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  • 1
    Electronic Resource
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    Amsterdam : Elsevier
    Cryobiology 24 (1987), S. 58-64 
    ISSN: 0011-2240
    Source: Elsevier Journal Backfiles on ScienceDirect 1907 - 2002
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
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  • 2
    Electronic Resource
    Electronic Resource
    Amsterdam : Elsevier
    Journal of Food Engineering 18 (1993), S. 77-89 
    ISSN: 0260-8774
    Source: Elsevier Journal Backfiles on ScienceDirect 1907 - 2002
    Topics: Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 3
    Electronic Resource
    Electronic Resource
    Amsterdam : Elsevier
    Journal of Food Engineering 13 (1991), S. 151-158 
    ISSN: 0260-8774
    Source: Elsevier Journal Backfiles on ScienceDirect 1907 - 2002
    Topics: Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 4
    Electronic Resource
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    Amsterdam : Elsevier
    Food Chemistry 49 (1994), S. 1-9 
    ISSN: 0308-8146
    Source: Elsevier Journal Backfiles on ScienceDirect 1907 - 2002
    Topics: Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Fishery, Domestic Science, Nutrition , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 5
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    s.l. : American Chemical Society
    Analytical chemistry 28 (1956), S. 81-83 
    ISSN: 1520-6882
    Source: ACS Legacy Archives
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
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  • 6
    ISSN: 1089-7550
    Source: AIP Digital Archive
    Topics: Physics
    Notes: Boron diffusion in polycrystalline Si-on-single crystal Si systems has been studied by secondary ion mass spectrometry. The extrapolated B-diffusion profiles in polycrystalline Si and in the single crystal Si substrate reveal a discontinuity at the polycrystalline Si-single crystal Si interface. The discontinuity in the B profiles is believed to occur due to the blockage of B-defect complexes by the interfacial oxide between polycrystalline Si and the single-crystal Si substrate, as well as the immobility of these defect complexes in single crystal Si. The B in the implant peak region above the B solid solubility limit is found to be immobile in single crystal Si during annealing due to the formation of electrically inactive B-defect complexes. In polycrystalline Si, however, our results show that the B in the peak region spreads out more rapidly than in single crystal Si possibly due to the diffusion of B-defect complexes along grain boundaries. The B-defect complexes are electrically inactive as determined by spreading resistance analysis. If the B concentration is lowered below the solid solubility limit, either by decreasing the dose or by raising the anneal temperature, no discontinuity is observed in the B profile across the polycrystalline Si-single crystal Si interface.
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  • 7
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    [S.l.] : American Institute of Physics (AIP)
    Journal of Applied Physics 88 (2000), S. 5033-5042 
    ISSN: 1089-7550
    Source: AIP Digital Archive
    Topics: Physics
    Notes: Transport properties of Cr containing multicomponent oxide glasses Bi3Pb1Sr3Ca3Cu4−nCrnOx (n=0.025, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2) dispersed with nanocrystalline particles (5–20 nm depending on the values of n) have been reported in the temperature range of 250–450 K. Conductivity of this glass-nanocrystal composite system shows little decrease with increasing Cr content. Above θD/2 (θD is the Debye temperature), conductivity data can be analyzed with small polaron hopping models. Interestingly, unlike undoped Bi4Sr3Ca3Cu4Ox (or Bi-4334) glasses [showing nonadiabatic small polaron hopping (SPH) conduction at T〉θD/2], the Cr doped glasses supports adiabatic SPH conduction mechanism above θD/2 indicating change of glass network structure due to partial substitution of Cu by Cr. But below this temperature Mott's or Greaves' variable range hopping models can be consistently used to fit the experimental conductivity data only with larger (compared to the usual transition metal oxide glasses) values of the density of states at the Fermi level N(EF). The most probable transport mechanism for the entire range of temperature and glass compositions is concluded to be due to multiphonon tunneling of large polarons between the nanoclusters present in the glasses which is also in sharp contrast to the behavior of the undoped (Bi-4334) glass. All the glass samples (except n≥0.2) are found to become superconductors by annealing at higher temperatures. © 2000 American Institute of Physics.
