subacute toxicity of Ro 15-1788 was found to be very low. Benzodiazepine-like effects were not seen.
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  • 87
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    Psychopharmacology 78 (1982), S. 170-175 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Acetylcholine ; Choline ; Soman ; Organophosphate ; Anticholinesterase ; Toxicity ; Lethality ; CNS ; Brain areas ; Rats ; Gas chromatography ; Mass spectrometry ; Time course ; Cholinergic function
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The time course of changes in rat brain levels of acetylcholine (ACh) and choline (Ch) was investigated following a single SC injection of soman (0.9 LD50, 120 μg/kg) to understand the relationship between central neurotransmitter alteration and soman toxicity. Of the animals exposed to the dose of soman, 46% died within 24 h, with maximum mortality occurring during the first 40 min following soman administration. In a second group, surviving rats were killed at various times after treatment by a beam of focused microwave radiation to the head, and ACh and Ch levels were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Soman produced a maximal ACh elevation in the brain stem at 20 min (34.4%), in cerebellum at 40 min (51.9%), in cortex and striatum at 2 h (320.3% and 35.2%, respectively), and in hippocampus and midbrain at 3 h (94.5% and 56.8%, respectively). ACh levels remained above normal approximately 30 min in the brain stem; 2 h in the midbrain, cerebellum, and striatum; 8 h in the cortex; and 16 h in the hippocampus. Ch levels were elevated in all areas except the striatum. Ch maxima occurred at 10–40 min and returned to control levels approximately 3 h after injection. Results suggest that perturbation of ACh levels due to soman was not uniform throughout the brain and that soman toxicity may reflect ACh changes in multiple areas, rather than changes in any given area. These data further suggest a possible relationship between elevated Ch levels and soman toxicity.
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  • 88
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    Psychopharmacology 78 (1982), S. 190-191 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Electroconvulsive shock ; β-Adrenergic receptors ; Lithium ; Chronic treatment ; Depression ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Electroconvulsive shock (ECS) reduces the number of rat cortical β-adrenergic receptors. Lithium has been reported in several systems to prevent receptor changes induced by other agents. However, the present experiment reports that chronic lithium does not prevent the reduction in dihydroalprenolol binding induced by ten daily ECS treatments.
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  • 89
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    Psychopharmacology 78 (1982), S. 234-238 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Morphine ; Tolerance ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The development of a differential tolerance to morphine was investigated with respect to the mean effective dose, the threshold dose of tolerance, the degree of tolerance after a fixed dose, and the speed of tolerance loss. The mean effective doses, the threshold doses of tolerance, and the degree of tolerance differed considerably from effect to effect, whereas in all tests tolerance loss remained the same. The mean effective doses were not correlated to threshold doses of tolerance, degree of tolerance, or to the loss of tolerance, but a strong correlation exists between threshold doses of tolerance and degree of tolerance to all effects measured. Consequences of these results upon current theories of tolerance are discussed.
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  • 90
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Anxiety ; Punishment ; Conflict ; Chlordiazepoxide ; β-Carboline carboxylic acid ethyl ester ; Ro 15-1788 ; ACTH(4–10) ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The antagonism of the anticonflict effect of chlordiazepoxide (CDP) by β-carboline carboxylic acid ethyl ester (BCCE), Ro 15-1788 and ACTH(4–10) has been evaluated in the Geller-Seifter rat conflict test in which CDP increases punished (conflict), but not unpunished responding. BCCE (0.5–10 μg ICV) produced a dose-dependent reduction in the anticonflict activity of CDP. This was also significantly reduced by Ro 15-1788 (25 mg/kg IP) and a high dose of ACTH(4–10) (5 μg ICV). None of these test compounds had a marked direct effect on punished or unpunished responding in the doses used. These experiments provide further physiological support for the suggestion from binding studies that BCCE and Ro 15-1788 act on benzodiazepine receptors. However, the ability of ACTH(4–10) to reduce the anticonflict effect of CDP may be by some other, possibly opioid, mechanism.
