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  • Genetics  (1,213)
  • 1
    ISSN: 1364-6753
    Keywords: Key words Multiple sclerosis ; Genetics ; Myelin basic protein ; Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein ; Proteolipid protein
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: ABSTRACT Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. A complex genetic etiology is thought to underlie susceptibility to this disease. The present study was designed to analyze whether differences in genes that encode myelin proteins influence susceptibility to MS. We performed linkage analysis of MS to markers in chromosomal regions that include the genes encoding myelin basic protein (MBP), proteolipid protein (PLP), myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein (OMGP), and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) in a well-characterized population of 65 multiplex MS families consisting of 399 total individuals, 169 affected with MS and 102 affected sibpairs. Physical mapping data permitted placement of MAG and PLP genes on the Genethon genetic map; all other genes were mapped on the Genethon genetic map by linkage analysis. For each gene, at least one marker within the gene and/or two tightly linked flanking markers were analyzed. Marker data analysis employed a combination of genetic trait model-dependent (parametric) and model-independent linkage methods. Results indicate that MAG, MBP, OMGP, and PLP genes do not have a significant genetic effect on susceptibility to MS in this population. As MOG resides within the MHC, a potential role of the MOG gene could not be excluded.
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    Italian journal of neurological sciences 20 (1999), S. 89-108 
    ISSN: 1126-5442
    Keywords: Key words Neurofibromatosis ; Nf1 ; Nf2 ; Mosaic/segmental neurofibromatosis ; Variants ; Classification ; Neurological manifestations ; Genetics ; Childhood ; Adulthood
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The last two decades have seen clinical and molecular delineation of the different forms of neurofibromatosis. Differentiation of these forms is not just an academic exercise: their natural history, management and genetic counselling are quite different. Of the numerical classifications of neurofibromatosis proposed in the past, only neurofibromatosis type 1 (Nf1) and neurofibromatosis type 2 (Nf2) are now well delineated clinically and have been shown to be distinct at the molecular level. For both forms of neurofibromatosis, patients with clinical generalised disease have been demonstrated to be mosaic at the molecular level, and features of segmental or mosaic Nf1 and Nf2 have been delineated. Other reported forms of neurofibromatosis are rarer; they include Watson syndrome, hereditary spinal neurofibromatosis, familial intestinal neurofibromatosis, autosomal dominant café-au-lait spots alone, autosomal dominant neurofibromas alone, and schwannomatosis, the latter believed to be a variant of Nf2. Further delineation is neeeded for individuals having overlapping features of Noonan's syndrome and neurofibromatosis (the so-called Noonan/neurofibromatosis syndrome) and the syndrome of “multiple naevi, multiple schwannomas and multiple vaginal leiomyomas”. In this article we review the forms of neurofibromatosis which we believe are true clinical entities. Particular attention is given to the neurological manifestations of neurofibromatosis.
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  • 3
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Keywords: Key words Diabetes ; Genetics ; Phosphofructokinase ; Glycogenosis ; NIDDM ; PFK
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The etiology of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is usually explained as a combination of peripheral insulin resistance and impaired beta-cell function. Phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK1) is a rate limiting enzyme in glycolysis, and its muscle subtype (PFK1-M) deficiency leads to an autosomal recessively inherited disorder known as glycogenosis type VII or Tarui’s disease. It was evaluated whether PFK1-M deficiency leads to NIDDM in humans. A core family of four was evaluated for PFK1-M deficiency by DNA- and enzyme-activity-analyses. All members underwent oral and intravenous glucose tolerance test (oGTT/ivgtt), as well as an insulin sensitivity test (IST) using octreotide. Results: Father (46 years, BMI 22.4 kg/m2) and older son (19 years, BMI 17.8 kg/m5) showed homozygous PFK1-M deficiency, while mother (47 years, BMI 28.4 kg/m5) and younger son (13 years, BMI 16.5 kg/m5) were shown to be heterozygously PFK1-M-deficient on enzyme activity levels. DNA analysis revealed an exon 5-missense-mutation at one allele of all four members, and an exon 22-frameshift-mutation at the other allele of the two homozygously affected individuals. By oGTT the father showed impaired glucose tolerance, and the mother clinical diabetes. By ivGTT both parents and the older son had a decreased first phase insulin secretion, and a diminished glucose disappearance rate. The IST showed marked insulin resistance in both parents and the older son, and moderate resistance in the younger son, previously not described. Conclusion: PFK1-M-deficiency leads to a metabolic state typical for early NIDDM in homozygously affected humans, especially concerning insulin resistance and loss of first phase beta-cell insulin secretion, and may contribute to the manifestation of NIDDM in a subgroup of patients.
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    Der Nervenarzt 70 (1999), S. 195-205 
    ISSN: 1433-0407
    Keywords: Schlüsselwörter Alzheimer-Krankheit ; Genetik ; Risikofaktoren ; Genetische Beratung ; Key words Alzheimer’s disease ; Genetics ; Risk factors ; Genetic counseling
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Summary A multifactorial etiology underlies the majority of cases of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Both ill-defined environmental and genetic factors contribute to the development of the disease. Allele ɛ4 of ApoE is a genetic risk factor. Its presence increases the risk of developing AD. However, presence of e4 is neither necessary nor sufficient for the disease to arise. Apart from the common multifactorial forms of the disease, there are rare variants which are inherited as Mendelian traits. To date three genes are known that can be mutated in these rare forms of AD. Of these, mutations in the gene presenilin 1 on chromosome 14 are most frequent. In addition, mutations in the gene presenilin 2 on chromosome 1 and in the amyloid precursor protein gene (APP on chromosome 21) occur in autosomal dominant AD. This article reviews our present knowledge of the genetics of AD and discusses its relevance for patients with AD and their relatives.
    Notes: Zusammenfassung Der Großteil der Fälle von Alzheimer-Krankheit (AK) hat eine multifaktorielle Ätiologie. Das bedeutet, bisher nicht genauer bekannte Umwelteinflüsse und genetische Faktoren spielen bei der Entwicklung der Krankheit eine wesentliche Rolle. Von seiten der Genetik unterscheidet man bei der AK gegenwärtig genetische Risikofaktroren und Mutationen. Der einzige bisher gesicherte genetische Risikofaktor ist das Allel ɛ4 des Gens für Apolipoprotein E auf Chromosom 19. Dieses Allel erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, an der AK zu erkranken, ist jedoch weder eine notwendige noch eine hinreichende Bedingung. Neben den häufigen Formen mit multifaktorieller Ätiologie kommen seltene Varianten der Krankheit vor, die nach Mendelschen Regeln vererbt werden. Bisher sind 3 Gene bekannt, die bei diesen seltenen, in der Regel früh auftretenden und autosomal dominant vererbten Formen mutiert sein können. Am häufigsten findet sich bei den autosomal-dominanten Fällen eine Mutation im Gen präsenilin 1 auf Chromosom 14, seltener liegen Mutationen im Gen präsenilin 2 auf Chromosom 1 und im Gen des Amyloid- Vorläuferproteins auf Chromosom 21 vor. In diesem Beitrag geben wir eine Übersicht über gegenwärtige Befunde zur Genetik der AK und diskutieren die Bedeutung dieses Wissens für Patienten und deren Verwandte.
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  • 5
    ISSN: 1433-0407
    Keywords: Schlüsselwörter Schizophrenie ; Genetik ; Schizophrenes Spektrum ; Kopplungsuntersuchungen ; Assoziationsuntersuchungen ; Key words Schizophrenia ; Genetics ; Schizophrenia spectrum ; Linkage studies ; Association studies
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Summary Schizophrenia is a genetic complex disease as it does not follow monogenic transmission while non-familial environmental factors have a strong additional impact. A heterogenous, continuous phenotype is transmitted in families which can now be more precisely characterized. Genes coding for proteins with presumed pathophysiological relevance are apparently not playing a major causal role. However, in the last three years several (currently seven) candidate regions have been identified in a replicable manner by linkage studies. These regions are likely to host susceptibility genes for schizophrenia, but none of them has been identified up to now. Given these findings, polygenic transmission has now become very likely. The candidate regions are currently being narrowed down by various promising techniques.
    Notes: Zusammenfassung Die Schizophrenie gehört zu den genetisch komplexen Erkrankungen, die keinem monogenen Erbgang folgen und bei denen auch nichtfamiliäre Umgebungsfaktoren eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Dabei wird intrafamiliär ein heterogener, quantitativ variierender Phänotyp übertragen, der zunehmend genauer charakterisiert werden kann. Keines der bekannten Gene mit vermuteter pathophysiologischer Relevanz spielt nach den bisherigen Erkenntnissen eine substantielle Rolle. In den vergangenen drei Jahren ist es aber erstmals durch Kopplungsuntersuchungen gelungen, mehrere replizierbare Kandidatenregionen (derzeit sieben) auf dem Genom zu identifizieren, in denen vermutlich Suszeptibilitätsgene für Schizophrenie liegen. Keines dieser Gene wurde jedoch bislang identifiziert. Mit diesen Befunden ist eine polygene Übertragung der Schizophrenie sehr wahrscheinlich geworden. Verschiedene Techniken zur Eingrenzung der Kandidatenregionen werden derzeit erfolgreich angewandt.
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  • 6
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Key words Frontotemporal dementia ; Genetics ; Progressive supranuclear palsy ; Tauopathy ; Exon ; amplifcation
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Recently intronic and exonic mutations in the Tau gene have been found to be associated with familial neurodegenerative syndromes characterized not only by a predominantly frontotemporal dementia but also by the presence of neurological signs consistent with the dysfunction of multiple subcortical neuronal circuitries. Among families, the symptomatology appears to vary in quality and severity in relation to the specific Tau gene mutation and often may include parkinsonism, supranuclear palsies, and/or myoclonus, in addition to dementia. We carried out molecular genetic and neuropathological studies on two patients from a French family presenting, early in their fifth decade, a cognitive impairment and supranuclear palsy followed by an akinetic rigid syndrome and dementia. The proband died severely demented 7 years after the onset of the symptoms; currently, his brother is still alive although his disease is progressing. In both patients, we found a Tau gene mutation in exon 10 at codon 279, resulting in an asparagine to lysine substitution (N279K). Neuropathologically, widespread neuronal and glial tau accumulation in the cortex, basal ganglia, brain stem nuclei as well as in the white matter were the hallmark of the disease. These deposits were shown by immunohistochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy, using a battery of antibodies to phosphorylation-dependent and phosphorylation-independent epitopes present in multiple tau regions. In the neocortex, tau-immunopositive glial cells were more numerous than immunopositive neurons; the deeper cortical layers as well as the white matter adjacent to the cortex contained the largest amount of immunolabeled glial cells. In contrast, some brain stem nuclei contained more neurons with tau deposits than immunolabeled glial cells. The correlation of clinical, neuropathological and molecular genetic findings emphasize the phenotypic heterogeneitiy of diseases caused by Tau gene mutations. Furthermore, to test the effect of the N279K mutation and compare it with the effect of the P301L exon 10 mutation on alternative splicing of Tau exon 10, we used an exon amplification assay. Our results suggest that the N279K mutation affects splicing similar to the intronic mutations, allowing exon 10 to be incorporated more frequently in the Tau transcript.
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    Annals of hematology 78 (1999), S. 485-494 
    ISSN: 1432-0584
    Keywords: Key words Mantle cell lymphoma ; Classification ; Pathology ; Prognosis ; Immunology ; Genetics ; Antineoplastic agents ; Combined ; Therapeutic use ; Radiotherapy ; Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
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  • 8
    ISSN: 1432-0584
    Keywords: Key words Acute leukemia ; Genetics ; Sex ; ABO Blood group
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract  Acute leukemia is more common in males at almost every age, and this fact remains unexplained. A study was carried out in northeast peninsular Malaysia, where the population is predominantly Malay, to examine whether there was a difference in ABO blood group distribution between males and females with acute leukemia (AL). The ABO blood groups of 109 male and 79 female patients with AL (98 ALL, 90 AML) were compared with those of 1019 controls. In the control population, 39.7% were group O. Among males with AL, 39.4% were group O, whereas among females with AL, the proportion was 24.1% (p=0.03). The same trend to a lower proportion of group O among females was seen if the group was divided into adult/pediatric or lymphoblastic/myeloblastic groups, though these differences were not statistically significant. If these findings can be confirmed, they suggest the presence of a "sex-responsive" gene near to the ABO gene locus on chromosome 9, which relatively protects group O women against AL, at least in our population. The existence of such a gene might also partly explain why acute leukemia, and possibly other childhood cancers, are more common in males.
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  • 9
    ISSN: 1423-0127
    Keywords: Tax ; HTLV-1 ; Trans-activation ; Phosphorylation ; Mutagenesis ; Transcription ; Genetics
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The human T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) Tax is a phosphoprotein, however, the contribution of phosphorylation to Tax activity is unknown. Previous studies have shown that phosphorylation of Tax occurs on serine residue(s), within one tryptic fragment, in response to 4β-phorbol-12β-myristate-13α-acetate, in both mouse and human cells. Studies were conducted in multiple cell lines to identify the specific phosphorylated serines as a prelude to functional analysis. The phosphorylation pattern of Tax was found to be different in 293T and COS-7 cells in comparison with MT-4 and Px-1 cells. However, one tryptic fragment remained consistent in comigration analyses among all cell lines. Using selected Tax serine mutants a tryptic fragment containing a serine at residue 113 believed to be the site of phosphorylation of Tax did not comigrate with the common phosphorylated tryptic fragment. Analysis of selected Tax mutants for ability totrans-activate the cytomegalovirus promoter demonstrated mutation of serine 77 to alanine reducedtrans-activation by 90% compared to wild-type Tax. However, examination of the phosphorylation pattern of the serine 77 mutant demonstrated that it is not the site of phosphorylation. These studies demonstrate the importance of using relevant cell lines to characterize the role of phosphorylation in protein function.
