Gas chromatography
Capillary, glass
Low temperature plasma etching
Polymer film on the inner surface from organosilicone monomer
Flexibility of this new method discussed
Discharge chamber described
Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy
Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
Chemistry and Pharmacology
A novel method is described for the preparation of stable glass capillary columns (glass open tubular columns), including the etching and formation of a polymer film on the inner glass capillary surfaces. The approach used here is based on low-temperature plasma etching and polymerization. Under the influence of a field of radio frequency discharge, low pressure gases of fluoric compounds, introduced into the glass capillary tube, generate excited fluorine radicals which etch the inner surface. The plasma of organosilicone monomer in the glass capillary yields a uniform polymerized film on the inner surface. The resultant material functions as a good stationary phase for glass capillary gas chromatography (GC2). The inner surfaces treated with such a plasma, can be studied by means of a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The flexibility of this method permits the use of various stationary phases and surface modification.
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