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  • 91
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Locus coeruleus ; Dorsal noradrenergic bundle ; Open-field ; Clonidine ; Prazosin ; Yohimbine ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract We previously showed in the rat that electrical stimulation of the nucleus locus coeruleus produced, 4 weeks later, a significant increase in the number of α1 and α1 in the cerebral cortex. In a parallel pharmacological study, we tested the effects of small doses of clonidine on the locomotor activity of stimulated rats and implanted but not stimulated animals. In stimulated rats only, clonidine had a dual effect: firstly, sedation 30 min after injection, and secondly, hyperactivity which was observed 24 h after injection. In the present study, using the same behavioral paradigm, we tested the effects of small doses of clonidine on the locomotor activity of three groups of rats: stimulated in the locus coeruleus, lesioned in the dorsal noradrenergic bundle and controls. In stimulated rats injected with clonidine, delayed hyperactivity appeared 24 h after the injection, beginning at the smallest dose used (2.5 μg/kg). This hyperactivity was not due to the stimulation per se, since it did not appear in stimulated rats injected with the vehicle. In rats with dorsal noradrenergic bundle lesions, this delayed hyperactivity was observed only after a high dose (50 μg/kg) of clonidine. In a second experiment, we tested the effect of small doses of prazosin or of yohimbine on the delayed, drug-induced, hyperactivity of stimulated or lesioned rats. In stimulated rats, prazosin (an α1-adrenoceptor antagonist) suppressed the hyperactivity produced by clonidine. Yohimbine (an α2-adrenoceptor antagonist) markedly increased the locomotor activity of stimulated rats injected with vehicle. Likewise, in lesioned rats, prazosin suppressed the hyperactivity produced by a dose of 50 μg/kg of clonidine. These results are interpreted in relation to the possible role of α-adrenoceptors in the regulation of locomotor activity.
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  • 92
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Turning behaviour ; Brain lesions ; 5-MeODMT ; Dopaminergic system ; Dopamine release ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The turning behaviour induced by 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeODMT) has been investigated in rats with lesions of the dorsal raphé nucleus (DRN). 5-MeODMT caused a dose-related contralateral turning in rats with 5,7-dihydroxytrypamine (5,7-DHT) lesions of the substantia nigra and a similar effect was observed in DRN-lesioned rats. In contrast, a dose-related ipsilateral turning was observed when 5-MeODMT was injected into rats with 5,7-DHT lesions of the striatum. These results suggest that the effects of 5-MeODMT in DRN-lesioned rats are mediated via the substantia nigra. The contralateral turning induced by 5-MeODMT in rats with a 5,7-DHT lesion of the DRN was significantly reduced when a second 6-hydroxydopamine lesion was placed in the striatum, but not when it was placed in the nucleus accumbens. Thus the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system seems to be involved in 5-MeODMT-induced turning. The release of tritium from slices of substantia nigra previously labelled with [3H]-dopamine was inhibited by 5-MeODMT (10-7 to 10-5 M) and this effect was blocked by methysergide in a concentration-related manner. Tetrodotoxin (10-7M) failed to antagonise 5-MeODMT. These results suggest that 5-MeODMT can inhibit dopamine release from nigral dendrites, which could in turn enhance nigrostriatal activity by reducing the auto-inhibitory actions of dopamine, thereby causing contralateral turning in DRN-lesioned rats.
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  • 93
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Seizure threshold ; Ro 15-1788 ; Ro 05-3663 ; Benzodiazepine receptor ; Melatonin ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Both the anticonvulsant and sedative effects of diazepam (5 mg/kg) were reversed by subsequent administration of the suggested specific benzodiazepine antagonist Ro 15-1788. In contrast neither the seizure threshold raising or sedative effect of melatonin (200 mg/kg) was reversed by Ro 15-1788. Ro 15-1788 had no effect on the convulsant action of the benzodiazepine Ro 05-3663. These data therefore argue against the suggestion that melatonin produces its sedative and anticonvulsant effects in vivo by interacting with the benzodiazepine receptor, and also strengthens the suggestion that Ro 05-3663 does not act at this site. The use of Ro 15-1788 in demonstrating whether a drug acts in vivo at the benzodiazepine site to produce a pharmacological response is discussed.