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  • 10
    ISSN: 1432-1963
    Keywords: Schlüsselwörter Rhadomyosarkom ; Klassifizierung ; Immunhistochemie ; Genetik ; Prognose ; Key words Rhabdomyosarcoma ; Classification ; Immunohistochemistry ; Genetics ; Prognosis
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Summary Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most important and a very heterogeneous group of malignant soft tissue tumors of childhood and adolescence.The two major subtypes (embryonal and alveolar) share a common myogenic differentiation, but seem to be histogenetically not related. The so-called ’International Classification of Rhabdomyosarcoma’ includes, besides the two major subtypes, the botryoid and leiomyomatous subtypes of embryonal RMS which are associated with a better prognosis and are treated less aggressively according to current protocols. In addition, the solid variant of alveolar RMS is included in the alveolar group of RMS. The identification of the various subtypes is necessary and important because the treatment with the current protocols is also related to histology. Using conventional stains and immunohistochemistry, these subtypes are distinguishable. Genetic analysis can be helpful in the demonstration of t(2;13) or t(1;13) translocations in alveolar RMS. The identification of alveolar RMS with t(1;13) translocation might become important in the future, because this type of translocation seems to be related to a better prognosis as compared to tumors with a t(2;13) translocation.
    Notes: Zusammenfassung Rhabdomyosarkome stellen eine heterogene Gruppe von ganz verschiedenartigen, histogenetisch wohl nicht zusammengehörenden Tumoren dar. Nach der heute verwendeten „Internationalen Klassifikation” der Rhabdomyosarkome werden neben der Unterteilung in embryonalen und alveoläre Rhabdomyossarkome auch Subtypen des embryonalen RMS identifiziert (botryoider und leiomyomatöser Subtyp), die durch eine günstigere Prognose und durch die Notwendigkeit einer weniger aggressive Therapie gekennzeichnet sind. Durch Einsatz von verschiedenen histologischen und immunhistochemischen Färbungen ist die Identifizierung der verschiedenen Typen der RMS heute möglich und auch zwingend notwendig, da die einzelnen Entitäten nach ganz unterschiedlichen Therapieprotokollen behandelt werden. Der Nachweis typischer molekulargenetischer Veränderungen kann in der Unterscheidung insbesondere von embryonalen und alveolären RMS hilfreich sein. In der Regel ist die Abgrenzung zwischen diesen beiden Entitäten auch an konventionell gefärbten Schnittpräparaten möglich. Die Identifizierung von alveolären RMS mit einer t(1;13)-Translokation könnte in Zukunft eine große Bedeutung haben, da diese genetische Veränderung möglicherweise mit einer günstigeren Prognose assoziert sein könnte als die t(2;13)-Translokation.
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  • 11
    ISSN: 1432-1076
    Keywords: Key words Congenital heart disease ; Pulmonary atresia and ventricular septal defect ; Genetics ; Monosomy 22q11.2
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The purpose of our study was to describe the prevalence and the clinical spectrum of monosomy 22q11.2 in a population of patients with pulmonary atresia and ventricular septal defect. We examined all 44 patients with this conotruncal cardiac malformation who presented to our institution from January 1994 until December 1997. The type of collateral lung perfusion was recorded including anomalies of the pulmonary arteries as well as facial and immunological abnormalities. Molecular-cytogenetic testing for a 22q11.2 microdeletion was performed using the probes D22S75 and cHKAD26. Statistical differences were evaluated with the Fisher's Exact Test. Monosomy 22q11.2 was present in ten children (23%) with major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (group 1). The remaining 13 children (29%) with major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (group 2) and all 21 children (48%) with ductus arteriosus (group 3) were negative for this microdeletion. All children in group 1 had facial anomalies, six had mild immunological abnormalities including decreased CD 4+ or CD 8+ cells. Anomalies of the pulmonary vascular bed were significantly more frequent in children of group 1 (9/10) than in children of group 2 (4/13) or group 3 (0/21). Due to these pulmonary vascular anomalies, corrective surgery had been accomplished in fewer children with monosomy 22q11.2 (none in group 1) as compared to 7/13 children in group 2 and 14/21 children in group 3. Conclusion In children with pulmonary atresia and ventricular septal defect, monosomy 22q11.2 is preferentially associated with major aortopulmonary collateral arteries. Due to the higher incidence of pulmonary arterial abnormalities, successful surgical repair will require a different therapeutic approach in most patients with this microdeletion.
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  • 12
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    Current genetics 35 (1999), S. 571-584 
    ISSN: 1432-0983
    Keywords: Key words Cytokinesis ; Kinase ; Mitosis ; Schizosaccharomyces pombe ; Cell division ; Phosphatase ; Mutant ; Genetics
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe provides a simple eukaryotic model for the study of cytokinesis. S. pombe cells are rod-shaped, grow mainly by elongation at their tips, and divide by binary fission after forming a centrally placed division septum. Analysis of mutants has begun to shed light upon how septum formation and cytokinesis are regulated both spatially and temporally. Some of the proteins involved in these events have been functionally conserved throughout eukaryotic evolution, suggesting that aspects of this control will be common to all eukaryotic cells.
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    Journal of neurology 246 (1999), S. 1140-1144 
    ISSN: 1432-1459
    Keywords: Key words Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ; Genetics ; Glutamate transporter gene
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurological disorder characterised by degeneration of upper and lower motor neurons. Whilst the primary pathogenic trigger is unknown in most cases, evidence is mounting to implicate a role for glutamate-mediated neurotoxicity in the disorder. Recent studies have shown reduced levels of the mainly astroglial glutamate transporter EAAT2 in ALS motor cortex and spinal cord and multiple abnormal EAAT2 mRNA species in ALS brain tissue. One cause of the low EAAT2 levels may be that point mutations in the EAAT2 gene, EAAT2, result in an abnormal unstable protein. To test this hypothesis we analysed EAAT2 in 128 sporadic and 23 familial European ALS cases. No variants within the coding sequence of EAAT2 to affect the protein sequence nor in the consensus splice sites of the flanking intronic sequences were found in any cases, similar to findings in other reports. Frequent polymorphisms within the flanking intronic sequences of both exons 2 and 4 were seen but at similar frequencies in controls. Mechanisms other than mutations within the coding region of EAAT2 must therefore be responsible for the low levels of EAAT2 seen in most cases of ALS.
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  • 14
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    International journal of colorectal disease 14 (1999), S. 2-9 
    ISSN: 1432-1262
    Keywords: Key words Inflammatory bowel disease ; Crohn's disease ; Ulcerative colitis ; Epidemiology ; Genetics
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are complex disorders. While the exact etiology of these diseases remains unknown, recent progress in the epidemiology and genetics of IBD has clearly demonstrated both environmental and genetic factors to play a role in the development of the disease, and it is expected that some risk factors are common for both Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). The environmental factor(s) are associated with the Western way of life in the second half of the twentieth century. Cigarette smoking is presently the best known environmental factor. However, the effect of tobacco is opposite in CD and UC. A familial history of IBD is the most important risk factor for developing the disease, suggesting a genetic predisposition to IBD. This hypothesis has recently been confirmed by the localization of at least two susceptibility loci on chromosomes 12 and 16. These genes seem to play a role in both CD and UC. They must now to be identified.
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  • 15
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    Child's nervous system 15 (1999), S. 676-680 
    ISSN: 1433-0350
    Keywords: Key words Craniosynostosis ; Genetics ; FGFR ; Msx2 ; Development ; Skull
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract  The genetic studies of syndromic craniosynostoses lead to the characterisation of genes that regulate the correct development of the bones of the skull. From these studies, it appears that FGF/FGFR signalling has a crucial role in this problem. Numerous mutations affecting the genes coding for FGFR1, 2 or 3 are responsible for these syndromes. It is interesting to note that some identical mutations produced various different phenotypes, suggesting that other genes modulate the phenotypic expressivity. The other involved genes in these syndromes code for such proteins as Msx2 or Twist that interact in the cellular pathways responsible for FGF action. From these genetic studies, it is now important to establish the role of these proteins during the development of the skull. Msx2 plays a repressive role in osteogenesis, whereas FGFRs act as promoting proteins. In the near future, it will be very important to improve our understanding of these phenomena in order to test specific treatments to prevent the development of such syndromes.
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    Journal of neurology 246 (1999), S. 69-72 
    ISSN: 1432-1459
    Keywords: Key words Alzheimer’s disease ; Genetics ; Genetic counseling ; Predictive testing ; Diagnosis
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has a significant genetic background manifested as autosomal dominant inheritance in some early-onset families and as familial risk in late-onset cases. Three genes responsible for early-onset autosomal dominant AD have been identified, and one gene, apolipoprotein E, has been confirmed as a susceptibility gene for late-onset forms of the disorder. These findings raise the possibility of genetic testing, either for early diagnosis or prediction. For early-onset autosomal dominant AD genetic testing will have a limited but useful role in confirming diagnosis in established cases and in predictive counselling for relatives; a situation analogous to that for Huntington’s disease. For late-onset AD significant problems remain to be overcome before the advances in molecular genetics have a direct clinical application
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  • 17
    ISSN: 1432-5233
    Keywords: Key words Mitochondrial DNA ; Genetics ; Maternally inherited diabetes mellitus ; Deafness ; np 3243 mutation
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) gene defects may play a role in the development of maternally inherited diabetes mellitus and deafness (MIDD). A family from Southern Italy who showed maternal transmission of type 2 diabetes mellitus with three individuals affected is described. A 10.4 kb deletion and mutations at nucleotide positions (np) 3243, 7445 and 11778 in the mtDNA of six relatives were sought. The mitochondrial np 3243 mutation of the tRNA Leu (UUR) gene was identified in a boy affected by optic atrophy and mental retardation, as well as in his diabetic mother. No other mutations or deletions were found. Our study points out the variable phenotypic expression of the np 3243 mtDNA mutation. This may suggest the presence of other mitochondrial or nuclear mutations required to modulate the phenotype. A clinical and metabolic follow-up of all family members was necessary to understand the role of the np 3243 mutation, especially in one child affected by optic atrophy and mental retardation. Further studies will be aimed at investigating the prevalence of mutations and deletions of mtDNA in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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  • 18
    ISSN: 1432-2242
    Keywords: Key words Passiflora ; Self-incompatibility ; Genetics
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract  The self-incompatibility in yellow passion fruit was previously described as homomorphic sporophytic with monofactorial inheritance. Five progenies were obtained by bud-selfing. The plants of these progenies were selfed, reciprocally crossed within each progeny and crossed with known incompatible phenotypes to identify their phenotypic group. Fruit set was evaluated at the 7th day after pollination. Two progenies consisted of two self-incompatible groups, the other three formed three suck groups. The groups were identified as S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 and S6. The results provide evidence that the self-incompatibility of passion fruit is controlled by two loci, the S-gene and another, whose expression needs to be investigated.
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  • 19
    ISSN: 1432-2242
    Keywords: Key words Simple sequence repeat (SSR) ; Microsatellites ; Molecular markers ; Genetics ; Fingerprinting
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract  We report the sequences of 17 primer pairs of microsatellite loci, which we have cloned and sequenced from two genomic libraries of peach [Prunus persica (L) Batsch] ‘Redhaven’, enriched for AC/GT and AG/CT repeats respectively. For ten of these microsatellite loci we were able to demonstrate Mendelian inheritance in a segregating back-cross population; the remainder did not segregate. The polymorphism of the microsatellites was evaluated in a panel of ten peach genotypes, including true-to-type peaches, nectarines and one canning-peach. Fifteen microsatellites (88%) were polymorphic showing 2–4 alleles each. The mean heterozygosity, averaged over all loci, was 0.32 and significantly higher than that reported in the literature for isozymes and molecular markers, such as RFLPs and RAPDs. We have also assayed the cross-species transportability and found that ten microsatellite (59%) gave apparently correct amplification in all Prunus species surveyed, namely P. domestica (European plum), P. salicina (Japanese plum), P. armeniaca (apricot), P. dulcis (almond), P. persica var. vulgaris (peach), P. persica var. laevis (nectarine), P. avium (sweet cherry) and P. cerasus (sour cherry), with three of them also being amplified in Malus (apple). The remaining microsatellites gave less-extensive amplification. Because of their appreciable polymorphism and wide cross-species transportability, most of these new markers can be integrated into the linkage maps which are currently being constructed in peach, as well as in other stone fruit crops, such as almond, apricot, cherry and plum.
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    Theoretical and applied genetics 99 (1999), S. 800-810 
    ISSN: 1432-2242
    Keywords: Key words Almond ; Compatibility ; Genetics ; Prunus dulcis ; Ribonucleases
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract  Six almond progenies, each the product of a cross between a self-compatible and a self-incompatible parent, were analysed for stylar ribonucleases. Proteins were extracted and separated using non-equilibrium pH gradient electrofocusing (NEPHGE), and the gels were stained for ribonuclease activity. Most seedlings showed either two principal bands, interpreted as corresponding to two incompatibility alleles, or a single band. The seedlings were also bagged in the field at flowering time to determine fruit set after selfing, and some were also examined for the growth of pollen-tubes in selfed styles using UV fluorescence microscopy. With very few exceptions, those seedlings showing single-banded zymograms were found to be self-compatible according to field and microscope studies, and those with two bands were found to be self-incompatible. We conclude that the allele for self-compatibility in almond does not code for ribonuclease activity and that the ribonuclease isoenzyme assay is a convenient technique for predicting self-compatibility in segregating progenies. A novel band in two derivatives of ’Ferrastar’ was ascribed to a new incompatibility allele, S 10 .
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    Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 46 (1999), S. 171-179 
    ISSN: 1432-0762
    Keywords: Key words Honeybee ; Apis mellifera ; Division of labor ; Genetics ; Pollen foraging
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract  A fundamental requirement of task regulation in social groups is that it must allow colony flexibility. We tested assumptions of three task regulation models for how honeybee colonies respond to graded changes in need for a specific task, pollen foraging. We gradually changed colony pollen stores and measured behavioral and genotypic changes in the foraging population. Colonies did not respond in a graded manner, but in six of seven cases showed a stepwise change in foraging activity as pollen storage levels moved beyond a set point. Changes in colony performance resulted from changes in recruitment of new foragers to pollen collection, rather than from changes in individual foraging effort. Where we were able to track genotypic variation, increases in pollen foraging were accompanied by a corresponding increase in the genotypic diversity of pollen foragers. Our data support previous findings that genotypic variation plays an important role in task regulation. However, the stepwise change in colony behavior suggests that colony foraging flexibility is best explained by an integrated model incorporating genotypic variation in task choice, but in which colony response is amplified by social interactions.
