Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles 1879-2005
Theology and Religious Studies
Book reviewed in this article:Old Testament History. By Ismar J. Peritz, Ph. D. (Harvard). Price $1.50, pp. 336, The Abingdon Press, New York. 1919.Jerusalem, Its Redemption and Future. The Great Drama of Deliverance described by eye-witnesses. By Mme. Yehudah, Prof. Kemper Fullerton, Prof. Edgar J. Banks, Lieut.-Col. J. S. Ward-law-Milne, Prof. George I., Robinson, Ph. D., Dr. John H. Finley, Theodore Waters. The Christian Herald Publishing Company. New York, 1918, pp. 227.The Encyclopaedia of Islam. A Dictionary of the Geography, Ethnography and Biography of the Mohammedan Peoples. Edited by M. Th. Houtsrna, T. W. Arnold, R. Basset and H. Bauer. Numbers 22, 23 and 24. (Hsnafic-Idjtihad) Leyden, Late E. J. Brill, Ltd, London, Luzac of Co., 46 Great Russell St., Publishers and Printers. PP. 257-448 of Vol. II.Student Witnesses for Christ S. Ralph Harlow. Association Press New York. PP. 83.A Pilgrim in Palestine. Being an account of journeys on foot by the first American pilgrim after Genera’Allenby's Recorery of the Holy Land. By John Finley, Price $2.00, pp. 251. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.The Armenians in America. By M. Vartan Malcom. with an Introduction by Ex-Ambassador James W. Gerard. The Pilgrim Press, Boston & Chicago. PP. 142.Albania—Past and Present. By Constantine A. Chekrezi. pp. 255. New York, Macmillan Company. $2.25. 1919.The Spread of Christianity in the Modern World. By Edward Caldwell Moore, pp. 352. Chicago, III. The University of Chicago Press. $2.00. 1919.Mohammed or Christ? By Rev. J. H. Masterman, M. A. pp. 11. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. London. 1918. 2d.Islam. By Rev. G. R. Ekins. pp. 30. The Lay Reader Headquarters, Westminster. London. 1916. 3rd.Social Problems and The East A point of honour. By Frrank Lenwood. pp. 206. United Council for Missionary Education. London. 1919.The War in “the Cradle of the World,” Mesopotamia. By Eleanor Franklin Egan. pp. 312. Hodder & Stoughton. London. 12s. Net.The Traditions in Islam. By Rev. William Goldsack. 105 pp. Christian Literature Society for India, Madras. 8 annas (=15 cents) paper.Round About Jerusalem. Rev. J. E. Wright, pp. 247. 7s. 6d. net London: Jarrolds. 1918.British Campaigns in the Near East 1914-1918. Edmund Dane. London: Hodder & Stoughton. 1918. pp. Von Sven Hedin. Leipzig 1918. F. A. Brockhaus. 400 pp. Price 12 Marks.
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