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  • 94
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    Psychopharmacology 78 (1982), S. 326-330 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Morphine withdrawal ; Dopamine ; Lisuride ; N-n-propylnorapomorphine ; Haloperidol ; Sulpiride ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The influence of lisuride on naloxone-induced withdrawal signs (wet shakes, escape attempts) was studied in morphine-dependent rats. Lisuride, injected IP at doses of 12.5 and 25 μg/kg, inhibited wet shakes while not significantly altering escape attempts induced by naloxone (4 mg/kg IP). At higher doses (50 and 100 μg/kg IP), lisuride's inhibitory effect on wet shakes persisted while escape attempts were actually potentiated with respect to control withdrawal rats. Increases in aggressive behavior were seen at all doses, and were dose-related. Haloperidol (0.3 mg/kg IP), administered 40 min before lisuride, did not modify the antagonistic effect on wet shakes, unlike sulpiride (40 mg/kg IP 30 min before lisuride), but at the same time blocked the increase in escape attempts and aggressiveness induced by lisuride. We suggest that lisuride modulates withdrawal signs by stimulation of dopamine receptors in the CNS. The effect of the dopamine mimetic N-n-propylnorapomorphine (NPA) on the same variables is reported as well as the influence of haloperidol on NPA, and a comparison between the effects of the two drugs is made.
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  • 95
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: d-Amphetamine ; Feeding ; Locomotion ; Stereotypy ; Striatum ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The effects of d-amphetamine over a wide range of doses (0.125–4.0 mg/kg IP) on rat unconditioned behaviour were examined in the presence of food and water (experiment 1), in their absence (experiment 2) and after microinjection (2.0 μg in 0.5 μl) directly into the striatum (experiment 3). In experiment 1 very low doses (0.125 and 0.25 mg/kg) stimulated the intake of food, but not water, and higher doses produced locomotor hyperactivity, rearing, stereotyped sniffing and anorexia. In experiment 2 all doses, including very low doses (0.125 and 0.25 mg/kg), significantly potentiated locomotor activity. In experiment 3, microinjection into the corpus striatum elicited substantial feeding, but not drinking, locomotor activity or stereotyped behaviour. The results suggest that a single graded facilitative mechanism underlies the effects on food intake and other behavioural effects of amphetamine, as implied by a general hypothesis of amphetamine action proposed in the literature, and that these effects may to a large extent by mediated by forebrain dopamine systems.
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  • 96
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    Psychopharmacology 76 (1982), S. 149-156 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Drug discrimination ; Drug generalization ; Fentanyl ; Morphine ; Amphetamine ; Nicotine ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Different groups of rats were trained to discriminate fentanyl (F) (0.03, 0.02, or 0.01 mg/kg) from saline or to discriminate 0.03 mg/kg fentanyl (F) from alternative stimulus conditions (saline, 0.15 mg/kg nicotine, or 0.01 mg/kg F). When percentage of responses on the drug lever and percentage of time spent responding on the drug lever were used as dependent variables, it was found that training dose and alternative stimulus condition both affected the ED50 and the slope of the F generalization gradient. ED50 and slope values based on group data were not significantly different from values based on individual data. Differences between the results of the first and second 2.5-min period of the extinction test were not significant. ED50 and slope values were unaffected by the preceding training session, except in the group trained to discriminate 0.03 from 0.01 mg/kg F. A lever selection measure showed a significant effect of alternative stimulus condition on ED50 values only. Training dose and alternative stimulus condition also affected the generalization to morphine. Under none of the conditions explored in this study did generalization occur to amphetamine or nicotine. The results are discussed in terms of the relative nature of drug generalization.