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  • 22
    ISSN: 1534-4681
    Keywords: Breast cancer ; Genetics ; Prophylactic mastectomy
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Background: The discovery of a cadre of breast cancer susceptibility genes has resulted in an increase in the number of women seeking information about prophylactic breast surgery, but virtually no large-scale prospective databases exist to assist women considering prophylactic mastectomy. Methods: The authors constructed a National Prophylactic Mastectomy Registry comprised of a volunteer population of 817 women from 43 states who have undergone prophylactic mastectomy. Results: In the registry, 370 women had undergone bilateral prophylactic mastectomy. Twenty-one (5%) women expressed regrets about the procedure. The median follow-up was 14.6 years (mean 14.8 years; range 0.2–51 years). Those with regrets were subsetted into those with major (n=10) or minor (n=7) regrets. Regrets were more common in those women with whom discussion about prophylactic mastectomy was initiated by a physician (19/255), compared with patients who initiated the discussion themselves (2/108;P〈.05). Conclusions: The overall satisfaction rate of 95% reported here may be explained by the voluntary nature of this registry. The most important factor that predicts an unfavorable outcome following bilateral prophylactic mastectomy is a physician-initiated discussion.
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  • 23
    ISSN: 1364-6753
    Keywords: Key words Alzheimer disease ; Risk factors ; Parental age ; Genetics
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: ABSTRACT We compared the parental age at birth of patients with Alzheimer disease (AD) with that of cognitively healthy control subjects. Within 206 carefully diagnosed AD patients, two groups were distinguished according to the likelihood of carrying a major gene for AD (MGAD). This likelihood was calculated by applying a Bayesian approach which incorporates data on aggregation of the disease, age at onset, and "censoring" ages within the family. All AD patients were ranked by MGAD probability. According to the sample's quartiles, two subgroups were defined representing the 52 individuals with the lowest and the 52 with the highest MGAD probability. Age at onset of dementia, education, and apolipoprotein E ε  4 allele frequencies were not statistically different between the two groups. Fathers of patients with a low MGAD probability were significantly older (35.7±8.1 years) than fathers of both other groups (high MGAD probability 31.3±6.9 years, P =0.004; controls 32.6±6.8 years, P =0.04, n=50). The differences for mothers were less pronounced and not statistically significant. These findings suggest that increased paternal age is a risk factor for AD in the absence of a major gene, whereas increased maternal age and AD are associated only weakly and independently of genetic disposition.
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    Journal of molecular medicine 76 (1998), S. 303-309 
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Keywords: Key words Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease ; Linkage study ; Genetics
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract  Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is a rare inherited disorder which usually becomes clinically manifest in early childhood, although the spectrum of ARPKD is much more variable than generally known. Presentation of ARPKD at later ages and survival into adulthood have been observed in many cases. The responsible gene has been mapped to chromosome 6p. Thus there is no evidence of genetic heterogeneity. The most important indication for DNA diagnosis is the prenatal diagnosis in families with at least one affected child. The critical region has been narrowed with the use of recombinant families of about 4 cM. Several possible candidate genes have been excluded.
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    Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 146 (1998), S. 86-91 
    ISSN: 1433-0474
    Keywords: Schlüsselwörter Geschlechtliche Differenzierung ; Androgenrezeptor ; Genetik ; Genotyp-Phänotyp-Korrelation ; Key words Sexual differentiation ; Androgen receptor ; Genetics ; Genotype-phenotype-correlation
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Summary The determination of the genetic background of sexual development has not only assisted in the explanation of intersex disorders, but also in the diagnosis and clinical management of affected individuals. The possibilities and limitations of molecular genetic studies can be illustrated by the example of androgen insensitivity syndromes. The search for the underlying mutations within the androgen receptor gene is technically possible even for large numbers of patients. The characterization of mutations can be performed with high specificity and sensitivity. While large gene defects are associated with complete loss of function of the receptor, point mutations with subsequent amino acid changes are responsible for the phenotypic variability of the disease. Type and location of the amino acid substitution may influence the clinical appearance of the individual patient, but the phenotype can be highly variable even with the same underlying mutation. This is probably due to regulation mechanisms within the cell of which the androgen receptor is only one, although important, part. Therefore, results of molecular genetic testing have to be interpreted only in connection with clinical and laboratory findings. Further research will focus on the elucidation of the cellular mechanisms of androgen action in order to introduce the results into the clinical management of patients with androgen insensitivity.
    Notes: Zusammenfassung Die Aufdeckung der genetischen Grundlagen von Störungen der Geschlechtsentwicklung hat neue Möglichkeiten nicht nur in der Erklärung dieser Erkrankungen, sondern auch für die Diagnostik und den klinischen Umgang mit betroffenen Individuen eröffnet. Am Beispiel der Androgenresistenz können die Erfolge, aber auch die Grenzen molekulargenetischer Untersuchungen aufgezeigt werden. Die Suche nach den zugrundeliegenden genetischen Veränderungen im Androgenrezeptorgen ist heute technisch auch zur Analyse größerer Patientenzahlen anwendbar. Der Nachweis von Mutationen kann mit hoher Sensitivität und Spezifität in großen Genabschnitten durchgeführt werden. Während größere Gendefekte mit einem völligen Funktionsverlust des Rezeptors einhergehen, sind Punktmutationen, die zu Veränderungen der Aminosäuresequenz führen, für das große phänotypische Spektrum der Androgenresistenz verantwortlich. Zwar wird das klinische Erscheinungsbild durch Art und Ort der Aminosäuresubstitution mitbestimmt, dennoch kann der Phänotyp auch bei gleicher Mutation sehr variabel sein. Dies ist mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit auf zelluläre Regulationsmechanismen zurückzuführen, in deren Wirkungskette der Androgenrezeptor nur ein Glied, wenn auch ein wichtiges, darstellt. Daher müssen molekulargenetische Befunde immer in Zusammenhang mit den anamnestischen, klinischen und laborchemischen Parametern gesehen werden. Ziel wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen ist es, die zellulären Mechanismen der Androgenwirkung weiter aufzuklären, um diese Erkenntnisse dann möglicherweise in die therapeutischen Entscheidungen bei Patienten mit Androgenresistenz einfließen zu lassen.
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    Archives of dermatological research 290 (1998), S. 463-476 
    ISSN: 1432-069X
    Keywords: Key words Psoriasis ; Genetics ; HLA ; Linkage ; Epidemiology
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Non-pustular psoriasis consists of two disease subtypes, type I and type II, which demonstrate distinct characteristics. Firstly the disease presents in different decades of life, in type I before the age of 40 years and later in type II. Secondly, contrasting frequencies of HLA alleles are found: type I patients express predominantly HLA-Cw6, -B57, and -DR7, whereas in type II patients HLA-Cw2 is overrepresented. Finally, familial inheritance is found in type I but not in type II psoriasis. The study of concomitant diseases in psoriasis contributes to deciphering the distinct patterns of the disease. Defence against invading microorganisms seems better developed in psoriatics than in controls. This evolutionary benefit may have caused the overall high incidence of psoriasis of 2%. Psoriasis is a multifactorial and heterogenetically inherited disease. The heterogeneity is evident by the diversity of genetically linked markers. The multifactorial component results from the observation of external trigger mechanisms, such as the Koebner phenomenon, stress and the intake of certain drugs. Twin studies have shown that environmental factors contribute to the onset of the disease. In type I psoriasis, special extended haplotypes such as EH57.1 (HLA-Cw6-B57-DRB1*0701-DQA1*0201-DQBl*0303) and EH65.1 (HLA-Cw8-B65-DRB1*0102-DQB1*0501) have been found to be increased. The application of microsatellite techniques has identified distinct positions on several chromosomes at which putative psoriasis genes may be located. Disease susceptibility genes are thought to be present on chromosomes 4q, 6p, 16q, 17q and 20p. Moreover, on chromosome 1q, genes regulating epidermal differentiation have been identified. Linkage to this area has been proposed. Furthermore, psoriasis gene loci on chromosomes 2, 8 and 20 have been suggested.
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    Neurogenetics 1 (1998), S. 153-163 
    ISSN: 1364-6753
    Keywords: Key words Epilepsy ; Genetics ; Linkage
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: ABSTRACT Despite several lines of evidence indicating a strong genetic influence in the etiology of idiopathic epilepsies, progress in the mapping and identification of human epilepsy genes has been limited until recently. In addition to the localisation and/or isolation of several genes causing progressive epilepsies associated with cerebral degeneration, at least seven human genomic regions (6p, 8q, 10q, 15q, 16p, 19q, 20q) are now known to harbour genes implicated in idiopathic epilepsies. In the case of nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, mutations in a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit gene have been identified. Systematic studies of rare epileptic disorders inherited as monogenic Mendelian traits, as well as studies on more complex polygenic idiopathic epilepsies, are still needed in order to identify all the epilepsy genes. This will allow better diagnosis and genetic counseling in families of affected individuals, a better understanding of both the pathophysiology of epilepsies and normal brain functioning, and the design of new pharmacological and genetic therapies.
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    Journal of biomedical science 5 (1998), S. 28-30 
    ISSN: 1423-0127
    Keywords: Genetics ; Schizophrenia
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Evidence for genetic factors in schizophrenia is reviewed with regard to family, twin and adoption studies, and recent advances in molecular genetic technology are applied to explore possible gene loci susceptible to schizophrenia. Application of neuropsychological and neuroimaging methodologies are also reviewed with an aim to develop criteria for defining phenotypes for genetic studies.
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  • 29
    ISSN: 1432-1076
    Keywords: Key words Febrile seizures ; Genetics ; Family ; Risk factors
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract To quantify the risk of febrile seizures (FS) in relatives of children with FS and to predict the risk of FS in siblings, we calculated cumulative risks of FS in first degree relatives of 129 children with FS. The study was conducted as a prospective follow up study of FS recurrences at the outpatient clinic of the Sophia Children's Hospital in Rotterdam. Thirteen parents and 12 siblings had experienced FS, accounting for a 6-year cumulative risk of 7%. The risk of FS was increased in relatives of children with recurrent FS (12%). The risk of FS in siblings (10%) in our study was more than twice the average risk in a similar population (4%). A positive FS history in a parent, young age at onset in the proband, and recurrences in the proband were selected in a multivariable prediction model. If two or more of these risk factors were present, the risk of West European siblings to develop FS was 46% (hazard ratio 5.4). Conclusion The cumulative risk of FS in siblings of children with FS is increased. The age attained risk of FS can be estimated using a practical model incorporating three readily available risk factors.
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    Journal of comparative physiology 182 (1998), S. 489-500 
    ISSN: 1432-1351
    Keywords: Key words Honey bee ; Behavior ; Genetics ; Neurobiology ; Foraging
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Honey bee foragers were tested for their proboscis extension response (PER) to water and varying solutions of sucrose. Returning pollen and nectar foragers were collected at the entrance of a colony and were assayed in the laboratory. Pollen foragers had a significantly higher probability of responding to water and to lower concentrations of sucrose. Bees derived from artificially selected high- and low-pollen-hoarding strains were also tested using the proboscis extension assay. Returning foragers were captured and tested for PERs to 30% sucrose. Results demonstrated a genotypic effect on PERs of returning foragers. The PERs of departing high- and low-strain foragers were consistent with those of returning foragers. The PERs were related to nectar and water reward perception of foragers. High strain bees were more likely to return with loads of water and lower concentrations of sucrose than foragers from the low pollen strain. Low-strain bees were more likely to return empty. We identified a previously mapped genomic region that contains a variable quantitative trait locus that appears to influence sucrose response thresholds. These studies demonstrate a gene-brain-behavior pathway that can be altered as a consequence of colony-level selection for quantities of stored food.
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    Acta diabetologica 35 (1998), S. 109-111 
    ISSN: 1432-5233
    Keywords: Key words BB rat ; Diabetes ; Genetics ; Crossing study
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Several crossing studies with diabetic BB rats have shown that in addition to the lymphopenia (Iddm1) and the MHC class II genes of the RT1u haplotype (Iddm2) there are further non-MHC genes essential for diabetes development. Because diabetes-resistant inbred rat strains may be homozygous for one of the diabetogenic non-MHC genes, masking the expression of diabetogenic genes and leading to an underestimation of the number of diabetogenic genes, we crossed wild and diabetic BB/OK rats. The F1 hybrids were backcrossed onto diabetic female (BC1W-F, n=97) and male BB/OK rats (BC1W-M, n=98) transferred to a specified-pathogen-free environment and studied for the frequency and age at onset of diabetes up to an age of 30 weeks. Comparing the results of these BC1 W hybrids with similarly derived hybrids using diabetes-resistant DA rats (BC1DA-F, n=113; BC1DA-M, n=216), the diabetes frequency in total was comparable indicating the action of three recessive genes. The percentage of diabetics in Iddm1 and Iddm2 homozygotes confirmed the existence of the third gene, Iddm3, but there were some sex differences; significantly more male than female BC1W-F and significantly more BC1DA-M than BC1DA-F males were diabetic. Regarding the age at onset, the BC1W-F hybrids manifested not only significantly earlier, but also more uniformly than BC1DA-F and BC1-M hybrids.
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  • 32
    ISSN: 1432-5233
    Keywords: Key words Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus ; MODY ; Hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α ; Genetics ; Microsatellite polymorphism
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Recently, hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α (HNF-1α, which is encoded by the TCF1 gene) mutations were reported in a subset of patients with maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY3). We studied the contribution of TCF1 to genetic susceptibility to common non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2) in Japanese subjects by investigating allelic association with type 2 diabetes use of three markers. We also studied the frequency of the G191D mutation, the only mutation of TCF1 reported so far in late-onset type 2 diabetes. A total of 356 subjects were studied. There were no significant differences in allele frequency of the three markers between patients with type 2 diabetes and control subjects. A G191D mutation was not found in the subjects studied, giving a frequency of less than 0.4% in common type 2 diabetes. The lack of association of type 2 diabetes with three markers in and near TCF1 suggests that mutations in TCF1 derived from a limited number of founders are not a major cause of common type 2 diabetes even in the genetically homogeneous Japanese population. The data also indicate that the G191D mutation in TCF1 plays little, if any, role in susceptibility to common type 2 diabetes in the Japanese.