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  • 8
    Electronic Resource
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    [S.l.] : American Institute of Physics (AIP)
    Journal of Applied Physics 91 (2002), S. 5125-5134 
    ISSN: 1089-7550
    Source: AIP Digital Archive
    Topics: Physics
    Notes: The effect of particle size on the transport properties (resistivity and thermopower) of La0.5Pb0.5MnO3 has been investigated both in the presence and in the absence of magnetic field B=0.0–1.5 T (maximum). Grain size, dc conductivity; and the metal–insulator transition temperature Tp of the sample increase with increasing annealing time. Grain size has, however, comparatively little effect on the Seebeck coefficient S. Magnetoresistance is higher for the samples with smaller grain sizes. dc magnetic susceptibility also increases with increasing grain size. High temperature (T〉θD/2) resistivity data well fit the small polaron hopping model. Polaron hopping energy WH decreases but polaron radius rp increases with the increase of grain size. In the metallic regime (for T〈Tp), resistivity data fit well with ρ=ρ0+ρ2.5 T2.5 and the transport mechanism is attributed mainly to the magnon-carrier scattering (∼T2.5). In all the samples with different grain sizes, S changes sign below Tp. In contrast to magnetoresistance, application of magnetic field increases S at low temperature (T〈Tp) for these samples. Thermopower data in the metallic phase (both for B=0.0 and 1.5 T) can be analyzed by considering a spin-wave fluctuation term (∼T4) in addition to the magnon-scattering term similar to the case of resistivity data. Although the variable range hopping mechanism is supported from the resistivity data (for Tp〉T〉θD/2), it is hard to justify this model from the temperature dependent thermopower data. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.
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  • 9
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    Oxford, UK : Blackwell Publishing Ltd
    Journal of metamorphic geology 13 (1995), S. 0 
    ISSN: 1525-1314
    Source: Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles 1879-2005
    Topics: Geosciences
    Notes: Abstract Metapelitic and charnockitic granulites exposed around Chilka Lake in the northern sector of the Eastern Ghats, India, preserve a multi-stage P—T record. A high-T decompression from above 10 kbar to 8 kbar around 1100°C has been determined from Mg-rich metapelites (XMg〉0.60) with quartz-cordierite-orthopyroxene-sillimanite and cordierite—orthopyroxene—sapphirine—spinel assemblages. Between this and a second decompression to 6.0 kbar, isobaric cooling from 830 to 670°C at 8 kbar is evident. These changes are registered by the rim compositions of orthopyroxene and garnet in charnockites and metapelites with an orthopyroxene—quartz—garnet—plagioclase—cordierite assemblage, and are further supported by the garnet + quartz ± orthopyroxene + cordierite and biotite-producing reactions in sapphirine-bearing metapelites. Another indication of isobaric cooling from 800 to 650°C at 6.0 kbar is evident from rim compositions of orthopyroxene and garnet in patchy charnockites. Two sets of P—T values are obtained from metapelites with a quartz—plagioclase—garnet—sillimanite—cordierite assemblage: garnet and plagioclase cores yield 6.2 kbar, 700°C and the rims 5 kbar, 650°C, suggesting a third decompression.The earliest deformation (F1) structures are preserved in the larger charnockite bodies and the metapelites which retain the high P—T record. The effects of post-crystalline F2 deformation are observed in garnet megacrysts formed during or prior to F1 in some metapelites. Fold styles indicate a compressional regime during F1 and an extensional regime during F2. These lines of evidence and two phases of cooling at different pressures point to a discontinuity after the first cooling, and imply reworking.Two segments of the present P—T path replicate parts of the P—T paths suggested for four other granulite terranes in the Eastern Ghats, and the sense of all the paths is the same. This, plus the signature of three phases of deformation identified in the Eastern Ghats, suggests that the Chilka Lake granulites could epitomize the metamorphic evolution of the Eastern Ghats.
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  • 10
    Electronic Resource
    Electronic Resource
    Oxford, UK : Blackwell Publishing Ltd
    The @journal of eukaryotic microbiology 45 (1998), S. 0 
    ISSN: 1550-7408
    Source: Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles 1879-2005
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Entamoeba histolytica, the protozoan parasite, is the causative agent of amoebiasis. The degree of virulence, as inferred from invasiveness, of potentially pathogenic strains may be regulated by both host and parasite factors that determine the gut environment. One such factor that plays an important role is the bacterial flora in the gut. Previous studies have clearly shown that bacterial flora is an important determinant of virulence in E. histolytica. However, the exact nature of changes induced in E. histolytica in response to bacteria and their role in virulence is not clear. In this study the levels of a number of molecules potentially important in virulence mechanisms were determined in E. histolytica cells grown with and without normal human bacterial flora, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Significant changes were observed only after the E. histolytica cells had been adapted to grow with bacterial flora for a number of generations, and not in short term culture.
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