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  • 97
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid ; Dopamine ; Stereotyped behaviour ; Food intake ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The administration of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) initially causes a temporary “sleep-like” state during which there is an increase in forebrain dopamine levels. The present series of experiments examined whether in the period following the GHB-induced behavioural depression, when accumulated dopamine is dispersed, there is any behavioural evidence of increased dopaminergic activity. The first experiment, in which GHB was injected directly into the cerebral ventricles, demonstrated that in the immediate post-recovery period rats exhibited various forms of stereotyped oral behaviour and stereotyped sniffing. Unexpectedly, it was also observed that if food were present animals preferred to eat. The nature of this feeding response was examined in two further experiments. Firstly, it was shown that in the period following the behavioural depression animals would perform, in a dose-dependent fashion, an operant response which was rewarded by food. Secondly, the GHB-induced increase in feeding was abolished by the pre-treatment of animals with either the dopamine synthesis inhibitor alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine, or the dopamine receptor blocker haloperidol. These data indicate that (i) in the period when it is known that the GHB-induced accumulation of dopamine is dispersing, there is behavioural evidence of increased dopaminergic activity; (ii) the feeding response is not a simple oral reflex; and (iii) in addition to being essential for food intake dopaminergic transmission may play a direct role in the production of feeding.
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  • 98
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Systemic DSP4 ; Two-way avoidance ; Acquisition ; Spontaneous activity ; NA uptake ; Endogenous NA ; Peripheral NA ; Pain sensitivity ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract N-2-chloroethyl-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine (DSP4) (50 mg/kg IP), a new selective noradrenaline (NA) neurotoxin, was found to cause a severe impairment of the acquisition of a two-way active avoidance task 1 week following adminsitration, an effect that was blocked by the selective NA uptake inhibitor desipramine. In a second experiment, systemically injected 6-OHDA (2×30 mg/kg IP) was not found to cause any avoidance impairment, althogh its effects upon peripheral NA were still evident 21 days after administration: The peripheral NA depletion caused by DSP4 almost disappeared 14 days after injection. In a third experiment, the avoidance impairment induced by DSP4 was produced even 10 weeks after treatment. Data from both the shuttlebox experiment and an activity box experiment suggest that the acquisition impairment is not readily explained on the basis of some deficit in spontaneous behavior or an altered perception of pain. The present data suggest that the effect of DSP4 upon active avoidance asquisition is mediated via central, and not peripheral NA neurons.
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  • 99
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    Psychopharmacology 77 (1982), S. 94-97 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: 3H-imipramine binding site ; Imipramine ; Lithium ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The specific high-affinity binding of 3H-imipramine to rat brain membranes was investigated. Five weeks of lithium treatment decreased the number of binding sites, but had no effect on the affinity constants. Long-term imipramine treatment had no effect on the number of binding sites but apparently decreased the affinity. The latter effect was probably due to imipramine remaining in the membrane preparation.
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  • 100
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    Psychopharmacology 77 (1982), S. 117-123 
    ISSN: 1432-2072
    Keywords: Chronic cannabis ; Learning ; Radial-arm maze ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Chronic oral administration of cannabis extract to rats (daily Δ 9tetrahydrocannabinol dose 20 mg/kg) was examined in three experiments for its residual effect on radialarm maze learning following a 1-month drug-free period. Learning a simple eight-arm maze was significantly impaired in rats treated for either 6 months (Experiment I) or 3 months (Experiment II) with the drug. In Experiment III, animals that received the extract for 3 months exhibited significant learning deficits on a much more difficult 12-arm radial maze. The results demonstrate that the deleterious effects of cannabis on radial-arm maze learning are probably due to a tendency toward increased vigilance and perseveration, possibly combined with an impaired utilization of spatial cues.
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