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  • 33
    ISSN: 1432-2242
    Keywords: Key words Cupressus sempervirens ; Cytology ; Megasporogenesis ; Megagametogenesis ; Genetics
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract  The processes of megasporogenesis and early megagametogenesis were cytologically investigated in Cupressus sempervirens L. in order to elucidate, at the cellular level, the origin of the megagametophyte. After pollination, sporogenous tissue developed in the chalazal region of the nucellus, but only one megaspore mother cell differentiated and divided meiotically without cell-wall formation. This led to the development of a cell with four nuclei which directly functioned as a megaspore. The C. sempervirens megagametophyte is thus tetrasporic, in contrast to the majority of conifers where the megagametophyte is monosporic. The consequenses of this observation are discussed from a genetics point of view.
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    Theoretical and applied genetics 97 (1998), S. 1269-1278 
    ISSN: 1432-2242
    Keywords: Key words Simple sequence repeat (SSR) ; Microsatellites ; Molecular markers ; Genetics ; Kiwifruit
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract  We have isolated and sequenced 263 microsatellite-containing clones from two small insert libraries of Actinidia chinensis enriched for (AC/GT) and (AG/CT) repeats, respectively. Primer pairs were designed for 203 microsatellite loci and successfully amplified from both plasmid and A. chinensis genomic DNA. In this paper we report the sequences of 40 primer pairs for which we have demonstrated Mendelian segregation in the progeny from controlled crosses. The polymorphism of ten microsatellites of each type was evaluated in four diploid and six tetraploid genotypes of A. chinensis. All microsatellites proved to be polymorphic, the number of alleles per locus detected in polyacrylamide sequencing gels ranging from 9 to 17. The high degree of polymorphism in Actinidia renders these markers useful either for mapping in A. chinensis or for fingerprinting cultivars of both domesticated kiwifruit species (A. chinensis and A. deliciosa). While most primer pairs produced single amplification products, about 20% generated banding patterns consistent with the amplification of two different loci. This supports the hypothesis that diploid species of Actinidia (2n=2x=58) are polyploid in origin with a basic chromosome number x=14/15 and that chromosome duplication may have occurred during the evolution of the genus. Finally, we have assayed the cross-species transportability of primer pairs designed from A. chinensis sequences and have found extensive cross-species amplification within the genus Actinidia; 75% of primer pairs gave successful amplification in the eight species assayed (A. arguta, A. rufa, A. polygama, A. chrysantha, A. callosa, A. hemsleyana, A. eriantha, and A. deliciosa), which are representative of the four sections into which the genus is currently split.
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    Theoretical and applied genetics 96 (1998), S. 588-601 
    ISSN: 1432-2242
    Keywords: Key words Fruit trees ; Genetics ; Almond ; Prunus amygdalus ; Breeding
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract  The large size and the long generation time of fruit trees generally reduce the possibilities of obtaining genetic information on the transmission and heritability of useful agronomic traits in these species. However, from breeding work carried out with fruit trees, an important amount of data is now available, although large differences are apparent among the different species. There is not much information known about almond compared to what is available on other Prunus fruit species, but more data have been accumulated on it than on most of the other nut trees, thus making almond special among all the temperate fruit and nut species. Only five qualitative traits have been described in almond, with an additional two also possibly qualitative. Heritabilities have been estimated for an important number of quantitative traits, mainly phenological times and fruit characters. Important information is available on molecular markers, including enzymes, RFLPs, RAPDs and other recently developed markers. Linkages, however, have only been established among molecular markers, allowing accurate genetic maps to be built but not yet enabling agronomical characters to be located in these maps, probably because the latter have not been sufficiently studied. The effectiveness of the application of genetic maps in plant breeding will depend on the accuracy of the study of different agronomic traits and their expression, implying more field work and recognition of this work. Ultimately, any new fruit cultivar has to be grown in the field and has to allow the grower to make a profit.
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    Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 43 (1998), S. 191-196 
    ISSN: 1432-0762
    Keywords: Key words Honeybees ; Scouting ; Division of labor ; Genetics
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Abstract Every recruitment system in social insects requires some individuals that serve as scouts, foragers that search independently for food sources. It is not well understood which factors influence whether an individual becomes a scout or a recruit, nor how the division of labor between the two forager groups is regulated. It is shown here for honeybees (Apis mellifera), using two different molecular techniques, that there is a genetically based difference in the probability that individuals will scout independently for food. In contrast to earlier suggestions, experimental tests showed that the age of a bee does not seem to influence its probability of becoming a scout or a recruit. Furthermore, scout bees do not search opportunistically for either pollen or nectar but, rather, individuals have preferences that are genetically based. These findings are discussed in the framework of foraging regulation by specialization in honeybees and the adaptive significance of polyandry.
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    Neurological sciences 19 (1998), S. 271-276 
    ISSN: 1590-3478
    Keywords: Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis ; Clinical features ; Classification ; Diagnosis ; Genetics
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Sommario Le ceroido lipofuscinosi neuronali (NCL) sono tra le encefalopatie progressive più freguenti nell'infanzia ed interessano, seppure più raramente, l'adulto. Clinicamente sono caratterizzate da demenza, deficit visivo, epilessia e disturbi motori. Gli aspetti patologici specifici sono rappresentati da degenerazione neuronale ed accumulo lisosomiale di lipopigmento in differenti tipi cellulari. Il difetto biochimico della malattia non e noto. La classificazione delle NCL, basata su criteri clinici, distingue sei forme classiche ed altre forme atipiche. L'elettrofisiologia e la neuroradiologia sono di importante ausilio diagnostico, ma la diagnosi si fonda sull'identificazione dell'accumulo di lipopigmento the presenta pattern ultrastrutturali specifici. Differenti difetti genetici sono stati dimostrati in diverse forme cliniche, ma il meccanismo patogenetico molecolare rimane ancora da chiarire.
    Notes: Abstract Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs) are among the most common neurodegenerative diseases in childhood but rarely present in adulthood. The main symptoms are psychomotor deterioration, visual failure, epilepsy and motor disturbances. The NCLs are morphologically characterized by the accumulation of lipopigments within numerous cell types and loss of neurons. Pathogenesis is unknown. The current clinical classification recognizes six classic types of NCL and several atypical forms. Electrophysiological and neuroradiological findings may be of diagnostic significance, but disease recognition rests on the demonstration of a typical ultrastructural pattern. Genetic studies have demonstrated that several different genetic loci are involved in the pathogenesis of NCL, but the molecular mechanisms underlying neuronal death and lipopigment accumulation are not understood.
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    Behavior genetics 28 (1998), S. 265-278 
    ISSN: 1573-3297
    Keywords: Genetics ; body mass index ; adolescents ; race ; sex
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Psychology
    Notes: Abstract The present study uses a behavioral genetic design to investigate the genetic and environmental influences on variation in adolescent body mass index (BMI) and to determine whether the relative influences of genetic and environmental factors on variation in BMI are similar across racial groups and sexes. Data for the present study come from the National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health (Add Health), a large, nationally representative study of adolescent health and health-related behaviors. The Add Health sample contains a subset of sibling pairs that differs in levels of genetic relatedness, making it well suited for behavioral genetics analyses. The present study examines whether genetic and environmental influences on adolescent BMI are the same for males and females and for Black and White adolescents. Results indicate that genetic factors contribute substantially to individual differences in adolescent BMI, explaining between 45 and 85% of the variance in BMI. Furthermore, based on an analysis of opposite-sex sibling pairs, the genes that influence variation in adolescent BMI are similar for males and females. However, the relative importance of genetic and environmental influences on variation in BMI differs for males and females and for Blacks and Whites. Although parameter estimates could be constrained to be equal for Black and White males, they could not be constrained to be equal for Black and White females. Moreover, the best-fitting model for Black females was an ADE model, for White females it was an ACE model, and for males it was an AE model. Thus, shared environmental influences are significant for White female adolescents, but not for Black females or males. Likewise, nonadditive genetic influences are indicated for Black females, but not for White females or males. Implications of these results are discussed.
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    Journal of biological physics 24 (1998), S. 41-58 
    ISSN: 1573-0689
    Keywords: Neural networks ; Associative memory ; Brain functions ; Disordered systems ; Genetics ; Synergetics ; Self-organization ; Vitreous state
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Physics
    Notes: Abstract Non-spin glasses possess a number of specific features which, in structural and dynamic aspects, are close to conditions necessary for neural networks to function. In a disordered network there exists a plurality of structural parameters and a number of two-level states defined by double-well potentials. Their characteristics are specified by the conditions of glass formation, i.e. by genesis. The thermodynamic description of glass as a self-organizing system (that does not require introducing an interacting potential model) leads to an unambiguous conclusion that its frequency spectrum is predetermined by the structure, which is characterized by zero-point entropy. Glass is a natural system of oscillators which form a disordered network. In this sense, glass conforms to a known model of a disordered neural network formed by interconnected oscillators. If one assumes that in living organisms the structure of a neural network (the brain) is inherited according to a genetic mechanism, the quickness of learning and recognition of patterns, the stability of associative memory and other capabilities have to be inherited genetically. The more ordered a neural network formed by distinguishable neurons, the better its capabilities.
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    Journal of autism and developmental disorders 28 (1998), S. 427-437 
    ISSN: 1573-3432
    Keywords: Genetics ; autism ; genotyping
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Psychology
    Notes: Abstract Genetic factors are likely to play a major role in the etiology of autism. The genetics of the disorder is however complex, probably involving the action of several genes. In an attempt to identify autism susceptibility loci we are currently undertaking a systematic screening of the whole human genome using multiplex families. We describe the resources and the methods needed to achieve such a task, including extensive collection of family data, semiautomated genotyping technology, and specialized statistical approaches for linkage analysis of complex traits.
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  • 41
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 287-295 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Candida maltosa ; Candida albicans ; tRNA splicing gene ; silent genes ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: The tRNA splicing gene SPL1-1 has been cloned and sequenced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Kolman and Soll, 1993). Sequence adjacent to the LEU2 gene in Candida maltosa showed some homology to the SPL1-1 gene of S. cerevisiae. This work describes the sequencing of the SPL1 tRNA splicing genes from C. maltosa and C. albicans and the analysis of these genes. Comparison of these sequences and the relationship observed between the LEU2 and SPL1 genes in these yeasts suggests that there may be some synteny amongst various species of yeasts. The coding region of the C. maltosa SPL1 region described in this work differs from previously described partial sequences in that it is a complete uninterrupted open reading frame. Two strains of C. maltosa were each shown to contain different alleles, one uninterrupted open reading frame and one disrupted open reading frame. The sequences have been deposited in the GenBank/EMBL data libraries under Accession Numbers X72940, AF000115, AF000116, AF000117, AF000118, AF000119 and AF000120. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 42
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Oligotrophic yeasts ; low-nutrient conditions ; starvation ; Cryptococcaceae ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Seven oligotrophic yeasts, which can grow in a 104-fold dilution of malt-yeast-glucose-peptone medium (10-4 YM), were mainly isolated from soil. These yeasts belong to the Cryptococcaceae. When inoculated at about 102 cells/ml in 10-4 YM, the isolates grew to 1·4×103-2·4×105 cells/ml after 3 days. Some culture collection yeasts fell into three groups according to their growth characteristics in 10-4 YM, one group showing characteristics of the oligotrophic yeasts. The half-saturation values of uptake by the five isolated oligotrophic yeasts for D-glucose, L-leucine and L-amino acids were 6·0-25·0, 1·7-43·3 and 3·5-21·6 μM, respectively. The oligotrophic yeasts suspended in 10 mM-phosphate buffer (pH 6·0) had high tolerances for starvation, and remained more than 15% viable after 90 days of starvation. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 43
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; mitochondria ; mitochondrial matrix ; homo-oligomeric protein ; Mam33p ; gene disruption ; gC1q-R ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Mam33p (mitochondrial acidic matrix protein) is a soluble protein, located in mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is synthesized as a precursor with an N-terminal mitochondrial targeting sequence that is processed on import. Mam33p assembles to a homo-oligomeric complex in the mitochondrial matrix. It can bind to the sorting signal of cytochrome b2 that directs this protein into the intermembrane space. Mam33p is encoded by an 801 bp open reading frame. Gene disruption did not result in a significant growth defect. Mam33p exhibits sequence similarity to gC1q-R, a human protein that has been implicated in the binding of complement factor C1q and kininogen. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 44
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: phosphofructokinase-1 ; Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; deletion mutants ; reactivation ; assembly ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Phosphofructokinase-1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an octameric enzyme comprising two non-identical subunits, α and β, which are encoded by the unlinked genes PFK1 and PFK2. In this paper, assembly and reactivation of the enzyme have been studied in cell-free extracts of single-deletion mutants. In contrast to the previously described lack of phosphofructokinase-1 activity in cell-free extracts of these mutants, we could measure a temporary enzyme activity immediately after lysis of protoplasts. This result supports the assumption that each of the subunits forms an enzyme structure which is active in vivo but not stable after cell disruption.Upon mixing of separately prepared cell-free extracts of both deletion mutants very low activity could be measured. About 40% of the wild-type activity was regained when both mutants were mixed prior to disruption. The reactivation rate could be slightly increased by addition of ATP and fructose 6-phosphate and was found to be a function of the growth state, particularly of the β-subunit-carrying cells. The individual subunits did not interact with Cibacron Blue F3G-A, a biomimetic ligand of phosphofructokinase-1. After reassembly of both subunits in vitro a strong affinity of the reconstituted phosphofructokinase-1 to the dye-ligand was observed.The inability of the subunits to reconstitute under certain conditions seems to result from alterations of the intracellular environment following disruption. These changes give rise to induce an unproductive side reaction like self-aggregation of the subunits.Because reconstitution of phosphofructokinase-1 from S. cerevisiae behaves in a similar way to that of hemoglobin and luciferase, we would speculate a general mechanism for assembly of oligomeric proteins in vivo. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 45
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Saccharomyces ; redox ; glycerol ; NADH ; shuttle ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Maintenance of a cytoplasmic redox balance is a necessity for sustained cellular metabolism. Glycerol formation is the only way by which Saccharomyces cerevisiae can maintain this balance under anaerobic conditions. Aerobically, on the other hand, several different redox adjustment mechanisms exist, one of these being the glycerol 3-phosphate (G3P) shuttle. We have studied the importance of this shuttle under aerobic conditions by comparing growth properties and glycerol formation of a wild-type strain with that of gut2Δ mutants, lacking the FAD-dependent glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, assuming that the consequent blocking of G3P oxidation is forcing the cells to produce glycerol from G3P. To impose different demands on the redox adjustment capability we used various carbon sources having different degrees of reduction.The results showed that the shuttle was used extensively with reduced substrate such as ethanol, whereas the more oxidized substrates lactate and pyruvate, did not provoke any activity of the shuttle. However, the absence of a functional G3P shuttle did not affect the growth rate or growth yield of the cells, not even during growth on ethanol. Presumably, there must be alternative systems for maintaining a cytoplasmic redox balance, e.g. the so-called external NADH dehydrogenase, located on the outer side of the inner mitochondrial membrane. By comparing the performance of the external NADH dehydrogenase and the G3P shuttle in isolated mitochondria, it was found that the former resulted in high respiratory rates but a comparably low P/O ratio of 1·2, whereas the shuttle gave low rates but a high P/O ratio of 1·7.Our results also demonstrated that of the two isoforms of NAD-dependent glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, only the enzyme encoded by GPD1 appeared important for the shuttle, since the enhanced glycerol production that occurs in a gut2Δ strain proved dependent on GPD1 but not on GPD2. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 46
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: modified LFH cassette ; EUROFAN 6-pack analysis ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Six open reading frames (ORFs) of unknown function from Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XV, three from the left and three from the right arm, were deleted in two diploid strains by the short flanking homology method (Wach et al., 1994). Transformants were selected as Geneticin (G418)-resistant colonies and correct integration of the kanMX4 cassette was checked by colony PCR. Following sporulation of the diploids, tetrads were dissected and scored for the segregation of the G418-resistant marker. We have developed a widely applicable method for the construction of gap repair plasmids to obtain the cognate clones for each of the disrupted ORFs. The 5′- and 3′-flanks of the ORF in question are linked by a unique restriction endonuclease. When the plasmid is cut at this site it can be used to obtain, by selection for the appropriate antibiotic resistance, long flanking homology (LFH) cassettes containing the cognate clone or the disrupted allele. The LFH cassette containing the cognate clone or the disrupted allele can be released from the gap-repaired plasmid by cutting at the inserted flanking restriction sites. One of the six ORFs (YOR319w) corresponds to an essential gene whose product is part of the spliceosome complex. Haploid as well as homozygous and heterozygous diploid disruptant strains for each of the five non-essential ORFs were subjected to growth test on different media at 15°C, 30°C and 37°C. Disruption of YOR322c causes osmotically sensitive growth on YEPD at 37°C and the product of YOL091w appears to play a role in sporulation since the homozygous diploid disruptant has lost the ability to sporulate. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 47
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 409-417 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: transcription factor ; SPT3 sequences ; Schizosaccharomyces pombe ; Kluyveromyces lactis ; Clavispora opuntiae ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Spt3 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a factor required for normal transcription from particular RNA polymerase II-dependent promoters. As a step towards analysing Spt3 structure-function relationships, we have identified and studied Spt3 homologues from three other yeasts: Kluyveromyces lactis, Clavispora opuntiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Alignment of their predicted amino acid sequences shows an overall identity of 30% between all four homologues and suggests that three conserved domains are present in Spt3. When tested for function in S. cerevisiae, K. lactis SPT3 was shown to fully complement and S. pombe SPT3 to partially complement an spt3 Δ mutation. These data demonstrate that Spt3 is functionally conserved among distantly related yeasts. The new sequences have been entered in GenBank: AF005930 (K. lactis SPT3), AF005932 (C. opuntiae SPT3) and AF005931 (S. pombe SPT3). © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 48
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 471-477 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: ribosomal protein genes ; yeast genome ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Screening of the complete genome sequence from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has enabled us to compile a complete list of the genes encoding cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins in this organism.Putative ribosomal protein genes were selected primarily on the basis of the sequence similarity of their products with ribosomal proteins from other eukaryotic organisms, in particular the rat. These genes were subsequently screened for typical yeast rp-gene characteristics, viz. (1) a high codon adaptation index; (2) their promoter structure and (3) their responses to changes in growth conditions.The yeast genome appears to carry 78 different genes, of which 59 are duplicated, encoding 32 different small-subunit and 46 large-subunit proteins. A new nomenclature for these ribosomal proteins is proposed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 49
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 335-345 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Candida albicans ; arginine permease ; amino acid transport ; affinity chromatography ; functional reconstitution ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: We have for the first time purified arginine permease from a pathogenic yeast, Candida albicans, to homogeneity by affinity chromatography using L-arginine-linked agarose matrix as affinity column. The purified protein (PP) was of 66 kDa with no subunit structure. Two kinetically distinct binding affinities of PP were evident where high affinity binding (S1) revealed a dependence on acidic pH while pH did not have dramatic effect on low affinity (S2) binding. The specificity of L-arginine binding to PP with regard to other amino acids, structural analogues and inhibitors, was essentially similar to arginine transport observed in the intact cells of C. albicans (Rao et al., 1986). The purified arginine permease was reconstituted into proteoliposomes and its functionality was tested by imposing a valinomycin-induced membrane potential. All the characteristic features of L-arginine transport displayed by the reconstituted system were similar to those observed in intact cells. Thus homogeneous purified arginine permease was also functionally active. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 50
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: polyphosphatase ; cytosol ; yeast ; purification ; kinetic model ; Mg2+ ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: A homogenous polyphosphatase preparation was obtained from Saccharomyces cerevisiae cytosol with a 3·8% yield and 3540-fold purification. The enzyme hydrolysed polyphosphate (polyP) with various chain lengths, including polyP3, and split Pi off the end of the chain. It was inactive with respect to ATP, PPi, and p-nitrophenylphosphate. Its specific activity with polyP15 was 283 U/mg protein. The polyphosphatase was a monomeric protein with a molecular mass of 40 kDa. This enzyme was inactive without divalent cations and with Cu2+ and Ca2+. The ability of other divalent cations to activate the enzyme decreased in the following order: Co2+〉Mn2+〉Mg2+〉Zn2+. A kinetic model of the hydrolysis of polyP3 and action of Mg2+ is proposed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 51
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 401-407 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: yeast ; Kluyveromyces marxianus ; malic acid transport ; mutants ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: In malic acid-grown cells of the strains ATCC 10022 and KMS3 of Kluyveromyces marxianus the transport of malic acid occurred by a malate-proton symport, which accepted l-malic, d-malic, succinic and fumaric acids, but not tartaric, malonic or maleic acids. The system was inducible and subjected to glucose repression. Mutants of the strain KMS3, unable to grow in a medium with malic acid, were isolated and checked for their capacity to utilize several carbon sources and to transport dicarboxylic acids by the malate-proton symport. Two distinct clones affected on malate transport were obtained. Both were able to grow on a medium with glycerol or ethanol but not with dl-malic, succinic, oxoglutaric and oxaloacetic acids as the sole carbon and energy sources. However, while one of the mutants (Mal7) displayed activity levels for the enzymes malate dehydrogenase, isocitrate lyase, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase similar to those of the wild strain, in the other mutant type (Mal6) the activities for the same enzymes were significantly reduced. Plasma membranes from derepressed cells of the wild strain and of the mutants Mal6 and Mal7 were isolated and the protein analysed by SDS-PAGE. The electrophoretic patterns of these preparations differed in a polypeptide with an apparent molecular mass of about 28 kDa, which was absent only in the mutant Mal7. The results indicated that Mal7 can be affected in a gene that encodes a malate carrier in K. marxianus. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 52
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 485-492 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Schizosaccharomyces pombe ; protein kinase ; cell flocculation ; PRK1 ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: We report the isolation and characterization of a protein kinase from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The proposed Prk1 protein contains 352 amino acids and has significant homology to the Ume5p kinase (also known as Srb10p, Ssn3p and Are1p) of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a cyclin-dependent kinase involved in regulating the transcription of a diverse set of genes. Disruption of the prk1 gene increases flocculation but does not appear to have any other significant effect on cell behaviour. This defect can be overcome by expressing the UME5 gene, indicating that Prk1 is the fission yeast homologue of Ume5p. The sequence is in the EMBL data library under Accession Number Z98977. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 53
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 431-442 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: differential display ; S.cerevisiae ; thermotolerance ; repression ; derepression ; gene regulation ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: We have described the use of differential display of PCR-amplified reverse transcribed mRNA (DDRT-PCR) to survey changes in gene expression profiles induced by heat shock and carbon catabolite derepression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is well established that either of these states elicits thermotolerant phenotypes. An initial analysis conducted on cells of an inherently thermosensitive strain (Ysen) indicated that approximately 10% of the total number of cDNAs detected were either up or down regulated following heat shock at 37°C (30 min) in comparison to control cells (25°C). In addition, whereas 7% of all PCR products were preferentially expressed during derepressive growth, approximately 2% were found to be common to both heat-shocked and derepressed cells. A repeat analysis, performed on all three cell types of Ysen as well as cells of a relatively thermoresistant strain (Yres) yielded 30 differentially displayed cDNA fragments common to heat-shocked and derepressed cells of both strains. Eighteen of these generated signals on Northern blots, of which three were confirmed as regulated. Five amplicons, including one not detected by Northern analysis and another from the derepressed state, were cloned and sequenced. Three of these exhibited homology to S. cerevisiae genes with well-characterized protein products: HSP 90, HXK1and STA1. The remaining two applicons showed nucleotide identity to YTIS11, a homolog of the mammalian TIS11 and putative transcriptional activator, and an orphan gene encoding a hypothetical transmembrane protein belonging to the multi-drug resistance translocase family. Our novel application of DDRT-PCR has identified new and known genes that may be further evaluated as factors involved in stress regulation and has demonstrated the potential of the technique to systematically analyse gene expression in yeast. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 54
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 583-586 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Saccharomyces exiguus ; STE3 ; homolog ; sequence analysis ; differentiation of species ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Homologs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae STE3, a-factor receptor gene were detected from S. exiguus NFRI 3539 by low stringency Southern hybridization. This strain might have at least two types of homolog. One of these homologs, designated as e-STE3 was cloned. Its nucleotide sequence revealed 60% identity to STE3. The putative protein coding region consisted of 453 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence identity between STE3 and e-STE3 was 62%, and that of the N-terminal 303 amino acid residues considered to be the pheromone binding domain was 79%. The e-STE3 sequence submitted to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank data libraries is available under Accession Number AB003086. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 55
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 565-571 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; electroporation ; transformation ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Pretreatment of yeast cells with lithium acetate (LiAc) and dithiothreitol (DTT) enhances the frequency of transformation by electroporation. The method shows improvements of 6-67-fold in wild-type strains derived from commonly used Saccharomyces cerevisiae genetic backgrounds. In addition, 15-300-fold improvement in transformation frequency was achieved with several mutant strains of S. cerevisiae that transformed poorly by conventional procedures. Both DTT and lithium acetate were necessary for maximal transformation frequencies. Pretreatment with lithium and DTT also resulted in an ∼3·5-fold increase in the electroporation transformation frequency of the pathogenic fungus Candida albicans. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 56
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: multidrug resistance ; CDR1 ; ABC transporter ; baculovirus expression ; C. albicans ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Cdr1p, an ATP-binding cassette transporter from the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans, confers resistance to several unrelated drugs including anti-Candida drugs (Prasad et al., 1995b). We demonstrate that the deletion of 237 bp (79 aa) from the 3′ end of CDR1 (which encompasses the transmembrane domain (TM) 12 of the putative transporter) did not result in the total loss of its ability to efflux cytotoxic agents. While the expression of ΔCDR1 in yeast resulted in impaired sensitivity to drugs like cycloheximide, anisomycin, sulfomethuron methyl and antifungal nystatin, its ability to confer resistance remained unaltered to drugs such as o-phenanthroline, 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide, cerulenin, azoles, oligomycin, erythromycin, and benomyl. Similar to human MDR1p, Cdr1p might also have localized drug binding sites in TM 12, but that might not be the case for all the drugs. The TM 12 deletion also did not lead to any significant impairment in NTPase activities. Both ATPase and UTPase activities of complete Cdr1p and ΔCdr1p were not significantly altered, as was the case with respect to their ability to efflux Rh123 and steroid hormone like [3H]-β-estradiol. To further dissect the functionality of Cdr1p, its truncated version was overexpressed in a baculovirus-insect cell expression system. The synthesis of ΔCdr1p in Sf9 cells was temporally regulated as a function of the baculovirus polyhedrin gene promoter. The Sf9 derived ΔCdr1p was ∼130 kDa, which was lower than the expected size, probably due to the differences in glycosylation. This, however, did not affect the functionality of ΔCdr1p. The deletion of TM 12 did not affect the targeting of the protein and ΔCdr1p was exclusively localized in plasma membrane of Sf9 cells as detected by immunofluorescence. The expression of ΔCdr1p in the baculovirus-insect expression system generated a high drug-stimulated plasma membrane-bound ATPase activity which was not demonstrable when ΔCdr1p was expressed in yeast. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 57
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 869-875 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: calmodulin ; CMD1 ; ALG1 ; K. lactis ; EF hand ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: The KlCMD1 gene was isolated from a Kluyveromyces lactis genomic library as a suppressor of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae temperature-sensitive mutant spc110-124, an allele previously shown to be suppressed by elevated copy number of the S. cerevisiae calmodulin gene CMD1. The KlCMD1 gene encodes a polypeptide which is 95% identical to S. cerevisiae calmodulin and 55% identical to calmodulin from Schizosaccharomyces pombe.Complementation of a S. cerevisiae cmd1 deletion mutant by KlCMD1 demonstrates that this gene encodes a functional calmodulin homologue. Multiple sequence alignment of calmodulins from yeast and multicellular eukaryotes shows that the K. lactis and S. cerevisiae calmodulins are considerably more closely related to each other than to other calmodulins, most of which have four functional Ca2+-binding EF hand domains. Thus like its S. cerevisiae counterpart Cmd1p, the KlCMD1 product is predicted to form only three Ca2+-binding motifs. The KlCMD1 sequence has been assigned Accession Number AJ002021 in the EMBL/GenBank database. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 58
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; adrenodoxin reductase ; mitochondria ; essential gene ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: A yeast gene was found in which the derived protein sequence has similarity to human and bovine adrenodoxin reductase (Nobrega, F. G., Nobrega, M. P. and Tzagoloff, A. (1992). EMBO J. 11, 3821-3829; Lacour, T. and Dumas, B. (1996). Gene 174, 289-292), an enzyme in the mitochondrial electron transfer chain that catalyses in mammals the conversion of cholesterol into pregnenolone, the first step in the synthesis of all steroid hormones. It was named ARH1 (Adrenodoxin Reductase Homologue 1) and here we show that it is essential. Rescue was possible by the yeast gene, but failed with the human gene. Supplementation was tried without success with various sterols, ruling out its involvement in the biosynthesis of ergosterol. Immunodetection with a specific polyclonal antibody located the gene product in the mitochondrial fraction. Consequently ARH1p joins the small group of gene products that affect essential functions carried out by the organelle and not linked to oxidative phosphorylation. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 59
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 633-646 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: genetic interaction ; membrane traffic ; retrograde transport ; docking complex ; coatomer ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Tip20p is an 80 kDa cytoplasmic protein bound to the cytoplasmic surface of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by interaction with the type II integral membrane protein Sec20p. Both proteins are required for vesicular transport between the ER and Golgi complex. Recently, sec20-1 was found to be defective in retrograde transport. A collection of temperature-sensitive tip20 mutants are shown to be lethal in combination with ufe1-1, a target SNARE of the ER and ret2-1, yeast δ-COP. A subset of tip20 mutants was found to be lethal in combination with sec20-1, sec21-1, sec22-3 and sec27-1. Since all pairwise combinations of a tip20 mutant, sec20-1, and ufe1-1 are lethal, Tip20p and Sec20p might be part of the docking complex for Golgi-derived retrograde transport vesicles. Since carboxy-terminal tip20 truncations are lethal in combination with mutants in three coatomer subunits, Tip20p might be involved in binding or uncoating of COPI coated retrograde transport vesicles. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 60
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: heat shock ; protein-DNA interactions ; transcriptional regulation ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: The C-terminal hydrophobic repeat (CTR) of heat shock transcription factor (HSF) has been proposed to regulate DNA binding by intramolecular interactions with the leucine zipper motifs present in the HSF trimerization domain. Schizosaccharomyces pombe provides a useful model organism for the study of the regulation of HSF DNA binding because, unlike Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S. pombe hsf is highly heat shock inducible for DNA binding and contains a clear homology to the CTR. We examined the role that the CTR plays in the regulation of S. pombe hsf by constructing isogenic strains bearing deletion and point mutations in the chromosomal copy of hsf. Surprisingly, we found that point mutation of key hydrophobic amino acids within the CTR, as well as full deletion of it, yielded factors that show normal binding at normal growth temperatures and full levels of heat-induced binding. Deletion of the CTR did, however, slightly lower the temperature required for maximal activation. In contrast, a large deletion of the C-terminus, which removes close to a third of the coding sequence, was deregulated and bound DNA at control temperature. Several of the deletion mutants were significantly reduced in their level of expression, yet they showed wild-type levels of DNA binding activity following heat shock. These experiments demonstrate that appropriate regulation of the DNA binding activity of S. pombe hsf is not solely dependent upon the CTR, and imply that a feedback mechanism exists that establishes proper levels of DNA binding following heat shock despite mutations that significantly alter levels of total hsf. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 61
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 747-757 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; ubiquitin carrier proteins ; cyclin degradation ; functional analysis ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: UBC11 is the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene that is most similar in sequence to E2-C, a ubiquitin carrier protein required for the destruction of mitotic cyclins and proteins that maintain sister chromatid cohesion in animal cells and in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We have disrupted the UBC11 gene and found it is not essential for yeast cell viability even when combined with deletion of UBC4, a gene that has also been implicated in mitotic cyclin destruction. Ubc11p does not ubiquitinate cyclin B in clam cell-free extracts in vitro and the destruction of Clb2p is not impaired in extracts prepared from Δubc11 or Δubc4Δubc11 cells. These results suggest Ubc4p and Ubc11p together are not essential for mitotic cyclin destruction in S. cerevisiae and we can find no evidence to suggest that Ubc11p is the true functional homologue of E2-C. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 62
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Candida albicans ; HIS4 ; complementation ; molecular biology tools ; topological marker ; amino acid biosynthesis general control ; PEX5 ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: We have isolated the Candida albicans HIS4 (CaHIS4) gene by complementation of a his4-34 Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant. The sequenced DNA fragment contains a putative ORF of 2514 bp, whose translation product shares a global identity of 44% and 55% to the His4 protein homologs of S. cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces lactis, respectively. Analysis of CaHIS4 sequence suggests that, similarly to S. cerevisiae HIS4, it codes for a polypeptide having three separate enzymatic activities (phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase, phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphohydrolase and histidinol dehydrogenase) which reside in different domains of the protein. A C. albicans his4 strain is complemented with this gene when using a C. albicans-S. cerevisiae-Escherichia coli shuttle vector, thus enabling the construction of a host system for C. albicans genetic manipulation. In addition, upstream of the sequenced CaHIS4 sequence, we have found the 3′-terminal half of a gene encoding a PEX5-like protein. The EMBL/DDJB/GenBank Accession Number of this sequence is AJ003115. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 63
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: yeast ; elongation factor-3 ; EF-3 ; homolog ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: A paralog (intraspecies homolog) of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae YEF3 gene, encoding elongation factor-3, has been sequenced in the course of the yeast genome project, and identified by database searching; this gene has been designated HEF3. Bioinformatic and Northern blot analysis indicate that the HEF3 gene is not expressed during vegetative growth. Deletion of the HEF3 gene reveals no growth defects, nor any defects in mating or sporulation. A high copy 2μ clone of HEF3 was constructed, and was shown to be unable to complement a null allele of yef3. Finally, an in vitro assay for ribosome-stimulated ATPase activity was performed with isogenic HEF3 and Δhef3 strains; no difference in biochemical activity could be detected in these strains. From these results, we conclude that the HEF3 gene does not encode a functional homolog of YEF3. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 64
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 1115-1125 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Yarrowia lipolytica ; secretion ; pH ; extracellular protease ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: The secretion and maturation of the acid extracellular protease (AXP) of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica have been characterized using antiserum raised against this enzyme. A 42 kDa pro-enzyme form of AXP was identified from lysates of radiolabelled Y. lipolytica cells and found to contain no N-linked carbohydrate moieties. Using pulse-chase immune precipitation it was demonstrated that the AXP precursor was secreted into the extracellular medium where, under conditions of low pH, it underwent autocatalytic activation forming the mature enzyme. Conversion of the AXP pro-form in the presence of the protease inhibitor pepstatin indicated that an intramolecularly-catalysed reaction mechanism was involved in AXP maturation. Further evidence supporting the role of autocatalytic processing came from the side-chain specificity of mature AXP towards the oxidized B-chain of insulin. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 65
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: cell walls ; protease ; β-glucanase ; lysis ; yeast ; antifungal drugs ; glucan ; mannoprotein ; S. cerevisiae ; C. albicans ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: The rate of formation of spheroplasts of yeast can be used as an assay to study the structural integrity of cell walls. Lysis can be measured spectrophotometrically in hypotonic solution in the presence of Zymolyase, a mixture of cell wall-digesting enzymes. The optical density of the cell suspension decreases as the cells lyse. We optimized this assay with respect to enzyme concentration, temperature, pH, and growth conditions for several strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The level of variability (standard deviation) was 1-5% between trials where the replications were performed on the same culture using enzyme prepared from the same lot, and 5-15% for different cultures of the same strain. This assay can quantitate differences in cell wall structure (1) between exponentially growing and stationary phase cells, (2) among different S. cerevisiae strains, (3) between S. cerevisiae and Candida albicans, (4) between parental and mutated lines, and (5) between drug- or chemically-treated cells and controls. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 66
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: carbocyanine fluorescent probes ; membrane potential ; yeast ; cell wall ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Membrane-potential-dependent accumulation of diS-C3(3) in intact yeast cells in suspension is accompanied by a red shift of the maximum of its fluorescence emission spectrum, λmax, caused by a readily reversible probe binding to cell constituents. Membrane depolarization by external KCl (with or without valinomycin) or by ionophores causes a fast and reproducible blue shift. As the potential-reporting parameter, the λmax shift is less affected by probe binding to cuvette walls and possible photobleaching than, for example, fluorescence intensity. The magnitude of the potential-dependent red λmax shift depends on relative cell-to-probe concentration ratio, a maximum shift (572→582 nm) being found in very thick suspensions and in cell lysates. The potential therefore has to be assessed at reasonably low cell (≤5×106 cells/ml) and probe (10-7 M) concentrations at which a clearly defined relationship exists between the λmax shift and the potential-dependent accumulation of the dye in the cells. The redistribution of the probe between the medium and yeast protoplasts takes about 5 min, but in intact cells it takes 10-30 min because the cell wall acts as a barrier, hampering probe penetration into the cells. The barrier properties of the cell wall correlate with its thickness: cells grown in 0·2% glucose (cell wall thickness 0·175±0·015 μm, n=30) are stained much faster and the λmax is more red-shifted than in cells grown in 2% glucose (cell wall thickness 0·260±0·043 μm, n=44). At a suitable cell and probe concentration and under standard conditions, the λmax shift of diS-C3(3) fluorescence provides reliable information on even fast changes in membrane potential in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 67
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: critical target model ; differential scanning calorimetry ; Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; heat-shock response ; acquired thermotolerance ; thermal stability ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Hyperthermic cell killing profiles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells were biphasic and a shoulder (phase 1) was followed by an exponential killing (phase 2). Assuming that (i) the rate of thermal damage in particular macromolecules or their assemblies limits the rate of hyperthermic cell killing (the critical target model), and (ii) the damages of two families of targets are lethal independently, we built a ‘dual critical target model’ in order to interpret the biphasic cell killing.Time-courses of temperature-programmed fractional survival were traced for S. cerevisiae cells in exponentially growing phase, heat shocked, and in stationary phase. Non-linear curve-fitting of the time-courses by using the dual critial target model provided the Arrhenius parameters of denaturation of the two families of targets. The cells were killed more slowly in phase 1 than in phase 2. Arrest in stationary phase, not heat shock, stabilizes the family of targets that is critical to phase 1 death. On the other hand, both heat-shock response and arrest in stationary phase stabilizes the other family of targets that, in addition to the previous one, is responsible for phase 2 death. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 68
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Dipodascus (Endomyces) magnusii ; genetic transformation ; ribosomal DNA ; autonomous replicating sequence ; electroporation ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: We have developed the first system for genetic transformation of the multinuclear yeast Dipodascus magnusii. The system is based on a dominant selectable marker and an autonomously replicating sequence. We have constructed a plasmid vector which contains a marker conferring resistance to zeocin and the segment of non-transcribed spacer of D. magnusii ribosomal DNA which supports the autonomous replication of plasmid DNA in yeast cells. Plasmid DNA has been transferred into D. magnusii cells by electroporation. The DNA sequence which is described in this article has been deposited in the EMBL data library under Accession Number Y14587. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 69
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 847-852 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; 2 micron plasmid ; Flp ; DNA damage ; curing ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Powerful mutagenic screens of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have recently been developed which require strains that lack the endogenous 2 micron plasmid (Burns et al., 1994). Here, we describe a simple and reliable method for curing yeast of the highly stable genetic element. The approach employs heterologous expression of a ‘step-arrest’ mutant of the Flp recombinase. The mutant, Flp H305L (Parsons et al., 1988), forms long-lived covalent protein-DNA complexes exclusively at 2 micron-borne recombinase target sites. In vivo, the complexes serve as sites of targeted DNA damage. Using Southern hybridization and a colony color assay for plasmid loss, we show that expression of the mutant enzyme results in the effective elimination of the 2 micron from cells. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 70
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 985-1000 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Mig1 repressor ; glucose repression ; Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: A major mediator of glucose repression in yeast is Mig1, a zinc finger protein that binds to a GC-rich recognition sequence found upstream of many glucose-repressible genes. Because these Mig1 sites are found upstream of genes under different modes of regulation, we studied regulation of transcription mediated by an isolated Mig1 site placed upstream of a reporter gene under control of UASCYC1. The Mig1 site responded appropriately to glucose control and regulatory mutations, including snf1, reg1, cyc8, and tup1, mimicking the behavior of the SUC2 gene. Deletion of the MIG1-coding gene reduced but did not eliminate glucose repression mediated by the Mig1 site. Complete loss of repression was seen in a mig1 mig2 double mutant. When the UASCYC1 was replaced by UASADH1 in the reporter plasmid, the Mig1 site activated transcription under most conditions. Mutations of the two Mig1 binding sites in the SUC2 promoter resulted in loss of activation of SUC2 expression. These results suggest the presence of an unknown activator or activators that binds to the Mig1 site. The activator is not any of the proteins previously proposed to bind to this site, including Mig1, Mig2, Msn2, or Msn4. Band shift assays showed that Mig1 is the major protein in yeast cell extracts that binds to the Mig1 site in vitro. This binding is not regulated by glucose or mutations in CYC8 or TUP1. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 71
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 1001-1006 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: succinate dehydrogenase ; SDH1 ; SDH1b ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Transformation of the respiratory-defective mutant (E264/U2) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a yeast genomic library yielded two different plasmids capable of restoring the ability of the mutant to grow on non-fermentable substrates. One of the plasmids (pG52/T3) contained SDH1 coding for the flavoprotein subunit of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase. The absence of detectable succinate dehydrogenase activity in mitochondria of E264/U2 and the lack of complementation of the mutant by an sdh11null strain indicated a mutation in SDH1. The second plasmid (pG52/T8) had an insert with reading frame (YJL045w) of yeast chromosome X coding for a homologue of SDH1. Subclones containing the SDH1 homologue (SDH1b), restored respiration in E264/U2 indicating that the protein encoded by this gene is functional. The expression of the two genes was compared by assaying the β-galactosidase activities of yeast transformed with plasmids containing fusions of lacZ to the upstream regions of SDH1 and SDH1b. The 100-500 times lower activity measured in transformants harbouring the SDH1b-lacZ fusion indicates that the isoenzyme encoded by SDH1b is unlikely to play an important role in mitochondrial respiration. This is also supported by the absence of any obvious phenotype in cells with a disrupted copy of SDH1b. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 72
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; promoter-substitution cassette ; tetracycline-regulatable promoter ; essential genes ; conditional gene expression ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: A promoter-substitution cassette has been constructed that allows one-step substitution of chromosomal gene promoters for the tetracycline-regulatable tetO promoter in yeast cells, which uses kanMX4 as selective marker for geneticin resistance. Oligonucleotides for PCR amplification of the cassette are designed to allow homologous recombination through short flanking regions of homology with the upstream sequences of the chromosomal gene, upon transformation of target cells. By testing three essential genes of chromosome XV (YOL135c, YOL142w and YOL144w), the system causes tetracycline-dependent conditional growth of the cells, being modulatable by intermediate concentrations of the effector. Analysis of terminal phenotypes of the promoter-substituted cells in the presence of the antibiotic may facilitate functional analysis of essential orphan genes. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 73
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: chemostat cultivation ; Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; carbon source ; transcriptional regulation ; UAS ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: To identify common regulatory sequences in the promoters of genes, transcription of 31 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was analysed during the transient response to a glucose pulse in a chemostat culture. mRNA levels were monitored during the subsequent excess glucose, ethanol and acetate phases, while other conditions were kept constant. This setup allowed a direct comparison between regulation by glucose, ethanol and acetate.Genes with identical regulation patterns were grouped to identify regulatory elements in the promoters. In respect to regulation on glucose four classes were identified: no transcription under any of the conditions tested, no difference in regulation on glucose, induced on glucose and repressed on glucose. In addition, genes were found that were repressed or induced on ethanol or acetate. Sequence alignment of genes with similar regulation patterns revealed five new, putative regulatory promoter elements. (i) The glucose-inducible fermentation genes PDC1 and ADH1 share the sequence ATACCTTCSTT. (ii) Acetate-repression might be mediated by the decamer CCCGAG RGGA, present in the promoters of ACS2 and ACR1. (iii) A specific element (CCWTTSRNCCG) for the glyoxylate cycle was present in seven genes studied: CIT2, ICL1, MLS1, MDH2, CAT2, ACR1 and ACH1. These genes were derepressed on ethanol or acetate. (iv) The sequence ACGTSCRGAATGA was found in the promoters of the partially ethanol-repressed genes ACS1 and YAT1. (v) Ethanol induction, as seen for ACS2, ADH3 and MDH1, might be mediated via the sequence CGGSGCCGRAG. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 74
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: LFH deletion cassette ; functional analysis ; chromosome IV ; Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: We report here the construction of six deletion mutants and the analysis of their basic phenotype. Deletion cassettes containing the KanMX4 marker module and long flanking regions homologous to the target locus were constructed for each of the six open reading-frames (ORFs YDL088c, YDL087c, YDL086w, YDL085w, YDL084w and YDL082w) located on chromosome IV. Sporulation and tetrad analysis of heterozygous deletant strains revealed that, in the FY1679 genetic background, ORFs YDL088c, YDL087c and YDL084w are essential genes for vegetative growth whereas YDL086w, YDL085w and YDL082w are non-essential. ydl088cΔ and ydl084wΔ haploid strains are viable in the CEN. PK2 genetic background although ydl084wΔ grows at a slower rate than the wild type. Complementation tests by corresponding cognate genes confirmed that gene inactivation was responsible for these growth defects. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 75
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Candida boidinii ; peroxisome ; peroxisomal proliferation ; peroxisomal membrane proteins ; d-amino acid oxidase ; green fluorescent protein ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: A methylotrophic yeast, Candida boidinii, was grown on various combinations of peroxisome-inducing carbon source(s) (PIC(s)), i.e. methanol, oleate and d-alanine, and the regulation of peroxisomal proteins (both matrix and membrane ones) and organelle proliferation were studied. This regulation was followed (1) at the protein or enzyme level by means of the peroxisomal enzyme activity and Western analysis; (2) at the mRNA level by Northern analysis; and (3) at the organelle level by direct observation of peroxisomes under a fluorescent microscope. Peroxisomal proliferation was followed in vivo by using a C. boidinii strain producing a green fluorescent protein having peroxisomal targeting signal 1. When multiple PICs were used for cell growth, C. boidinii induced specific peroxisomal proteins characteristic of all PIC(s) present in the medium, responding to all PIC(s) simultaneously. Thus, these PICs were considered to induce peroxisomal proliferation independently and not to repress peroxisomes induced by other PICs. Next, the sensitivity of the peroxisomal induction to glucose repression was studied. While the peroxisomal induction by methanol or oleate was completely repressed by glucose, the d-alanine-induced activities of d-amino acid oxidase and catalase, Pmp47, and the organelle proliferation were not. These results indicate that peroxisomal proliferation in yeasts is not necessarily sensitive to glucose repression. Lastly, this regulation was shown to occur at the mRNA level. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 76
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: anaplerotic reactions ; glyoxylate cycle ; catabolite repression ; Pichia ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: We have cloned and characterized a gene encoding pyruvate carboxylase from the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Disruption of this gene produced inability to grow in minimal medium with glucose as carbon source and ammonium as nitrogen source. Growth was possible with aspartate or glutamate as nitrogen source. The gene PpPYC1 expressd from its own promoter was able to rescue the phenotype of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants devoid of pyruvate carboxylase.In a P. pastoris strain carrying a disrupted PpPYC1 gene we have isolated spontaneous mutants able to grow in non-permissive conditions. In a mutant strain grown in glucose several enzymes sensitive to catabolite repression were derepressed. The strain also had elevated levels of glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD) both in repressed and derepressed conditions. The sequence of the PpPYC1 gene has been entered in the EMBL nucleotide sequence databank: Accession Number Y11106. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 77
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Chromosome length ; chromosome VI ; electrophoretic karyotype ; RFLP ; Saccharomyces ; saké yeast ; taxonomy ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Previous studies have revealed that chromosome VI of saké yeasts is much larger than that of the other strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Southern analysis using segments of chromosome VI of a laboratory strain as probes suggested that the nucleotide sequence of a major portion of this chromosome is conserved, but considerable diversity was found in the distal parts in the other strains. Physical maps also indicated that differences in length of chromosome VI were mainly due to differences in its ends. NotI was found to generate 9 kb and/or 16 kb fragments from the left telomere of chromosome VI in most saké yeasts, but no fragment in the case of AB972. SfiI produced one or two 30-50 kb fragments from the right end of this chromosome in all saké yeasts tested, but produced a 20 kb fragment in the case of AB972. All S. cerevisiae strains not employed in saké brewing were the same as AB972 in these respects. S. paradoxus had one NotI site in chromosome VI, while S. bayanus had two, one of which is possibly common to both species. The SfiI site mentioned above was present in chromosome VI of all species, while that of S. bayanus and S. paradoxus each had a second site distinct from the other. Chromosome VI of S. pastorianus was not distinguishable from that of S. bayanus. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 78
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 861-867 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: HIS3 ; TRP1 ; IPP1 ; Pichia pastoris ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: The Pichia pastoris TRP1 and HIS3 genes were cloned by complementation of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae trp1 and his3 mutants, respectively, and their nucleotide sequence was determined. The P. pastoris TRP1 gene includes an open reading frame (ORF) of 714 nucleotides corresponding to a polypeptide of 237 amino acids whose sequence shares about 40% identity with that of TRP1 encoding proteins in other yeast species. DNA sequencing showed that an ORF of 858 nucleotides, encoding a protein of 285 amino acids with high homology to inorganic pyrophosphatases (IPP1), is located downstream of the P. pastoris TRP1 gene. Both genes converge in this chromosomal region, showing a genetic organization analogous to that found in the Kluyveromyces lactis genome. The P. pastoris HIS3 gene possesses an ORF of 675 nucleotides, encoding a polypeptide of 224 amino acids which shows 74·1% identity to the homologous S. cerevisiae protein. The hexameric consensus GCN4 binding sequence (TGACTC), characteristic of many amino acid biosynthetic genes, is present in the promoter region. The TRP1 and IPP1 sequences were deposited in the EMBL databank under Accession Number AJ001000. The Accession Number of the HIS3 gene is U69170. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 79
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; chromosome VII ; ribonuclease PH ; HGH1 ; YGR187c ; YGR189c ; YGR194c ; YGR195w ; YGR196c ; YGR198w ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: We have deleted six different ORFs of unknown function located on the right arm of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VII; namely, YGR187c/HGH1, YGR189c, YGR194c, YGR195w, YGR196c and YGR198w. No basic phenotypes could be attributed to the strains deleted in any of genes YGR187c/HGH1, YGR189c, YGR194c and YGR196c. These deletants did not show mating, sporulation or growth defects under any of the conditions tested. However, spores bearing deletions in either the YGR195w or YGR198w genes were unable to develop into macroscopical colonies. The YGR195w gene product shows significant homology with bacterial ribonuclease PH, an enzyme hitherto undescribed in yeasts, and its deletion causes a loss of viability after one to three rounds of cell division. Overexpression of this gene, using a tetracycline-regulatable promoter system, did not cause any effect on the cells. Contrary to what has been reported for prokaryotic homologs, this enzyme could play an essential role in yeast cell biology. The product encoded by the other essential ORF, YGR198w, shows no significant homology with any protein of known function in the databases. Spores bearing the deletion usually germinate and give rise to microcolonies of 50-100 non-viable cells. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 80
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 813-825 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: We describe the quantitative monitoring of TATA-binding protein (TBP) localization and expression in living Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. We replaced the endogenous TBP with a green fluorescent protein (GFP) · TBP fusion, which was imaged quantitatively by laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM). When GFP · TBP expression was altered by using various promoters, the levels measured by LSCM correlated well with the levels determined by immunoblot of whole cell extract protein. These results show that GFP · TBP imaging not only offers a method of measurement equivalent to a more conventional technique but also provides real-time quantitation in living cells and subcellular localization information. Time-lapse confocal imaging of GFP · TBP in mitotic yeast cells revealed that it remains localized to the nucleus and displays an asymmetric distribution (1:0·7) between mother and daughter cells. Based on this and data from a mutant which underexpresses GFP · TBP, we suggest that intracellular levels of TBP are near rate-limiting for growth and viability. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 81
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 963-967 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: gluconeogenesis ; PEPCK ; Kluyveromyces lactis ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: The KlPCK1 gene encoding phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK; ATP-dependent) was cloned from the Kluyveromyces lactis genome using a PCR amplicon from Saccharomyces cerevisiae PCK1 gene as a probe. A DNA fragment of about 4·8 kb containing KlPCK1 complemented PEPCK activity of the mutant of S. cerevisiae defective in PEPCK. The KlPCK1 gene has an open reading frame of 1629 bp (543 amino acids). The KlPCK1 nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence showed 76% and 84% homologies to those of S. cerevisiae PCK1, respectively. Multiple alignment of ATP-dependent PEPCK genes shows highly conserved regions. The nucleotide sequence of KlPCK1 has been submitted to the DDBJ/GenBank/EMBL data bank with Accession Number U88575. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 82
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 905-913 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: carbon dioxide ; cytostasis ; G1 arrest ; meiosis ; sporulation ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Limitation of nutrients allows yeast cells to arrest proliferation at G1 phase of the cell cycle and to enter the so-called stationary phase. We show here another pathway for cytostasis, which is associated with extracellular accumulation of bicarbonate and the resulting alkalisation of medium during the proliferation of cells respiring acetate. Alkalisation of medium by addition of bicarbonate or alkaline buffers ceased proliferation at G1 phase of logarithmically growing cells and caused a severe drop in G1-cyclin (CLN1 and CLN2) mRNAs. The arrested cells were heat-shock resistant, suggesting that the cells entered the stationary phase. Cells confluently grown on acetate re-entered into the cell cycle after acidification of the culture medium. These results indicate that external alkalisation is a primary cause of the cytostasis. The alkali-induced G1 arrest was shown to be cyclic AMP (cAMP)-independent using mutant cells which lack a functional Ras/cAMP signaling pathway. Alkalisation of medium also stimulated meiosis and sporulation in rich acetate medium, confirming our previous proposal that environmental alkalisation but not nitrogen limitation is a key condition for entry into meiosis and sporulation. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 83
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: S. pastorianus ; S. cerevisiae ; S. bayanus ; chromosome co-existence ; chromosomal rearrangement ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: The bottom fermenting yeasts in our collection were classified as Saccharomyces pastorianus on the basis of their DNA relatedness. The genomic organization of bottom fermenting yeast was analysed by Southern hybridization using eleven genes on chromosome IV, six genes on chromosome II and five genes on chromosome XV of S. cerevisiae as probes. Gene probes constructed from S. cerevisiae chromosomes II and IV hybridized strongly to the 820-kb chromosome and the 1500-kb chromosome of the bottom fermenting yeast, respectively. Five gene probes constructed from segments of chromosome XV hybridized strongly to the 1050-kb and the 1000-kb chromosomes. These chromosomes are thought to be S. cerevisiae-type chromosomes. In addition, these probes also hybridized weakly to the 1100-kb, 1350-kb, 850-kb and 700-kb chromosome. Gene probes constructed from segments including the left arm to TRP1 of chromosome IV and the right arm of chromosome II hybridized to the 1100-kb chromosome of S. pastorianus. Gene probes constructed using the right arm of chromosome IV and the left arm of chromosome II hybridized to the 1350-kb chromosome of S. pastorianus. These results suggested that the 1100-kb and 1350-kb chromosomes were generated by reciprocal translocation between chromosome II and IV in S. pastorianus. Three gene probes constructed using the right arm of chromosome XV hybridized weakly to the 850-kb chromosome, and two gene probes from the left arm hybridized weakly to the 700-kb chromosome. These results suggested that chromosome XV of S. cerevisiae was rearranged into the 850-kb and 700-kb chromosomes in S. pastorianus. These weak hybridization patterns were identical to those obtained with S. bayanus. Therefore, two types of chromosome co-exist independently in bottom fermenting yeast: one set which originated from S. bayanus and another set from S. cerevisiae. This result supports the hypothesis that S. pastorianus is a hybrid of S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 84
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Schizosaccharomyces pombe ; Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; uracil permease ; transmembrane helices ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: The uracil permease gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe was cloned and sequenced. The deduced protein sequence shares strong similarities with five open reading frames from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, namely the uracil permease encoded by the FUR4 gene, the allantoin permease encoded by DAL4, a putative uridine permease (YBL042C) and two unknown ORFs YOR071c and YLR237w.A topological model retaining ten transmembrane helices, based on predictions and on experimental data established for the uracil permease of S. cerevisiae by Galan and coworkers (1996), is discussed for the four closest proteins of this family of transporters. The sequence of the uracil permease gene of S. pombe has been deposited in the EMBL data bank under Accession Number X98696. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 85
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 1041-1050 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; STRE ; stress response ; genomics ; bioinformatics ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Stress response elements (STREs, core consensus AG4 or C4T) have been demonstrated previously to occur in the upstream region of a number of genes responsive to induction by a variety of stress signals. This stress response is mediated by the homologous transcription factors Msn2p and Msn4p, which bind specifically to STREs. Double mutants (msn2 msn4) deficient in these transcription factors have been shown to be hypersensitive to severe stress conditions. To obtain a more representative overview of the set of yeast genes controlled via this regulon, a computer search of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome was carried out for genes, which, similar to most known STRE-controlled genes, exhibit at least two STREs in their upstream region. In addition to the great majority of genes previously known to be controlled via STREs, 69 open reading-frames were detected. Expression patterns of a set of these were examined by grid filter hybridization, and 14 genes were examined by Northern analysis. Comparison of the expression patterns of these genes demonstrates that they are all STRE-controlled although their detailed expression patterns differ considerably. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 86
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 1017-1025 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Arxula adeninivorans ; AILV1 ; threonine deaminase ; transformation ; homologous integration ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: The ILV1 gene of the yeast Arxula adeninivorans LS3 (AILV1) has been cloned from a genomic library, characterized and used as an auxotrophic selection marker for transformation of plasmids into this yeast. One copy of the gene is present in the Arxula genome, comprising 1653 bp and encoding 550 amino acids of the threonine deaminase. The protein sequence is similar (60·55%) to that of the threonine deaminase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae encoded by the gene ILV1. The protein is enzymatically active during the whole period of cultivation, up to 70 h. Maximal activities, as well as protein concentrations of this enzyme, were achieved after cultivation times of 20-36 h.The AILV1 gene is a suitable auxotrophic selection marker in transformation experiments using an Arxula adeninivorans ilv1 mutant and a plasmid containing this gene, which is fused into the 25S rDNA of Arxula adeninivorans. One to three copies of the linearized plasmid were integrated into the 25S rDNA by homologous recombination. Transformants resulting from complementation of the ilv1 mutation can be easily and reproducibly selected and in addition are mitotically stable. Therefore, the described system is preferred to the conventional selection for hygromycin B resistance. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 87
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: gene disruption ; homologous recombination ; protein A-tagging ; Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; tags ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Gene disruption and tagging can be achieved by homologous recombination in the yeast genome. Several PCR-based methods have been described towards this end. However these strategies are often limited in their applications and/or their efficiencies and may be technically demanding. Here we describe two plasmids for C-terminal tagging of proteins with the IgG binding domain of the Staphyloccocus aureus protein A. We also present simple and reliable strategies based on PCR to promote efficient integration of exogenous DNA into the yeast genome. These simple methods are not limited to specific strains or markers and can be used for any application requiring homologous recombination such as gene disruption and epitope tagging. These strategies can be used for consecutive introduction of various constructs into a single yeast strain. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 88
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    New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell
    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 1223-1232 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Candida utilis ; β-fructofuranosidase ; glycosyl hydrolase ; signal peptide ; sucrose ; polymerase chain reaction ; invertase ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: The gene INV1 encoding invertase from the yeast Candida utilis has been cloned using a homologous PCR hybridization probe, amplified with two sets of degenerate primers designed considering sequence comparisons between yeast invertases. The cloned gene was sequenced and found to encode a polypeptide of 533 amino acids that contain a 26 amino-acid signal peptide and 12 potential N-glycosylation sites. The nucleotide sequences of the 5′ and 3′ non-coding regions were found to contain motifs probably involved in initiation, regulation and termination of gene transcription. The amino-acid sequence shows significant identity with other yeast, bacterial and plant β-fructofuranosidases. The INV1 gene from C. utilis was able to complement functionally the suc2 mutation of S. cerevisiae. The sequence presented here has been deposited in the EMBL data library under Accession Number Y12659. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 89
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: salt-tolerant yeast ; Zygosaccharomyces rouxii ; Na+/H+ antiporter ; functional expression ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: We reported in our previous paper on the characterization of the Na+/H+-antiporter gene (ZSOD2) closely related to the salt-tolerance of yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii. In the present paper, we have cloned a second gene (ZSOD22) of Na+/H+ antiporter from Z. rouxii. The deduced amino acid sequence of Zsod22p was highly homologous to that of Zsod2p, Sod2p from Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and Nha1p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The open reading frames (ORFs) from ZSOD2 or ZSOD22 were inserted into a yeast expression vector pYES2, and their constructs (pZSOD2 and pZSOD22) were used to transform the salt-sensitive S. cerevisiae. pZSOD2- or pZSOD22-harboring-recombinant S. cerevisiae cells showed increases in salt tolerance. However, the Z. rouxii disruptant of ZSOD22 did not show any phenotypes related to salt tolerance or osmotolerance, unlike that of ZSOD2. The transcriptional expression of ZSOD22 was not observed by Northern blot analysis even in Z. rouxii cells subjected to NaCl-shock. From these results we conclude that although Z. rouxii includes at least two copies of the Na+/H+-antiporter gene (ZSOD2 and ZSOD22), ZSOD2 encodes a functional product as an antiporter and ZSOD22 is poorly transcribed, if at all. The nucleotide sequence data of ZSOD22 will appear in the DDBJ, EMBL and GenBank nucleotide sequence databases with the following accession number: AB010106. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 90
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 1307-1310 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Schizosaccharomyces pombe ; 5-phosphoribosyl-4-carboxamide 5-aminoimidazole (AICAR) transformylase ; inosine monophosphate (IMP) cyclohydrolase ; intrachromosomal recombination ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: We have cloned and sequenced the Schizosaccharomyces pombe ade10 gene encoding 5-phosphoribosyl-4-carboxamide 5-aminoimidazole transformylase inosine monophosphate cyclohydrolase. The sequence has an uninterrupted open reading frame of 1755 nucleotides corresponding to 585 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence shows a high degree of similarity to the purH gene product of many species, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, human, chicken and Escherichia coli. Moreover our data indicate that intrachromosomal recombination in Schiz. pombe is enhanced if the ade10 gene product is defective. The sequence has been submitted to the EMBL data library under Accession Number Y16419. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 91
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Candida albicans ; SRST ; systeny ; RAD16 ; LYS2 ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Single-read sequences from both ends of 415 3-kb average size genomic DNA fragments of Candida albicans were compared with the complete sequence data of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Comparison at the protein level, translated DNA against protein sequences, revealed 138 sequence tags with clear similarity to S. cerevisiae proteins or open reading frames. One case of synteny was found for the open reading frames of RAD16 and LYS2, which are adjacent to each other in S. cerevisiae and C. albicans. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 92
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: yeast ; Candida utilis ; URA3 ; orotidine 5′-monophosphate decarboxylase ; transformation system ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: The URA3 gene of Candida utilis encoding orotidine-5′-phosphate decarboxylase enzyme was isolated by complementation in Escherichia coli pyrF mutation. The deduced amino-acid sequence is highly similar to that of the Ura3 proteins from other yeast and fungal species. An extensive analysis of the family of orotidine-5′-phosphate decarboxylase is shown. The URA3 gene of C. utilis was able to complement functionally the ura3 mutation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The sequence presented here has been deposited in the EMBL data library under Accession Number Y12660. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 93
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: yeast ; Debaryomyces ; transport ; physiology ; salt tolerance ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Debaryomyces hansenii showed an increased growth in the presence of either 1m KCl or 1m NaCl and a low acidification of the medium, higher for the cells grown in the presence of NaCl. These cells accumulated high concentrations of the cations, and showed a very fast capacity to exchange either Na+ or K+ for the opposite cation. They showed a rapid uptake of 86 Rb+ and 22 Na+ . 86 Rb+ transport was saturable, with Km and Vmax values higher for cells grown in 1m NaCl. 22 Na+ uptake showed a diffusion component, also higher for the cells grown with NaCl. Changes depended on growth conditions, and not on further incubation, which changed the internal ion concentration. K+ stimulated proton pumping produced a rapid extrusion of protons, and also a decrease of the membrane potential. Cells grown in 1m KCl showed a higher fermentation rate, but significantly lower respiratory capacity. ATP levels were higher in cells grown in the presence of NaCl; upon incubation with glucose, those grown in the presence of KCl reached values similar to the ones grown in the presence of NaCl. In both, the addition of KCl produced a transient decrease of the ATP levels. As to ion transport mechanisms, D. hansenii appears to have (a) an ATPase functioning as a proton pump, generating a membrane potential difference which drives K+ through a uniporter; (b) a K+/H+ exchange system; and (c) a rapid cation/cation exchange system. Most interesting is that cells grown in different ionic environments change their studied capacities, which are not dependent on the cation content, but on differences in their genetic expression during growth. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 94
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: World Wide Web ; Saccharomyces Genome Database ; Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences ; Yeast Protein Database ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: The completion of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome sequencing project11 and the continued development of improved technology for large-scale genome analysis have led to tremendous growth in the amount of new yeast genetics and molecular biology data. Efficient organization, presentation, and dissemination of this information are essential if researchers are to exploit this knowledge. In addition, the development of tools that provide efficient analysis of this information and link it with pertinent information from other systems is becoming increasingly important at a time when the complete genome sequences of other organisms are becoming available. The aim of this review is to familiarize biologists with the type of data resources currently available on the World Wide Web (WWW). © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 95
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 1529-1566 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: G protein ; mating ; pheromone ; Schizosaccharomyces pombe ; receptor ; yeast ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
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  • 96
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 89-91 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: PCR mutagenesis ; functional domains ; subgenic DNA fragments ; mutagenesis protocol ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Here we describe a method for performing a PCR-driven random mutagenesis of 100 bp DNA fragments that yields mutations at a useful frequency. The method is a modification of the manganese ion substitution PCR technique, and neither creates ‘hot-spots’ nor favors transition mutations over transversions. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 97
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Kluyveromyces lactis ; CBF5 ; centromere ; nucleolus ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: The gene coding for the centromere-binding factor 5 (CBF5) of Kluyveromyces lactis has been isolated by hybridization of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae CBF5 DNA probe to a K. lactis library. The amino acid sequence of KlCbf5 is highly homologous, 88% identity, to ScCbf5, but also to the rat protein Nap57 (64% identity). The main difference between both yeast proteins and the rat protein is the presence of a lysine-rich domain with KKE/D repeats in the C-terminal part of the protein. These repeats are thought to be involved in binding of the protein to microtubules. Deletion of the KKE/D domain in KlCbf5 however, has no discernible effect on growth on rich medium, sensitivity to the microtubule-destabilizing drug benomyl or segregation of a reporter plasmid. On the other hand, insertion of two leucine residues adjacent to the KKE domain increases the loss rate of a reporter plasmid. In both yeasts complementation of a lethal CBF5 disruption with the heterologous gene results in a slight increase in benomyl sensitivity. A possible role of CBF5 in chromosome segregation will be discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 98
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    Yeast 14 (1998), S. 49-65 
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: multidrug resistance ; drug efflux ; MPP+ ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: In this study, we report the further characterization of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae crystal violet-resistance protein Sge1. Sge1 is a highly hydrophobic 59 kDa protein with 14 predicted membrane-spanning domains. It shares homologies with several drug-resistance proteins and sugar transporters of the major facilitator superfamily. Here, we have demonstrated that Sge1 is not only a crystal violet-resistance protein, but that it also confers resistance to ethidium bromide and methylmethane sulfonate. Disruption of SGE1 leads to increased sensitivity towards all three compounds, thus designating Sge1 as a multiple drug-resistance protein. Subcellular fractionation as well as immunolocalization on whole yeast cells demonstrated that Sge1 was tightly associated with the yeast plasma membrane. Furthermore, Sge1 was highly enriched in preparations of yeast plasma membranes. In analogy to other multidrug-resistance proteins, we suggest that Sge1 functions as a drug export permease. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 99
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: transcription factors ; tRNA biosynthesis ; mitochondrial RNA processing ; ribonuclease P ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: RPM2 is a Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear gene required for normal cell growth yet the only known function of Rpm2p is as a protein subunit of yeast mitochondrial RNase P, an enzyme responsible for the 5′ maturation of mitochondrial tRNAs. Since mitochondrial protein synthesis in S. cerevisiae is not essential for viability, RPM2 must provide another function in addition to its known role as a mitochondrial tRNA processing enzyme. During a search for RPM2 homologues from Kluyveromyces lactis, we recovered a K. lactis gene that compensates for the essential function but not the RNase P function of RPM2. We have named this gene SEF1 (Suppressor of the Essential Function). DNA sequence analysis of SEF1 reveals it contains a Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster motif found in a growing number of yeast transcription factors. The SEF1 homologue of S. cerevisiae also compensates for the essential function of RPM2. The two proteins share 49% identity and 72% amino acid sequence similarity. The SEF1 sequence has been deposited in the GenBank data library under accession number U92898. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  • 100
    ISSN: 0749-503X
    Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; yeast ; gene disruption ; S288C ; bacteria-yeast shuttle vectors ; auxotrophic markers ; Life and Medical Sciences ; Genetics
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: A set of yeast strains based on Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C in which commonly used selectable marker genes are deleted by design based on the yeast genome sequence has been constructed and analysed. These strains minimize or eliminate the homology to the corresponding marker genes in commonly used vectors without significantly affecting adjacent gene expression. Because the homology between commonly used auxotrophic marker gene segments and genomic sequences has been largely or completely abolished, these strains will also reduce plasmid integration events which can interfere with a wide variety of molecular genetic applications. We also report the construction of new members of the pRS400 series of vectors, containing the kanMX, ADE2 and MET15 genes. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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